January 31, 2010

The Bible, God's Memoirs

Do you have a passion for the Word of God? Is the Bible something you want to read, or do you find yourself making excuses or ignoring it? Do you read it only when you feel guilty or have some church obligation? It is amazing how the enemy satan and our flesh has seduced many of us into neglecting the most important book in our lives. The Bible contains and is the Words of Life. When we neglect it we are in essence choosing death. That places things in a whole different light, doesn't it? The Bible tells us the reason why we are here, how to live, and the answers to solve all the problems we will face. Yet, many people seem to be looking to other sources for help and information.

A number of years ago I knew a man who attended the same church we did; he once boasted that he had finally read the whole Bible—as if that were some great accomplishment or he now knew all he needed to know about it. Another time there was a neighbor who asked me to read to him. I told him I would only read the Bible to him. He had studied the Bible some and could quote numerous passages, but chose to ignore the Truths within it, and considered it of lesser value compared to other books from other religions. It was no surprise to me why he was going blind. No other book offers such an intimate relationship with the author.

Yet, I know many Christians who will sit and read fiction novels one after another, or whenever they have a spare moment, but they don't give the Bible the same consideration. Not to mention the amount of time many waste watching TV or playing video games or doing other things. Where has our value and hunger for the Word of God gone? What other book gives such insights to the power of prayer, faith or a relationship with the Heavenly Father? Or the principles of life and community?

Most people don't really understand the importance of the Word of God, including many ministers. The apostle Paul cautioned Timothy, a young minister, "...that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than of God, holding to the form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. For among them are those who... (are) always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (II Tim. 3:2-7). "But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." (II Tim. 3:13). Wow, that was a mouthful; but it does explain a lot of the problems or reasons for many people's lack of interest in the Bible. Then Paul instructs young Timothy to, "...continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." (II Tim. 3:14-15). Note: Paul here emphasizes discerning the source of your information.

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for ever good work." (II Tim. 3:16)

Back to my original question. Do you have a passion for God's Word? If we really love God and have a desire to know him, we should spend a lot more time with Him in prayer, fasting, and in His Word. You can often recognize godly people by their actions—what they do and the way they talk or speak. I know of another man who can best illustrate this. He has spent hours in prayer, read the Bible seven times through in one year, many times in other years; one time he read it through in one week; he also typed the whole New Jerusalem Bible into his computer (before software); he has read over twenty translations, other times he covered his walls with key scripture verses, sleeps with his Bible next to him, and seeks to see and understand the scriptures from God's perspective and not just man's. He also fasted regularly. Now that is what I call a passion for God's Word. The late John Lake walked 20 miles into the jungles of Africa to preach The Word, and back out every Sunday for over a year.
I'm sure you have heard of other godly men with such passion. But, these men were no different than you or me. Yet, they just chose to make Jesus Christ and His Word the center and focus of their lives. As a result, the Heavenly Father desires to communicate with such people and display His miraculous power through them.

Now I don't expect everyone to be that passionate. (Passion usually has a lot to do with the call on one's life.) However, it should not be an excuse or a reason to neglect the Bible the way many have. However, if you want to really know God and the power of His Word, there is only one way: spend more time in it and with its author. Smiths Wigglesworth was a powerful man of God who claimed the Bible was the only book he ever read. If we want and expect to see the power of God working in and through us, we need to sit down and get plugged into The Bible, God's memoirs.

January 25, 2010

Moving On

Yesterday, I took another step by leaving the little church I've been attending for the last year and a half. God has wanted me to continue to take steps toward my future, steps away from organized church was one of the steps. For the past couple of months I have been taking more steps of faith. I knew this day was coming, and was actually looking forward to it, even though I will miss the people at the church. I did say goodbye to some of them and told the Pastor I was moving on with God, saying I might be back for visits. I gave no further explanation and added that I appreciated his love for the people; I also said that I would pray for all of them. He looked a little surprised, but didn't ask any questions. I did tell him that my wife would probably continue attending. I already knew the Pastor's views on organized church, so instead of confronting him I kept it simple. I believed God wanted me to be gracious in my departure, and I will let God do the correcting in His time and His ways.

I talked to my wife a couple months ago about God's desire for me to leave the little church, and his reasons. Since then I attended fewer meetings while she still went to church. She has decided to continue going for the time. That's her choice and that is fine with me. The people of the church love her and me, and told me they would miss me. When I told them goodbye, I simply added that it was God's will for me to move on. I gave no further reasons—but a couple of people knew my heart and understood a little more.

Sometimes as Christians we need to close the doors to the past before the doors to the future open up. Just like the children of Israel leaving the wilderness—crossing the Jordan River at flood stage and heading for the promised land—the river didn't part until the priests took their "steps" and touched the river's edge. I think I feel a little bit like what some those priest must have felt.

However, this was not the first time I stopped "going to church." In 1994, I departed the church for eight years to get to know God better—I did so through lots of prayer, reading the Bible many times through, a little home-church experience, and a lot of anointed spiritual books. Then, in 2005, I left church for three years because I was tired of hearing pop-psychology, old manna, and faithless sermons. (During all those years—and even beyond those years—I stayed connected with Sheldon David, through phone calls and visits. We both live in the same city now, as God continues to prepare all His sons around the world for the next move of God.) However, leaving church this time is because God has been saying that it is the right time for me to leave organized church, a concept of church that's going nowhere because of the deception and mixture, the way ministers rule over the people, and the way they continue to hold to laws, doctrines and traditions of men.

God doesn't want his church limited by man's programs, agendas, or the clock. Jesus wants us to be free, and to hear and see and experience the participation of all his children in prayer, worship and ministry. Setting in pews and looking up to a pulpit is very restrictive for many reasons. Other people need to be able to share what God is saying, instead of hearing just one man's opinions or insights. There also needs to be freedom of movement in worship, singing and dancing. People should meet in large groups only for special occasions, festival and holy days, That is why the early church met in homes and that is where God wants our "gatherings" to return. There are many anointed men who still set bad examples, yet the majority of Christians don't realize it. That's why Jesus said to the people, "Do as they [the religious leaders] say , but don't do as they do." Jesus taught his disciples by example, and explained to them that they were to serve, and not control or lord it over the people. Unfortunately, most ministers have misunderstood that passage of scripture, or don't know how to administrate it, or have chosen to ignore it; perhaps because ministers for generations have or that's the way they were taught by their religious institutions.

I love all the people at this little church and I believe God can and will use them. Hopefully someday they will see The Truth more clearly and will follow Jesus only. But, for now I must obey God and move toward fulfilling the call of ministry on my life. God has given me a heart for a lost and hurting world, a world that needs to know the truth and see the power of Christ's love. They also need to see that
we are His Church, and not a building.

I have waited over 40 years for this ministry to begin. I have learned a lot in that time and I still don't feel smart or very spiritual. I have learned through my mistakes the wonderful grace of God. These things I know for sure—He loves me and I'm still made of dirt, but the spirit of the living God lives inside me. I was hoping to be younger when this began, but I wasn't ready. Now I know I'm totally dependent on His Spirit and on His strength to do anything. And it's not because of what I've done, but because I said, " Here am I, send me." It's all about God's love, his choices, and his timing (which is always perfect). I will trust in his reasoning. I'm still a little nervous, but also excited. I love living by faith even though it can be a little scary at times. There have been many benefits and blessings I have been given as to share with others in the years to come.

The cross is another story—the emotional pain was often more than I thought I could bear. At times I felt like I left Him or that He had left me, but He hadn't. However, God revealed something interesting one evening. Last December 31st, he said, "Your cross is what will lead many others to salvation, even after you're dead." It seemed to make sense now. (Just like Jesus experienced 2000 year ago.) I know there will still be a cross to carry, but it will be much easier to bear now, knowing the rewards.

My desire is to spend the rest of my life loving and serving God, also reaching out to the world with the Gospel. Whether through my blog sites or one-on-one, lives will be touched and my prayers will be answered. People will hear the truth and know the power of God's love. The Kingdom of God is being established one step at a time, one soul at a time. I'm not alone and there are thousands of others like me who are sold out for Jesus and have not bowed the knee to Baal (the cosmos and religion). I hope you are one of those too. I have no desire now to live in a beautiful home or accumulate things, while people are hurting, hungry, homeless and have little or no knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eternal things matter more to me now. The harvest fields are white and I've got work to do before it's night. I hope you will member me in your prayers; I can use all the prayers I can get.—Thanks, and God Bless you.

January 20, 2010


Sunday afternoon I had a talk with my wife, a talk that I had been dreading for a long time. I needed to share with her that I would never be moving back to our home in Cle Elum, Washington. We moved there in 1991, and God made it possible for us to build a house and an art gallery debt free, after we had lost my dream house a few years earlier. Our daughter's family have been living in our house this past year, while we have been living in an apartment in Vancouver, Washington. God had led me to Vancouver over a year ago for some intensive training to prepare me for a faith mission that I am about to embark on. I've been taking more small steps of faith recently, but this was a big one for me because of the fears of how my wife might feel or react over me not ever planning to move back to Cle Elum. To my surprise, she took it very well.

Satan tries to plant false impressions or fears so that we won't move in the direction God wants us to go. And the longer we wait in dealing with those fears the bigger they get, until it all becomes a stronghold. (Spiritual strongholds are walls that protect a thought or an idea that can be either good or bad.) When those walls protect our fears, it's not good. We become petrified in dealing with those issues or problems that we sometimes try to ignore; or we forget, or put them off into the future. However, we should not allow the enemy or our flesh to control or cripple our minds like that. Those strongholds of fear must be dealt with if we are going to move forward; and the sooner the better.

By renewing our minds in the Word of God, listening to God's voice and believing in his will for us, we begin taking steps by faith. We must cast out satan's lies and not allow ourselves to give in to such fears, regardless of what others might say or do. Circumstances will bow when we take steps of obedience, because God is in control of everything and everyone. The Bible gives numerous examples of this truth (from Abraham's sacrifice, to the crossing of the Red Sea and the Jordan River, walking around the walls of Jericho, to the poor widows giving their all, or Jesus Christ dying on the cross for us, also the apostles spreading the Gospel). We can place our trust in Him, knowing how much he loves us, regardless of the outcome.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. But in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

It is not my desire to hurt or offend anyone, especially my wife. However, in my walk with God I have done some strange things—living by faith is one of them, changing my name was another, but leaving our house and dreams seemed nuts—that is, unless you know God. I will obey God regardless of the sacrifices I need to make. This world has nothing of value to me compared to The Pearl of Great Price, or of doing what He asks for the Kingdom of God. How does a few more years—even ten or twenty more years—of comfort or a nice home compare with reaching the lost, restoring lives, seeing people set free, walking with Jesus or seeing God face to face—for eternity?

To me it's no contest; but many others have different opinions, ambitions and/or goals as they get older, such as retirement, or sitting back and enjoying all they have accomplished or acquired, watching more TV, going to church, traveling some and maybe experiencing what the rest of the world is enjoying, that is, before going to heaven. As a Christian and a son of God, I don't find those scenarios anywhere in the Bible, do you? Yet, for many people those kinds of mindsets have become a stronghold, strongholds that need to be repented from. Wouldn't you agree?

January 9, 2010

Who's Responsible?

"It's my fault. I was wrong!" Would God really say or think such a thing? Yet many people seem to believe and act that way. When Jesus was hanging on the cross 2000 years ago, the chief priests, the Pharisees, and many of the Jews blamed Jesus for the situation he was in. They were trying to justify their own actions by thinking that if Jesus had not called God his Father, or healed people on the sabbath, or called them hypocrites He wouldn't be in the situation he was. It was all His fault because he was just too stubborn and self-righteous, telling people they needed to change their ways. Because of Jesus pushing people, He made people crucify him. These people actually believed they had no choice but to save others from this radical menace.

Have you heard that kind of illogical thinking before? It's not really anything new. It started back in the Garden of Eden where Adam blamed Eve, then Eve blamed the serpent for their own actions. Unfortunately, it seems like many people today are not that much different. I've heard adults blaming the government, the boss, the minister, the economy, their spouse, children, and even the devil or Almighty God for their situations or problems. And many of our children are just as bad—blaming school teachers, siblings or the dog. (Unfortunately, I've been guilty of poor responses and excuses too.) The flesh hates to own-up or admit,
"It's my fault, I was wrong."

The police and the court systems have heard thousands of unbelievable excuses that people and criminals give for their wrong actions and bad behavior. You probably know or have seen many examples yourself, especially if you have children. We've all been guilty of making excuses for our actions or our lack of them. And yet we really have no one to blame but ourselves.

For example, I have heard parents saying, "I hate it when my kids get sick." Yet, many do little to change what they or their children are eating. They continue to buy and eat prepared foods, junk foods and sugar-laced products for their families. (Chemicals, white sugar and other additives are poisons to the human body and a major reason for sickness; spiritual problems are usually the other reasons.) As a result there is an escalating weight and health problem in the world today. And just because you and your children may eat a little better than others doesn't make it OK or a good standard. When you have to bribe your children with dessert in order to get them to eat their meals, something's wrong. But, then the parents try to blame the food industry. However, no one makes anyone buy those products, they just allowed themselves to be seduced and deceived by the advertising and food preparation industry whose primary interest is making money, and not your health. They know you and your kids' weaknesses, and they seek to take advantage of them.

Over the years adults, young people and children have not only had their taste buds perverted, but other areas as well. These perversions not only harm the body, but the mind and spirit as well. Yet nobody (usually) forces people to eat or to do certain things that are harmful; they are choices we ourselves make, even if out of ignorance (even spiritual ignorance).

The Bible gives us all the information we need to know—the life God intended for us—yet the majority of people choose to ignore its truths. God established everything and said, It was good. Man came along and said, I can make it better. And the majority of people chose to believe man rather than God. These false concepts have infiltrated into so many areas of our lives, yet we don't even realize it. In fact, the whole world-system is a perversion from God's original design—including government, military, monetary system, education, medical system, food and religion. All these systems affect the way most people think and act. God's ways are different from man's.

But the issue I'm dealing with today is our responsibility. I've just showed an example to help you get the picture, whether you agree with me or not. You may be open to the idea that something is definitely wrong with this world and that there's a need for change. We could start with a change in our responsibilities, in what we say and do. One area in particular would be in the relationships we have with others, mainly with our parents and God.

Often young people have a way of blaming their parents for their own mistakes, not realizing the love or the sacrifice that many parents make for them. They somehow feel their parents still owe them for past mistakes. Yes, parents do make mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes can be very painful and result in dysfunctional or broken homes. But, there still needs to be true forgiveness from the HEART if we are going to be able to move on in life or with God. How will we be able to deal with our own mistakes if we can't forgive others of theirs? Or maybe we just don't see them because of our pride and self-righteousness? No person or parent is perfect. We need to accept the responsibilities for our thoughts, actions and mistakes, and stop blaming others.

Yes, those experiences are painful to us. The suffering may be a cross God asks us to bear, whether it's for our children, our parents, for others or for the Gospel. Ultimately we bear the cross for Him. We have a choice to love people and forgive them or we can become angry, bitter and miserable for the rest of our lives. The choice is ours. As Christians we should continue to pray, bless people and follow the example of Jesus from his most painful experience, the Cross of Crucifixion, when he said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." As Christians, the only debt we are to have is the debt of LOVE.

Each of us has dishonored the Heavenly Father more than we can realize. Yet, He has forgiven us all. And He has never made any mistakes other than maybe loving us too much. And He always will! As his children we have failed to love and obey so many times; yet he never holds those mistakes against us. It's time we realize our errors and ask Him to forgive us for our selfish behavior. We then let God nail that junk to the Cross, along with the guilt and shame, to be cast into the Sea of Forgetfulness, never to be remembered. (This is the same way we should forgive others who have hurt and offended us.)

Our Heavenly Father wants to hug and love all his children (both big children and little children). By loving and obeying Jesus Christ, we show honor and respect. He is the best Parent and Friend anyone could ever desire or ask for. We need to tell God how much we love Him and how sorry we are for blaming others; we should also be more responsible for our actions.
Then we should thank God every day for his incredible love.

January 3, 2010

My Pledge

"To Jesus Christ who Loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and has made us to be a Kingdom and Priest to serve his God and Father— to him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen."
Revelation 1:5,6
A Christian's loyalty should be to Jesus Christ alone.