"All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for ever good work." (II Tim. 3:16)
Back to my original question. Do you have a passion for God's Word? If we really love God and have a desire to know him, we should spend a lot more time with Him in prayer, fasting, and in His Word. You can often recognize godly people by their actions—what they do and the way they talk or speak. I know of another man who can best illustrate this. He has spent hours in prayer, read the Bible seven times through in one year, many times in other years; one time he read it through in one week; he also typed the whole New Jerusalem Bible into his computer (before software); he has read over twenty translations, other times he covered his walls with key scripture verses, sleeps with his Bible next to him, and seeks to see and understand the scriptures from God's perspective and not just man's. He also fasted regularly. Now that is what I call a passion for God's Word. The late John Lake walked 20 miles into the jungles of Africa to preach The Word, and back out every Sunday for over a year. I'm sure you have heard of other godly men with such passion. But, these men were no different than you or me. Yet, they just chose to make Jesus Christ and His Word the center and focus of their lives. As a result, the Heavenly Father desires to communicate with such people and display His miraculous power through them.
Now I don't expect everyone to be that passionate. (Passion usually has a lot to do with the call on one's life.) However, it should not be an excuse or a reason to neglect the Bible the way many have. However, if you want to really know God and the power of His Word, there is only one way: spend more time in it and with its author. Smiths Wigglesworth was a powerful man of God who claimed the Bible was the only book he ever read. If we want and expect to see the power of God working in and through us, we need to sit down and get plugged into The Bible, God's memoirs.