November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

"Give thanks in all things for this is the will of God concerning you." 
(1 Thess. 5:18) 

Last Sunday, I told my wife to go on to church without me. I had left this little church nine months ago, but God seems to keep drawing me back there more often. However, I didn't feel like going that morning, and I just wanted to stay home. So I rolled over in bed expecting to get a little more rest, and spend some time alone with God. But, then the Lord told me I needed to go. So I finally got up, but my wife had already left to help put together ten large Thanksgiving Baskets of packaged and canned food, that the church had collected—a complete family meal and more, including whole turkeys and five pounds of potatoes. Then they would give them out to needy families in the community after church that morning.

I arrived at church on time. Then during the song service, the pastor's wife played an old hymn, Count Your Blessings, on the piano. After each verse, she asked people if they would stand up and share what they were thankful for. Many people stood and thanked God for a number of things, such as their health, family, friends, God's love and much more. I finally stood up and thanked God that this has been the best year in my life. And if I were to count my blessings one my one, we would be there for a very long time. I also added that I had been seeing the future and beginning to realize how awesome and wonderful our God really is.

When I was through talking and sat down, I realized there was more to be said, but it would come later. So now I'm telling you my friends and readers. I also understood I needed to be at the little church whether I felt like it or not, even if it is to say a few words of thanks, to love, and bless my brothers and sisters. I was also able to help carry some very heavy food baskets out to people's cars.

Our lives affect many others more than we realize and no single person has effected my life more than Sheldon David, and for that I am truly thankful. We have been greatly blessed by his life, ministry and writings. He is truly a man after God's own heart. I am also thankful for my wife and family, they are very special to me. We have so much to be thankful for and I thank God everyday even for the trials and unpleasant circumstances.

I am thankful for God's blessings and His restoration of all things. I am thankful for the Kingdom of Heaven and the angelic force that stand behind His word for our protection, prosperity and so much more. I'm thankful, that by His strips we are healed and His dying for our sins. I'm thankful for the cross we bear for the souls of others. I am thankful that our enemy, satan, has been defeated and is under our feet, and we have the victory.

I am also very thankful for our country and all our faithful readers around the world. This has been an amazing year and it's not over yet. God has done so many wonderful things. He has shared more secrets with us and greater incites of Himself. I'm thankful for those who have looked behind the vale, and for others have stepped crossed the threshold, to see Him face to face. I'm thankful for seeing and hearing some of the things God has in store for us.

I am thankful for my name, Israel David, and for the heart of a patriarch. I am thankful for new hope and vision. God has given me a new passion for the Jewish Nation. My name and life is a prophecy in which they too will be restored.

This past year, I have also shared my life in ways I never expected. I desire to live out my life to its fullest in Christ. You have also learned some of my mistakes, including my editing ones, only to see that I'm a simple man with a passion for the Father's heart. I am also a voice calling out to the lost, and His hands to help the needy and the hurting. I'm thankful for everyone who reaches out to touch the hem of His garment.

The Lord says, there are many signs, wonders and miracles coming soon to this world, and we hope to share some of them with you. In the meantime I'm thankful for all He has done, is doing, and will do. I am thankful for you, the Body of Christ and the sons of God for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Faithful One and greatly to be praised. Remember:

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is Good."

November 19, 2010

Look to The Stars

The Lord said to Abraham, "Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be." Then he believed in the Lord; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness
(Genesis 15:5) 

From this passage of scripture we find God giving Abraham a glimpse of his future. There is a very important message here for us to grasp. I shared some of it in my previous article. Yet, it is one that we can easily forget. In a couple chapters just before this verse, God told Abraham that He would make his descendants as dust of the earth (Genesis. 13:16). Yet, many years later Abraham was willing sacrifice his son Isaac. Then, the angel of the Lord came to him and said, "By Myself I have sworn, declares the Lord, because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son, your only son, indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore, and your seed shall possess the gates of their enemies. In your seed all the nations shall be blessed, because you have obey My voice." (Genesis 22:15-18)

Abraham was willing to sacrifice his greatest possession. He also trust in God's faithfulness no matter what the circumstances were or the cost. The blessing of God not only affected Abraham's present time on earth, but his future after that, as well. Wow, no wonder Abraham is called, the father of our faith. Who else in that time of history would have been willing to do such a thing. 

Abraham was called and chosen by God to be "a portal of faith" in which we must pass through, if we are to know Jesus Christ. (There have been other spiritual portals throughout history.) Yet, Jesus Christ, the seed of Abraham, became The Portal in which all generations were meant to pass through. Jesus said,"No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) We too, can become portals for future generations. However, we must look to Jesus as our example, if we are to accomplish this.

We must be willing to sacrifice and cross a threshold where no man has gone before. God wants to give us the keys of faith to open doors that go beyond time and space. The main thing for us to remember is to abide in Him as He lead us. I'm learning that God's plan for us, extend beyond ourselves and time. Let me explain more.

Abraham had natural seeds (sands of the earth). Yet, God told Abraham to look up to the stars and count them (the spiritual seed), if he could. God never told him to look down and count the sand—two things we should keep in mind. Our focus is to be looking up, not down. Look to the stars in God's eyes, listen to His heartbeat and obey His voice. Abraham did all of that, and was still willing to sacrifice his best (the natural) for the sake of the spiritual, in the Kingdom of Heaven. An example for us to follow. It was also a prophetic picture of the sacrifice God had already made regarding his own Son, Jesus, before time began. And later on when Jesus Christ was crucified, it was the fulfillment of that prophetic picture. Both, Jesus and the Heavenly Father's sacrifices were for the salvation of mankind—the natural and the spiritual seed (stars) of Abraham. The apostle Paul states, "While we were yet sinner Christ died for the ungodly." Romans 5:8)

God wanted Abraham to keep looking up and see the stars in heaven and remember that they represented his spiritual sons. We are to see the future. So the rest of his life, Abraham kept looking up, to the future for a city of spiritual seeds, that would one day descend from heaven. A city who's builder and foundation was God (Heb. 11:10). Yahweh became Abraham's obsession.

As God's sons and the spiritual seeds of Abraham, we too must be willing to make the same sacrifice (our most valuable possession) and walk with God. Our sacrifice is not for God's sake, but for the salvation of future spiritual sons and daughters in this lifetime and for a thousand generations to come (Deut. 7:9 and Exodus 20:6). That's right, our lives are meant to affect others we don't even know and those who are not even born yet. It's something God is able to do, because He is God. Our life and time on earth, is not just about us. Just as we are the results of someone else's life, prayers and sacrifice. 

We are physical and spiritual beings, yet our focus is to be on the spiritual. Jesus even stated, that his mother, brothers and sisters were those who did the will of God, meaning the spiritual ones. Therefore, God places a much higher value on the spiritual rather than the natural seed. Both John the Baptist and Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, who claimed to be the natural sons of Abraham. The natural things of men and the flesh are not eternal, nor have they any place in His Kingdom.

However, there's coming a time when God will being together the natural things of God and the spiritual things of God. Heaven and earth will become one, just as it was in the beginning, in the Garden of Eden. The only true value of any relationship are those who God sees as His children and His sons and daughters. Abraham interceded for the lost and the righteous. We to must become intercessor like Abraham.

So whatever you ask in faith, believe and it will be done for you (Mark 11:24). We must learn to pray according to His will in all areas of our lives. Much of our problems lies with our desires, disobedience and lack of faith. We often want things of no value to God, or done the way we wont, yet we haven't submitted certain areas of our life. And some things will just happen after our life here on earth. It's not for us to tell God, how or when, rather just to trust Him. To want things done our way and time is vanity. The most important thing is that we surrender our hearts to God's will. Then trust Him, because He is a faithful God, to all His promises.

Note: The Lord said one night, that when we look downward to the things which are earthly, that includes our natural family, our fleshly desires and our weakness; the crown which He has placed upon us, "Falls from our head."  In order to keep that from happening, we must continue to look up to our future and abide in Him. Don't spend time looking down at the problems or the desires of our flesh, or doubts, fears and self-pity.

We must continue to move foreword by faith, one step at a time, with our heads held high—looking to the stars. All our sufferings and sacrifices will serve their purpose, for those who are called of God. Our dynasty and destiny is in heavenly places. We are destine for the thrown, where we are presently seated in Christ. Our goal is not heaven, but the Kingdom of God. Look to the Stars!

A final note: What's the most important thing to you, that you would be willing to sacrifice for the Kingdom of God?

November 12, 2010

I Can See

A few weeks ago, I listening to a CD that we had made from one of our Friday meetings. Sheldon usually records our prayers and words that God has to say when we get together. After hearing God's words again, it final began to sink in what He had been telling us all along. Sheldon had already grasped it long before, but I was a little slower, OK maybe a lot slower. Anyway, the point is I'm understanding God much better and many things are beginning to make much more sense, including certain scriptures. I can see, like a blind man having his eyes opened for the first time. Being able to see, what one could only imagine before.

That evening, God reminded me that I spent to much time trying to plan or figure out my future. How I though He might want to use me or how to give things to our daughter and our grandchildren. Also how I wanted to help others in some form of ministry. Instead God told me to be "a man who sees the future." I needed to believe that God would show me what He was going to do, and then do whatever would be required. Much of that would be accomplished by speaking it into existence, just as God did in the very beginning. That's the power of the tongue or words that are given to His sons who believe. We are to know His will and then speak it. Yet, I was still thinking with my brain, instead of waiting and listening with my spirit. When people get older we often wonder or plan how we would like things done. But, I'm beginning to see God's plans and ways are much greater than mine, or anything we could imagine.

The Lord said, that the house I built (in Cle Elum, Washington), was only physical, and that the physical house is meaningless. The natural means less than you perceive and the spiritual mean more than you perceive. (The physical and the natural often reflect or prophecy something that is spiritual, usually good and sometimes bad.) However, God stated that my life and Sheldon's was a prophecy, including my marriage, just like Abraham's life and other prophets. God said, "The greater house is spiritual and what you have in your heart lives much longer, and is much more important than wood, timber or concrete. The reason for the hardship in both your lives (Sheldon and mine) is because I don't see a man just as himself. I see him beyond what he is. You have yielded yourselves, even as Christ did, to become a building block, a foundation. The early church was a foundation for this later church. People in the church don't know this, especially in the western world—the pain that is required. Your lives are valuable, not only for today. What you both have experience is for another generation who may not be able to bare the hardship. Your lives are a prophecy meant to help set others free."

Wow, this apply even if we never see or touch them physically and it would extend for many generations to come. Other peoples lives are effected by our sacrifice. Sacrifice is not for God, but for others, just as Christ's death was for the world. The Lord also mentioned He would raise up others in our names, even a thousand years from now, and that He was just showing us a portion of our future. (So much for those who believe in "the rapture.") When God was through speaking, I was almost speechless. I also realized my mistakes and repented. What God said that night changed my heart, my mind and most of my outlook for the future.

We often think God needs our help in planning and doing things. Yet, God has already stated that everything He has planed for us has already been accomplished. There is no time or space restraints with God. He already sees it as accomplished. The Lord said, "The future is as real as the current is real." In fact they are already written down in the Bible, hidden in the multiple levels of His Word. (There are books written on Bible codes that can help explains this more.)

As the Apostle Paul said,"I am what I am, by the grace of God." (1 Cor. 15:10).  I can do nothing to change who I am and neither can you. I have been predestine from my mother's womb to be the man I was before time began. That sound strange, but it's true. That's why certain peoples names are changed; to reflect the nature and the character of person they were and forever will be. We are a part of His restoration. Just accept what he places before you and do it to the best of your ability. Why is it so hard for people to grasp at? The reason is because the enemy doesn't want us to know it. Satan will try to distract us with all kinds of ideas and things. Lies and deceptions is satan's game, to get us off course from God's plan. God is patient, but why drag our feet when it's not necessary.

Unfortunately, many people still waste a lot of time, money, emotions and energy trying to achieve something God never intended for the them to have or do. They just follow other people's example, instead of Christ's. All the Heavenly Father asks of you and me is to abide in Him. (John 15:7). 

We don't need to seek possessions, they will come to us as an outflow of God's love and blessings. For example: This past month someone gave Sheldon a white envelope to give to me. The person wanted to remain anonymous. When I opened it, there was $2,000 in one hundred bills. I was speechless at first. Then I thanked God and asked Him to bless the giver a thousandfold. God was to bless us more than we can imagine. Plus, there are many other blessings we often take for granted such as friends, sunshine, rain, food, shelter and good health. They all come from our Heavenly Father.

We can spend our whole life working and buying things that have no real value. The only works that have value are the works of God, and they are eternal. They are the same works that Jesus did—communion with His Father, serving and touching people's lives, and dying on the Cross. The cross, is partaking in the same sufferings as Jesus. (1 Peter 2:21 and 1 Peter 4:1). Our souls and spirit are also eternal and anything and everything apart from these things are temporary or dead works. That's why an intimate relationship with God, intercession, and compassion for the poor and needy are so important in the Kingdom of God.

Look at all the great men in the Bible; Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, the Prophets, the Apostles, even Jesus Christ and many others. Not one of them strive to be famous, or acquires things, or tried to accomplish great acts. They simply did what God asked or expected of them. Not everyone did miracles, yet their lives were miraculous. Look at Mary and Joseph, they lived simple lives yet shared in the miracle of Jesus birth. Many others were put into situations they never expected, they were faithful and so was God. There will always be leaders, followers and the foolish. God uses them all to accomplish His will, just be who God wants you to be. 

Abraham was a simple shepherd is whole life, and he became the Father of our faith, just by walking in an abiding trust with God. He never realized, that his life would be "a doorway" to faith in the Kingdom of God. God just asked Abraham to do seven things and he was faithful every time. The rest of the time God asked of him to walk before Him blameless—walking is the presence of God. Abraham still made mistakes and so did many other men and women of God. Yet, He never held them against them, because of is awesome grace and their faithfulness. Abraham lived almost seventy more years after he offered up Isaac, yet, God never asking him to do another thing after that, except to continue walking in God's presence. Neither do people have to live a long life in order fulfill God's plan, such as Jesus and John the Baptist. There are many who die young and old for the Christ's sake. This principle still applies today.

Is it really possible for us to find complete contentment in God's plan and not ours own agenda? I'm already finding a greater peace not trying to figure everything out. I don't have to worry about my future, money, circumstance, or family. Just be who I am—a friend of God. I don't even have to save people that's God's responsibility. Just be available when I'm needed. All that's requires of me is to walk before Him blameless and abide in Him. Every promise He has made regarding my life, my family and future generations to come, will and has been fulfilled.

God says, He will answer all our prayers, when done in faith.(Mark 11:24). So all we have to do is rest in His promises, even if we don't see it all accomplished in our lifetime. In fact many vision and dreams are meant to be passed from one generation to the next.

The cross was never meant to be for just ourselves, but for future generations. "For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in His steps. (1 Peter 2:21). The Lord said to me that none of my grandchildren would have been saved, if it were not for the cross (hardship) I was willing to bear. And that all my future generations would also be saved. He even gave me some of their names and their calling. The salvation of our children, grand children and future children, both natural and spiritual, have more to do with abiding in Christ, rather than how much we physically try to love them. (Even the unrighteous people love their children). To show this importance fact, the apostle Paul said, "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh and I complete what is lacking in Christ's affliction for the sake of His body, that is, the church." (Col. 1:24).

Now there's where the joy of the cross comes in, even though we usually dislike or may even hate the cross, because of its pain. There is no pleasure in the pain and suffering of the cross. Yet, it does help accomplishes God's will for us. His plans that has been laid out from the beginning of time, and everything is much bigger than we could ever imagine. 

Note: Our salvation is base on a faith relationship, not on how many souls we try to save, or church activity we're involved in, or how wealthy we become. Yet, so many continue to strive to build or have things. Not realizing there is nothing greater than a intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father— period. We need to be just His son, and he will do the rest. God said, He was bringing Sonship back to earth, in this next move of God. That's what all creation has been waiting for.

Remember the parable of the Prodigal Son, the prodigal son did nothing, but just come home to the Father and his sins were forgiven. That's all God wants and expects of us today; just to come home. 

Home is where the heart is. Where is your? A man who has the heart of God, has more than any minister who has put all there efforts into building a large church or ministry, but doesn't know God's heart. Giftings and anointings on a person life is no substitute for a revelation of the Father. Jesus Christ said, that where your treasures are, there your heart will be also. So put them where neither thieves, rust or decay can steal them. (Mt. 6:19-20). Jesus wasn't kidding! 

There are many Christian today, who think life is about acquiring God's blessing. I thought that way once also. The world thinks, that the one with the most toys at the end of Life's Game is the winner. But the Truth has nothing to do with either blessings or toys. When you have lost everything, your is the best position you could ever be in, IF you come to realize that Jesus Christ is everything you really need. And anyone who follows Christ will have to bear their cross and suffer for the sake of others. 

The only real legacy that anyone should want to leave behind is how well they got to know the Heavenly Father and that they completed the task He set before them. Do you see how simple the Gospel message really is?
"My son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Suffer hardship with me , as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who in enlisted him as a soldier. Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding. For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory." (1 Timothy 2:1,3,4,7, and 10)

November 4, 2010

Seducing Spirits

In June of 2008 I had left everything, including my wife, to follow Christ. My life was in need of some serious help. It had been traumatized by accusations, doubts and fears and in need of restoration. So God brought me to Vancouver, Washington to live with Sheldon for a while, to get to know my Heavenly Father better. Shortly after I move here, the Lord spoke of a number of things, regarding my life and future. One of them was, "A woman will try to take your hand, but you must cast it away from you." Later on, I tried to figure out what God meant by that, but to no avail. Then after being in Vancouver for about two months, the Lord also indicated that it was His desire for me to invite my wife to come and live with me. So I called her and told her that I still loved her and needed her. She agreed to come, but it would still be a few months before she was able to come, because of other family commitments.

Since coming down here, my wife has gotten to know the Lord better and so have I. However, our marriage was still struggling. Yet, God has promised full restoration for both of us. Then two months ago, when Sheldon and I were together, the Lord gave us these words, "I separate to establish," each of us into our calling with God. (I also believe that these words are meant for all God's sons, at some point in their life.) So at that time, Sheldon and I stopped meeting on Tuesdays, when Sheldon would help edit my blog articles. However, something else also happened. My marriage took a dramatic change after an argument. I told Sheldon that I thought this too, was a part of God's plan, to "separate to establish." It was not one I had expected, wanted or have enjoyed, but God knows best.

Since then I have seen Roberta growing even stronger in the Lord, and I was very pleased (almost jealous) and others were impressed with her growth in the Lord. I have also continued to grow, and I continue to prayed for my wife and asked the Lord to bless and forgive her and me for our attitudes toward each other. My prayers were being answered and there was even a physical healing one night, when I had prayed for her back-shoulder pain, that started during this same period and it wouldn't go away. In the meantime something else happened that I had not expected—an old prophecy was coming to pass.

I had been writing some articles on sex and marriage, while my marriage was put on hold. The Lord had told me earlier that I was not to focus on my wife or my marriage problems—just abide in Him and trust Him. And so I tried to. Yet, something seemingly innocent occurred, when a certain women whom I had never met before, wanted to talked with me one day. The next week we talked a little more and she asked if I was married. I informed her that I was. A couple days later, I told Sheldon about her interest in me. We both laughed and thought is was strange, because he had similar situations in the past where women wanted a relationship, but Sheldon was a single man. However, I was married and the circumstances involving this women seemed ridicules. Yet, when I went back home I found myself thinking more about it— why was this women so interest in me and what was she expecting or wanting? Then the next week I tried to dispel ideas that I had any serious interest for her, but it didn't seem to stop her.

This women was deceived and lonely and I, well I didn't realize how vulnerable I was too. (1Chor. 5: 5-7). These seducing thoughts and impressions kept coming and working their way into my mind. I began to let my mind enjoy them, sometimes even wanting them. (The mind and seductive spirits, usually makes things look bigger, better than they really are.) Then I said to myself, "God, this is crazy." I realizing my spirit man needed to get control over my thoughts and carnal desires. So I would prayed, rebuking the spirits of lust. However, it would only work for a while and then the thoughts would come back again and again. I tried to stay busy doing something to keep my mind focused on other things, but that would last only for a short time, even when I prayed. I finally called Sheldon and told him that I had been battling things that dealt with "my flesh," but I didn't go into any details. He also indicated he had some battles of his own, regarding the flesh.

I was almost dreading going over to Sheldon's for our Friday night meeting, fearing what God might say or wondering if He would even talk to me. But, then I realized God knew all my thoughts anyway. He also knew my heart as well and somehow I would get past this situation. So when I got to Sheldon's house, I told him of the lustful thoughts that I had been having. I did this, because we often share our problems and weakness with each other and then we would pray. So I wanted to be rid of these seducing spirits of lust as soon as possible.

The Bible tells us to confess your sins one to another, so that you may be healed (James 5:16). Right then, my mind needed healing and deliverance. So I prayed and confessed. Sheldon prayed in agreement with my prayer. Then God reminded him of the prophecy that was spoken over me a couple years back—about a women wanting to take my hand. Sheldon asked if I remembered, and I said, "Yes."  He then said, "And what were you to do?" I replied, "I was to case it away from me." And so by faith, I prayed again. When I was through praying, I was free, the seducing spirits of lust, that wanted to enter and destroy my life, were gone forever. Thank God!

In my prayer I also forgave the women and asked God to forgive her and set her free as well. She had allowed foolish thoughts and imaginations to enter her mind and didn't even realize what she had done, especially to me. Satan was out to destroy my life, but he failed again. The scary thing was how powerful those thoughts and evil spirits can become, if we entertain them any length of time. Then Sheldon prayed about some issue he had struggled with, that were different from mine, but still involved the flesh.

No one is exempt from satan's attacks, even Jesus was tempted by satan, and tested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was tempted in all manner as a man (Heb. 4:15). He is also the only one who overcame all of them. Everyone else seems to have a weak spot or spots, that satan will try to test when you least expect it. One can easily become trapped by deceptions and seducing spirits, and not know it, because weakness or ignorance. The only way to overcome the enemy, is to know who we are in Christ and the power of His Word. 

After we prayed, we worshiped God with music for about an hour. Then God spoke to us and there was no condemnation in His words, only how much He loved us. He also shared that the weakness of our flesh, would never separate us from the relationship we had with Him. He then shared some awesome things and His plans for our future. Our lives would be used set other free and for many generations to come, even in our own family line, because of the hardship and trials we had endured and overcome. And that our lives were not in vain, despite how they may looked or feel to us. That night God also said, that we had moved through another gate to another level.

We had the best night with God, and it just keeps getting better. God is faithful and able to cleanse us of all unrighteousness so that we may be one with Him. All He asks, is that we walk before Him blameless,  to the best of our ability. Isn't that incredible? The next time I saw the women she offered me a book to read, but I refused and thanked her anyway.

Note: I'm sharing this experience to help others and to let them know that we are all vulnerable at various times. Satan knows our weakest areas, and when we least expect it, he will try to get us off track. Don't ever think it couldn't happen to you. If you feel that way, you may already be in trouble, because pride comes before a fall. There are all kinds of temptations that deal with pride, greed and the lust of the fresh. (1 John 2:16). However, if you fall, even if it's in your thought life, go to a close spiritual friend and to the Lord and confess them. Don't try to keep it a secret, it will usually get worse if you don't. God also knows our weaknesses and we need to yield them to Him, as well as our strengths.

God promises to restore our mind, and renew a right spirit within us, when He hears our prayers of repentance. (King David's prayer is found in Psalms 51, is one we should read and often pray.) In written this article I have prayed and asked God to help anyone, should the time come that you need a friend. I also speak Light and Life into your situation and that the Lord will protect your heart and mind, should any evil or seducing spirits try to over take you. I also speak God's grace, peace and Blessing to you.