In June of 2008 I had left everything, including my wife, to follow Christ. My life was in need of some serious help. It had been traumatized by accusations, doubts and fears and in need of restoration. So God brought me to Vancouver, Washington to live with Sheldon for a while, to get to know my Heavenly Father better. Shortly after I move here, the Lord spoke of a number of things, regarding my life and future. One of them was, "A woman will try to take your hand, but you must cast it away from you." Later on, I tried to figure out what God meant by that, but to no avail. Then after being in Vancouver for about two months, the Lord also indicated that it was His desire for me to invite my wife to come and live with me. So I called her and told her that I still loved her and needed her. She agreed to come, but it would still be a few months before she was able to come, because of other family commitments.
Since coming down here, my wife has gotten to know the Lord better and so have I. However, our marriage was still struggling. Yet, God has promised full restoration for both of us. Then two months ago, when Sheldon and I were together, the Lord gave us these words, "I separate to establish," each of us into our calling with God. (I also believe that these words are meant for all God's sons, at some point in their life.) So at that time, Sheldon and I stopped meeting on Tuesdays, when Sheldon would help edit my blog articles. However, something else also happened. My marriage took a dramatic change after an argument. I told Sheldon that I thought this too, was a part of God's plan, to "separate to establish." It was not one I had expected, wanted or have enjoyed, but God knows best.
Since then I have seen Roberta growing even stronger in the Lord, and I was very pleased (almost jealous) and others were impressed with her growth in the Lord. I have also continued to grow, and I continue to prayed for my wife and asked the Lord to bless and forgive her and me for our attitudes toward each other. My prayers were being answered and there was even a physical healing one night, when I had prayed for her back-shoulder pain, that started during this same period and it wouldn't go away. In the meantime something else happened that I had not expected—an old prophecy was coming to pass.
I had been writing some articles on sex and marriage, while my marriage was put on hold. The Lord had told me earlier that I was not to focus on my wife or my marriage problems—just abide in Him and trust Him. And so I tried to. Yet, something seemingly innocent occurred, when a certain women whom I had never met before, wanted to talked with me one day. The next week we talked a little more and she asked if I was married. I informed her that I was. A couple days later, I told Sheldon about her interest in me. We both laughed and thought is was strange, because he had similar situations in the past where women wanted a relationship, but Sheldon was a single man. However, I was married and the circumstances involving this women seemed ridicules. Yet, when I went back home I found myself thinking more about it— why was this women so interest in me and what was she expecting or wanting? Then the next week I tried to dispel ideas that I had any serious interest for her, but it didn't seem to stop her.
This women was deceived and lonely and I, well I didn't realize how vulnerable I was too. (1Chor. 5: 5-7). These seducing thoughts and impressions kept coming and working their way into my mind. I began to let my mind enjoy them, sometimes even wanting them. (The mind and seductive spirits, usually makes things look bigger, better than they really are.) Then I said to myself, "God, this is crazy." I realizing my spirit man needed to get control over my thoughts and carnal desires. So I would prayed, rebuking the spirits of lust. However, it would only work for a while and then the thoughts would come back again and again. I tried to stay busy doing something to keep my mind focused on other things, but that would last only for a short time, even when I prayed. I finally called Sheldon and told him that I had been battling things that dealt with "my flesh," but I didn't go into any details. He also indicated he had some battles of his own, regarding the flesh.
I was almost dreading going over to Sheldon's for our Friday night meeting, fearing what God might say or wondering if He would even talk to me. But, then I realized God knew all my thoughts anyway. He also knew my heart as well and somehow I would get past this situation. So when I got to Sheldon's house, I told him of the lustful thoughts that I had been having. I did this, because we often share our problems and weakness with each other and then we would pray. So I wanted to be rid of these seducing spirits of lust as soon as possible.
The Bible tells us to confess your sins one to another, so that you may be healed (James 5:16). Right then, my mind needed healing and deliverance. So I prayed and confessed. Sheldon prayed in agreement with my prayer. Then God reminded him of the prophecy that was spoken over me a couple years back—about a women wanting to take my hand. Sheldon asked if I remembered, and I said, "Yes." He then said, "And what were you to do?" I replied, "I was to case it away from me." And so by faith, I prayed again. When I was through praying, I was free, the seducing spirits of lust, that wanted to enter and destroy my life, were gone forever. Thank God!
In my prayer I also forgave the women and asked God to forgive her and set her free as well. She had allowed foolish thoughts and imaginations to enter her mind and didn't even realize what she had done, especially to me. Satan was out to destroy my life, but he failed again. The scary thing was how powerful those thoughts and evil spirits can become, if we entertain them any length of time. Then Sheldon prayed about some issue he had struggled with, that were different from mine, but still involved the flesh.
No one is exempt from satan's attacks, even Jesus was tempted by satan, and tested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was tempted in all manner as a man (Heb. 4:15). He is also the only one who overcame all of them. Everyone else seems to have a weak spot or spots, that satan will try to test when you least expect it. One can easily become trapped by deceptions and seducing spirits, and not know it, because weakness or ignorance. The only way to overcome the enemy, is to know who we are in Christ and the power of His Word.
After we prayed, we worshiped God with music for about an hour. Then God spoke to us and there was no condemnation in His words, only how much He loved us. He also shared that the weakness of our flesh, would never separate us from the relationship we had with Him. He then shared some awesome things and His plans for our future. Our lives would be used set other free and for many generations to come, even in our own family line, because of the hardship and trials we had endured and overcome. And that our lives were not in vain, despite how they may looked or feel to us. That night God also said, that we had moved through another gate to another level.
We had the best night with God, and it just keeps getting better. God is faithful and able to cleanse us of all unrighteousness so that we may be one with Him. All He asks, is that we walk before Him blameless, to the best of our ability. Isn't that incredible? The next time I saw the women she offered me a book to read, but I refused and thanked her anyway.
Note: I'm sharing this experience to help others and to let them know that we are all vulnerable at various times. Satan knows our weakest areas, and when we least expect it, he will try to get us off track. Don't ever think it couldn't happen to you. If you feel that way, you may already be in trouble, because pride comes before a fall. There are all kinds of temptations that deal with pride, greed and the lust of the fresh. (1 John 2:16). However, if you fall, even if it's in your thought life, go to a close spiritual friend and to the Lord and confess them. Don't try to keep it a secret, it will usually get worse if you don't. God also knows our weaknesses and we need to yield them to Him, as well as our strengths.
God promises to restore our mind, and renew a right spirit within us, when He hears our prayers of repentance. (King David's prayer is found in Psalms 51, is one we should read and often pray.) In written this article I have prayed and asked God to help anyone, should the time come that you need a friend. I also speak Light and Life into your situation and that the Lord will protect your heart and mind, should any evil or seducing spirits try to over take you. I also speak God's grace, peace and Blessing to you.