January 27, 2011
What Do You Have? Part II
God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. (Psalms 119:105) We need light to see and the more light we have the better we can see. When we study and know God's word and sit at the feet of Light. We will know God's heart and be able to avoid many of the unnecessary problems and pitfalls of life. We will also understand more of who we are and the things that God has given us to build a better world, called the Kingdom of God.
Therefore, we should fine tune our ears "to hear" the Spirit's voice, and pray for our eyes "to see" what God has given us now and for the future. Then we will be better equipped to avoid the dangers that lie ahead. So that we don't have to make those last minute decision or suffer painful consequences. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He does desire an honest and trustworthy relationship.
The greatness of God's grace was demonstrated toward King David, in the fact that God bless him even more, along with his son, Solomon. God was able to overlook and forgive all of David's sins as bad as they were, and still refer to him as a man after God's own heart. David did have an intimate relationship with God. That's something we should always remember and desire.
When someone has done something we think is wrong and it has hurt or offended us, we need to forgive them—from our heart, just as God does for us. Agape love never fails and it always forgives. Unforgiveness hinders relationships, even with God.
God also desires for us to understand that He placed within every believer, a storehouse of gifts that is accessible by faith. Yet the greatest gift is God himself. Unfortunately, many have failed to realize this and have settled for less, the easier, the more accessible and satisfying things to our carnal cravings. However, "We must fight the good fight of faith," and that does requires a battle against evil forces and against our fleshly desires. The time will come when those battles are over, but until then we preserver. To those who have overcome, they are given "the prize" God himself, and the right to sit with Him on His thrown. (Rev. 3:21) However, we don't have to be dead for that to take place, except to our self-life.
As sons of God we must realize that the best things God has given us are spiritual, not physical. I repeat, we can have them now. We have also been given more that we realize, today, this every moment. That's why God is intending to establish true Sonship and authority on earth, just as it is in heaven. We are to bring His Kingdom to earth through our words and actions, because we have grasped God's intention for us and His Church on planet Earth.
Note: Here just some of the spiritual things we have been given. By faith—we have received His righteousness, His anointing, His strength, His power and authority. We shares His house (temple), His robe, His ring, His shoes. We've been given His rod and staff, and the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. We are one with Him and we are His body, hands, feet, eyes, ears and voice. We have His heart, His mind and His Holy Spirit. We have His peace and joy, also His health, blessing and prosperity. We our of one faith, hope and vision. We are also given us His sword and shield, His holiness, and His glory. His angelic powers stand behind our words to implement, protect and enforce our declarations of faith now and for future generations. His enemy is under our feet. And all God's promises are "Yes and Amen" and they are fulfilled in His time and way.
A final note: The Lord says, there are also more treasures and secrets to be unearth in His timing. Yet with all this, there is nothing we have done to earned what He has given us. It was all accomplished before we were even born and we simply chose to humbly come home to our Heavenly Father. And now the Father is saying, "All that I am, and all that I have, and all I reveal Myself to be—I give it all to thee." That's what you and I have today, as God's sons and daughters. He's giving us our inheritance today, because we chosen to make Him our inheritance. Amen!
January 24, 2011
What do You Have?
Friday evening the Lord asked us this question, "What do you have?" I answered by listing a number of things. I could have name a few more, but I wasn't sure if God wanted me to or not, so I stopped. The Lord said, "You both have been given more than you know." Then He named some others and that there was still much more. He also said, "We are kings and princes in His Kingdom, and as as such have the rights and the authority to do more."
The problem is we don't comprehend all that God has given to us, or know what to do with it, and in a few cases some people may not even care. Then the Lord shared some interesting insights regarding David weaknesses regarding Bathsheba, and how God felt . I will add them to this sad story with a very interesting and powerful ending.
Now it was springtime, when men and kings went to war, but David stayed home in the comfort of his palace. Then one evening he got up from his bed and he went out onto the rooftop of his palace to look around. From there David could see all that the Lord had done and given him. It was all very impressive.
Throughout David's life the Lord had blessed him in many ways. God had given him victories in every battle and over all his enemies. God had also given David a beautiful palace to live in, along with many wives, children and servants. He was also given the King's crown and thrown, along with the power and authority over all Israel. David even knew God better than most, but that didn't seem to be enough.
David had it all, even more than he realized. However, he became bored and tired of the fighting. David also became discontent and his love for God was waining. Yet he still wanted more, something he didn't have.
David kept looking and then he saw it—a beautiful young women taking a bath. Her image filled his mind with more than he could handle. Then David inquired about the woman he saw. Yet, even after learning about the "item," he still wanted it. Despite the fact that it was wrong for him to have, so David took it, lied with it, lied for it, and eventually even killed for it.
This was a very dark season in David's life, along with many cover-ups. David had become a thief, a liar and a murderer within a matter of months. Simply for the sole purpose of satisfying his own lustful desires. Yet, God still loved him. However, it was all eventually exposed to the light, through the prophet Nathan. David finally saw his own sin and repented. (Psalm. 51)
This was also a story of God's incredible grace. David was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and God continued to love him in spite of his actions. After David repented, God continued to bless him even more, including choosing his son Solomon, to become the next king of Israel. The Lord also shared this interesting fact, "Every time David saw Bathsheba, he was reminded of the grace of God, not his sins." (Something to think about.)
Many times people have been caught in a similar situation or predicament. Maybe it wasn't with a beautiful woman or a desirable man, but with something else. Yet, God still loves us, during that very moment too. Could we do the same for others?
Many times people have been caught in a similar situation or predicament. Maybe it wasn't with a beautiful woman or a desirable man, but with something else. Yet, God still loves us, during that very moment too. Could we do the same for others?
Our flesh has many desires and it can easily lead us astray from the will and the heart of the Father. These wrong desire only satisfy the temporary wants of our flesh. Just as it was for Adam and Eve regarding a piece of fruit. Unfortunately, we have all done the same thing too. Many times, more often than we realize. We may even no longer feel guilty or believe that it's wrong. Whatever it was or is, our flesh desired it and wouldn't be satisfied until we had or did it. Even when God posted "off limit" signs on it. Maybe because of ignorance, but most of the time we simply just chose to ignore warning signs that we've read in the Bible or heard preached.
People have allow their pride, greed, habits, and lustful desires to rule their body and emotions. We need to learn to master our flesh or it will master us. If we don't, it can have deadly consequences, for us and others, just as we saw in the situation regarding David and Bathsheba's first child and throughout history. Yet, God's grace was still there to meet David in his darkest hour. It will also be there for us, but wouldn't it be smarter to learn to avoid them before they happen? I would certainly hope so. I will be easier once we've learned and understand what we really have.
(To be continued)
January 21, 2011
I Go to Prepare a Place
"Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in God, believe in Me. In My Father's House there are many dwelling places; if it were not so, would I tell you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again. And take you to myself, so that where I am there you will be also." (John 14:1-3)
"Everything that I promised you, everything I said, everything that I promised you, will come to pass in the right way and at the right time. Heres the answer to your hearts and questions. Simply trust in God and know for certain that He who is with you and He who lives within you is greater than he who is in the world. You see, you just read a scripture that says, stop worrying, don't let your hearts be troubled. For I go to and prepare a place for you. I'm going to prepare a place for you. And in my way and time, I'll take you to that new place that I have prepared."
"In the meantime—be at peace, don't strive and don't worry. Whether it be a matter of finances, or health, or relationship; whether it be about ministry, or power, anointing, or anything else."
(A portion of prophecy from Sheldon David on Dec. 24, 2010)
Note: God said, "Behold, I make all things new." That means everyday and every situation for the rest of our lives. It may look or feel the same, but it's not. Things are changing rapidly in the spiritual realm. It's all a part of God's preparation and planning to get us to where we need to be and in order for Him to accomplish what He desires here on earth. It will all be completed by Him, through Him and for Him. Jesus Christ is our dwelling place, our mansion, and our future. He is also the "street of gold" or the narrow way we will follow for eternity, that takes us wherever we need to go.
Everyday on earth, the Heavenly Father has prepared in advance things for us to accomplish. Are mission is to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, and He will give us everything we need to fulfill our portion of that task, in order to see it completed, regardless of how hard or how long it may. This is a promise God has made to a thousand generations. There is no such thing as "The Rapture" and there will never be one, despite what many people have been taught by their ministers. God has a lot for us to do and everything will be restored to what God had intended. He has also given every believer His strength and authority to do it. All our needs have been met and every promise is fulfilled, and it will all finished in His way and time.
This "new place" is twofold as I see it. First, it is the full maturity of Sonship within the Heavenly Father. This desire of God is starting to unfold in this "new move" of the Heavenly Father. It's where we will come into a full understanding of our relationship with Him and what we have in that relationship. And secondly, a spiritual dwelling place, the joining of two realms, heaven and earth, spiritual and physical. They are both to become one, as we are one in Christ. Jesus, the Heavenly Father, is our destination today and for all of our tomorrows. He is our total inheritance. What greater reward could there be than to share His thrown, eat at His table, and share His House for eternity on earth. This will be the new heaven and earth.
"In every way, acknowledge Me and I will direct you path. In every way acknowledge me—let me in and let me act. I asked you last week to lay down that proving of God, that I wasn't proving you as sons. That I accepted you as sons and I perfected you as sons. Start proving me as God—in the ways, the timing, the blessing, the healing and the restoration, the exaltation. It's in my care, and my timing, and in my way. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding. In all you ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. So don't be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. This is healing for your body and refreshment for your soul."
(more prophecy from Dec. 24, 2010)
As sons and daughter's of God, we should humble ourselves and let God be God. We're not to try and tell Him how to do His job or complain about the way He does it. All He requires of us is to agree with Him and simply trust Him. That requires patience just as He has had for us and to realize our need for total dependency on Him. Then we will act and speak when He says to. That way God gets all the praise and glory, He so rightfully deserves.
January 20, 2011
My Hot Bikini
This past week I had an interesting conversation with a young Christian mother that I've known for a while. She was raised in a Christian home and went to church most of her live until recently. Her father is a godly man and a prophet. Which made her childhood an interesting and often a frustrating experience for her to say the least. In fact at one time she didn't want to have anything to do with her dad, but that's changing from what I've seen. She also has several children and a wonderful husband who's still a kid at heart. But he really loves his family, and God's working on his heart too.
This couple still has lots of dreams and goals. But, like most young marriages, they have had their share of problems also. Along with defining and learning their roles in marriage, and as well as being sons and daughters of God.
This women is a beautiful person and has a great personality. She is friendly, out going and everyone seems to love her. However, after she had her last child she has struggled with a weight problem, and the emotional difficulties in her marriage didn't help things either. She enjoys cooking and baking, but food eventually became her "comfort friend" as she told me. She has also tried to lose wait in the past, but wasn't very successfully.
However, this last time when I saw her I noticed she had lost a lot of weight, and I commented on it. She proudly informed me that she had lost 22 pounds and hoped to lose about 25 to 30 more pounds. She told me, she realized her mistake and was determined to change some of what she ate, how much and how often. In fact she said, "One of my goals in life is to go to Hawaii with my family, and be the hottest women on the beach wearing my bikini." I was a little surprised by her comment. I just smiled and said nothing.
However, later on I commented that I was proud of her and her efforts to change the way she had been eating. However, I don't believe her motive were necessarily correct, but I know her husband will be pleased and she will be too.
People should watch how they eat, because our body is the temple of the Lord. We shouldn't allow our fleshly desires and habits to rule over our spirit or our body. There are curtain types of processed foods that should be avoid, because they are harmful to the human body and can make people very sick over time, and even shorten their lives. There is also two other reason why two-thirds of Americans are overweight. They are spiritual bondage and a lack of discipline.
Another area that is important is important is how people perceive themselves. We should desire more to know how God see us. Vanity and pride have always been a stumbling block, even in the church. Sure we would all like to stay young, fit and attractive. But it shouldn't be a goal—like many celebrities in Hollywood. We should be content and accept how God made and how He really see us. Knowing the Heavenly Father, finding our true identity, and living the way God would have us—should be our only desire. We need to know who we are in Christ, and be spirit led in everything we do.
This young mother was also told by someone that she was to be a prophet. However, she said she didn't want to be one like her father, and she may not be if she really is one. There are many different types of prophets today, just as there was in Biblical times. However, they all have this in common, they were called and sent by the Lord that is the true test. Plus the calling is "a gift" from Almighty God, not one people get to choose. I also don't know anyone who has refused it either. But the calling does come with a price and a few have stumbled, because none of us on earth are prefect. Everyone makes mistakes, including me.
A prophets or prophetess will experience many hardship in their life, often more, for the sake of others and for future generations. Yet, they will go where God sends them and speak what He tells them. They don't have much of choice, unless they want to have a more difficult life like Jonah. Many prophets have come from a background that appears to be rebellious. God's usually behind their actions and using it to mold their character and nature into the man or women He wants them to be. Prophets walk to the beat of a different drum.
I know at times I may seem to be little old fashion, but I prefer to see myself as a trailblazer, going where no man or women has gone before, believing others will follow. Therefore, I don't think God would want a prophetess wearing a bikini on the beach to impress lost souls or for any other reason. However, I could be wrong, God did have some prophets walk naked to reveal the future for those who continued to live a sinful life.
God desires to draw people's attention to us by being clothed in His righteousness, power and walking in His glory, how He choses to do that is up to Him. But most of all God wants people's attention drawn to us by our love, not our flesh.
This couple still has lots of dreams and goals. But, like most young marriages, they have had their share of problems also. Along with defining and learning their roles in marriage, and as well as being sons and daughters of God.
This women is a beautiful person and has a great personality. She is friendly, out going and everyone seems to love her. However, after she had her last child she has struggled with a weight problem, and the emotional difficulties in her marriage didn't help things either. She enjoys cooking and baking, but food eventually became her "comfort friend" as she told me. She has also tried to lose wait in the past, but wasn't very successfully.
However, this last time when I saw her I noticed she had lost a lot of weight, and I commented on it. She proudly informed me that she had lost 22 pounds and hoped to lose about 25 to 30 more pounds. She told me, she realized her mistake and was determined to change some of what she ate, how much and how often. In fact she said, "One of my goals in life is to go to Hawaii with my family, and be the hottest women on the beach wearing my bikini." I was a little surprised by her comment. I just smiled and said nothing.
However, later on I commented that I was proud of her and her efforts to change the way she had been eating. However, I don't believe her motive were necessarily correct, but I know her husband will be pleased and she will be too.
People should watch how they eat, because our body is the temple of the Lord. We shouldn't allow our fleshly desires and habits to rule over our spirit or our body. There are curtain types of processed foods that should be avoid, because they are harmful to the human body and can make people very sick over time, and even shorten their lives. There is also two other reason why two-thirds of Americans are overweight. They are spiritual bondage and a lack of discipline.
Another area that is important is important is how people perceive themselves. We should desire more to know how God see us. Vanity and pride have always been a stumbling block, even in the church. Sure we would all like to stay young, fit and attractive. But it shouldn't be a goal—like many celebrities in Hollywood. We should be content and accept how God made and how He really see us. Knowing the Heavenly Father, finding our true identity, and living the way God would have us—should be our only desire. We need to know who we are in Christ, and be spirit led in everything we do.
This young mother was also told by someone that she was to be a prophet. However, she said she didn't want to be one like her father, and she may not be if she really is one. There are many different types of prophets today, just as there was in Biblical times. However, they all have this in common, they were called and sent by the Lord that is the true test. Plus the calling is "a gift" from Almighty God, not one people get to choose. I also don't know anyone who has refused it either. But the calling does come with a price and a few have stumbled, because none of us on earth are prefect. Everyone makes mistakes, including me.
A prophets or prophetess will experience many hardship in their life, often more, for the sake of others and for future generations. Yet, they will go where God sends them and speak what He tells them. They don't have much of choice, unless they want to have a more difficult life like Jonah. Many prophets have come from a background that appears to be rebellious. God's usually behind their actions and using it to mold their character and nature into the man or women He wants them to be. Prophets walk to the beat of a different drum.
I know at times I may seem to be little old fashion, but I prefer to see myself as a trailblazer, going where no man or women has gone before, believing others will follow. Therefore, I don't think God would want a prophetess wearing a bikini on the beach to impress lost souls or for any other reason. However, I could be wrong, God did have some prophets walk naked to reveal the future for those who continued to live a sinful life.
God desires to draw people's attention to us by being clothed in His righteousness, power and walking in His glory, how He choses to do that is up to Him. But most of all God wants people's attention drawn to us by our love, not our flesh.
January 17, 2011
Last night I had a dream, and in this dream I was struggling with the word "thanks." Because I was saying thanks to God, and yet it seemed so inadequate to describe or express how I really felt. Especially, regarding all the things He had done.
When I awoke I was still hashing out my frustrations with the word thanks. We use this word, thanks, so causally. For example we often say it when someone opens a door for us, or helps us find something at a store, or says something nice to us. But how do you say thanks to God who has done everything for you and has given you everything. He even restores every mess I've made, and made something good come out of it all. And still, I did nothing to earn or merit it. Thanks, just doesn't seem to be enough.
Its like the English word for "love." There's no distinction when we use it to describe our feelings for a person, places, thing, or even God. We love pizza, our cars, pets, house, job, our country, friends or spouse, and still can say love God in the same breath. Something seems to be wrong with that also. But I don't know how to change it either. Other than to say, that without you Abba Father in my life, life wouldn't be worth living.
You are so loving, kind, and gentle to me. That You are entitled to ask me to go anywhere, or ask me to do or say anything, and I won't say, "No." You are precious to me and that every breath I take comes from You, and every promises You makes is fulfilled, and I trust You completely.
Abba Father has met my every need, and all my longing for Him is fulfilled. Yet there is this selfish side of me that seem to want more or at times seems to resist, and I don't know why. I guest there are still some doubts and fears that still need to be dwelt with.
God knows my heart better that I do. He also knows all my thoughts, desires and emotions. He understands my weakness and knows all my failings. Yet He still loves me, and has forgiven me of all my sins forever, and nothing can ever change that. Strange as it may sound, He trusts me as a friend, a son, and we are one.
Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can see His face. His smile fills me with a great peace, hope and joy—as together we walk hand in hand in the cool of the day for eternity. When I'm with Him I'm never afraid, and yet at the end of the day, all I can say to Him is "Thanks." Thank you Abba Father for being who you are—you are my life. I am forever grateful and I give You all the glorify.
Note: Andrea Crouch wrote a song many years ago, that got a Grammy Award. It's still one of my favorites songs, called My Tribute. The lyrics go like this:
When I awoke I was still hashing out my frustrations with the word thanks. We use this word, thanks, so causally. For example we often say it when someone opens a door for us, or helps us find something at a store, or says something nice to us. But how do you say thanks to God who has done everything for you and has given you everything. He even restores every mess I've made, and made something good come out of it all. And still, I did nothing to earn or merit it. Thanks, just doesn't seem to be enough.
Its like the English word for "love." There's no distinction when we use it to describe our feelings for a person, places, thing, or even God. We love pizza, our cars, pets, house, job, our country, friends or spouse, and still can say love God in the same breath. Something seems to be wrong with that also. But I don't know how to change it either. Other than to say, that without you Abba Father in my life, life wouldn't be worth living.
You are so loving, kind, and gentle to me. That You are entitled to ask me to go anywhere, or ask me to do or say anything, and I won't say, "No." You are precious to me and that every breath I take comes from You, and every promises You makes is fulfilled, and I trust You completely.
Abba Father has met my every need, and all my longing for Him is fulfilled. Yet there is this selfish side of me that seem to want more or at times seems to resist, and I don't know why. I guest there are still some doubts and fears that still need to be dwelt with.
God knows my heart better that I do. He also knows all my thoughts, desires and emotions. He understands my weakness and knows all my failings. Yet He still loves me, and has forgiven me of all my sins forever, and nothing can ever change that. Strange as it may sound, He trusts me as a friend, a son, and we are one.
Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can see His face. His smile fills me with a great peace, hope and joy—as together we walk hand in hand in the cool of the day for eternity. When I'm with Him I'm never afraid, and yet at the end of the day, all I can say to Him is "Thanks." Thank you Abba Father for being who you are—you are my life. I am forever grateful and I give You all the glorify.
Note: Andrea Crouch wrote a song many years ago, that got a Grammy Award. It's still one of my favorites songs, called My Tribute. The lyrics go like this:
How can I say thanks for the things
You have done for me?
Things so undeserved yet You gave
To prove Your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am, and ever hope to be
I owe it all to Thee
To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory for the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory for the things He has done
Just let me live my life and
Let it be pleasing Lord to Thee
And if I gain any praise, let it go to Calvary
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has rasied me
To God be the glory for the things He has done
January 13, 2011
Not My Time
Now the Feast of Booths, was near. Therefore His brothers said to Jesus, "Leave here and go into Judea, so that Your disciples also may see Your works which You are doing. “For no one does anything in secret when he himself seeks to be known publicly. If You do these things, show Yourself to the world.”
For not even His brothers were believing in Him. So Jesus said to them, “My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune. “The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil. “Go up to the feast yourselves; I do not go up to this feast because My time has not yet fully come.” Having said these things to them, He stayed in Galilee...
But when it was now the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and began to teach.The Jews then were astonished, saying, “How has this man become learned, having never been educated?” So Jesus answered them and said, “My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me. “If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself. “He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. (John 7:2-18)
There have been many people throughout history who have sought attention, but Jesus was not one of them. Celebrities of all kinds thrive on attention, they live to be in the spotlight. Whenever there's a big event they always dress up and ride in style. Some women wear outlandish gowns and the single guys usually have some sexy girl hanging on their arm. Other people are not that much different. There are some women who think the more skin they reveal the more attention they will get. And men have their own ploys too, often acting like "big shots" or "big spenders." Some don't even mind making fools of themselves to get attention. Whatever the situation is, it seems that everyone wants or likes to get attention and/or recognition of some kind. No one likes the feeling of being ignored. Even the so called 'geeks and nerds,' or the shy and bashful ones still want some attention.
We all desire that attention or recognitions, it's a part of the human nature, and there nothing really wrong with that. For example, a child at play desire the attention of their parent, and as adults we're not that much different—whether it's from our spouse or our friends, or even God. How we do it is another matter, and that we keep it in proper perspective. In the Bible, Jesus' life set the example for all of us to follow.
Such was the situation in the story above—Jesus is talking with His natural brothers. They didn't believe in Him at the time and so they tested Jesus, by telling Him to show Himself off to the world. After all He had these powers and abilities, so let everyone see how great you are. I don't believe they questioned His ability, but then maybe they personally hadn't seen any of His miracles. However, I'm sure they questioned His authority at the time.
We too have been tested and tempted throughout our life, to go and show ourselves off. Let people see your God-given talents, giftings or abilities. Make a little more or a lot more money while you can. Build a bigger reputation or following. The world see nothing wrong with a little glory right now and making a name for youself. However, I've learned it's not the way of God. He is the one who will exalts His sons and daughters in His time and way.
When we take on the nature of Christ, everything things changes (friends, family, actions and responsibilities). We will find our true recognition and identity in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, by waiting and trusting Him for His timing. Then we will be clothed by The Heavenly Father, and people will be drawn to us. They will see something different about in our life and want it too. They will come for prayer, healing, salvation, restoration, counseling and blessings. God's anointing on our life will meet those needs, because of our faith in Him. However, this usually doesn't happen overnight and often takes many years of preparation. But it will happen as we continue to trust and lean on God.
The tendency of our flesh nature is to want the recognition and success, even the "glory,"—find the quickest way to achieve it now. Satan offered it to Jesus before His ministry began, in the wilderness, but it was a counterfeit glory. Jesus knew it and basically told satan, "It is written,—not my time." Yet, many naive people, including Christians have taken up satan's (the angel of light) offer, believing it was God's will and time. Only to have future heart aches and disastrous outcomes. However, Jesus knew what He had to do in order to obtain His glory from the Father.
God's glory is achieved in a different way from what men want or expect. Most are not willing to pay the price required to obtain it. Yet many will strive for it. Some don't even want to try. Yet, a few don't even seem to have much of a choice, such as the apostle Paul. But regardless of our calling, God's glory come in his time and through the sufferings of Jesus Christ.
The Lord desires for us all get to know Him better and dwell with Him in the Holy of Holies. To get there requires enduring hardship and constant abiding in His presence. We will never want to leave it, nor desire to go back to the outer, or the inner court of the temple. Where we once came from, with all kinds of distractions and desires for things and attention of other relationships, or focused on the sinfulness of mankind, or desire our ego to be stroked. Many even wanted to escape from it all.
When we make Jesus Christ our focus, and seek the glory of the Father, it won't be long before He shares His mantle with us. God's spotlight will shine from heaven on those who honor Him. They will be recognized, awarded and honored, because He loves them and they were faithful. The Heavenly Father did it for Jesus, and He will do it for us, in His time and in His way.
The Heavenly Father delights in sharing His glory with His sons and daughters.
For not even His brothers were believing in Him. So Jesus said to them, “My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune. “The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil. “Go up to the feast yourselves; I do not go up to this feast because My time has not yet fully come.” Having said these things to them, He stayed in Galilee...
But when it was now the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and began to teach.The Jews then were astonished, saying, “How has this man become learned, having never been educated?” So Jesus answered them and said, “My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me. “If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself. “He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. (John 7:2-18)
There have been many people throughout history who have sought attention, but Jesus was not one of them. Celebrities of all kinds thrive on attention, they live to be in the spotlight. Whenever there's a big event they always dress up and ride in style. Some women wear outlandish gowns and the single guys usually have some sexy girl hanging on their arm. Other people are not that much different. There are some women who think the more skin they reveal the more attention they will get. And men have their own ploys too, often acting like "big shots" or "big spenders." Some don't even mind making fools of themselves to get attention. Whatever the situation is, it seems that everyone wants or likes to get attention and/or recognition of some kind. No one likes the feeling of being ignored. Even the so called 'geeks and nerds,' or the shy and bashful ones still want some attention.
We all desire that attention or recognitions, it's a part of the human nature, and there nothing really wrong with that. For example, a child at play desire the attention of their parent, and as adults we're not that much different—whether it's from our spouse or our friends, or even God. How we do it is another matter, and that we keep it in proper perspective. In the Bible, Jesus' life set the example for all of us to follow.
Such was the situation in the story above—Jesus is talking with His natural brothers. They didn't believe in Him at the time and so they tested Jesus, by telling Him to show Himself off to the world. After all He had these powers and abilities, so let everyone see how great you are. I don't believe they questioned His ability, but then maybe they personally hadn't seen any of His miracles. However, I'm sure they questioned His authority at the time.
We too have been tested and tempted throughout our life, to go and show ourselves off. Let people see your God-given talents, giftings or abilities. Make a little more or a lot more money while you can. Build a bigger reputation or following. The world see nothing wrong with a little glory right now and making a name for youself. However, I've learned it's not the way of God. He is the one who will exalts His sons and daughters in His time and way.
When we take on the nature of Christ, everything things changes (friends, family, actions and responsibilities). We will find our true recognition and identity in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, by waiting and trusting Him for His timing. Then we will be clothed by The Heavenly Father, and people will be drawn to us. They will see something different about in our life and want it too. They will come for prayer, healing, salvation, restoration, counseling and blessings. God's anointing on our life will meet those needs, because of our faith in Him. However, this usually doesn't happen overnight and often takes many years of preparation. But it will happen as we continue to trust and lean on God.
The tendency of our flesh nature is to want the recognition and success, even the "glory,"—find the quickest way to achieve it now. Satan offered it to Jesus before His ministry began, in the wilderness, but it was a counterfeit glory. Jesus knew it and basically told satan, "It is written,—not my time." Yet, many naive people, including Christians have taken up satan's (the angel of light) offer, believing it was God's will and time. Only to have future heart aches and disastrous outcomes. However, Jesus knew what He had to do in order to obtain His glory from the Father.
God's glory is achieved in a different way from what men want or expect. Most are not willing to pay the price required to obtain it. Yet many will strive for it. Some don't even want to try. Yet, a few don't even seem to have much of a choice, such as the apostle Paul. But regardless of our calling, God's glory come in his time and through the sufferings of Jesus Christ.
The Lord desires for us all get to know Him better and dwell with Him in the Holy of Holies. To get there requires enduring hardship and constant abiding in His presence. We will never want to leave it, nor desire to go back to the outer, or the inner court of the temple. Where we once came from, with all kinds of distractions and desires for things and attention of other relationships, or focused on the sinfulness of mankind, or desire our ego to be stroked. Many even wanted to escape from it all.
When we make Jesus Christ our focus, and seek the glory of the Father, it won't be long before He shares His mantle with us. God's spotlight will shine from heaven on those who honor Him. They will be recognized, awarded and honored, because He loves them and they were faithful. The Heavenly Father did it for Jesus, and He will do it for us, in His time and in His way.
The Heavenly Father delights in sharing His glory with His sons and daughters.
January 10, 2011
How do I begin this? Where do I begin? I'm 63 years old and I've known Jesus and the Father to a small degree many of those years. During that time I have seen God do many miracles, heard Him speak, and seen Him face to face. I've also seen God work on the areas of pride in my life over the years. In fact more times than I care to remember or admit. I have also wondered, if it's ever really possible to get rid of it all? Only God knows. I'm believing there is at some point. I'm not perfect, nor do I think I have all the answers, but I know who does.
When I came back to the Lord at 40 years old, God took some bid chunks of pride out of my life, because of many foolish mistakes I had made. Then years later God lead me away from the religious system, and I had to die to how people would think or feel about me. But, what mattered most to me was being faithful and obedient to the Truth. I also know I have done nothing to deserve what God has done for me.
In the past few years, I have gotten to know the Heavenly Father a little better, and I'm also learning to abide and lean on Him more. I enjoy being able to sharing some of those experiences with others, along with my blog readers and followers. I love to brag about how awesome our God really is. He is so powerful, loving, gracious and forgiving. He also has many wonderful gifts and surprises in store for all us. Yet, even with a little bit spiritual or revelation knowledge there is also the danger of pride.
There are two kinds of pride—carnal and spiritual pride. Satan is the father to both. The most serious is spiritual pride. Remember the parable Jesus told about the Pharisee and the publican, who went to pray? One viewed himself as being better than the other.
Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to do a balancing act on a high wire, with God's rod in my hands to help keep my balance and to keep me from falling. In sharing the truth, there is always the danger of trying to justify, prove something or impress others with what you learned or heard from God. I do not want to do that, or be that way. I simply want to speak the truth, share what God has been saying, encourage others, and tell how God changed my life. And in so doing, hopefully I can and will help others too.
However, sometimes I see the spirit of pride trying to raise it's ugly head and I have to deal with it. It happened again this past week when I went to minister to some homeless people. I wasn't with the homeless, but with one of the ministers at the facility for free meals. Another time I wanted to impress someone, and at the same time expose some of their faults, but I didn't—thank God. I also had a dream and in this dream I saw how subtle this 'spirit of pride' can be and even seem justified.
There are many things I could say to justify my thoughts or even my actions, but it would still boils down to spiritual pride and so I had to cast it away from me, even if it was just a thought. We must not dwell on those kind of thoughts less they take root in our mind.
There is no room for pride in the Kingdom of God. Everything we have is a gift from God, and there is nothing we can do to earn them. Were are all part of the same body, and share the same faith, hope and vision. No ones is better than another, and we all depend on God strength, and the help and support of each others. So why brag or think as if the gift is something we've earned or deserved. I'm just God messenger boy, a mouth, His hands, or His eyes to see. And what I am, is by the grace of God alone.
God doesn't view things the way man does and statistic don't impress Him—neither do large homes, big churches, great ministries or successful businesses. Faithfulness is what God is looking for, not large numbers or worldly recognition even within the religious system.
Neither do we gain anything by pointing out the faults of others or trying impressing people with our good deeds or spiritual knowledge, whether we personally know them or not. I don't seek the praise of men, but God's. But sometime my flesh want it, and I can't allow it that satisfaction. My only gain is in knowing Jesus Christ and Him crucified. My greatest joy comes from knowing that God loves me, and loving Him in return. Also in serving His people and speaking words of faith into the future. And so I die daily, that the Lord may be exalted, for He alone is worthy of our praise. When I look back over my life and all of my mistakes, I'm truly thankful for the grace of God. Therefore, I hope to extend the same to others as He did for me. I believe I will by His power and grace.
Most men and women of God, in the past, became more known after they died, because they willingly laid down their lives in humility for the sake of others. Just as Jesus did, and in doing so, He was exalted above all other names. They are all honored in the heavens and we should be grateful for their sacrifices and follow their examples.
January 7, 2011
A Great Fish Story
Men often like to brag about the size of fish they caught or the one that got away. But the Bible tells us of a story about a fish that caught a man. And it left a very bad taste in its mouth and a pain in its belly. This story is found in the book of Jonah.
There was once a man named Jonah, who had been called by God to be a prophet and he thought he knew the ways of God. But one day God asked Jonah to do something that he didn't agree with, so Jonah chose to run. He made a decision to serve God in his own way, and a nice sea cruise seemed like a good starting place. Jonah needed some time to think things over and decide how he would serve God. While he was on his cruise, enjoying the sun and fresh sea air, an unexpected storm came up. But like most men Jonah thought he could weather it out. Pride had always been one of his problems. The storm grew worse and eventually the captain, along with the crew, feared for their lives. They felt the gods were angry with someone, but who? Jonah finally came forward and confessed he was the one, and then chose to end his life for the sake of the others. A sacrifice that didn't turn out quite the way he had expected. God met Jonah in the belly of a whale, and you probably know the rest of the story.
Jonah was a prophet. But his life prophesied a bigger picture and problem. One that we have seen all too often happen over the years. Where sons and daughters of God, who were called to be His messenger, prophet or ambassador for Christ, but for some reason found themselves off course and running from God. Just like the prodigal son, they wanted to do things in their own way, only to end up in a bigger mess than they could ever imagine. Some of them have been caught up in the bondage of worldly entertainment, sports or business. Others are just trapped by less glamorous life styles or alternate ones. Many have gone back to an old carnal longing or addiction again that have sunk its evil claws deeper into their minds. Now they're trapped and there seems to be no way out. Just like Jonah being in the belly of a whale. But, Jesus is coming to their rescue for the sake of the Father, and they will be "spewed out," delivered and freed to fulfill their true calling.
Many times these broken souls have given up on God and themselves. They don't see how God could ever love or forgive them again. But He does and already has. God is with his sons in spirit even when they rebel, there is no place they can hide from Him. His grace is sufficient to bring them back to where they will be more useful than before. They will have experienced His awesome grace to a depth they had never known before. Now they will be used to help free others from similar bondages.
If you know someone like this, let them know that you and God still love them no matter how they may feel. Pray for them as the Lord leads you and keep trusting in God's faithfulness. He is the Great Savior.
Note: There are also many other sons and daughters who have been hidden in caves "for such a time as this" and together they are "coming out" of the 'spiritual whale' to prophesy and minister in His authority. The Lord said, that He even went into the belly of the whale with Jonah. Had He not, then Jesus could not have gone into the belly of the earth and been spewed out as a resurrected man to save mankind. Together we will see the greatest move of God to date. The culmination of this and the visitation of the Father will make this the greatest decade in the history of mankind,. There will be signs and wonder never seen before, and that won't be just another fish story, but the story of the incredible grace of God.
January 3, 2011
Follow My Example
Brothers and sisters,
Follow me as I follow Christ. For whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.
Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do. For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, dear friends! Rejoice in the Lord; again I say, rejoice!
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Paul, a brother in Christ
(Phil. 3:17-4:1,4,8 and 9)
Note: In a world full of celebrity who are beautiful, or other rich, powerful and famous people, it is best and wise to follow the examples of those who have sold their lives out to Jesus Christ. Their example will benefit us and others, far more than anything else in this life and the next.
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