June 29, 2011

The Future

God desire to reveal the future to his sons and daughters. This often come through a dream, a visitation, or from a word of knowledge, or prophecy.  Yet, it helps when it is confirmed by the Lord himself. However, the future doesn't always happen the way we thought it would. Abraham was shown the future by God. Joseph had his dreams, and David was told by a prophet. Even Jesus told his disciple their future, yet not all of it was glamorous, but it would be victorious.

One evening on March 18th in our Friday meeting, we had been interceded for the nations with the heart of Abraham. I won't go into details, but it was one of the most powerful evening I've ever been in. It was just after midnight, and I watched David pour out his heart, in total amazement, as he interceded for the United States and the world. When he was through I also interceded for some other nations that had come to my mind earlier that evening. I already knew my ties to the nations of Israel, but I also requested to walk the shores of other nations.

Since that night, I have never been the same. The hunger for God and for His people have driven me to abandon everything for the Kingdom of God. As I have ponder these nations I saw myself driving there in my van and walking among the poor, lost and the hurting. But how this would happen, God only knows. But the Lord did say that by the end of this year, He would let me know when and where I would go. Then on May 13th, again in our Friday even meeting, God said to me that He would provide what I needed and that much of the details would be worked out while I was on the road. God also stated that, "Israel must cast off the United States, for Israel has been a servant to the United States far too long." Well, that got my mind to spinning to say the least, but I also realize now that the message was two fold. One for me and the other for the Nations of Israel.

Then on the morning of May 19, I was laying in bed and wondering where God would want me to spend most of my time or even my last days. I then realized God had already given me a clue when He had changed my name. Yes, the Nation of Israel, I believe that's where my future would be. Later that day I went over to Sheldon's and shared my thoughts with him, about living in the country of Israel. He agreed with me and said, "How's that for a confirmation."

I've only been to Israel once before, as I wrote about in my article The Sands of Abraham, posted last November. I was in my early twenty's then, but this time I will be in my sixties and living there. Wow.  I love the people and it would be nice to live on the Mediterranean coast or by the Sea of Galilee, but anywhere God wants me will be fine with me. My desire is to see, experience, and participate in the spiritual restoration that Nation. God indicated last year that something major would happen in Israel between the year 2017 and 2018. God also said He would show me the Middle East. I would love to serve there too. Here's a portion of a prophecy from last November regarding my connection with the Nation of Israel.

"The plan for Israel's salvation is prophesied through the salvation of Israel David. And He has often wondered why his hearing, why hearing, why his hearing. And look at the nation of Israel and it's hearing. And if you see and agree with me. And prophesy into that people, that their ears open to the heart of a prophet and of God. Then you too will reap into that sowing, says the Lord— because all Israel shall be saved. All! And you will stop fearing the future. And you'll start rejoicing, because you've seen the future. And that future is not one of loss, it one of gain and salvation.

It's as if your Father took you Himself and embraced you and fixed you, and reproved you, and saved you... Your life is a prophecy. Because when I molded your body and form, and your DNA from the depth of the earth, I did it for a precise time and purpose. And though it has feels as though every devil has resisted you and shroud of rejection has haunted you, and dragged you for most of your life. Tonight, I peal that off and I remove that garment of anxiety and fear for the future. And I say you have been called, you have been blessed and you have been approved by Me, says the Lord. And you future will be perfect and it will be beautiful.

Your lives will increase and improve and flourish in 2011, 2012, 2013 and on and on. Abraham lost a son indeed and so have you, but he gained the world and a nation and so have you. And God ways are beyond human ways. Indeed! And so I have given you a wife of wisdom and knowledge. Though she will not direct you, she will support and honor you. Stop doubting that. That's a spirit of doubt that you must cast off when it tries to come to you, and says that your wife will not.

I have brought you into the future, says the Lord. Here, you sit in November 2010 and yet your hearts are up here, out there in the future. And miracles happen at your hand—both of you. You saw that I restored everything. Your life Israel, prophecies of a greater Israel. That is why I changed your name to Israel. I put you in close proximity and relationship with Sheldon David. And for many years you have desired and longed for what was in him to be in your life. The Word of God, declares that's how Israel gets saved through the jealousy, that longing they see something in somebody else that they don't have and they want it. Your life prophesy, it always has. And that why David call you a greater man than himself. Because his life prophecies of the Patriarch, but your life prophecies of a nation.

These things I speaking tonight you will never forget. I'm pouring out my soul to you. I told you I'm leaving nothing unturned. The secrets in dark places. All that I have and all that I am, I pour out upon you. The promise was not only for Abraham, but for his descendants forever, says the Lord. Not only for Sheldon David, it was for Israel and not only for one, but for the Nation. Before you leave this earth, Israel David, you will have fulfilled the will of the Father.

I will not leave one stone unturned, that there are things hidden all over the place, everywhere and I will reveal them to you. I would long for my nation Israel to have a heart that sought God like you did. And that is why I have put such strong desires inside your heart. So it would prophecy of a people to come that would have a desperate heart. This prophecy is upon you and upon other men and women as well. For you in yourself cannot contain all the glory and the pain that is attached to the future of this Nation. It would be to hard.

When you took the name of Israel, and it was your choice. It was my choice and yours. You where bring yourself into a prophecy and a wrestling match that has gone on for years. And I will not coward and you will not coward. And I will not overpower and you will overcome until you have gained the promise, every bit of it. Victory is not negotiable. Victory is the nature of your heart and spirit, says the Lord. Victory is the nature of Christ, He is not suffering. He suffered, but that is not who He is. He is holiness and righteousness, victory and overcomer. He is power and you will always become what you are.

The future is not negotiable for either of you. It already been set and it all leads to victory, that where it all goes. You will not fear the future and you will run and go that direction. You saw it in the movie The Passion. Nothing would stop Him from laying down His life for His Father's great plan. The plan of God for you is victorious. It always leads to triumph in Christ. And all the promises in Christ are yea and amen. The purpose of God are sure. A great crowd of witnesses stand in agreement with what you believe, and there is no devil in hell or underworld that can change that."

(portions of a prophecy spoken by Sheldon David on November 11, 2010)

The Lord has called me to the nations and eventually to live in Israel. The Lord promises both will be restored and it is fitting that I be there. However, this journey that I'm on with God require me to travel alone in my van. I have even thought of driving to country of Chili, one of the nations I prayed for that night. There are many other nations along the way there that need to know the Truth and see the power of God. But, the Lord will show me what direction I need to go and when. 

This was not anything that I had known or even dreamed of when I got married. But over the years our marriage has struggled, but God is faithful. There is much need for healing and restoration for both of us. Although Roberta says that she would love to travel—she does not see herself living in a van, but some place close to our grandchildren. It also provide a home base for me. From there she can help me and someday fly to wherever I am at some point later. How this all works out only God knows at this time. At some point I will probably need to leave the van. But for now, I'm taking it one day at a time and tuck myself under His wing and get to know my Father's voice better.

Living in a van and ministering will definitely be new saga in my life to Blog about. It will be exciting to touching peoples lives one on one and see God's restoration. I'm also hoping that living in a van will be just as exciting, not to mention eating. I know there will be certain limitations, but I also see a lot of potential. Most of all, my future is beautiful and it is victorious. And yours can be too.

June 22, 2011

Time for a Change

As you know Sheldon David is a special friend of mine and  has had a great influence on my life. He has helped me in so many ways and I am very thankful. This decade is going to be awesome despite all the negative news we see and hear. God is in full control of everything. I have encourage other people to listen to what Sheldon has to says and writes on his Cloak of Zeal blog site. But we should also seek to know God's heart and will for ourselves as well. Politicians promise change, yet we rarely see it. But, this world still needs to change and for that to happen we need to change.

Anyway, last Thursdays Sheldon and I went for a walk around a small lake. About half way through the walk, we sat down, and he told me that it had come time for us to part our ways, and for me to be on my own and hear God more for myself and not depend so much on him, his anointing, counselings or prophetic words. Ouch!

I remember about years ago God telling us, "I separate to establish." At that time that statement had multiple meanings. However, for Sheldon and I, it also meant that he was to quit editing my blog articles. It would give him more time to do his things and for me to evaluate and correct my own articles. Which I'm sure you have noticed. Since then, we still continued our time together on Friday evening to worship and be in the presence of God. The power of God presence has continued to increase over these past months, and He had been speaking between two and three hours every Friday. However, this time God was taking separation to another level, which was and is for my good. Although my flesh is still feeling a little insecure at times. But in my heart I know it is the right thing, and I keep reminding myself this is a good thing.

For the last three years Sheldon and I have met and worshiped God together, and during those times I have learned many things, some of it I have shared with you, such as knowing the Father's heart, the Kingdom of God, and who we are in Christ. God has also shown me some of my future. All these things will continue to increase for God's sons and daughters. Yet, for David and I there will be no more Friday meetings.

That same day, Sheldon also said that I should trash my CD copies of our Friday worships meetings and not depend on them, but learn to hear God for myself. I wasn't totally surprised about us separating, I knew it would eventually happen, maybe a little sooner than I would have preferred. However, the CD's was another story. I had about forty with about 100 hours of prophecies. There where incredible revelations on them worth hearing again and again, plus I had wanted to give them to my grandson, Joshua, whom God has called to be a prophet also. It would have been something for him to have heard David's "conversation prophecies" and our prayers. But that won't be happening now, because I trashed them all as soon as I got home. If I had hesitated too long I believe I would have been focusing on other reasons to keep them. This was one of the most painful sacrifices I every made. 

Sheldon still has his own copies and maybe someday others will still get to hear them. I also believed I was to dumped my personal journals for the past twenty years along with the CD's. The past is the past and all things become new and so a new beginning starts for me. It's time for change and move with the cloud. When God closes one door, He will always open another, but we usually have to close the other door first. That take faith and so I've obeyed.

We must depend on God, and God alone. In fact that's what God want and expects of all His sons and daughters to eventually do. It's just like being a young eagle when it ready to leaves its parent's nest built high on a cliff or tree. It's a leap of faith. The eagle learns to fly the moment it leaves the nest never to return to the place where it was raised and nurtured. Now the young eagle must solely depend on instincts to find its place in a world apart from its parents. So too there comes a time for us when we must leave our natural and our spiritual parents, and find our future in Christ alone. We need to trust in God and the instincts that were given to us before time, to become who we really are. All the anointing and authority that the Heavenly Father has given us will kick-in by faith. Now we must depend on the Heavenly Father and His awesome covenant and promises with Abraham.

These kind of decisions never seem to come at a "good" time. Such is the situation for me now. But God knows best and I must trust Him and His timing. I have a lot to think and pray about. I know His voice and He will guide me. Things are rapidly changing and I want to be ready. There is still more healing and restoration that need to be done in me and my wife. The cost in following Christ has been great, but so are the rewards. The best days are ahead of us, not behind. Yet, the most important thing is to know Abba Father,  and stay in His presence.

June 15, 2011

Ribbons and Trophies

Many men and women have entered the world of competition, either in businesses, sports, or relationship in order to be recognized or considered better than someone else. Through their actions many have received certificates, plaques, trophies or colored ribbons to show for their efforts or achievements. The concept of competition began at an early age for many people and continue throughout most of their lives. Many parent and teacher encourage it, striving to achieve something in order to better oneself or to be better than someone else and win a prize, money or success in the process. Competitions is the name of the game and has become a part life and a tradition in work ethics. Many people compete to receive prizes or awards that will eventually fade, rusts, or collect dust on a shelf. (I had my ribbons too.)

There even seems to be competition in relationships, such as the battle of the sexes, or keeping up with the Jones. You also see it in the religion system and many other organizations. But one should ask themselves, Why? What is the purpose, or motive, or the long range benefit of it all?

This is understandable when one sees the world doing it, but it is disappointing when you see it within the Body of Christ. There's this discontent and striving for what others have—a spirit of competition to be better than others that drives and divides individuals. Mindsets that try to look better, feel better or appear more spiritual than others. 

However, competition is carnal, foolish and vain, and it is all out of order. There is no competition in the Kingdom of God. There is no jealousy or control or jockeying for position. If we want to be a part of the Kingdom of God, we must shed these worldly concepts. Because, we are one body and one in Christ. There is to be nothing but love and support that flows out of God's love, and the freedom to express that love. God love us just as much as He loves Jesus and He wants us to feel the same toward others. He also wants to share everything that He gave Jesus with us also. The Bible says, Jesus prayed that we become one with Him, just as the Father and He are one. (John 17:11) Wow, that's awesome! And it's the truth, there is no competition with God. His word also says, "Submit yourself one to another in the fear of God." (Ephesians 5:21) And be devoted to one another in brotherly love; giving preference to one another in honor (Romans 12:10).

If there is no competition with God. Then where did it come from? The spirit of competition was first seen in the nature of Cain, who got it from satan, who wanted to be like God. Cain was jealous because God favored Abel and his sacrifice rather than Cain and his offering. Cain wanted recognition, praise and approval, but wasn't willing to do it with the right heart to obtain it. Thus his pride and jealousy lead to resentment, and he became angry with God, but took it out on his brother, even though Abel had done nothing wrong. Cain despised God and hated his brother. Therefore, Cain decided to eliminate the competition by killing. Two wrongs never made a right. However, this time the punishment was more than just a warning and a rebuke, but banishment from the presence of God. Cain was a foolish man and yet there have been many who follow his bad examples, especially in the area of competition.

Did you notice there was never once a hint of repentance in Cain's words or actions? He was only thinking about himself when he said, "My punishment is more that I can bare... and others will try to kill me." (Genesis 4:13-14) Cain realized his future and that he had open the door to something evil, but still wasn't willing to repent. Competition's tends to focus on self, look at me and what I've accomplished. And ever since the sin of Adam, mankind has had a distorted way of thinking, and the only way that will ever be change is through repentance and having our mind renewed by the Holy Spirit.

In the movie, Chariots of Fire, we see a different example. Craig Little was running a race to please God and he was also willing to pay a price to do that. His focus was always on Christ, not winning or beating other people. It's the same kind of attitude and race the Apostle Paul talked about. Paul also ran the race set before him, and Christ was the only Prize he was looking at. However, Jesus was and still is the best example to follow.

The time will come when we will have to give an account for our actions. And I don't believe God will be impressed with any of our "trophies." What the Heavenly Father looking for, is to see Jesus in our face, words and actions. Jesus said to His disciples, "He that sees me has seen my Father." This is how we should be seen and it comes by spending time in God's presence, not from our gifts, striving or the praises of men. The time will come when we will all have to cast down our crowns (trophies) and say, "You alone are worthy, Lord." 

Note: It's never too late to start cleaning our house, our heart and our mind of the spirit of competition. This "trophies" tend to lead to idolatry. We should never seek the gods of gold, silver or bronze. However, if our focus is on honoring Christ, then sometimes we may even find ourselves exulted on national television. God loves showing off His kids and God also wants to get the Gospel message out any way He can, even on American Idol. But, the most important thing to remember is that God is love and to be recognized and known more in heavenly places.

There is nothing wrong with awards and reward for for a job well done, even God does that for His servants and sons. The Lord said to me, "The past is the past. The past was about awards (winning through trial, error and perseverance). The future is about reward, fellowshiping with that which has already been accomplished through Christ's perseverance, through Christ's Cross."

June 8, 2011

The Treasure of Covenant

" What you have stepped into is so rich, prosperous and powerful. It's too late. It's too late. Your head (satan) is crushed. The lie and the liar is exposed, and the Son is glorified to His rightful place on the thrown.

The lies are coming down... The elder son in the Prodigal Story didn't understand who he was and what he had been given. The father says, 'Don't you realize that all that I have is yours.' (Luke 15:31) No, he didn't realize that. But the younger son is now in the house and will eventually realize who he is. You know why? Because your getting it yourselves. You see your the prodigal who came back home and has been given the Father's house and been given the Father's robe and shoes of sonship and a signet ring of his Father's authority. And he has come to that place of rule—that intended place. At first he didn't know who he was. And at first you didn't know who you were, but you eventually did. He left himself out there in the pig pen, says the Lord, and he came with the Holy Spirit drawing him to his father's house. And the father exalted him. And he move him into the place of a prince and a king it says. Full sonship rights, says the Lord."

"The covenant promises is alive, says the Lord. It been true for over 4,000 plus years. And in the western world, it's pretty much a dusty old document that's in the first book of the Bible. People relegate it to the importance of the Mosaic Laws. But, you'll never believe that, not for a moment.

I will never be unfaithful to the Promise. I gave it to Abraham and his sons forever. I gave it to Jesus Christ, He is the fulfillment of the Promise, the fullness of it.  And He fully lives within you. So the Promise is fully activated in living His life through you. He will makes sure it all comes to pass. 

There is no competition in God, boys. There was no competition in the first family for all the people on the earth. Adam represented the Father, Eve the Holy Spirit and then you have Abel, who represents the Son. And then you had Cain and he represented the older brother in the story of the prodigal. And he represented satan. Remember, I said satan was a murder from the beginning. Cain was his vehicle to murder through, from the beginning. I also said, he was a liar from the beginning. It's his native language, his native tongue—he is a liar. His choice of skin was that of a serpent at the time to lie through. The first family, four people, those four people were meant to be something else. If it were not for the fall, it would of represented something completely different. It would of represented the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and the mini-member wife of the land, the sons. But it didn't happen that way. God had to shoot up 4,000 more years and then you see it happen that way. There's no competition in the Godhead. There's no competition. The Son does not feel slighted. The Father does not feel slighted."

 (portions of a prophecy by Sheldon David on  April 1, 2011)

Note: Things have shifted and changed. It's not the way it used to be. God is calling His sons and daughter to rise up and come forth from the caves and the pig troughs to their true calling and anointing. It is the Heavenly Father's pleasure to exalt His sons, those who have learn to hear His voice, to abide and wait on Him. All power, authority and blessings dwell within and upon those who embrace the treasure of the Abrahamic Covenant and Promise— full Sonship Rights.

June 1, 2011

Changing Clothes

A few months back, I saw a wonderful movie, but it was also depressing. The movie was called, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It was about the atrocities that were performed against the Jews in Germany, during World War II. The stars in the movie were two eight year old boys. One was German and the other boy was Jewish, who lived next door in a "Holding Camp," and they became friends. Near the end of the movie the German boy sheds his nice clothes and puts on a pair of dirty "pajamas," so that he would look like the Jews. He wanted to help his Jewish friend find his father who happened to disappear like so many other Jews.

The movie shows the evil that lies behind deception and the consequences for those who practice them. It also show the price of being a true friend. This story reminded me of Jesus Christ and the price He was willing to pay, when He chose to come to earth and save us. It's also something Jesus expects all His disciples to be willing to do.
" Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made [clothed] in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, God highly exalted [clothed in honor] Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name," (Philippians 2:5-9 brackets mine)
As you see, Jesus was willing to forsake the clothes of honor and glory, and take on the appearance of a sinful man. He was born naked in a stable and He died naked on a cross. Jesus also did everything that was considered human,  He laughed and cried, He knew pain and loneliness, and He also ate and drank with sinners. During His life and ministry on earth He sought to save the lost, help the poor and healed the sick. Yet, He still died a sinners death, but there was no sin found in Him. 

When we accepted God's plan for salvation, we too shed our old clothes and put on the new ones. By faith we are all baptized into His death and raised to new life and clothed in His righteousness.  Unfortunately, some people felt uncomfortable in their new clothes, because of what the enemy has said and what religion has taught them. That they didn't deserve His righteous clothes and others taught us not to expect too much from God now, because much of our reward would come after we died. Only to be reinforce by foolish songs like, I've Got a Mansion. But, God wants to clothe us now, in His robe of glory (anointing). "All that I am, all that I have and all I reveal myself to be I give to you," says the Lord.

During our lifetime, satan has tried to use the five I's —Intimidation, Imitations, Inferiority, Insecurity, and Inadequacy to keep much of the Body and Bride of Christ from raising up to her full potential. As a result many have lived in doubt and fear and unable to walk in the full authority of sonship they were meant to have. These lies have become a part of our infrastructure (false ways of thinking and believing) even wrong concepts of how we perceive God the Father. These things have kept many people in bondage or hindered our relationship with God, including me, and they need to go. We must cast them off by faith, as part of our healing and restoration, because only God can heal the damaged soul and the broken hearts. And let the Father cover us in His love and clothe us in His beautiful robe of glory. 

We need to be willing to open our ears to hear His voice and obeying just as Abraham did. To seek that city who's builder is God. That seeking is what causes God to act on our behalf in areas we are unable to deal with. Where we are weak He is stronger. Now we can walk free no longer as a slave, but as sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Heaven. Our desires and vision become one with His and we work together to bring His Kingdom to earth. 

Jesus spoke these words to His Father regarding His disciples and the lost, "I Have given them your word... They are not of this world, even as I am not of this world. Sanctify them with the truth. As you sent me into the world so have I sent them into the world... I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those who believe in Me through their word; that we may be one; even as You, Father, are one in Me and I in You, that they may be in us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me."

"The glory which You have given Me I have given them, that they may be one as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world will know that you have sent me, and love them, even as You love Me." (John 17:14-23) Wow, the day the church understands that prayer, what a different world this will be. God loves us, and the sinner, just as much as He loves Jesus.  

We should understand that we too are the prodigal sons, that must return home to the Heavenly Father. Where He strip us of our old dirty clothes and then clothe us in His glory, power (authority) and anointing. He's giving us His robe, a signet ring and shoes, and live in His house. The Heavenly Father is are glorious Mansion. This is true sonship. Then we can go out and be who we really are—the sons and daughters of God. (This process often takes time, but the quicker we grasp this truth, the shorter that time may take.) Then we can be used in His time and way to bring forth healing and restoration to a lost and hurting world. Because, we will have learned through experience, what it truly means to be a fathered by God. To be the Father's son will cost us everything, just as it did Jesus. When we abide in Him and accept His love then we will be exalted in our new clothes when the time is right, just as Jesus was and is exalted.

Note: Things are changing  fast and I have shared some personal secret from God about our lives that may have been difficult for some people to understand and maybe I should not have shared them at all. But, I just wanted you realize that the Heavenly Father is interested in every aspect of our lives, and has a plan for our future. He also desires to talk with everyone who is really hungry for Him, honest, patient, and willing to sacrifice everything if necessary—everything. I've also come to realize that I need to spend more time abiding with Him and so for now on I will be posting only one article a week—Lord willing. I've enjoyed sharing with you, but I must spend more time with my lover of my soul.