People who live without God in their life are living an illusion. Pretending they are in control of their lives and destinies. They believe they don't need God, or if there even is a God. And if there is a God, he may or may not help people, because that is just the way they see him.
Because of the fall of mankind, our hearts were harden towards God and so was our way of thinking. Mans tendency has always been to satisfy his own wants rather than the will of God. Therefore, God allowed us to believe a lie in hopes that we would eventually see our need for a savior. Some have, but many more have not. To think that all is well without God is an illusion and a deception of the enemy that keeps our minds veiled from the truth, like a magician's black cloak. Satan is the master of deceptions and illusions. Everything he says is a lie. (John 8:44)
Sad to say, many Christian think the same way, that just because they go to church and occasionally read their Bible they are OK with God. Others even try to give the impression that they are better than others because of their religious believes or activities. We have all fallen short of the Glory of God (Roman 3:23). That Gift and Glory is Jesus Christ. (John 3:16 and Romans 6:23).
Jesus Christ was the only one who walked on earth who was not deceived by the lies of satan (Is.53:9) The more closely we follow His example, of doing only what He sees the Father doing and saying only what He hears the Father saying, then we also will be less deceived ourselves. And people will want to hear and listen to what we say because we walk in God's love and authority just as Jesus did.