January 30, 2012

Follow That Dream

Lately, I've been thinking about my future and the awesome dream to reach the nations. In the process certain songs came to mind, and one of them was Follow that Dream, an old Elvis Presley song. He sang it in a movie by the same name. It was a great song and movie, at least for Elvis' fans. Elvis was a man in search of a dream, even though many people though he was living it. I believe he was a man who was torment by what he had become verse what he really wanted out of life. One of Elvis' favorite past times was singing Gospel music with friends. He also made a few Gospel Albums and sometimes at the end of other albums he added a favorite Hymn. There was a time at one of his live performances where a fan shouted out, "You're the king, Elvis," and his immediate response was, "No I'm not, Jesus Christ is King." Wow, I don't know, but I would like to believe that Elvis finally found Christ before the end of his vain life just like King Solomon. Maybe that is why he named his home Graceland, because that is what we all depend on, isn't it.

A while back I wrote an article on suicide, and as I stated then, don't believe suicide is the unpardonable sin. Too often people start out living a dream and in a short time it becomes a nightmare or a trap that seems to spiral down and out of control unless they get some help before it's too late. They made the mistake that many others have; seeking that which is only temporal instead of that which is eternal. In order to change that one must come to have a personal relationship or contact with Jesus Christ, even if it's in their final hours, just as the thief on the cross did with, "Lord, remember me..." Then hopefully they will be able to pursue the dream that the Heavenly Father had for them, if there is still some time. And so this song came to my mind, Follow that Dream.
"When your heart gets restless, time to move along
When your heart gets weary, time to sing a song
But when a dream is calling you,
There's just one thing that you can do

Well, you gotta follow that dream wherever that dream may lead
You gotta follow that dream to find the love you need."

However, the love you'll need will never be fulfilled in a women or a man alone, but in Jesus Christ. Yet they can be very helpful in that pursuit of God's dream if that is His will for you. Anyway, several years later, Elvis also sang another awesome song, The Impossible Dream, at Madison Square Garden. Elvis Presley was one of nearly a hundred other artist who recorded this great song over the years. It was composed by Mitch Leigh for the movie Man of La Mancha, and the lyric were written by Joe Darion.
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the un-rightable wrong
To be better far than you are
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless,
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will be peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

And the world would be better for this
That one man scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star
Abraham became such a man when God told him to dream by looking to the night sky and counting the stars. (Genesis 15:5) He was also a man in search of a city whose founder and builder was God. (Hebrews 11:10) 

The apostle Paul was also such a man who ran the race in order to receive the prize, Jesus Christ the Morning Star. (2 Peter 1:19) He said, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous Judge, will award unto me on that day." (2 Timothy 4:7 to 8) God has given everyone of us a dream to pursue. 
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
An awesome song, so listen to the the whole song.

January 23, 2012

Cowboys and Aliens

Over the years, I have seen God's grace and efforts come in many forms to reach the lost, and lately I have seen it again through the means of Hollywood. God will use whatever he can to reveal His heart for His children. Last night I saw it in the unique movie called Cowboys and Aliens. The heavenly Father's heart came through a simple message from an old country preacher who gave his life to help others while fighting the forces of evil. In this wild movie the evil forces are aliens and they are referred to as "demons." These demons have flying machines and weapons never seen before by these folks from the little town of Redemption. They are afraid and yet they also know they must face and fight this enemy or the world will be lost. And so the old west is confronted by a new enemy in which they have never seen the likes before. All the people, both young and old and from various beliefs and backgrounds are forced to come together to fight an uncommon enemy instead of each other. Working together they manage to overcome great obstacles including their differences, fears and flaws; and ultimately see the good in each other. In the end evil is defeated by their determination and willingness to sacrifice for the sake of others and those they love. Although this movie wasn't a great blockbuster, I see the message from the old preacher as the real "gold nugget" not the gold for which some men or even these aliens deemed worthy of killing for.

The country preacher gave one scared man some very sound advice. This man had questions his faith in a God, and if God really cared or want to help him. So the old preacher kindly told the fearful man, "You can't expect God to do everything for you...You got to earn* His presence. Then you got to recognize it and then you have to act on it." Wow, ain't that the truth! And then later the preacher, in his dying breath, tells the main character who is wanted by the law, "God don't care who you were, son...Only who you are." Again this is the message God has for all His children in this broken world we live in. Right! Plus, when we know who the real enemy is, it's a lot easier to love and help each other.

Note: In this movie, as in many others, God's name is blasphemed by some characters, yet God's grace is still there. However, someday they will all come to know Him and honor His holy name also.

* "To earn" God's presence—one should yield and wait on the Lord. The gift of salvation is free, but our participation and obedience is still required.

January 16, 2012

Moving In

There are many people who have been moving because of the poor economy these past few years. Many have lost their jobs, houses, cars and had to move to a smaller house or apartment, as well as ride the bus, bike or walk. Some people even became homeless with no place to go. Others have  moved back into their parent's home for shelter and to save money. Still others moved in together, because they just want to be close to those they love.

One night Lord said, He's moving in and taking the second floor of the house, because we now share one house, one dream and one vision. He also says, He has fired all the old helpers and brought His own. We are also welcome to use the stairs and visit Him any time. To explain and understand it all will take time, but He's not in a hurry. He just wants to be close by and watch us be who we really are—His sons and friends. We don't have to be anyone special, just be who we are.

This concept that has been lost for nearly seventeen hundred years. But its making a comeback. Many people have gotten so used to doing and believing what others have to the point that they don't really know what it's like to be loved and free. But it is the desire of the Heavenly Father's heart to be that way. Yet, it will take time to share it with others. However, what I can say is a change is coming and things are not going to be the same as usual. When the Divine comes to earth things change. It did when Jesus came, and it will when the Abba Father comes.

 (Here is a past prophecy that is worth repeating.)

"The love of Christ is your savior. It is He who laid down His life for you, so you can be restored to the cool of the day with Him. And if for nothing else, tonight is the cool of the day for us. As you're leaning on the presence of Yahweh, you're leaning on the heart of Jesus, the heart of Christ. And you're hearing My heart. I love you—with all your failures—oh prodigal son. With all your failures, griefs and BS, I have loved you with an everlasting love."

"And I have watched over you even in your darkest days, I was watching. I kept the arrows from entering you, because I have always been your shield. And I have always been your very exceedingly great reward. I love you in the heaven and I have loved you on earth, and I will love you forever."

"I will squeeze the puss out of you. And I will heal the wounds behind it all. And I will set my children free. Everyone being drawn to me in love. There is none that I will not accept, not one. I came to set every victim free. I came to deliver and heal people who are not Christian, because Jesus never ministered to one Christian person in His three and a half years. And He set a lot of people free. And He is setting you free. I'm reorganizing your thoughts. I'm breaking old patterns. I'm letting you know that love is going to be the answer for it all. I know it sound like a Celine Dion song, that the love of Christ is the power and the love of Christ is authority."

"The love of Christ will break every chain of the devil, it really will. The blood has already been shed. The three words—it didn't take Jesus a catalog of theological books to say it. He said it all in three words, "It is finished." And if you were less intelligent that you are David, and you had a small vocabulary and you didn't have much knowledge of the Bible. If all you had was the understanding that Jesus loves you, 'this I know' and that Jesus said, 'It is finished.' You would have enough to set nations of people free for me."

( a portion of a prophecy spoken by David in our meeting on Jan. 28, 2011)

Note: Jesus said, "It is not those who are healthy that need a physician, but the sick...For I did not come to call the righteous [Christians], but sinners." (Matthew 9:12-13 bracket mine)

January 9, 2012


Last week I watched an old favorite movie of mine, Field of Dreams, starring Kevin Costner. You've probably seen it also. I've watch it many times. It's a great movie and has three great spiritual truths in it, at least to me. These truths come from a voice to an Iowa farmer named Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner), and he is inspired to act on this voice he cannot ignore.

Everyone should have a dream they loved to see fulfilled. But there is usually a catch to seeing that happen as you saw in the movie. One is that many people will think you're crazy, especially if you told them you heard a voice, or God gave you a dream and/or spoke to you. The other thing is it will cost you greatly, sometimes everything. But the reward is worth it, even though you may not know what it is at the time.

The main character, Ray, hears three messages from this voice. First one is, "If you build it, he will come." This statement puzzles the farmer, because Ray doesn't know what to build or who "he" is that will come. The same applies for us. God does require us to do something. Sometimes we think we know what God intend for us, only to be surprised in the end by something totally different. Then Ray finally sees a vision of a baseball field in the middle of his corn field, and now believes he knows what he must do, yet it seems totally illogical to him and his friends will think he's crazy. But he builds it anyway despite the mocking and the possibility of even losing his farm. However, the one thing Ray has going for him is that his wife and daughter love and supports him, even though they have not heard "the voice." Along the way Ray meet another man, Terence Mann. He represents to me, an "old prophet," that no one want to hear from anymore or take his advice. Together they pursue the impossible and see their dreams fulfilled. We too must get a vision and believe in the impossible if we want to see incredible dreams come true.

As always, God requires his sons to do something, just as it was for Noah, Abraham and all the other men and women of faith. We can't just stand around and do nothing. God has a plan or dream for each of His sons and daughters to start, build and fulfill that will also help the generations to come.  It's not about us or "what's in it for me" as Ray had to learn at the end of the movie. We too must learn that God is not looking for us to do something physical only, but as for the spiritual. Things that are physical are only temporary, but the spiritual ones are for eternity. It starts by taking simple steps of faith. This is important to keep in mind when you pursue a dream. The Kingdom of God is not built by foolish step or from hay, wood or even metals, but from the lives and souls of God's children. Yet, often these steps will appear foolish to the world and the religious people.

The next time the voice speaks it says, "Ease his pain." Again the farmer was confused as to whose pain and how he is to do it. As we look around this world today and in our own community or family we see a lot of people who are in pain and suffering, both physically, emotionally and spiritually. And we would like to help, but often feel overwhelmed or powerless to do anything. Yet, there is someone else who is also hurting even more and that is the Heavenly Father. Yes, that's right; God is hurting like any good parent would. He sees all his creation suffering from sin,  especially His children, and He is waiting for them to come home and be restored. And to make matters worse many tend to blame Him for their troubles or they just chose to ignore Him or pursuing someone or something else. God does have feeling even if He is a spirit. How can we ease His pain? Simple, just ask Abba Father what we can do and then do what He says. That is the best way to please Him and help ease His pain. It will also bring us a peace and joy that the world can't give.

The third and the final statement is, "Go the distance." This is the real test for most people. A lot of them can start a race, but few will finish it. You've heard all the excuses, but the prize still goes only to those who finish the race. The more successful runners (dreamers) in the Kingdom of God are those who usually have developed a more disciplines life, pay a price and have kept their eyes on Jesus Christ, the prize. 

At the end of the movie Ray finally sees and understands who was the real recipient of all his efforts, it was his father. The dream Ray thought was lost due to his guilt and shame for things he had said an done, because he misunderstood the his father. So it is with us when we come to the end of ourselves and finally see Him face to face. There will be no guilt or shame. There is nothing, but the Fathers embrace and His delight as we walk, talk and play "catch" with Him in the cool of the day. God wants to build within each of us this place (a relationship) and a dream that we can share together.

A final note: Several times throughout the movie people ask Ray, "Is this heaven?", because they are so happy. Ray just  laughs and then replies, "No, this is Iowa." The truth— heaven is found in the glory of the Heavenly Father and walking in His perfect will. This is where you will find and experience your dream—knowing what it's like to be a true son. And lastly, there is also a statement made at the end of the movie about baseball, and my response to that is, there is really only one constant over the years and throughout the ages, and it's not baseball, it's the love of the Heavenly Father (Jesus Christ) and the Kingdom of God.

January 3, 2012


The year 2012 is not going to be the end of the world, as some men have predicted, but it will be the beginning of a mighty move of God's incredible love, grace and power on earth. For over a year the Heavenly Father has been talking to us a lot about grace. Although His grace has always been here, yet it will come forth in a degree or level never seen before. The sons of God are going to demonstrate His love, power and authority that will change the way the world thinks, acts and becomes.

In the past we had the visitation of Jesus Christ the Son, Pentecost and the Holy Spirit movement and now we're going to see the visitation of the Heavenly Father. Something that has never been done before. The Lord said, that He would be going into the gay community, prostitution rings, the gang members, the drug culture, even the occults and people who have had multiple sex partners into the hundreds—looking for His lost sheep in the year 2012. Wow, I have been praying for this to happen for many years, and I'm excited to see that it's finally coming to pass.

There's a hurting world out there and the only way we can help them is if we embrace them with the arms of the Heavenly Father. We are all saved by the grace of God. No one sin is really worse than another in God's eyes. Only foolish people bound by religion and unforgiveness would think otherwise. We also need to pray for their deliverance too and declare freedom to a lost, hurting and deceived world.
Sin is sin. We all do it and more often than we realize. God knows our every thought (Ps. 139:2). And that the heart of man is desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9). Jesus even said, that if you looked upon a women with lust, you have committed adultery. Oops! Or if you hated someone, that it was the same as murder. Wow, I think were all guilty, right? Only a fool or self-righteous person would think their better than another person. Yet, the Heaven Father loves us all and is planning on demonstrate that love to a broken world. I'm working with The Father to help restore it. I believe that's your desire also. Amen!

God is raising up spiritual son and daughters to complete the visions of the Kingdom of God that He has given you, me and future generations. I know who I am and nothing can change or stop that, the same wholes true for you. We are to prophecy and write the future, because we are God's of sons, who hear His voice and know the Father's heart. All of this happens not because of anything we've done, but because of His amazing grace and love for us. All we have done is chosen to agree with Him and be lead by His Spirit. Right?

Have a great new year as God reveals more of Himself to you. 2012 will be the year of Resurrection. We will see things come back to life we once thought were dead (such as hopes, dreams, and a "lost generation"). There will continue to be overturn, and politics in the USA will never be the same, and the judicial system will be cleansed. The medical system will not be able to compete with the power of God. The physical and spiritually dead will rise up, and the Annais's and Sapphira's will fall, including the democratic party.

This will be the greatest decade the world has ever seen, with miracles, signs and wonders. We are entering an Era of Incredible Grace, with God doing things like nothing we've ever seen or read before, even in Biblical time. "God greatest miracles are yet to come," says the Lord. And its will all happen, because of the visitation of The Heavenly Father, on planet Earth.

May God bless you, and increase your visions and fulfill your dreams. Have a blessed and prosperous new year in Christ.