February 24, 2014

The Power of Love

“Son, let love be your guide. Through the mappings of your life, let love direct your gaze. What better place has been given you than to love with Christ’s love and eat from His forever table? Abundance awaits you in Christ. This is love’s invitation: “Come!”


The Power of Love

“A person who loves God purely cannot be deceived. A person who loves God freely cannot be chained.”

“To make oneself a bond-slave to love is to experience freedom from the mastery of sin.”

“Love crushes the adversary, exposing his intent.”

“David was a mighty warrior, because of his love. Love is God’s Champion.”

“All heaven battles are the results of covenant-love violation.”

“Love is a battle, a thrust of a sword, the Living Word, the heart of the Lord. Love heals wounds received in ancient battles.”

 “God’s love is an overcoming Spirit; loves always overcomes!”

“Where love is, freedom is. Chains fall off in the presence of love.”

“Those who are bound to God in covenant love are the most liberated people on earth.”—Sheldon David

February 17, 2014

Love in Action

“To love God is to hate the world; to love the world is to hate God.”

“Love is offensive to those who are bitter and angry. Love is reconciliations to those who are humble.”

“Pride never creates love, but only punishment.”

“God’s love overlooks immaturity, yet judges seasoned rebels.”

“Love is kind to those who are lost; love is ruthless to those who rebel.”

“Those who hate are exposed as fools in the presence of those who love.”

“God is the one who releases the flow of love. He is also the one who seals contaminated wells.”

“Where mankind is involved, defilement is seen. Love breaks through human defilement.”

“God’s love in the heart can never be removed, only disregarded.” 

“Baptism into God’s love causes single-mindedness. There is no double-mindedness in love.”

“To love righteousness is to hate wickedness. Love is aggressive against sin and aggressive toward righteousness.”

“God’s love and the world’s love are two different forms of love. God uses the first to bring down the second.”

“Let God interpret love, not modern society. God’s love can appear too harsh to some, and too lenient to others.”—Sheldon David.

February 10, 2014

Love Sacrifies

Those who know God’s love also know His humiliation. Life and death are like day and night—one follows the other.

To love is to empty one’s life for another. The cross of Jesus Christ was God’s desperate message of love.

To know God’s love is to experience Jesus experiences—His death, burial and resurrection.

Love can rejoice in the midst of suffering—it sees through the veil.

Wisdom is love that can see the future.

Love can never be killed; it resurrects in three days.

If a man has not experienced death, he has not experienced love. The death to self-nature is the open door to love.—Sheldon David.

February 3, 2014

Changing History

Well the Seattle Seahawks football team finally won a Super Bowl Game. It took a long time and a lot of hard work, patience and sacrifice. The new quarterback made a hug different, but it was still a team effort to get the victory and make history. Each player had his part in it, some bigger than others, but they all now have a Super Bowl ring to wear. And a trophy that the owners, players and the sport fans in the Northwest will savor for a long time, along with an incredible victory that will go down in the record books. Many will never forget that game and others will want to. But will it have any real lasting value or effect on eternity—probably not.

The Northwest has been blessed in many ways; both naturally and spiritually. However, the game of life is more than beautiful scenery, industries, computer giants, money, sports, souvenirs, parades or anything else. It’s all about The Father, and His sons who are changing history for the Kingdom of God, not just making it.

The patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph never wrote a book, yet their lives and actions changed history for eternity. And for them we can be grateful. We also have the privilege to read about them and see their faith in action; we also saw their mistakes. Yet, none of these men preformed a single miracle, but their lives were a miracle, and a blessing that is recorded in the chronicles of heaven, less their mistakes, because God does record our mistakes or failures. The Heavenly Father looked only at the heart of Hid children and their faith towards Him. However, the real story and glory goes to Jesus Christ, because without Him all efforts would be in vain.

There are other men and women throughout history who have changed history for the Kingdom of God. Some of them we are able to read about and others we may never know, but God does. But with each of these individuals sacrifices were involved that many other would not have made. Their freedom and recognitions came with a price; the same goes for God’s sons today. Jesus was the freest man to walk the face of the earth and look what it cost Him, but it essentially changed all history for eternity. Christ is the soul inspiration for all of Gods children and we must learn more from Him. 

Things are changing in Mexico as I walk the streets. I see more people coming to me and asking for prayer for them or those in their families, and I’m seeing lives changed also. This is exciting, and an answer to my prayers. However, at this time I also believe I need to take a break from posting new blog articles. Maybe in a month or two I’ll have something God wants me to share; we’ll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, I will post scriptures and pages some pages from Sheldon book on "God's Love." I pray you are also changing history. Thank you for your prayers and support. 

I close with this prophecy from Sheldon David;

A New Day

My children are beginning to know the birth pangs of a New Day. I am the Day, declares the Lord. The gods of this age are reeling, loudly and tenaciously reeling. Because that DAY is close at hand: NIGHT IS FALLING!

A birthing is upon My people. The order to be born will not be the same as before. Many who were born is the past moves of God will be passed over in this great delivery. Many in the old order will attempt to keep people following the traditional way, yet I have aborted that way, declares the Lord. The trust upon My new people is to reform the Church; this will be done through a seemingly rebellious nature that tears and shreds false covenants and mindsets. Yet these people are not rebellious; they are holy. They will not TRY to convert everyone to their way, yet they do have a solidly stated and heartfelt passion to be faithful to their Lord. In this passion they will disregard the prized teachings of many prestigious elders, becoming a new path to follow. This order will appear to be the enemy of the Church, but will be My friend and ally whom I have anointed to tear down worldliness in My House. Their mission will continue until Jesus Christ is seen as Priest and King within His Church.

God's Love

“Love is found in every messenger from God. Love is at the core of every message from God.”

“God judges everything from a holy standard. The Church of Jesus Christ also judges from the same standard. Where love has become the standard, old standards become obsolete. Jesus is God’s Standard of Love.”

“Religion is a lust that seeks to imitate love.”

“God is jealous over His House. He sometimes brings division for a purer form of devotion, a purer form of faith. Love separates before it unifies.”

“God’s love is God’s unity. Love is the garment Christians wear; unity is love’s garment shared.”

“Love is not possessive; it is willing to let go. Love allows people the freedom to leave.”—Sheldon David