May 27, 2014

A Thief in the Night

One night after watching a movie on my laptop I took a walk, the Lord started talking to me. He told me He was “coming like a thief in the night. Just as the scripture says, however it will even be a surprise to those who are expecting Me. I’m taking back what belonged to Me and setting My people free. Just as Jesus told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the coming promise of the Holy Spirit. They were all waiting and expecting, but when the Holy Spirit came it was still a surprise to them. Most Christians today don’t know the kind of freedom I intend for them to have, because their minds are still too limited and bound by many lies and false beliefs. But, I intends to expose the lies and break those chains.”

As I continued to walk I thought more about this Thief, and what He said. I know in my own life at times there are still some doubts and fears that the enemy tries to use to try and get me off track or question what am I doing here, or where are all of God’s promises. Sometimes I hesitate to do certain things, other times it may be about some sin, or living up to other's expections and spiritual levels, maybe even my own unworthiness. I don’t like having to waste time dealing with those kinds of thoughts. I am what I am by the grace of God, and I am still learning. However, the only thing the Father has asked of me, is to abide with Him and He will get me where I need to be.
The visitation of the Thief in the Night will be a bonus for everyone,  but not for the enemy. It will be like nothing we have ever known or seen before; God's love and power displayed all over the earth. All God's children will eventually know a freedom and restorations they have never experienced before. Freedom, maybe like what Adam had before the fall in the Garden; where we can walk in and between the natural and the spiritual realms. That's where I'm heading.

Anyway, a little later that same night, I met a young American man next to a hot dog stand. He stopped me to ask where he could get something to eat, besides a hot dog. It was after 10pm and all the other restaurants and food stands were closed. So I said this looks like your only choice. We talked for awhile and I learned he was from Montana. I told him where I was from and that my family was still there, and he knew that area of Washington. I mentioned how long I had been in Mexico and what I was doing. So he asked if I was a Christian, and I said, “Yes, and that is why God sent me here.” Then he asked, “Do you believe, that if I don’t believe in Jesus that I’m going to hell?” I paused and then answered, “We all have a choice.” Then he replied, “So you believe that all the Muslims, Hindus’ and Buddhist are also going to hell? Again I said, “They all have a choice, and God still loved them. But, even if you or they may don't believe in Jesus now, that can change.” Then I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder. He jerked like I had just shocked him or placed a curse on him, but it was just the opposite. It was probably a reacting to God's presence, because I just marked him for God. I did not believe our meeting was an accident, so before I left I bless him and walked away. I looked back and saw him ordered a hot dog that he didn’t want to have before. Just goes to show people can change their minds, even God, just as simple as that.
As I walked away, I asked God to reveal Himself to that young man and set him free. I also declared again that God is coming to set all His children free, including those bound by false religious beliefs. Before I got to my house I saw another man sitting at a bus stop. He was Spanish, and could speak English quite well, but he also had the smell of alcohol on his breath. I sat and we talked for a bit, but the enemy was busy trying to plant fears in my mind again, but I chose to ignored them and gave the man God's love and blessing, plus a piece of candy. Then continued home, thanking God for that night and being His messenger of love and grace. I know this all sound too simple to some people, but I believe God can do a better job of changing hearts than I can. I also realized how badly we all need freedom; true Freedom that only the Thief in the Night can give.

May 20, 2014

Making Tracks

It seemed like I have always believed God could do anything. Ever since I was a little boy and heard stories from the Bible of miracles, sign and wonders that God did for the children of Israel and those of Jesus and His disciples; I wanted to see those things happen too. When I became a new believer, I watch Christian television and read books of incredible miracles done through the hands of common men and women who believed God’s Word. Since then, I have even seen many miracles in my own life; including healing, health issues and provisions of all kinds. But, when I left my home in Washington and started this journey with God to Mexico, I believed there was nothing He could not do, and I still do. A couple years ago, the Lord told me that I thought to small, and that I was to think much bigger, regardless of whether I see the results or not. It was up to Him to honor my words of faith, and in His time not mine. Jesus told Thomas, “Bless are those who believe and have not seen.”

Today we still must believe; to see the impossible we must believe the impossible no matter how illogical or crazy it seems or how long it may take. That’s what faith is all about. Right?

Jesus said, “I am the branch and you are the vines.” He is also the River of Life and constant flow of water that nourish our soul, and He is also the Light of the world and anointing oil that brings light and life to this dark and lifeless world though us. We access this by faith (John 7:38). Christ is also the Treasure Chest beyond the veil, who has opened up Himself for us to have access to whatever we need, both physical, natural and spiritual. There is nothing we can't have or do, it is His gift to us, and it come being in His presence and waiting on Him.

The anointing that God places upon His sons and daughter is beyond human understanding. We have been born into a realm that is not of this world, a new creation that is to operate with and in Christ's power, love and authority. What Christ accomplished on the cross, gave us access to a whole new world. We are going where no man has gone before, and are to see with His eyes of things that are and are to come. The oil of Jesus is flowing over us and leaving a trail wherever we go. God intend for it to flows from our head to our feet, and from our words, our actions, our giving and even our money; just like the Apostle Paul's handkerchiefs touching peoples lives, thus restoring hearts and souls for the Kingdom of God for generations to come. We are drawing life-changing oil and power from Emanuel’s veins a never ending supplies to give glory to God, and to reach a lost and broken world as we abide in His presence.

“The Psalmist give a beautiful picture of this. Scriptures literally tell us that the tracks of His chariot will drip with the fatness! Not just the chariot, or the chariot wheels, but the tracks you leave on the ground behind you because of the overflow of the favor and the ability of the Holy Spirit inside of you.”--John Crowder

“...where thy feet have past, the streams of plenty flow.” (Psalms 65:11, KNOX)

“...your paths overflow with a rich harvest,”(Ps. 65:11 NAB)

“Thy footsteps are dripping with riches.” (Ps. 65:11 DEW)

I believe this why God compelled me to walk the streets and beaches of this area of Mexico, and prophesy His words preparing the way for a mighty move of God. Even when I was back in Tucson, Arizona a few weeks ago there is an area I have walked many times, because I have to renew my tourist visa at the border every six months and I usually needed to do or get some things requiring me to go to Tucson. I believe this is also part of God's plan, and we will see a mighty move of God in that city too. God is creating spiritual hotspot around the world, because the sons and daughters of God have been preparing the way and the anointing their life is leaving tracks wherever they go. We will also see awesome miracles too because of this anointing. But others will come to help with the harvest of souls, and will be accompanied by signs, wonders and miracles in order to see the whole earth fulfilled with the Glory of God.

May 13, 2014

A New Home

Two of  the children were still in the house in the upper right hand corner.

A couple months ago I told you about some money I gave to help a poor family as part of a Mormon's house building program, that was wanting to build a new home for this family. They lived in a 12’x12’ shack with a dirt floor, and had seven children. The man had a regular job as a brick mason, but could not afford to improve his living quarters. So the Mormon church, Church of the Latter Day Saints as Palir says they prefer to be call, offered to buy the materials and provide labors to do some of the work, but the man also had to help in the construction in his spare time. This program and other humanitarian outreach programs has helped make the Mormon religion one of the fastest growing in the world. Unfortunately, most of the emphasis is on the natural rather than the spiritual. But that is about to change as people realize a greater need to satisfy the longing of their soul. On the money I gave them I made a declaration to see that happen for this family and for all religions.

A few week later, Pilar asked me if I want to go see that family and the progress that was done so far. When we got to Guaymas, we past a number of very nice tract homes at the beginning of one of the developments, but as we drove further back in, the quality changed. The lots got smaller and there was no running water or power to the land, just dirt roads that divided sections of land to be built on and not many homes were there. The water and power would come later when more homes were built. Residents and owners had to use generators if they wanted power and storage tanks for water that had to be trucked in.

When we got to their home-site, the family was there and greeted us. Palir explained who I was and that I had help them with some money. They were all very kind and friendly, but spoke no English. The husband had already built one wall and they were proud of the progress made so far and very happy for all the help they would still be getting. Palir talked more with them and I listened and took pictures. Before we left, I hugged and bless them all and gave they more money. Whenever possible, I enjoy the personal touch when reaching out to help others.

Then last week I saw another miracle. I had gone out to get a hot dog at the restaurant that gives me free meals, and when I got there they had live music. I was hesitant to join, but when they saw me they motioned for me to come. There were over twenty people, and many of them I had met before. It turned out to be a birthday party for one of their friends. While I was there, I got to see Ana's father again who is 90 years old and was sitting in a chair. He had a bad leg that I had prayed for the last time we met. He gave me a very big hug as I bent over to greeted him. Ana (she owns the restaurant) told me that his leg was much better, but that it still hurt some. I noticed he still had his walking cane next to him. So I put my hand on his leg and prayed for complete restoration. He thanked me again and then I went and greeted a few more friends; before I sat at the counter to get a hot dog. They also gave me a slice of cake and a bottle of Sprite to drink. As I ate, I watched the people dancing to the music playing. Only a few minutes had past before the old man got up and started dancing with two young ladies that he had been talking to. I was amazed how long he danced. He finally sat down, because he was getting tired, but after a brief rest he was up and dancing again with the same two ladies. I was very grateful to see God's grace working in people's lives no matter how old they were. Then another men dragged me out into the dance area and encouraged me to dance with the others. And so I danced to the music for a little while, but when you haven't done this in a long time, I felt a little awkward, so I sat back down. Anyway it was an awesome night and I rejoiced as I walked back home. I also felt very blessed to have such friends as these. God answers prayer and things are getting better everyday... and someday we will all have a new and glorious home to live in.

May 6, 2014

A Thousand Wives

"Now King Solomon loved many foreign women along with the daughter of Pharaoh: Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women, from the nations concerning which the Lord had said to the sons of Israel, ”You shall not associate with them, nor shall they associate with you, for they will surely turn your heart away after their gods.” Solomon held fast to these in love. He had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines, and his wives turned his heart away. For when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away after other gods; and his was not wholly devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been."

"Now the Lord was anger with Solomon, because his heart was turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice, and commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods, but he did not observe what the Lord had commanded." (1 Kings 11: 1-4, 9-11)

From this passage of scripture, we must understand that God's anger was not with Solomon having many wives, but that he went after other gods. However, most people seem to take issue with him having many wives, because they tend to look at the law and sin, whereas God looks at the heart and relationship.

In the beginning of Solomon's reign, the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Ask what you wish of me to give you.” (1Kings 3:3) So Solomon requested an “understanding heart to judge Your people and discern between good and evil.” This please the Lord so He granted Solomon’s request and he was also encouraged to follow in the footsteps of his father David. The Lord also gave him more than he asked for, including great wealth an honor. Solomon would be like no other king, wiser than any man before him or after his reign. People from all over the world came to see and pay tribute to him and to the Nation of Israel.

Wow, that would have been quite an epitaph if that was the way it had ended for him, but it didn't as we all know. So two questions come to my mind; if Solomon was so wise, why did he choose to have so many wives and concubines? A total of one thousand women in his household, 1-0-0-0, thinking about that boggles the mind. Not to mention how offensive it would be to most women, even back then. There is no record of any women turning him down, but then he was the king after all. And secondly, why did he go after their gods?

In answering the first question, we must understand that from time to time there were exemptions to the laws, rules and regulations established by God that the Lord granted to holy men, those set apart by God. For example: Only priests were to make sacrifices for the people and yet prophets and King David did, as well as son, Solomon.

Another example was that men were not to have long hair. Yet a number of prophets did, as well as Samson because of a Nasserite vow. However, in Samson case, God also planned for him to marry a foreign wife (Judges 14:4) which his parents didn't realize or approve. In other situations; the bread in the tabernacle was only for priest and yet David and his men ate it when they were hungry. Jacob had two wives and two concubines. King David had fifteen wives. However, there was never any number as to how many wives a man could have, just not to have “many” wives.

In that time period it was not uncommon for certain men to have more than one wife. However, in most cases one is enough, and it was the example God set in the beginning with Adam and Eve. Plus, it is now a law in most countries.

The Pharisees were always accusing Jesus of breaking the laws. But Jesus came to do away with the Law, old ones as well as new ones found in the New Testament. They were not the standard that He Himself would be. He became the New Covenant, one based on faith and love.

God knows the heart of everyone, even before they are born; just as He knew Jacob and Esau’s heart. God chose Saul to be the first king of Israel and look what happened to him. He also chose David, and knew what would happen with Bathsheba. God also knew what King Solomon would do and yet He chose him too. Sure there were some disappointments, but it also demonstrated the awesomeness of God's grace, that we too live in.

So back to my question; why did Solomon, as wise as he was, marry so many women, plus all those concubines as well? I personally don’t think it had to do with his hormones being out of control, but maybe they were. There are reasons behind every action, and sometimes they are inspired by God.

There are two or more possibilities; first, in part of Solomon’s dedication prayer of the Temple, he also desired for foreigners to come to know the one true God of Israel (1 Kings 8:41-43). Maybe he thought many marriages he could accomplish that, especially after seeing all that the Lord had done for him and His chosen people. His wives would in turn would be an influence to their home country. Unfortunately, these marriages back-fired on him, and he was the one that was influenced, not his wives.

A second possibility is that it was a way to secure peace. King David was a national hero who brought peace throughout the land, and King Solomon wanted to secure that peace forever, even though it had been promised by God, if he obeyed all Yahweh's laws and commandments. Maybe he thought God needed his help, thus he married the daughters of foreign kings. His first marriage with Pharaoh's daughter was for a peace alliance, so why not more, a whole lot more. But this type of marriage can also have its problems as well as dangers that God had warned the children of Israel. But maybe Solomon felt he was too wise to fall for those gods, but eventually he learned it the hard way, despite the“good intentions” he may have had. As wise as he was, he probably never dreamed he would bow his knees to other gods. So much for all that wisdom to discern from good and evil. As they say, “pride comes before the fall.”

There is also another possibility, maybe God wanted him to have that many wives and He use Solomon's carnal desire to be a prophecy of something much bigger than seen by the natural eye. Just as He used Samson to fulfill His will. God's ways are beyond natural thinking and often staggering to the human mind. Sometimes he compels us to do things that seem wrong or even illogical. Why did He make some many stars in the heavens, if we can't even see them all. There must be a reason.

So my second question was; why would Solomon choose to follow other gods too? The answer is as old as time itself. He fell for the same reason Adam did. Solomon wanted to please his wives and I'm sure many of them were complaining too. Rather than loving and obeying God with all his heart they turned his attention towards them and their gods. It is a form of mixture and compromise that has continued throughout histroy. Even in churches today; people and ministers are still trying to please others instead of God alone.

Many people lives throughout the Bible were prophetic, a type and shadow of things to come, and Solomon was one of them—a very important one. He was a type of Christ, just as Josephs was. The Lord worked through Solomon’s heart and carnal desires to achieve peace and joy, prosperity and security for all the children of Israel. It was also a prophetic picture of The Kingdom of Heaven and Christ multi-membered Body and Bride. The number of brides and concubines equaled one-thousand, that number represent perfection. We will all eventually see more clearly as we reach full maturity by faith, here and after we leave this world. Just as a baby or child of God who dies before their time; they will eventually reach full maturity in heaven as everyone will.

I believe there was something unseen going on in Solomon’s mind that compelled to do what many would consider obscene, out-of-order and foolish. God may ask us to do something that seem wrong or crazy. After all, Jesus spit on a man to restore his sight, Elisha walked naked for three years and John the Baptist ate locus and honey.  You never know what God may ask you to do. But, God always has a way of turning our sins, mistakes, carnal desires and even those things that appear foolish to man into something good and for His glory. And that is the amazing picture of God’s grace. Solomon, his reign and even the beautiful temple he built for God, were all a prophetic picture of Jesus Christ. The incredible power, wealth, prosperity and beauty was a picture of the Kingdom of God and the New Jerusalem that are all found in Christ.

We are have access to the wisdom and and knowledge that Solomon had and so much more, when we first received the Spirit of Christ into our life. The fullness of Christ is living within our very being, and we can access it now by faith, not after we die. However, we should never allow ourselves to be distract from the precious face of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father.

As sons and daughters we have been set apart by God to be a holy nation of kings and priest; no longer slaves or under the law, but living in a covenant relationship with Abba Father, as the multi-member Bride of Christ. Our assignment is to love and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.