December 13, 2015

The Shaking has Begun

Winter has begun in the northwest, and in Cle Elum we have already had snow several times and I have got to use the new snow thrower to remove the white stuff off the long driveway. They didn't have any of that in Mexico where I spent two and a half years, but it's still good to be back home and with my wife. I like seeing the snow though, because it reminds me of the verse, “ though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made white as snow.“ God's love and grace covers over all our mistakes and makes everything beautiful again.
Last week we went to Vancouver, to Sheldon's house for another Glory Meeting. These meeting are so powerful, because of the presence of God being there, along with many sons and daughters. What goes on there is changing the world and the way we live. Our prayers and words are powerful tools when used in accordance with God's heart and will.
Here are some passages that God is speaking to is sons today:
“I am the Lord your God, who up holds your right hand. Who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.” Behold I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge and a double edge sword. You will thresh the mountains and pulverize them. And will made the hills like chaff. You will willow them and the wind will carry them away. And the storms will scatter them: but you will rejoice in the Lord, you will share in the glory in the Holy one of Israel.”
“Be hold I have put my words in your mouth. See I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” (Jer. 1:9-10)
“As for the promise I have made to you when you came out of Egypt, My spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear! For thus says the Lord of host. “ Once more I will shake the heavens and the earth, and the seas also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations, and they will come with the wealth of all the nations, and will fill this house with glory...The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts. The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former... and this place I will give my peace.” (Haggai 2:5-9)
As you can see from these verses, God tends for us to go to war, a ”call to arms” to be ready for action. When He speaks we must act in words and in our actions to see that this world is restored and heaven is in it's rightful place here on earth. That requires the mountains of world systems to be brought down, idols destroyed and the kingdoms of this world overturned. Plus, planting seeds of truth, the building up the Body of Christ to take this message of God's love and passion to the next generation. To declare angelic armies to protect God's servants, and destroy the powers of darkness and evil principalities that seek to steal, kill and destroy lives and God's plan. But the enemy will not prevail even thou they have lied and deceive d, and say there is “no victory” as I heard satan say in one of my dreams. But it is a lies from the pit of hell. God has already told us the outcome of His plans in the book of Revelation, but apparently satan can't read. Praise God, our Master and Husband is the Faithful One to fulfill all he has promised, and restoration is a fact not an idea of wishful thinking.
The prophets are declaring what they are hearing from The Father, and the sons of God are seconding it with their “Amens”.
A shaking is happening. Do you feel it? If not, you soon will and see it happen before your eyes; government are being over thrown in the war room of the saints; the Democratic party is history, new leaders such as Donald Trump are being put in place. False gods such as Allah are coming down. Disasters are being adverted or postpone. Mindsets and chains are being broken off the Muslims and other religions, including Catholicism and Christianity; for they that have all bound God's children far to long. A lost world will see a new light coming from America and Israel as they unify under God's power and authority that will help dispel the darkness around the world. People will experience true peace, joy and freedom that only our Heavenly Father can give. Eyes are being opened and the deaf are hearing-- lives, minds and body are being restored. The financial system are changing, but not necessarily the way we would expect, and a spirit of confusion is being sent into the enemies camp to hinder their plans. All this and more is happening through prayer for the glory of God, which He also gave to us in Christ before the world began. All creations has been waiting for this to happen, even those we don't even know exist.
My question is, are you ready? Are you ready to do what's necessary, to let go of all that would hinder, to be passionate for our Lord, to get down and dirty in the trenches of warfare, plus act quickly when necessary to foil the enemies plans toward your house, your city, your country? Do not be afraid, all is well when we know the voice of the Commander and Chief and obey His voice.
“God is turning everything over...the shaking has begun, it has begun.” -- portions from Sheldon David