January 12, 2025

The Slums of Lima

Last Tuesday I got to go to a place that I have wanted to go to since I got here in Peru. It is called the Slums of Lima. I had checked it out online to learn more about it. The city of Lima has a population of over 10 million people, of which 40% live below the poverty line. However, there is also a section of the city where the very poor live that has a population of about 400,000 people and they are separated by a very high six mile long wall that divides the rich from the poor and on the top of the wall in some sections it was also covered with razor wire. This wall is known as the "Wall of Shame", and in this section of the city there are no paved roads, no sewer system or runny water. So their water has to be trucked to them and stored in large black barrels, where the poor can fill their container. Then carry back to their very old rundown brick houses which was once where the city of Lima first began. But then the wealthier moved away, leaving the poor to fend for themselves and continued to expand despite their hardships.  After being here for over two month God finally made it possible for me to go with Carlos. He is my roommate and landlord and very kind and helpful. However, he has been gone most of the time so I have also been waiting on God for His timing. Carlos was back again and we were able to leave at 9 in the morning with a friend who had a car to take us. As we got closer to the area, in about half an hour, the surrounding city became poorer as we drove. And then got some direction from the local police as to how to get inside. The roads in the area were very narrow, steep and on the hillsides were their very old houses, mostly without glass in the openings. We arrive up at a high area next to the big wall, and I could see could also see the poor homes below. There were houses on both side from where we parked. I got out and walked over to that "Wall of Shame" and placed my stretched arms on it and cursed it and beat it with my fists seven times. And declare it coming down by the power of God, and to never rise again. Just like the walls of Jericho and the Berlin Wall. There are no walls that separate the children of God in His Kingdom.  The day before we left, we went shopping and got 12 packages of dry rice, and lintels, and split peas to give to the poor along with some money I had for twelve families. However, Carlos was concerned that when people saw us passing out food, they would come running and we would have to leave in a hurry for safety sake. But, I told him God and His angels would protect us. And I had already asked God to prepare the way for He knew who He wanted to help.  As I walked back to Carlos and told him I didn't see any children, just a young couple high up on the hillside hanging out their laundry on a line. So he walked over to an open doorway on the other side and talked to an older lady and told her that we wanted to help twelve families with children. She came out and started calling out over a low wall to the houses below and also got on her phone to call others. Soon there were children and mothers coming to where we stood waiting. Then I looked out over the poor broken community below, and prayed. The sky was hazy, covered in a thick smog, my prayer was for their freedom and prosperity and to know the love of their Heavenly Father better. As the families came, I told Carlos on his phone what I wanted him to say to the people when they all got there. Then we went inside an empty room next to us, that could have been a classroom. It was clean and had chairs along the walls, and all the children sat on the floor in the center and the mothers lined the walls. I blessed them in Spanish and told them that God loved them and so did I. Then I passed out the bags of food that we put into 12 white plastic bags and also gave them money (12 bills) that I took from in my right coat pocket. As I did, I clasped their hands and gave them a kiss from God on the cheek or the top of their heads. Some hair was still wet from being washed that morning. When I was all through passing out the twelve bags and money, a young man came up to me and gestured that he wanted me to give him something, but I had already given out all the food and the money I had, but I reached into my pocket again and there was still another bill. I believe God had put it there to meet that request. Then I had Carlos tell them what I wanted him to say from his phone and read it to them. I said, "God loves Lima and He also loves them, and He has not forgotten them and He intends to bless them and their children for many generations to come. They all called out their thanks and blessings and then came up to me and gave me thanks again along with big hugs, including the all children. When we went outside and they wanted to take a group picture with me on Carlos's phone. Wow, what can I say, I knelt down in front of them and when I got up I told them that they were "my new family" and they laughed and liked that very much and so did I. Then I asked Carlos to send me the picture to my email and so he did. This is what life is all about and why I am here in Peru. I was on cloud nine as we drove back and my heart was full. I gave them a little money and some food and asked God to bless it. I was reminded of the passage where Jesus had just finished talking to the Samaritan woman, at the well, and He told His disciples, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me...for in this case, one sows and another reaps." (John 4:32-37). That day, I saw God's protection, blessing and provision, He is good and faithful. I thank Carlose and his friend, I know it also had an impact on both their lives.  That night as I watched Jason's Zoom meeting the Lord shared with me that He would fulfill the words I spoke because I shared His heart, and just like a speck of leaven in a batch of doe it would leaven the whole loaf. So this small community would impact that whole community and eventually all of Peru. That's the power of God's love and promises.

January 5, 2025

Second Chance Pt.1

I hate figs. No not really, but some people don't like to eat them. However, I like to eat them in Fignutan cookies or fresh off the tree. When I lived in Mexico for two years, I rented a house that had a fig tree out in the front yard and I would enjoy eating them right off the tree after I wiped the dust off them. And I am sure many other people enjoy eating that fruit in cookies or in jam or some other dessert. However, in the Bible I can't find anything said, good, about the fig tree. Other than in the beginning God made everything, including all fruit trees and said it was good and made to eat. There were also two other trees God planted in the Garden of Eden, the tree of Life and the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, we don't know what either of those trees were as far as a fruit go, but the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge did appeal to the eyes of Eve when the serpent tempted her.with them. And she ate it and then gave it to Adam to eat and then all hell broke loose from its confinement and made a mess of everything from then on, except another plan God still had in mind. And I am so glad for that and so are all His children. God hates mandade religions and He hates divorce, but not as much as those man-made religions which in a since also led to divorce and most everything else that is evil. In the Bible Jesus tells the story of a landowner ( luke 13:6=9), who came out to see His vineyard garden and in the middle there was a loan fig tree that had for three years not bore any fruit,and so he told the Gardener to cut it down, why let it take up space. But the gardener pleaded to give the tree one one years and he would fertilize it and break up the soil around it and see what happens to it. We don't know what happen to that fig tree after that. This is a very interesting parable and it seems to show thir maybe a willingness for the owner to give the fig tree a second chance. I believe God is doing the same thing today. Man made religion has mad a mess of everything and have led millions of people astray from God's original plan for His Church, the Body of Christ. What I hear from Sheldon's prophetic words lately, is that the our Father is going to do everything in His power to see that people are set free from those religious bonds all around the world. Through His power and the authority given to His sons and daughters. Those chains that have kept them from knowing the Truth, the Life and the Way are going to be broken once and for all. The scripture says, "For freedom sake Christ came to set us free." (Galatians. 5:1). Jesus Christ and all of heaven is interseeding to see people set. To receive their rightful inheritance, waiting for them. If they will open their eyes, and minds and acknowledge their sins to receive His forgiveness, they will find themselves in the loving embrace of Abba Father. I declare their hearts and ears are open to receive the Truth, because our Father is a God of second chances.