Warning signs. What makes us disregard so many of them? We seem to believe them, but we still tend to ignore them anyway. I hear it all the time when people are confronted, "I DON'T CARE!" or, "You can't make me!" It seems to be the response from so many people nowadays, regardless of age. Many children say it, even when being given a warning of a spanking, or of no desert. Adults are worse because they should know better but their response is often the same: I don't care! Sometimes it is said forcefully in defiance, and other times softly, in tears or in shame. The warnings from parents, police, government officials, and most importantly from God, are still not being heeded in the way they should be.
Here are some examples: Many people smoke, knowing it is harmful and addictive. Some cheat on their taxes. Others overlook their bulging waistlines, preferring to eat foods that are not good for them. People know they should not drink alcohol and drive, or use the cell phone while driving. Many disregard the harm (to self and others) and danger of having sex outside of marriage. The list could go on and on, yet we still keep doing so many of them. And, why?
Do we think we won't get caught? or that a few more pounds won't hurt? Some say, If it feels good, do it." Or, "I'm young and I want to enjoy life now; I'll think about God when I get older." Sometimes we might think that if we've seen others doing something—possibly including some ministers—it must be OK. Somehow we still believe it won't happen to us, or if does happen someone will help us out of the fix or possibly eliminate, "the problem". We've all done many of these things knowing the consequences, only to regret it later. I know, because I have. Yet many of these lessons are a part of growing up, and others are just plain stupidity. But either way they will teach us that there is a price to be paid for rebellion. This generation has become the most selfish, prideful, lustful, and pleasure-seeking generation ever recorded. We seem to have taken pleasure-seeking to another level, always looking for "the ultimate high". Is the response, "I don't care" possibly coming from a broken heart masked over, that just desires to be loved, a love that can only be satisfied by the Heavenly Father. But, we often don't know where or how to find the Father's love. And the enemy, Satan, often tries to make people believe it can be found in dangerous and foolish activities, things we wouldn't normally do (or at least with a right mind).
It seems our minds have become dulled and we don't trust anyone, even God; despite the warnings and threats. And when confronted with our mistakes and sins, we tend to give a series of lies and unbelievable excuses such as, "I didn't know." or, "I didn't see the signs." or, "I forgot." Or we might blame it on someone else. Yet, my question remains, why?
I think there are two main reasons. First, deception. And secondly, disregard for God's Word. I believe we are living in the Laodicean Age, not only within the world but also the Church. Government officials and religious leaders have deceived people, telling them to believe that they have the ability to lead others to a better future. They cry, "Peace, peace," when there is no peace—and in fact, things aren't getting any better. People often think that they are well off or safe when in fact they are not, or think they are wise when they are not—we all suffer from some measure of blindness to Truth. People often call things that are bad, "good" and things that are good, "bad." In society, it's all about changing the meaning of words and of God's Word. For instance, sin is now called "an alternative lifestyle." People often want to decide what is bad and good for them, and "be their own boss." People generally don't want anyone telling them what to do, including God. Some come to think that it is okay to change or add to the Word of God, and such ideas are reinforced by religion, preachers and denominations. They tell people what they want to hear, so people believe it happily. After all, this is the 21st century, we can't be expected to live by what was written thousands of years ago. Yet here we are today with many poor, needy, bored, stubborn, sick, frightened and apathetic people clinging to weak faith and weak religion. And ministers are still seeking to keep everyone happy, content and entertained with programs and activities so as to keep them coming back for more. After all, we have to have something to offer them on Sunday Morning, don't we? Does the Church need to become more worldly to attract the lost? God forbid! Seeking people are looking for something beyond what they have seen, and they will not be able to find it in a more christianized version of the world.
It's time we start caring about what God wants and feels, and how He wants us to reach a lost and hurting world. The only way that will happen is, "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chr 7:14)