December 9, 2009
Birthday Parties
"Happy Birthday to you... and many more." Almost everyone loves birthdays parties, especially children; all the attention, presents and the decorations. However, I wonder sometimes if we have gone too far from what I have seen. What are we really doing or trying to establish? Why all the parties and when are we and children too old for all that personal attention? Sometimes people start something and then don't know how to stop it, and then feel guilty if they try to or the children get all upset, because their friends still have birthday parties. So it somehow becomes a tradition for many families. And some people just have a hard time saying, no to themselves or others.
Parents today love spoiling their children and grandparents are usually the worse. Sometimes children get so much, it's just like Christmas. But, is this really good for them and do they really appreciate the time, effort and value of all that is done for them? Obviously the younger ones don't understand the meaning of all this, they just want more presents and ice cream. But, are we setting a precedent that will regret later in life.
It's a challenge for many parents today to even get their kids to clean up their messy room, with all the stuff they been given— now lying all over the floor, stepped on /or broken. As a result many young people today have the same careless attitude and seem to expect a lot more in return for little work or effort.
When I was a kid I had a couple of birthday parties at home with some friends invited from school and I enjoyed them. But most of the times it was just our family, with cake and ice cream and a gift or two that came after the song, "Happy Birthday." But now I'm older and a couple generations wiser, things have changed a lot. In many families these day, children show little appreciation and more disrespect. So when is enough, enough? I realize that everyone has a "birth" day and calenders to remind us. But, as Christians how should we view birthdays. What does the Bible have to say about birthdays or birthday parties?
Nothing is said about birthdays; and birthday parties or birthday celebrations are mentioned only three times. Once in the New Testament and twice in the Old Testament. In all three accounts something bad happened. The first one, involves Job's children. They were all at a party and the roof collapsed, killing all of them. The other two situations involved two kings. The results of the first one was Pharaoh, hanging his chief baker (Gen. 40:20) and the other one, Herod, consenting to the death of the prophet, John the Baptist (Mark 6:21). The only other thing remotely connected to birthdays, was the age of some men in the old testament; when they died and none in the new testament. Hardly a glowing report for having a birthday party.
So my question still is, why do we have birthday parties? True everyone has a birth day, even Adam and Jesus. But is that a reason to have a birthday party? Jesus never told his disciples to remember or celebrate His birthday or theirs. Obviously, it is something that has evolved out of traditions where man have chosen to recognize and honor someone.
God, desires to honor all his children and show should we. And I have nothing against birthdays, parties or honoring people. But, what our responsibility is as Christian parents and what the world does, is another story. What the world does has a tendency to influence many Christians. The world is party crazy. But, as sons of God, shouldn't we be led by the Holy Spirit, not the world? The Bible tells us not to love the things or the ways of the world. (II Tim 1:7)
I believe parents should love and honor their children everyday. We should bless them and give them gifts, just as our Heavenly Father does. But it's the annual parties that seem to get out of hand, even the one they claim is Jesus' birthday (Christmas). Is that what God really wants us to do?
I believe many societies, especially Americans, have gone overboard regarding parties (parties for every occasion). Many parents smother their children with gifts of toys and clothing, starting from age one on up. And as adults many still go overboard by indulging themselves with junk food and birthday gifts, (big TVs, cars, RVs and boats) and the credit card balances show it.
Another area that concerns me is the things that are done at parties. From my experience at parties, even in Christian homes, conversation are seldom about Jesus or the Kingdom God. And then there are activities and traditions that come from pagan and worldly traditions. Blowing lit candles out on a cake and making a wish, sound more like a fairy tale concept that God would not look to highly on. The same goes for Pinatas. Yet many of these things people don't even give a second thought about where it originated or what God would think it? You may think what's the harm, its all pretend. It's called perversion. Also as many get older, those kinds of activities can hinder ones faith and can invite a spirit of discontentment. As a result many are not grateful for what they already have and "wish" for more.
As Christians, we are not to think, speak or act the way the world does. We are to live by faith not sight. We should also be led by His Spirit, as to how we honor one another, not out of habits or traditions. God is for love and honor. Again, I don't think it's wrong to have parties or celebrations, but it wouldn't be wise for us to pray and consider about how and when we do it?
Here's something else to consider. I knew a man, who wasn't wealthy. On his 30th birthday, he invited about 30 guest, I was one of them. The invitation he sent stipulating, "no gifts, please." After all the guest arrive, he gave each one of them a very nice and different gift. He wasn't thinking about himself but his guest. Maybe its something we should consider sometime.