Even though I was raised in church life, it wasn't until 18 years of age that I gave my heart to Jesus. Until then I had been straddling the fence; I believed in God, the Bible and the Son of God, or so I thought, but I had nothing personal. In my own mind I wasn't bad either, because I didn't smoke, drink, have sex, dance, date, party, swear too much, or associate with those who did. I think I was pretty typical of most kids raised in Christian families back in the early sixties. My life wasn't exciting nor was it boring to me. I was happy, or so I thought. I had just finished high school with above average grades and was thinking of going to the University of Washington to become an architect. I enjoyed painting in an art class in high school, however I made some money drawing house plans for my uncle who would then build the houses with my dad's help. And so I thought that would be a good career choice.
But something changed that first night during a Youth Rally, in 1965, that lasted five nights. The church had a guest speaker, and I was sitting with a girlfriend along with about thirty others kids, plus some adults. After his sermon, which wasn't particularly stirring to me, the preacher asked if there was anyone interested in accepting Jesus Christ as their savior. My girlfriend raised her hand along with some other young people. I became convicted in my heart, realizing I had done nothing to influence her life for Christ because I had been totally self-centered. I too, needed to make a decision for Christ and so I did. I went down to the altar with the other young people. Then I confessed my sins and accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior. My thoughts and focus changed and I felt different and clean inside. I wanted more of God, and so a few nights later I was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues with my arms raised over my head for 2 hours as I praised God. (Both, humanly impossible). I was definitely different now, even though I didn't fully understand the significance of everything that had been and was happening. Even the other young people noticed a difference in me. All I knew was that I wanted more of God and His power to live my life for Him. After that I also wanted to read the Bible more as to know Jesus better.
I had enrolled at a Bible College a few weeks before the youth rally, because I needed another year of a foreign language so I could attend the University. I had never been to the campus before I applied. Nor did I have any idea of what a Bible College would be like, other than a place I thought the girls would be wearing long hair and dresses, and the guys would be carrying Bibles, and everybody desired to serve God in some capacity.
I was also surprised to be accepted, because I had lied on some of the application questions concerning my personal faith, fearing I would not be accepted. Even the pastor had approved my application. I was a little afraid about going, but now I was looking forward to it. Well, I was in for another surprise when I finally started at the little college of about 400 students. Not everyone was interested in serving God or was even a Christian, some had enrolled because it had been required by their parents for some reason. (Including if their child wanted their education paid for. The price was $300 per quarter plus books, if you lived on campus. Hard to believe, but that was 1965)
I enjoyed college even though it was a challenge, because now I wanted to do good and be honest, no cheating as I had done on some tests in high school. I especially enjoyed the Bible courses, but not the others basic courses required if I was to go to the University. Maybe I could do some church architecture as well as houses. But, God had other plans for me now that He had me there.