Today is the beginning of the Tabernacle season. It begins with Rosh Hashanah and end ten days later with Yom Kippur, the Most Holy Day. It is also called, The Day of Atonement and it is a time of reflection. It is one of the three major Holy Days (season) that the Lord commanded the children of Israel to celebrate, especially for the men. The people were to come to Jerusalem during this time and camp in tents. The tent were to be circular and open at the top. That way when they laid on their backs at night they could look up and see the stars, and remember the Promises and Covenant God made with Abraham, the father of our faith.
The Tabernacle season is still a time that the Heavenly Father desire to see His sons and daughters celebrate and to seek His heart. Many times Sheldon and I have gone camping in the awesome Redwood Forest (as shown above) in northern California, to celebrate this wonderful season. Many of the Redwood trees are over 2000 years old, 20 feet in diameter and 250 feet tall. The very nature and character of those tree is unique, just like Yahweh. You feel very small and humble in their presence and His Presence as well. And He established the Tabernacle season to remind us of His Atonement for our sins and His faithfulness.
During those times camping and many others places, we have heard God share his heart or the height and depth of his love. Sometimes that would include a directions He would be taking us or challenging our faith to another level. All of it, created memories that we will never forget. We should always desire to know what God would want of us. To set an example for another generation.
Tabernacles is also the beginning of the Jewish New Year, the Feast of Trumpets, the blowing of the shofars (horns), a time of new beginnings as well. During this time there is often repentance, fasting, seeking, giving, feasting and/or consecrating ones life anew to the Lord. The Father desires to see all of us move forward into our inheritance in Him and it will always begin with humility. We are His dwelling place and collective we are the Tabernacle (Temple) of the Lord.