October 14, 2010

The Greatest Show on Earth

The greatest event in history is about to begin, and the Ringmaster will be the Heavenly Father himself. He will be center stage and orchestrating mind boggling events and powers that the world has never seen before. And the good news, it's FREE! It won't cost you anything. However, you'll have to be at the right place and at the right time, if you want to see it. Sometimes there may be some advance notice and other times you may just hear about it. Some of the action will be captured by news media or video cameras to be seen live, or later on national TV networks, or the Internet.

God is not dead nor has He been hiding. His supernatural power have been seen before, especially in ancient history and various other times throughout history, and on every continent. There has also been some powerful movements of God, in the past hundred years. However, nothing will compare to what He is about to do this time. Things are rapidly changing. 

Are you ready, waiting and expecting? You have a choice as to whether you want to be a spectator, setting in the bleachers, or a participator, allowing God's power and authority to work through you. Don't be content with the status quo, just to sit and watch. Let God know that you want to be "in" on the action. Then surrender to His love with all your heart, that's the only price you'll have to pay for now. Yet, it will cost you more later,  but it's worth it.

The Heavenly Father is going to pour out His Spirit and blessings for all to see. Millions of lives will be changed and people set free instantly; as their hearts turn toward God. They will find the peace and joy they never knew before. There will also be an overturn in governments and businesses that were never expected. We will also see people who have missing limbs restored before our very eyes. And hundreds of people raised from the dead. There will be thousands and then millions of people healed of their sickness and diseases in the USA and much more worldwide. As God move across this planet and through His sons and daughters in the years to come.

Marriages and families will be also restored that once looked hopeless or impossible. There will be changes in worship, prosperity and technology for helping mankind and there will be signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth, all testifying of the amazing power of God. We are heading into an incredible and unbelievable time, "a new age" called, the Kingdom of God. And we will see the greatest display of His love, grace and mercy; that the world has ever known.

For years prophets, ministers and people have been talking about a mighty move of God coming. Nothing likes anything we've seen or heard of before. I have felt this way for a number of years, thinking maybe this would be the year, but it wasn't. However, God has been speaking to us of "new beginnings" for months and recently "this would be the best year of our lives." Now He's saying, "This is the year, of the supernatural." It all starts with small beginnings and it will continue to grow and multiply until it becomes the Greatest Show on Earth. 

"The time of the Kingdom of God is at hand. The time of reigning is at hand. Overturn is before your people. Overturn is coming, say the Lord. It will not be as religious has declared. It will not be as man declares. Prophets will shut their mouths in the presence of the Lord. The Lord Himself is coming to judge, and all things will be made right, because of His righteousness. And all the people will bow, because of His Glory. 
No more will men raise their heads above another, for the Lord Jesus himself will be God's head and only mankind His shoulders. The Love of God will be the administration and gifts will show their appreciation. For Christ is coming to judge the the world. The Shofar is beginning to blast His return and it will not be as man thought. The Holy Spirit, like a dove, is coming upon the righteous ones and they will be set apart to finish their lot.
My sons, my people are moving into a new Kingdom Age, and the birth pains are severe on the young and the aged. For the Lord is coming to set up His thrown—to visit His people—to create a new home. The righteous rule beneath their Lord, and angels will bow and throw down their swords. For this mess of a world, has been in war and chaos, wars and chaos. It's transitioning now and overturning. You will see the Lords returning. The vision is coming clearer and clearer, because you have commanded the Light to enter. You have commanded the Light to enter. I told you both, some days ago, "Don't despise the days of small beginnings." (A portion of a prophecy spoken by Sheldon David on 9-17-2010)