May 27, 2011

My Will for You—Part II

"I told you some days back that I'm not just some smiley flag. I'm also the skull and bone flag. I'm not just this part. I'm also that part too. That if you want the blessings, you'll also have to deal with the curse aspect too. I know you didn't like to hear that, but I said it to you anyway, because it's time to man up. That I have been kind of angry with some people who slight you and you thought I loved them anyway, but I don't and I didn't.

Esau turn against me and I turned against him. Jacob I loved and Esau I hated. Esau turned against me and I hated him. He disregarded that thing on the paper right there; the birthright you just read. He made it unimportant. And Jacob didn't make it unimportant, he made it important. The reason it important to your family and friends David is because it is important to you. And they would not of had much knowledge of about if it wasn't for you. Nor would the sons of God known this and you are going to make sure that they do. That what they were given was important. You're going to ask me to go and visit them, and establish the covenant in their lives. (David prays, "Oh God do that. I want you to do that, I believe by faith, Father, that you go visit them all across the planet and establish it in their lives. Only you can do that God—only you. It's not something we can do by some religious activity. Like, I bequeath an apostolic something—yada yada. Or I say you're a prophet of the nations. I can't do that, I can't lie to people like that. Only you can establish those things in their lives. There could be 500 men sitting on the floor in front of me and I would—I only want what you want.)"

"I love you with an eternal love, Israel David. I loved your grandsons and I loved your great great grandchildren. And I will love them for your sake. But you know that some of them are going to go further than you. And that's a testimony to the passion and grace of God that's in them. The passion in your heart will also increase, says the Lord. And that passion can go into your children and your great, great grand children, says the Lord. Some things transfer—a heart for Christ transfer. It's not been easy for you. A lot of times you fought with your expectations and in those thoughts about how I perceived you, or what my will was in your life, and what I expected of you. And what I have taught you is to sit, and listen, and rest, and abide, and simply know that I love you. 

You've made yourself a bondslave to me and now I making myself a bondslave to you. And I will serve you in any way imaginable. That we are allies, and friends, and cohorts for a Kingdom, for a people, for a world, for an order I can delight in. I know your faithfulness Sheldon. And I know your faithfulness Israel. Now it's time for you to know mine. It's really time for you to I know mine. Theological you do and I know doctrinally you do. But I telling you doctrinally and theologically is not good enough. It not good enough for me and it's not good enough for you. You need to know how faithful I am and only I can prove that. Your hearts have been broken. 

Sheldon, most of yours has been restored. Israel has a little more restoration in his emotions and his heart. His hearing has been a real struggle and wrestling between him and me, and it wasn't meant to be that way. Even though he has sought to cast those thoughts away and tried to abide in Christ. And to just rest in it all. The enemy has screwed with him. What I doing is stepping into his life and all the areas of his life. It's not that I am going to bring restorations—I am restoration. I'm bringing in myself. I bringing me! Guyan's books. You already know how to abide. In that great faith of yours, you will demolish that overly big fear of yours, and He will turn your grieving into joy.

Israel, you've made some good choices... you've made some good choices. You haven't cut an run from the process. It's become quite popular in Christian circles to cut an run from the process. But you guys have not cut an run.

The word of God declare, that those who endure to the end will receive what was promised, and the end of course is the end of themselves. The end of their own striving. It soften the soul alive. A persons receive what is promised. The fire and shaking in lives proves what's in a man or a woman. The pressure that be on you proves what's on the inside of you. And what's been revealed is that there's been brokenness inside of you that needs restoring and that's where I come in on the white charger. That's what I'm good at. I'm good at restoring. 

Restoring from the inside out. Oh ya, I can restore from the outside in too. But for the sons of God, I'm restoring from the inside out. From the Heart of hearts. From the death of their spirit. Even from their circumstances and beyond that beyond that to affect the world. I touch their soul, their flesh, their health, their finances and their relationships. And I'm restoring everything, everything.

Don't be unbelieving. I'm restoring everything. Don't be unbelieving. I know what the enemy has said, I do. Believe God is restoring everything. It's in operation right now. I'm restoring everything right now. Things are being restored right now even as we are talking and My spirit is in this room. Even as I come and sit with you guys every Friday night and talk with you. Your lives are being restored. You think I'm doing that with everyone across the planet, not so. Your lives are being restored in the very presence of the Father. Your lives are being restored. I'm restoring you soul. I'm restoring this brokenness."

Don't you realize that when I put the robe on you and the ring on your hand and the shoes on your feet, and said kill the fatted calf, and we will have a celebration. You didn't realize the celebration was for you. It was for you. I not just content in fixing your broken hearts. I've got somewhere to take you. Before long you will have the knowledge of when and where God is taking you, and where your lives are going. The power of God is already in you."

(portions of a prophecy from Sheldon David on 4-01-2011)

Note: What I have shared shows how personal God wants to be with all His sons and daughters. True sonship is something that is not really understood, but in the years to come it will become more apparent. We must truly seek and understand the heart of the Heavenly Father. An intimate relationship and abiding with Abba Father is far more important than any gift, talent or thing we possess.

May 24, 2011

My Will For You

Well, I bet the last few articles were not something you expected. However, I am a husband and a lover and it is my desire to see marriages completely restored in every area. Too many people do not understand the ways of God or the destiny God has planned for them. I just try to share what I believe may help change that. Here's another prophecy that show the most important thing that God desire for us.

" The thing you need to fulfill the destiny on your lives is the presence of the Father, the voice of the Father, the heart of the Father. And that is what you're getting. It's magic. It's Fantastic. It's wondrous."

Before the foundations of the earth. I know this is going to be tough for you to see. But just pay attention and you'll get it. Before the foundation of the earth the fullness of God was seen. See we started at the finish. That it was finished. The full vision of God was revealed is sin. When I spoke everything into being. I spoke it with the intent of what I had seen. And My faith, became the substance of what I desired and seen. And the faith of Abraham certainly tapped into it. He became the patriarch manifestation of it. He took my mantle. He took mantel from heaven and became the father of faith.

Throughout human and biblical history, it has taught you that the plan of God has never been anything than what it was at the very beginning. It was seen before mankind took a breath. It was revealed and shown before then and it has always been the same. And mankind didn't change my destiny for creation; not for vision or for invisible worlds. And I'm quite aware that when we talk about God's plan reaches into the heavens and it affect the universe, and plants, and all the invisible, and visible worlds. I create the universe and look at it through my eyes, and made it to be a multi member Christ. Every planet, a being itself in that mans body, very planet prophesying of Christ, because everything does—everything does."

"Your life is a prophecy and nothing you do is going to change that. I've always protected you and gave you everything you needed, both of you. Everything for my will, for the sake of your lives. I gave you the parents, the schooling everything you would need for the kind of life you would need. The kind of brokenness you need, the kind of desires needed to be formed in you. The kind of squeezing and wine press that was necessary. I gave you (Israel) the wife that I gave you. I know the desires was for a good marriage, but what if I wanted it to be a completely hideous and horrible thing that would cause great stress upon you to the point to where you became an absolute picture of God that had not been seen of the earth. What if that was the plan? If you were truly called a Hosea or truly called an Ezekiel.

I know there's a popular gospel today that God wants you happy, and ultimately that's true. He does want you happy. But you know that every man that names the name of Christ, must die. Death on any level is death. Pain on any level is painful. And your lives prophecy. And you can try to change the tone of the prophecy if you like. You could try and change the words of the prophecy... You know you can't change the words of the prophecy. Sometime you blurt things out and it doesn't sound very kind, but it was still the truth. And it came from my heart and my anointing. And you can't manipulate and make God say things. He's not your puppet and your the ventriloquist and He's the dummy. Your life is a prophecy, both of your lives are, and you know it.

Sheldon, I love you. You're always the friend of my Son, friend of the King. Friend of my Son always. You're always the friend of Christ, you always were and wear it all over on the earth, that what you'll be. You're always my friend. You know we always understood each other without word. That we...those word are only understood telepathically to each others hearts. I've downloaded vision into you. It's coming forth. It's coming forth. I've downloaded vision into you and it's breaking forth. I'm downloading vision into both of you and it's breaking forth. It's breaking forth. Your lives are not a mistake, says the Lord. Your lives are beautiful to me. The expectations have been at times messy. Perhaps you didn't understand the way and will of God.

Israel, maybe your marriage was meant to be a shame. Maybe it was meant to prophecy something you didn't want to see prophesied. Maybe it will end in destruction and maybe it will end in glory. But, know for certain your life pleases me. And Roberta's life is pleasing to me.

I want you to listen to Me. The spirit realm is quiet tonight. My blood washes and cleans you from a lifetime of wrestling and fighting. So I can polarize the horror of you in this one beautiful direction of the Father. And know that the Father is healing every scar and turning every crappy thing into a happy thing. Whether you realize it in your own lifetime or whether it realized in your sons lifetime. I'm fulfilling my will and word in your lives. It didn't always make sense, because your expectations were skewered. You expected something that didn't pan out. Yet, the Father has always been pleased with you. Always been pleased with you Israel. Always pleased with you Sheldon. He always delights in you.

You see in Job where I bragged on Job. Can you imagine me bragging you?

(a portions of a prophecy from Sheldon David on April 1, 2011)

May 22, 2011

Intimacy with Christ

A Christian marriage should be picture or reflection of our spiritual marriage in Christ. When we accept Jesus Christ into our heart He became the Bridegroom and we, the Church, are now His bride. We have agreed to submit ourselves to the hand of Jesus. Therefore, He is now our husband, our Lord and Master. We are to become one with Him, body, soul and spirit. Together we share in His life as One, a mystery that has been veiled from most of the church and is just beginning to be revealed and will probably take years if not centuries to fully understand the implications of this revelation.

When we submit and offer everything to Him, then He offers everything to us, for this pleases Him. The Lord says,"All that I am and all that I have, and all that I reveal Myself to be, I give to you." Just like King Ahasuerus told Queen Esther, he would do whatever she ask. (Esther 7:2) This marriage is based on trust, one doesn't have to earn it. However, before Esther feared for her life because of a law, she didn't relize the law did apply to her because the King loved her. The same applies to us when we came back home to the Heavenly Father like the prodigal son. We now entered into that awesome relationship of sonship, and the Bride of Christ, and free from the Law. The relationship is based on unconditional LOVE.

The consummation of a spiritual marriage is done by faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. That faith, is the faith of Abraham, Yahweh's faith. And God is still looking for Abraham's faith to be seen in the earth today—one of complete trust. 

When we yield ourselves to Him we become the virgin bride, righteous, holy, and pure in His sight and we are to share one house, one faith, hope, vision, one heart, one authority and one bank account and much more. When we surrender our love and desires through an ongoing intimate relationship (spiritual intercourse with God) these thing will become more apparent. This marriage is alive and will continue grow, because it is based on the Promises and Covenant God made with Abraham that's eternal. "I will be God to you and to all your descendants after you."(Genesis 17:7) 

Jesus is our Husband and He has promised to love, provide, protect, restore and never leave us. His plan is to fulfill our greatest desires, some we may not even be aware of yet. These desire will consume us, body, soul and spirit.  And His desire is for complete restoration in all these areas. And He won't be content until He has succeeded in fulfilling every promise He has made. There is also no competition with God. He loves us as much as He loves Jesus. That's how awesome His love and jealousy is for us. 

Our courtship and marriage with Christ started before time. Yet we're only becoming aware of it through intimacy with Him. This relationship grows until it becomes so natural we don't even have to question or doubt who we are. For example: Does a husband in an earthly marriage ever question his relationship or desire for his wife or vis versa? No, of course not. 

The most important thing to remember, is that this marriage is bases on covenant, agape love, and not on human emotions. It never changes. We're to trust, obey, abide by leaning on His strong arms and follow Him. There's nothing we can do to earn His love. It was a wedding gift when we said, "I do." The Song of Songs, is a beautiful picture of our intimacy (union) with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our attitude and focus should be the same as Jesus.

So then, how do we get initiate with Christ? Remember, we love Him, because He first loved us. We say words like, I love you and want to know you more. Then you give ourselves to Him by doing what He asks us. Don't hold anything back—seriously, what do you have to lose. Study His Word, obey them and learn to abide. Read the book, Experiencing the Depth of Jesus, by Madame Jeanne Guyan or Practicing His Presence, by Brother Lawrence; if you don't know how to do this. 

Learn to recognize God's voice and spirit by waiting and meditating on Him. This is best done in silent prayer. He already knows our thoughts, so don't waist a lot of time with redundant words. Again I say, wait on Him. Lay your head on His chest and listen to His heart and know His desires. Even if you don't hear His voice their is a communications taking place that's not always known to the human brain, but you will eventually understand and know His intentions, if you have faith. Our spirit is fully conscious of His voice, even when we're asleep. 

Here our some other things you can do to build intimacy with Christ. Have you ever take bath or shower with you spouse? Well take one with God. Put in some bubble bath too, if you want. Light some candles, turn off the lights, play some worship or praise music, and sing to Him. Invite His presence into other rooms as well. You'll enjoy this and so will He. There are other ways to be alone with God. Get away from all the hassles by finding a "prayer closet" where you can eliminate the distractions of life. Take walks in the park. Or go outside at night and lay on the ground and look up at the stars to see the future, and count your blessings with Him. Take a drive or go camping alone with God. Or go to the lake or beach and bask in the warmth of His love. You can even play secular music at time if that is something you enjoy or watch a funny movie. He want us to enjoy the fullness of life and He knows we are also human. He wants to see us happy and laugh, because that please Him too. There are also times that we walk with Him in the valley of shadows and death, but we are not to fear for He is with us even when we don't sense His presence. God likes it when we take the initiative and being creative. Worship and love should never be boring.

Have communion alone with Him at home, it doesn't always have to be in a "church" setting with others. Go to a nice restaurant and celebrate His love and faithfulness for all His blessing, promises and provision, even for the ones to come. Or just lie on the floor at home, or on your bed and talk with Him. It's okay even to fall asleep reading His memoirs (Bible). Imagine kissing Him or kiss your Bible and stroke the pages of His love letters to you.

Never be ashamed of your love and passion for Him or your tears. Pour out your heart to him and most of all be honest. It's okay to get angry or scream at times when you don't understand what going on, because of certain circumstances, trials or the cross in ones life. They have their purpose even when we don't understand them. God wants to hear us express our emotions, doubts and fears, and not keep them all bottled up inside, so He can help us deal with them. Then He will cover you in His presence, and kiss your tear away as you kiss and makeup. He loves you, and nothing can ever change that, absolutely nothing. Trust Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge His way as painful as they may be at times. These things are for our good and will help make us stronger, and it will also helps others too, even thought you may not be aware of it. Life's not just about us. Our action affect others as well and for future generations.

Sometime you may even want to imagine dancing with Him. He doesn't mind if you step on His toes. You can even laugh together watching funny movies or reading a joke. Or you can just sit quietly and watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset that He's painting for you. Or read a good book that builds your faith and love for and in Him. Or maybe a humorous book like Son of Laughter, by Frederick Buechner that will help get rid of some religious spirits that keeps many people bound.

Reach out by faith and take His hand and follow wherever He goes. Sometimes, He will even want you to take the lead, because He trust you, After all, we share the same heart, thoughts and desires—imagine that. This level of intimacy and authority is what God wants and desires to give His bribe. Wow, and it not something we have to wait for until we die and go to heaven as many people and religion believe.

This type of spiritual intercourse or intimacy is not in vain and the reward will be far grater than anything we could ever imagine. Sometimes we may even feel like we're on a cloud or floating on air. It can be the ultimate high or ultimate orgasm for some who really get into it. You can get as much of God as you're willing to desire and believe for.

You would be surprised at how much God really enjoys spending these intimate times with you. If your married your spouse would enjoy this, right? So why should it be any different with your spiritual lover. God loves you and care more than you could ever imagine, because He knows you and who you really are— you're His bride. So let the honeymoon begin and may it never end.

Remember, you're never alone and he's always there to help you. You have been yoked together by this covenant marriage. And intimacy with Christ will heal every wound. I assure you, He hears every cry and stores every tear and you'll never be alone or forsaken in this marriage. 

May 16, 2011

Intimacy in Marriage

Yes, the Bible talks about sex. (And as you read in my last article God still talks about it.) In fact the Holy Bible refers to the act more often than many people realize. And I'm not referring to one night stands, but the intimate relationship between a husband and wife. 

Throughout the Bible there are little hidden facts that shed light on this subject. The proper term today may be called sexual intercourse. Different Bible translations will use the terms; to lie with, go into her, or knew his wife. However, I will use the word sex or intimacy just to simplify. I hope that doesn't offend to many people. It's certainly not "making love." But, fallen humanity and society has turn SEX into a misconstrued act or an ugly three letter word. Yet the act or the intention and initiation was and is meant to be something beautiful, rewarding (enjoyable), and fulfilling. 

Sex is an important part of an intimate relationship between a man and women who have entered into a marriage relationship and should continue even when they get older. It should also be accompanied with words of love, kissing, sharing secret dreams and desires. The sharing of ones heart, body and soul is necessary for true intimacy. Yet without sex as a major part, you don't have a complete marriage. It's what cements that relationship and makes it difference from any other human relationships. It's like two pieces of a puzzle coming together making a perfect fit. And together with all the other aspects of that relationship you have a complete picture of marriage. Sex is also a gift from God that is to be shared at the right time, and the proper way and for having children. (Unfortunately this gift in some cases has been sacrificed to other pleasures that are out of order.)

There are many ways to have sex. There is also foreplay, which is a part of intimacy also. A time of intimate touching which is pleasing to the other and special for both parties, and it doesn't necessarily have to lead to intercourse. It's just the joy of touching, fondling or caressing and loving each other any time in a gentle manor with your clothes on or off and alone or where other people can't see you. It's another way of letting them one know that they are special and loved. It's whatever you both agree upon that's acceptable. However, this is not meant for public display or public conversation. These acts are for couples to share their desires, passions and emotions under the privileges and guidelines of God in privacy. (Back rubs are also great and so are showers or baths together.) All these acts are meant to give pleasure to each other. (Ruth 3:5-10) Many young people today have learn this by experimenting or reading. However, most have abused their rights and it's intent, and some religious people still have their heads stuck in the sand or have foolish forms of legalism. Sex is the rights of marriage, but is should never be abused or force upon your spouse. And sometimes our rights have to die, because of love.

There are some forms of affection that I feel are acceptable in public, such as holding hands or embracing, or even kissing. But it should be done in a such away that wouldn't grieve the Holy Spirit. One should not be ashamed or embarrassed by you spouse attention in public. Let love be your guide and cherish every moment for you never know when it might end, and then you have to deal with the regrets, because of false pride.

If passion and desires are not in a marriage, then something is vary wrong. For some reason or reasons the fire in a marriage seem to die down with age and I don't believe that should be the case. They're part of God's design whether your marriage or not and the normal function of the human body. (Some have chosen to sacrifice those desires in order to be one with Christ in celibacy.) However, to refuse your spouse these pleasures and rights is wrong and reveals there serious problems of resentment and unforgiveness. (Sometimes that's why other people have affairs or get into pornography, but it's not the unpardonable sin. They should be forgiven as soon as possible, because God has. It's also good for ones own health. There are consequences for unforgiveness. Your spouse is not a possession, they belong to God and the Body of Christ, and jealousy is not acceptable. If they are give true freedom, they will rarely want to leave you.) Whatever the problem is, it needs to be taken to God in prayer so He can restore the heart issues. Neither should one use these pleasure to control, manipulate or punish their spouse in order to get their way.

The marriage is a living covenant [a holy contract] between a man and a women. It is established with words of intent (Jesus told us not to make oaths or vows. Matthew 5: 34.) and sealed [consummated] by the shedding of blood [breaking of the hymen] of a virgin bride through sexual intercourse. Although the concept of virginity is almost lost, it is still the intent of God's heart and design. 

Whenever we give our life to Christ, we must forsake our sinful ways and live out God's desires and ways. The past is forgiven and all things become new. Therefore, wait until God brings the right person into your life. Or if someone living with another they need to make a decision and forgive each other of their indiscretions (sins) even adultery or second marriages and let God rebuild their relationship the way it should be. 

Having sex should be a regular activity in a marriage. It's also the union where the two become one physically (I Cor. 6:16). However, married people should also share the same faith, vision (goal) given to the husband by God. The two parties, husband and wife, have now become ONE totally. One in body, soul and spirit. Together they share oneness with God, and carry out the mission He has ordained for them to establish for future generations, and for the rest of their lives on earth. (Gen. 2:24 and I Cor. 6:16) Again, sex and intimacy is a intricate part of God's plan for marriage, without it ones missing a very special part. 

Note: Here's what the apostle Paul wrote the church of Corinth, regarding the subject of sex, and he was a single man of God.

"The husband must fulfill [render] his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another, except by mutual agreement for a time, so that you my devote yourself to prayer, and come together again so that satan will not temp you because of your lack of control." (I Corinthians. 7:3-5)

I have never heard a minister preach or teach on this subject. I wonder why? However, I do know that some have, but not enough of them. Also it seem that Christians who do not have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ will rarely have one with their spouse. Marriage it about forgiveness and intimacy is a good way of showing it. Most people live their lives far below what God had intended them. I'm believing that will change in this next move of God.


"I can't put into words the role of a wife without offending someone. It would take a women after God's own heart and faith to live out her responsibility and identity within her union of oneness with God and her husband. When that is accomplished there will be true joy, happiness and intimacy that built on the foundation of love. That love is found in First Corinthians 13. And it was manifested in and throughout the life of Jesus Christ."
( a prophecy) 

May 13, 2011

Living from the Inside Out—this Prophecy is Rated PG

"Live your lives from the inside out—with all the passion you have... Let your words reproduce. The mouth is the reproduction part of the body, and it's the prophet that has the mouth within the Body of Christ. It reproduces life."

"You see, I am the man, Jacob, who worked for seven years to have a wife and in the working I got a second wife. I received a spiritual church, the Bride of Christ. I also received the organized church through Leah. And Leah has been very fruitful. But let it be known David, that Rachael's sons were the beloved of the Father. Joseph and Benjamin beloved of the father. And I have waited 7,000 years for my wife."

"If you live your life from the inside out, order will be brought to the outside areas of your life. If you live from the spirit to the flesh, you'll not only be a spiritual being, but you'll also be a flesh being. The flesh nature will also be in concert and in order. The nature of the spirit of God and the mortal flesh has given life to the spirit." 

"I totally understand. I'm the one who put the passion in you. But even your flesh feels guilty for it. And that's just god-damn religion talking. It will always try to condemn a man or a women for being who I created them to be.

Don't allow the enemy to try and conform you. King David had many wives and I would have given him more if he had wanted them. I'm not half as religious as you think. I know more about your lives than you do, and you're quite aware of that. I also know how to bring vision through your lives, all of it. 

Restoring you is not only for you, but it prophecies of what I can do for my sons and daughters. And that is why it is so important that it comes forth, this restoration. Happy is your life—brokenness beings forth a son, a child. I want the sons (of God) to be frisky, passionate. I want him to be what Christ is. I want him to be passionate.

I know the Catholic priest are to be neutered, that what religion wants them to be. Not only are Catholic priest not to be neutered, but neither are the priests of God. You are priests of God and you're not to be neutered, that you have passion and life going through your body and your spiritual life. To act as if it is not true then your not living from the inside out, but living from the outside in. It's pretending to be something and someone your not. And you think that pleases me or resembles me? If you don't see Jesus as the most passionate lover or man, then then you have not read the Bible properly. The Song of Songs is a revelation of Him, and the passion for His wife. The cross was heroic—winning His wife back from His enemy. It's OK to be that way too. I want you to be that way. And I know that the emotions try to speak otherwise, to say otherwise, even the devil. But I want you to be alive and not dead. I know what the apostle Paul said. But, I want you to be alive. Christ is alive, He's not dead. He's not on the cross. He's not dead, He's alive!

Life is to be that way. Marriage is to be that way and so is ministry. Life is to be that way, God and man walking together in the cool of the day. I'd rather you become the new standard than the old, I really do."

"I am increasing you beyond what you asked or thought. There is nothing wrong with you, your flesh or soul, because your spirit is alive and has come into the order of Peace."

"Being a sexual creature is not wrong. Christianity and religion have tried to tame the beast. When they could have use that passion in people's lives and channeled it for the good. If I had such a problem with it, why wouldn't I have addressed it. Instead I've given multitudinous examples in the Old Testament and from men in the New Testament. 

The only real person that spoke about it (in the New Testament) was Paul, mostly Paul and and little through Peter. And Paul was trying to keep people in line. But again, I said don't follow Paul's example—follow Christ's example. To follow Christ you have to look beyond the Gospels. You need to look throughout the Bible. He's also in the Songs of Solomon. This prophecy is Rated PG. Because I tell you again, both of you, that if you truly want to live life and want to be truly free you have to defy the religious bull. And walk by another drum, drummer and voice. And be willing to become a new beginning, thus says the Lord."

"You live your life with God, because beyond every desire you have, it is for God. And no women will ever get in the way of that. No desire in your heart will even get in the way of that. And I want you to know I'm not even jealous of that. You always have to test your own hearts to see if your right with God, that silly. You loved God before the foundations of the earth, why wouldn't you love Him on the earth. God believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Your flesh is the least of my concerns."

(Portions of a prophecy given by Sheldon David on Feb. 11, 2011)

Note: As you can see from these prophecies I have shown you so far, God is much different than many realize. He even uses language we all understand and is not the least bit shy in how He speaks, even though it may offend some. God also has no respect for satan or religion, because it has damaged peoples lives far more than we will ever know. They are the true enemies of God and His Kingdom, and they are cursed. 

God is also far more emotional than we give Him credit for. And His way of thinking and doing things are just beginning to be known and understood. There is so much more that God wants His sons and daughters to know. He care about every aspect of our life even our sexual desires. The Lord says, there are things that the Father has planned for us, that if He were to detail them out in a notebook, they would fill more lines and pages than we could ever imagine. 

The psychologist, scientist, theologians or common man, can not grasp the knowledge and wisdom of God, or how vast His domain, or the power of His words. But we can still be grateful and love Him. Yahweh is God and there no other god like Him. Nothing can contain Him, yet He prefers to dwell in the hearts of mankind. Amazing! 

May 9, 2011

The Power of Desire

These next couple of weeks I will be sharing another aspect of God's heart for His sons and daughters. I hope you have enjoyed reading (hearing) God's heart, as I have shared these " conversational prophecies" over the past few months. It is very exciting to hear and know how God thinks and feels. His love for you and me is beyond anything I've known or experienced. The Lord speaks to Sheldon and I far more than I'm able to share on Blog articles. However, I try to gleam what I feel will benefit others the most. Here's some I think you'll find interesting that God shared a few months ago.

"You had the desire to be an intercessor. I gave it to you, because you desired it."

"There is power in desire. Whatever things you ask for; whatever things you desire when you pray. That's what one (Bible) versions says. You go and look at the word. 'Whatever you desire, believe that you have received it, and you shall have it.' (Mark 11:24)

There are certain desires that are in your heart that won't go away. And as I said earlier, that religion would try to make you let it go and die to it and whatever, because it's evil—sexually evil. But I placed those desires within you. 

You have these desires within you. It's important for me, for you, to have them, because you desired it. Whether they eternally changes lives or changes your life. It's important to me, because it's important to you. It's not a way to placate you, or give you a sucker, because you'll be good at the doctor or the dentist.

I put healthy desires within men and women. I put desires within them. Men are born with certain desires as well. Some people have desires for men and others have desires for women. Some are called homosexuals or lesbians and other are called straight. Some of this is out of order and some of it is not out of order. 

There is desires of the flesh and desires in the soul. The soul's desire would be to be loved. The soul's maybe to be married or not married. The soul's desire may be to be rich and successful or to live a simple life. But just as important and always in order is the desires of the spirit. All these conversations we have are bringing those clarifications into the light. Things that are hidden are being mined and unearth. Things that have always been inside of you, are coming to the surface...

There always been travail in your life, you just didn't understand why until tonight... The preparation of being a prophet is way bigger than being a pastor, as you have noticed. These thing are being spoken tonight, because I'm going to pull desire into the light. I'm pulling desire from your spirit. I'm pulling it forward, says the Lord. I'm taking my hand and sticking it in your belly and pulling it to the surface. I'm holding it in front of you so you are no longer carry desire, but desire is before you and pulling you, says the Lord.

You've been so use to it, especially you Israel. You've been so use to carrying your desires—of trying to be good boy and boys and trying to live a Christian life, but you both really know it's bullshit, it's a game people play. It's a game you fooled yourselves into playing. 

Let me show you true desire that is in your heart. Let me show you who you really are. I'm not going to show you the crap, what's the use of that. You've already seen that stuff. But let me show you the dreams and remind you of the visions. And purify the things that have been muddied, and to perfect the things that have been retarded through either unbelief or being abused."

"These thing are for both of you. I want you to be extremely free, that what I want."

(portion of a prophecy on February 14, 2011)

May 6, 2011

Fear The Lord

"I'm asking you to trust in the Lord with all our heart. And lean not on your own understanding. Fear God and that doesn't really mean to be afraid of Him in this instance. It would be like fear the Ruler and believe His word over your own. Believe His sentence over the enemies desire. Believe His decision, His plan for you above your own.

Fear the Lord and turn away from the propensity of unbelief, and trying to work things out in your flesh. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't be wise in your own eyes, but fear the Lord. Depend on Him. See the plans that the Lord has for you are good. But I'm telling you David, and you know this guys, that if I left it up to you. You would try to get all your kudos and everything in a few short years that you're in this dispensation, that you're in this flesh. And it wasn't meant to be that way boys. It wasn't meant to be that way to just satisfy your flesh. But there are eternal aspects to it all.

I spoke to Abraham about the future, a hundred years into the future. I spoke to him about the future of a nation that would come from him. I showed him in prophetic pictures all sorts of things. I showed him Melchizedek, a city, I showed him a man that would be a picture of Christ. Yes, that's why Melchizedek came into the picture. I wanted to reveal Christ to him. Abraham had other visitations and visions and incredible things and so have you."

You're Free

"You're not earth bound, your not bound period. I told you I don't care what the enemy says, I don't even care what you think. You're not in bondage, I insist upon it—you're free. You see you're the ones that made the choice to follow. You're the ones who made the choice to walk in the cool of the day. It was your choice. You felt like at one point like the apostle Paul, that he had no choice. Initially that seemed to be the case, but there was a time when he put his ear against the doorpost of the house and chose to become a bondslave, because he chose to."

"No matter what you think of feel you made a choice to serve me. I know at times its feels out of control, but your lives are beautiful to me and in control. It's going the direction I want it to go. Your life is a fractal garden, but it's beautiful to me.

It's taken us a long time to get where we are this evening. Many roads we've walked together and seasons of hardship, and miracles and opportunities. I could have called you home yesterday, but your most fruitful days are ahead of you. Your most fruitful days are ahead of you and not behind you, say the Lord."

(more prophecy from January 28, 2011)

Note: Just in our Fridays meetings alone, God often speaks through David for several hours. Sometimes before or after prayer and worship, and sometimes in between. Every time is different. Sometimes we go walking in between these prophetic session. And as I said before God covers a lot of subject matter. Yet most of it is personal and from His heart. This is different from most other prophecy you may have heard. We are entering a "New Beginning." God want us to prophecy the future He is showing us—one of love, mercy and justice. There will also be supernatural healing, deliverance, and provision through the spirit of multiplication. Our mission is not just for the United States, but for the world. And God won't stop working through His sons and daughters until His plan and Kingdom is established on earth.

May 2, 2011

The Covenant of Abraham

"I will establish My covenant between you and me. And to your offspring after you and their generations as an everlasting covenant."

"You know David, I made a covenant with Abraham to be your God and the God of your seed after you. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He's the Lord our God and His judgments are upon the earth. He is mindful of His Covenant for a thousand generations. This covenant that He made with Abraham, and that He confirmed with Isaac, and to Jacob as a statue, and to Israel as an everlasting covenant, that those who have the faith of Abraham are the inheritors of the promise of Abraham. All the promises of blessing and increase belong to you."

"I made a covenant to be your God, to bless you, to protect you, to sustain and feed you, to keep you healthy, and to make you wealthy and to cause influence to be upon your tents. This covenant is established in your hearing. There has never been a question in your mind and the question is no longer a question—it's a statement. You are friend within this friend, Abraham and have complete covenant  rights within him, within Christ. And all my friends are your friends  and all the enemies of Christ and the cross; are our enemies. And my blessing is upon you and your tents. And my blessings is upon your house. And my blessing is upon that which pertains to you. The word of God says, that the destruction is found upon the house of the wicked, but the favor and blessing is found on the tents of the righteous. Your tents increase and your house increase and your blessing increases.

The disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Master, we have left everything and what will we get." And the Lord talked to them about houses and land and great increase upon the earth. Yet, during their remaining years they didn't really see much of that. But their promise was eternal.

You will be blessed, because you are blessed. You will be blessed, because the Spirit of Yahweh is upon your house and upon your tents. He will be there for increase and blessing—will be there for protection and health. And He will restore all that concerns you. All that you can place your faith in, the Father will do for you. This is the inheritance of the sons of God within Abraham.

More will be seen and shown to you. This years has just begun and you will see into the depth and the hidden treasures of the Lord. I will not prophesy a future of hopelessness and a future of poverty. I will prophesy the glory of God and nations being returned to me and keys to nations, dominion and lands. There are hidden treasures that I will reveal just as I promised."

(Portions of prophecy spoken by David on February 4,2011)


My Promise to You

"Almost any way the enemy could, the enemy tried to take your life, but I wouldn't allow him to do it. He even tried to get you to take your own life."

"I promoting you, both of you, and nothing is going to stop me. The only thing that could stop you is some stupid thoughts, because of the way life was and I'm disassembling those thoughts. I told you that I'm going to bring down the infrastructure of insecurities, inferiorities, and inadequacies. Those things you built your mindsets upon. Only Christ will remain in your heart, only Christ. His plans for you are good and not evil, to give you new hope, desire and a future.

You call, and I will answer you even before the words exit your mouth. You can be sure God has answered you. I'm going to prove out what I'm saying to you. Every time I spoke a promise in the Word of God, it came to pass. It wasn't always overnight, but it always came to pass. 

I will prove My words to you. And if I prove out to be a liar, Then you can cancel your subscription to the Bible and you can join the Mormon Church, if you want. But you're going to find out that I go over and above what I say, over and above until I'm done. I watch over My words that I've promised. You work for me and I will not treat you like others have, who treated you so unfairly. 

I'm going to win your hearts, says the Lord. That my complete and absolute intention. My up front intention is to win your hearts. Not with flowery words, but with flowers and words to prove that I am a covenant keeping God. The one who has the power to do what He says."
(Portions of a prophecy on March 25, 2011)

The covenant of Abraham is one that is extended to all of God's sons and daughters and it is much greater than we could ever imagine. They may also take longer to see certain aspects fulfilled, because they often extend to other generations and beyond. 

Remember, Abraham was already old and he still had to wait. Yet, God was faithful and so was Abraham. We shouldn't try to rush things. God will let you know when the time is right. The flesh is always in a hurry and that when we start to make mistakes. God's ways and timing are always best.