Note: God doesn't ask everyone to sell everything or leave their family, but He does expect us to be sold out to Him and willing to do whatever He tells us.
July 12, 2011
Who's My Mother?
When God step on the scene things change, especially with family. Jesus said to His disciples, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be those of his own household." (Matthew 10:34).
Jesus continues with,“Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life because of me will find it. (Matthew 10: 37-39)
Then one day Jesus' mother and brothers came looking for Him. And Jesus said to the crowd around Him, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" Then looking at those (disciples) sitting around Him, He said, "Behold My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother."(Mark 3:33-34) Jesus wasn't trying to be mean, but to make specific point. Which is—in the Kingdom of God the spiritual family take preeminence over the natural family. This wasn't anything knew for Jesus, He saw His Father do the same thing. For example, in the Garden of Eden, God commanded Adam not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. But Adam chose to follow his wife into disobedience, rather than obey God's words. The next time, God told Noah to build an ark and he obeyed God. And another time, God asked Abram to leave his country and his family household. This man believed and obeyed God, and that is why Abraham is called the Father of our Faith. God also saw that Abraham was willing to obey even when he was asked to sacrifice his only son whom he loved. Throughout history man has often had to chose between the will of God and family. We are to love are family, but are mandate is to obey our Heavenly Father, rather than pleasing our family.
There is a point of contention, compromise and capitulation in churches today. Many don't believe what God says or that He would really want us to leave everything (Luke 14:33) or even sacrifice our family for the sake of the Kingdom of God (Luke 18:29). And so the church is what it is—stagnate, weak and unfaithful. But that will change due to God's incredible love and grace.
Most of the prophets in the Bible where single men and for good reason. There lives at time were harsh and there was only one voice they were to obey. Those who were married sometimes had it harder, such as Moses and David. God also took Ezekiel's wife life to prove a point, and He told Hosea to marry a prostitute to be an example. And the prophet Jeremiah was told never to marry. All these examples go to show that God's will takes preeminence over everything and everyone, including family.
You may have noticed when reading the Bible that peoples emotions are rarely mentioned or go into detailed feelings. There's probably a good reason for it, because our focus it to be on the will of God and not on human emotions. Those emotions tend to get in the way of obeying God. We usually to struggle with them far more than we should, but God's grace is there just the same.
I've sometimes wondered how Ishmael and Hagar must of felt when Abraham send them away? Or even how Abraham himself felt? Then there was Barak, who sacrificed his daughter, because of a vow to God. Or Peter's wife when he left her to follow Jesus? We can only speculate on their feeling based on how we would probably feel if something like that had happened to us. It's still hard for many people to understand the ways of God. Can you imagine how young Issac must of felt as he laid there on the alter and his father was poised over him with a knife in his hand, yet Issac's life was spared. However, God was not willing to spare His own son in order to save the world. Yet, others may see these acts as total madness, and questioned the reality of God's love. This certainly doesn't look like love to them. The problem is human love is based solely to emotions, and even though those emotions are very strong, they can vary from day to day—just like the weather. The human side of us will still tries to understand and make sense of it all, regardless of are age or knowledge.
Some people would consider this a blind obedience. And to the natural eye it would be. But the spiritual man see things differently. Yet, we still have a choice. People who know God's heart and will are not really blind as those who are that claim to see or know better. The sons and daughters of God trust in the Father completely, and not in their feelings. God knows best and He sees the big picture of which we may only see a vary small part. Covenant and agape love trump human love every time.
No God fearing man or woman wants to see other people hurt or suffer especially their loved ones, children or even their spouse. Whether these people have a good relationship or not doesn't really matter, it seems there will always be the feeling of rejection or offense when the other persons leaves. Only God can bring healing in these areas—for the ones who are left behind, sent away, and those who chose to obey and follow Jesus Christ. There is a the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. We should seek the latter and let others chose what's right for them with no condemnation.
Note: God doesn't ask everyone to sell everything or leave their family, but He does expect us to be sold out to Him and willing to do whatever He tells us.
Note: God doesn't ask everyone to sell everything or leave their family, but He does expect us to be sold out to Him and willing to do whatever He tells us.