September 28, 2011
Golden Calfs
It was near the end of Jesus ministry, and He had some final words to say to the religious leaders. It was a harsh discourse, which began with seven woes. These warning came from the Father's heart. Jesus said to them, “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees...” Jesus still loved them and He would proved it a few days later by hanging on a cross. But for now He had some things to get off His chest. Jesus had been patient long enough and their hearts needed to be exposed. The scribes and Pharisees had accused, harassed, argued, and questioned Him for over three years, and now they were plotting to kill Him, their Messiah. I believe, these seven woes from Jesus was a despite attempt to open their eyes and heart for the need for a savior before they faced Him at the judgment seat; where He would say to the depart from Me for I never knew you.
Each woe shed light on their darken hearts. However, there is one that I would like to highlight at this time, and that has to do with the swearing by the gold of the temple. The Pharisees believe that those who swore by the gold were more obligated to what they said. Jesus told to them, “You fools, which is more important the gold or the temple that sanctified it.” The Pharisee had made the gold of the temple more important than the temple itself, which ultimately represented Jesus Christ and His Bride. They place a greater value on the material substance than the spiritual, things that were done by man’s effort and labor. Just as the Israelites had Aaron build a golden calf in the wilderness, so too the Pharisees, in their minds, had taken the place of Aaron and made something for the people to worship.
Many ministers today would not see themselves as modern scribes and Pharisees. Yet many have placed a higher value on the church building, their ministry and even their words or beliefs, than on the word of God or the examples of Jesus. They will do very thing to protect their domain and the control over the people than to consider the heart of the Father. Just watch them and see what happens when any of that stuff is threatened. They would consider it an attack from the satan rather than a rebuke from God, just as the Pharisees felt toward Jesus. And even though they would never consider killing someone, many certainly have done it with their words. God has been very patient and gracious, but there will come a time when the prophets will rise up and confront them and it won’t be very pretty. If Jesus did it then, you can be sure God will do it again. It was a prophecy of things to come.
Sure it would be easy for us to point finger at the religious system and leaders, but how about us. Are there things or ideas that we still hold dear to us that they have become our Golden Calf. Things that we feel are more important and swear by them as if they were of God. I felt that way about some things and I was wrong. Idolatry comes in many shapes and forms, including people, places and things and traditions.
Have we become just as guilty claiming not to be like our forefathers the Pharisees, when in reality we’re not that much different? Jesus Christ is the Gold Standard that we should live, buy and invest more time in. And the more we have of Him the less we will want of the other.