Mankind is sinful and must repent. Yet when Jesus ministered to the people He didn't usually point out their sins. When they were sick or physically impaired, He healed them. When they were hungry, He fed them. And when they were bound by demons He freed them. He never accused an individual of failing or address their personal sins they committed that cause so many of them to suffer needlessly. He loved people and had compassion on them all, even the religious leaders who put Him to death. Yet, all sickness and disease are the consequences of sin in some form, either personal or because of other's actions, or defilement and curses. Those sins were forgiven and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary. When we choose to believe, we are clothed in His righteousness. We should try to stop doing the things and the habits of this world that had control over us. Yet somehow they still seem to slip in every now and then.
There are many adult Christians today who are suffering the consequences of their sins and don't even realize it. They truly love God and desire to please Him, but because of deception, ignorance, stubbornness and/or lack of faith, they are still hurting and suffering; either physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually or a combination. There are many Christians who have also died before their time for the same reasons. One evening the Lord said, "My people are killed, because of lack of knowledge and they are killed, because of a lack of discipline. They have allow their fleshly desire and unforgiveness to control their lives."
This problem has continue throughout history, despite all of the promise God has made to those who believe. Yet, in this next move of God, He is going beyond the grace He had shown past, just as Jesus did. He will restore multitudes, because He is a God of love and compassion; not just judgment as some people and preachers think. We are not heading toward the great tribulation or "the Rapture," but an age of more grace and mercy. Neither is He a harsh God as many of us have often felt. There are many people who are poor and helpless and He hears their cries and lamentations. And Lord says, He is about to deal with the main people who are responsible for the world's suffering. We are in a season of grace, overturn and restoration.
When I first asked Jesus into my heart, I knew I was a sinner, I just didn't know how bad I was. The scripture says who can know the heart for it is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. (Jer. 17:9) There isn't hardly a day that goes by where we don't have a wrong thought or a wrong attitude. And yet He still loves you and me. No one is perfect or close to it, save Jesus Christ. God knows our heart and the restoration that is needed in our lives. And He will do it, because of His awesome love, grace, and mercy and for no other reason.
There is nothing we can do to earn it. That same evening God also said, "Holiness is not what I'm looking for, what I desire is yielding and brokenness in spirit, says the Lord" He does not demand perfection, just do your best. Over a year ago the Lord shared some things about my future that He would do. Yet, He also told me, it wasn't because of how good, smart or obedient I was. It was, because He loved me. Wow! And the same goes for all His sons and daughters. Grace is a gift, and we need to pass it on to others in order to bring healing and restoration to them.
This next move of God will take His grace to new level. God will heal and draw people to Himself that are not even seeking or expecting it or Him. He is also using His sons and daughter to be portals to bring healing, salvation and restoration to individuals, groups, areas, places, cities and even nations. It will also come through many different forms of abilities (gifts from God), art, music, writing, speaking, technology and much more. People will be healed just by looking at an anointed painting or singing an anointed song.
This next decade will be like nothing we have ever seen before. Governments will not be the same, especially in the United States. God's love, grace and forgiveness will be the foundation of the Kingdom of God. Spiritual authority will be found in the humility of God's sons and daughters. When people see and experience the awesome grace of God, then they will truly want to know Him. The one and only God, Jesus Christ, and Lord of heaven and earth. The following words are a prophecy:
"I always said to you David that the Father would visit the earth and here we are. I'm standing at the gate. Between now and the end of the year you will feel and sense the spiritual atmosphere change in this nation as I pass through the gate. As you both are moving forward, so I am moving forward the Kingdom of God. The authority of Jesus Christ is coming to the earth and who can stop it..."
"The ones who have been hurt and cry out to me and get my attention have been those who have been suffering already, hurting already and their pain and their lament and the cries have come to the ear of God...and I don't ignore their cries. I seek to alleviate the pain."
"I'm letting you know that I'm not ignoring the hurting. This nation belongs to God. It is protected by Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Not every nation has a covenant as this one does, and few nations upon the earth has intercessors the way this nation does."
"The greatest move of God is right at the doorstep, it truly is. Brownsville was a picture, but there will be 'hot spots' across this nation and across this planet. There is going to be territories that are so charged with the spirit of Yahweh God, that when people go visit those places; like going to a resort where people visit. They will be healed just by going to those territories. They will be delivered of demons by going to that land and to those territories. Cause the spirit of God is so powerful and thick. He is coming, He is descending on certain part of the land. Certain parts of this world will be 'hot spots.' That when people... it will be like going into a mountain and having this experience with Yahweh, like Moses entering into Mount Sinai, into His cloud. There will be times when men and women are bound together with God, and all will be lifted up at the same time and view heavenly places. This is not a years down the road. These things are already beginning and starting.
And do I mind that people are running to and fro, looking for healing and deliverance? Was it wrong for people to follow me 2000 years ago? To run after me for healing and deliverance? It wasn't wrong!
I wanted them to grow up. I wanted them to get their mind straight. I wanted their focus to be right. I wanted them set free. I also wanted all men to be saved.
There are still Pools of Bethesda on the earth, says the Lord. When the angel comes and stirs the waters—all manifested in many different ways. And foolish men and their fooling ideas—they try to strip the spirituality out of everything.
The Pool of Bethesda was all about the grace of God. Whether it is Jesus healing the man or whether a man is healed by stepping into the water. It was all about the grace of God. And that is why the song, named Amazing Grace has become the anthem of your generation. And will become even more powerful. When it is sung, people will be restored in the congregation even while singing that song. Even Chris Tomlin version of it will, says the Lord. I will break chains off peoples lives as they sing that song in the congregation. It will be sung and it will be sung powerfully across the church worldwide. People will be set free because of grace, grace, grace is coming to the earth.
The greatest salvation is in front of this land as people step into this grace. The stirring of the water is at hand. And those who are restored will be a mini-member man. Because the angel of the Lord is going and stirring the water. And the man who has been waiting for 38 years will be restored, says the Lord, as God's grace visits the earth."
(A portion of a prophecy spoken on Nov. 19, 2010, by Sheldon David)