May 27, 2012


We all make choices every day. From the time we wake-up and hit the snooze alarm again until the time we go back to bed at night, often much later than planned. We make hundreds of choices everyday. Some may seem major and others minor, we don't always know which they are at the time. Most of us have the freedom to choose, and that alone is something to be grateful about.

These choices are controlled by our moral ethics or beliefs. Many of them will have little significance in a week or two, however, every choice will have an effect or impact on ones life, other's lives and especially our family, whether immediately or corporately over time. Every choice is essentially a spiritual decision regardless of whether one recognizes it or not. It is either based in ones faith in God, our desire to know Him and to hear and obey His Word or voice or choose to ignore Him. God has given each of us the gift of free choice, but not the ability to choose the consequences of those choices. 

Some choices obviously have greater consequences overall. In society and in religions there are laws that have been created to control people’s behavior because of their poor choices. As true sons and daughters of God we are free to choose in every situation. The heavenly Father doesn’t make us do anything. We are free to reflect His love, His kindness, His honesty, His generosity, and His forgivingness rather than bitterness, resentment, or jealousy. We chose to live by His nature, because we love Him and want to express Him, rather than our fleshly or selfish desires and feelings. He also gives us the choice to take up our cross and follow Jesus Christ, and say, "Yes Lord, here am I, send me." He is inviting us to participate in 'His'story, in His Kingdom, and in His Will being done.

Unfortunately, many of these decisions will be made by people who don't chose to ask God first what He would have them do. Yet, somehow God has a way of using all these choices, good or bad, to get people to where they need to be, this especially true for His sons and daughters. Some of these choices will involve pain, grief or even extreme hardship as the result of those decisions, regardless of whether they were good or bad. Still there are rewards for those who chose to be faithful, persevere and overcome.

In my life I have made a lot of bad choices and some very good ones and I could have never imagine that I would end up where I am today. (I'm sure you feel the same way too.) I can truly say it has all been covered by the grace and love of our heavenly Father. He has called and chosen me and I have chosen to follow Him, even though there were times I probably could have done things differently or better, but God has been gracious and patient with me as He is with all His children.

I recently learned that a pretty young girl that we knew at the little church is now pregnant. She's just sixteen years old. I know she loves God, but she made some bad choices. (Many lessons in life are learned the hard way. My personal testimony is proof of that.) However, I know God will use this to mold her into the wonderful mother and woman of God that I believe she will be.

I also saw my daughter this last weekend. She just turned 31, and they are building their second home. They lost their first house five years ago because of bad choices. Her husband is now a lieutenant in the sheriff’s department, and they are all excited and looking forward to moving into their new home in a couple more months with a bedroom for each of their four kids. God is gracious.

When it came time for me to leave, my daughter returned a fold-up mattress that she had borrowed. It will be my bed for the next few years (unless people invite me into their homes). She was talking about having to buy beds for all the kids and I told her I didn't want to hear anyone's complaints about their beds while I’m gone. She said, “We all have a choice, dad.” I agreed. It later started me thinking about choices in general, mine and theirs, and I’m glad and excited about the ones I have made.

After I left her, I wondered what choices they would be making ten, twenty or thirty years from now. We never know what the Lord has planned for us or our families. I don't even know all that He has for me in the future. Anything is possible when we choose to follow Christ with all our hearts, even the impossible. Choose wisely.

May 20, 2012

Mount Carmel's Superstar

Today we read and hear a lot about superstars. Men and women who have made the mark in history, their rise to fame and often their downfalls. Some have a star on Hollywood Boulevard, others an Oscar in hand, or their face on Times Magazine, or some other trophy to prove their stats for society. But, God doesn't take much notice of such carnal things as man does. However, the Lord does notice those who follow Him with a pure heart like Abraham, Esther or David, as well as prophets like Samuel and Elijah, or other sons and daughters, who are exalted in God's eyes.

Now some of you may think this is article would be about the "test of fire" or taunting the prophets of baal, but it's not. Neither is it about killing false prophets. What I would like to talk about is the heart of Elijah, not what he did that made him famous, or a superstar to some. Especially after his high noon confrontation with the prophets of baal, and the double-minded children of Israel. 

Elijah was a Tishbite, we wasn't even a Jew and he probably knew very little of the Mosaic laws. Yet he did know Yahweh, and that was the most important thing. How ironic that God chose a man from outside this clan, the children of Abraham, to be His spokesman and probably one of greatest prophets in the Old Testament. We know very little of Elijah's past or his clan other than he came from Gilead, a lush wooded area east of the Jordan River. The same place where the tribes of Reuben and Gad wanted to live rather than the Promise Land. (Numbers 32:1) There was also a city there by the same name, Jobesh-Gilead located between two rivers. This land was referred to as a healing balm; (Jer. 8:22) prophetically speaking of God's restoring power. We have to assume that Elijah also loved God and had a intimate relationship with Him, else why would God have call him to do the things he did that made him known throughout the land, just like King David was.

Elijah comes on the scene in the seventeenth chapter of I Kings. He tells King Ahab, "As the Lord, the God of Israel, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word." Wow, talk about a declaration of faith. Anyway, up until now King Ahab had probably had never seen or heard of this man that stood before him dressed in camel's skins, and now Elijah was telling him there would be no rain according to his word, not the king's. Who did Elijah think he was, and so the king dismissed the crazy man along with his words, that is until things started getting dry and crops were failing.

Meanwhile the Lord told Elijah to head east and hide himself by the brook Cherith, east of the Jordan. A place where He had commanded the ravens to provide bread and meat every morning and evening and he could drink from the brook. Can you imagine eating what ravens (part of the crow family) would bring. They were called unclean fowls according to the Mosaic law. And now Elijah was eating what ravens brought to him. Maybe he cook the meat before eating it. Then after the brook dried up God sent Elijah to a starving widow's home to provide for him. (The training and sacrifices of a prophet will never be the envy of people.)

Even after Elijah moment of fame, he was still not content. In his heart he wanted more, much more of God, and the Lord knew that. One evening, Elijah was so depressed that he even begged God to take his life. Maybe because of his fears or that life on earth was just wasn't worth living anymore. Whatever it was, Elijah saw himself as alone and the only prophet left and no better than his fathers, and then he fell asleep.

However, God was not through with Elijah and He also wanted to change his negative thinking. So when Elijah awoke he saw that an angel had fixed him a meal to eat. A breakfast for champions (bread and water, plus some divine vitamins add) it give him the strength to walk for forty days and nights until he reach Mt. Horeb, the mountain of God. There on the mountain Elijah had a close encounter with the Creator that changed is life forever. He also had some other things God wanted done, before the Lord would take Him for a ride he would never forget, and neither would Elisha, who was next in line to pick-up the mantle of a prophet.

Elijah never sought to be a superstar, all he wanted was to be a simple man who loved and obeyed God. He had other great moments and miracles, including raising the dead. But, nothing compared to knowing God and seeing Him face to face even in a whisper. It is that same spirit that was on Elijah that God wants to pass on to others, like John the Baptist and even other sons of God for this generation. This should be a lesson for all of us. All the exploits one could do under the anointing of God will never compare to knowing the heavenly Father. Amen!

May 11, 2012

Identity Crisis - Part II

I needed to get back to this subject I started last month. Knowing who we are is so very important, in fact it is life changing. The more we understand the facts (or truths) they will help us gain more confidants to move forward into Sonship, our true identity and authority in Christ. Jesus wasn't only the Son of God, He the King and the Prophet as well. He's also the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, the king of Salem (peace). (Hebrews 5-7) Jesus is the Prince of Peace too, therefore Melchizedek was a type and shadow of the heavenly Father who bestowed this blessing on one of His other sons, Abraham. We are also sons in Christ, just as Abraham was. We are also priests in the order of Melchizedek, and we are to bless and intercede for people. There is no completion in the Kingdom of God, neither is there any time of space. That is why our prayers should extend beyond our generation and families.

We are one with the Father just as Jesus and the Father are one, or Christ and His Bride are one. I know this may sound a bit complicated or super spiritual, but it's still true. Its just been hidden from the church for such a time as this. And the scriptures bears witness to all this. But it's still a matter of faith. When we fully understanding this truth, our identity becomes more clear and so does everything else that comes with it.

We are also one with the Word and have the same power and authority as Christ does. Satan doesn't want us to know this and has tried to keep the church from accepting this truth. But, satan is the liar and his deceptions are being exposed. He has no power and he was defeated two thousands years ago. When Jesus said, "It is finish!" (everything was accomplished and completed, but that's another article.)

This mystery identity of ours is now being revealed through the Word of God and through divine revelation from God's prophets. In the Bible, we read one of the most astounding statements Jesus ever made. It was that final night, after the Passover meal, when Jesus prayed for His disciples:

"...I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

 The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Father, I desire that those also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory, which you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.

 ‘Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these know that you have sent me. I made your name known to them, and I will make it known, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them." (John 15:20-26)
Just this portion of Jesus prayer speaks volumes. These disciples of Jesus were called "apostle" and they became the spiritual fathers and part of the foundation of the church. Yet there are still many churches that do not believe in prophets and fewer believe in apostles. The role of a pastor has been elevated to a position it was never intended and the church became a building. And so again, God will reestablish His church on the teaching of His apostles and prophets as it was meant to be—not on man-made concepts. God gave apostle and prophets to serve, to lift up others and to instruct and to speak for Him. They are also often used as door-mats.
"Then those who gladly received his (Peter) word were baptized. There were added that day about three thousand souls. They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and prayer. Fear came on every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles."(Acts 2:41-43)
"Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself." (Ephesians 2:20) 
Many books could be written on Jesus' high priestly prayer alone. Yet, most Christians have not really grasped what Jesus was really saying here. We are not to be like Jesus or even Christ-like, (satan wanted to be like God or act like Him, that's what religion tries to do.) As followers and sons of God, what we do or say is because that's who we are, and that includes our flaws and mistake of the past. Look at the early church; they were a mess, but they love each other and God. They didn't try to pretend to be perfect, but they were in God's eye. 

Christ's life (spirit) is living in and through us. We take up our cross and die to our self-life (the flesh) just as Jesus did. The more we die to our self-life and carnal thinking the more room we make for Him to expand in our life and work through us. And his is just the beginning of Sonship.

To live in the Holy of Holies continuously we must leave the Outer Court of the temple permanently.

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit, just as we should be. And in Christ, we became a new creation and whatever Jesus Christ is and has is available to us. This process starts from the inside, not the other way around. The most important thing to remember is that the heavenly Father loves us just as much as He loves Jesus. Wow. I mean double wow!!

So how do we live all out. It comes by hearing and then by confessing it with our mouth. Believe it with your whole heart, and then take one step at a time by faith to become who you are, God will do the rest. We also need to have a vision of how God see us and what we are to do, and then live accordion to that.

A number of years ago when I was reading the red letters from my Bible. I asked God, "Can I say that?" He said, "Yes, anything Jesus said and did you can say and do also." Wow! God was giving me a revelation that many people have rejected as even possible. Yet, Jesus told His disciples that they would do even greater things. So whats the problem? It all boils down to learning how to abide and waiting on Him and His timing. We are His disciples too, if we do what He says. Jesus also told us, that when you pray and ask, believe that you receive them, and it will be granted. (Mark 11:23-24) And yet some many Christians will say, you can't do that. Well, according to my Bible and what Jesus said and prayed, we can. But when you ask God you must know that it is according to His will, not your carnal desires.

Listen to this; that same night Philip, asked Jesus to show them the father. And Jesus said, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the father."  When people look at you, who do they see? Is it Jesus Christ the Eternal Father? (Isaiah 9:6) There should be no difference as Jesus stated, "If anyone loves me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come and make Our abode with him." (John 14:23) The Father house is the New Jerusalem. We don't have a mansion in heaven; Jesus Christ is our mansion, the Promise Land."In my father house there are many dwelling places." (John 14:2)  And His bride is the holy city coming out of heaven and being established on earth continuously. (Revelation 21:2) He is our dwelling place (abode). In Him, Jesus Christ, we have and are everything He is. Too many Bible theologian try to interpret the Bible carnally and within time dimension and that's not how God sees or does thing.

  I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in this body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

(to be continues)

May 4, 2012


"God will make a way when there is no way."

God told Moses that He would lead His children out of Egypt to a beautiful land flowing with milk and honey. A Promise Land that seemed to be too good to be true, but it was. However, the question on everyone's mind was, how? For over four hundred years the descendants of Abraham had been held in captivity and dependent upon the hand of Pharaoh. They faced many obstacles of hardship, pain and suffering during those years, and they had been taught that no ones was more powerful than Pharaoh. But now the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wanted to set them straight and free. So they needed to learn some things about Him. Mainly, that His deliverance would come in His time and His way. And they were to submit to the unseen God, rather than Pharaoh or any other man-made idol.

However, Pharaoh was a stubborn ruler and he would not let the Hebrews slaves go when he was asked by Moses. So God sent awful plagues, one after another for months and still the sons of Israel had gone nowhere except back and forth to the mud pits. Some had begun to wonder if they would ever leave Egypt. Yet, during these delays and false promises from Pharaoh many others chose to trust and obey the one true God and His servant Moses.

God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that he would not relent until the last plague; the angel of death. After that tragic and eventful Passover night they all knew, including Pharaoh, that the God of Moses was more powerful than him or any other god. Pharaoh finally relinquished and he let the slaves go to serve their God. There was singing, dancing and praises as nearly two million people left the devastated land of Egypt taking with them all its plunder.

During their new found freedom, they were lead by the cloud of the Lord. However, after a few days they found themselves facing another obstacle, the Red Sea. So they camped for the night not knowing what else to do. Then someone noticed Pharaoh's army and chariots closing in on them and they began to panic. Some were ready to surrender to the whip of slavery again. But, God was not about to let that happen or have His plans changed by the pride of a sore loser. So God placed a pillar of fire between their two camps until His trap was ready.

Moses was new at being a leader and a spiritual influence. So he told the crowd to trust the Lord and the Egyptians army would be no more. "For the Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." Then Moses cried out to God.

Now prayer is very important, but there comes a time when the actions of faith are more important than talk or prayer. Remember, God had given Moses a rod, a symbol of His authority, then told him what to do with it. All he had to do was raise his rod and stretch out his hands over the sea and God would do the rest. Wow, just that simple. The winds came and the Red Sea parted that night leaving dry ground for them all to walk across.

As they gather safely on the other side, the sons of Israel saw the hand of the Lord move over the sea again and
then the pursuing army that had followed them was gone forever. God told Moses, by this all men would know that I am the Lord, and I am honored by Pharaoh. Wow! God is honored even when judgement is served. The children of  Israel saw the awesome power of God, they feared the Lord and gave Him praise. Now they believe God and in His servant Moses.

However, as time passed their attitude quickly changed, because this would not be the last obstacle they would face. How quickly they forgot God's power and faithfulness that was demonstrated for them. Little did they realize that within a matter of months they would also try to replace Him with a 'god of gold.' Their journey had just begun and the Lord still had many things to teach them. But it would take them a lot longer to learn than they could have ever imagined, before they entered the Promise Land. 

The promise to Moses and His people was fulfilled, but not everyone got to see or experience it. Many rebelled, grumbled and complained along the way and in their hearts most didn't really trust God. Their flesh craved many things, and they became discontent. Yet what they really needed was an intimate relationship with Jehovah, just as Moses had. They could have had that, but when they heard His voice they became afraid and ended up asking Moses to speak for Him. From this story in the Bible we see that it was not the big obstacles that kept many Israelites from reaching the Promise Land, but their own carnal desires and lack of faith.

Do you see that many of God's people today is really not that much different than in Moses' time. God has also made a promise to lead us to the Promise Land, Jesus Christ. We must be ready to enter a new age of God's grace, and enter into His rest. Yet, we often act like children, preferring others to speak for Him. But, as God's sons and daughters we should learn to know His voice. We also have been set free and given His power and authority. Yet we still too often struggle to put our complete trust in Him when trials or obstacles come across our path, and I not exempt. I'm still learning also. 

In this lifetime there will always be problems and circumstances of some kind. But know for certain, they will all bow, (even satan) to the will of God regardless of their number or sizes when we're willing to take steps of faith. Just like the Israelite priest did when it was time for them to cross the Jordan River at flood stage to enter the Promise Land. So too, we as sons and priests must step forward in His will. But, it is also most important to remember that God will do whatever He can to help us reach the other side as we place our trust in Him.

The biggest obstacles in ones life will not be the Pharaohs or the Red Seas, but our own fleshly desires and our lack of trust in God.

gods of gold

The gods of these world are gold plated, they look good from the outside and make lots of promises, but the only genuine article is Jesus Christ. He's real, solid and pure all the way through.