These choices are controlled by our moral ethics or beliefs. Many of them will have little significance in a week or two, however, every choice will have an effect or impact on ones life, other's lives and especially our family, whether immediately or corporately over time. Every choice is essentially a spiritual decision regardless of whether one recognizes it or not. It is either based in ones faith in God, our desire to know Him and to hear and obey His Word or voice or choose to ignore Him. God has given each of us the gift of free choice, but not the ability to choose the consequences of those choices.
Some choices obviously have greater consequences overall. In society and in religions there are laws that have been created to control people’s behavior because of their poor choices. As true sons and daughters of God we are free to choose in every situation. The heavenly Father doesn’t make us do anything. We are free to reflect His love, His kindness, His honesty, His generosity, and His forgivingness rather than bitterness, resentment, or jealousy. We chose to live by His nature, because we love Him and want to express Him, rather than our fleshly or selfish desires and feelings. He also gives us the choice to take up our cross and follow Jesus Christ, and say, "Yes Lord, here am I, send me." He is inviting us to participate in 'His'story, in His Kingdom, and in His Will being done.
Unfortunately, many of these decisions will be made by people who don't chose to ask God first what He would have them do. Yet, somehow God has a way of using all these choices, good or bad, to get people to where they need to be, this especially true for His sons and daughters. Some of these choices will involve pain, grief or even extreme hardship as the result of those decisions, regardless of whether they were good or bad. Still there are rewards for those who chose to be faithful, persevere and overcome.
In my life I have made a lot of bad choices and some very good ones and I could have never imagine that I would end up where I am today. (I'm sure you feel the same way too.) I can truly say it has all been covered by the grace and love of our heavenly Father. He has called and chosen me and I have chosen to follow Him, even though there were times I probably could have done things differently or better, but God has been gracious and patient with me as He is with all His children.
I recently learned that a pretty young girl that we knew at the little church is now pregnant. She's just sixteen years old. I know she loves God, but she made some bad choices. (Many lessons in life are learned the hard way. My personal testimony is proof of that.) However, I know God will use this to mold her into the wonderful mother and woman of God that I believe she will be.
I also saw my daughter this last weekend. She just turned 31, and they are building their second home. They lost their first house five years ago because of bad choices. Her husband is now a lieutenant in the sheriff’s department, and they are all excited and looking forward to moving into their new home in a couple more months with a bedroom for each of their four kids. God is gracious.
When it came time for me to leave, my daughter returned a fold-up mattress that she had borrowed. It will be my bed for the next few years (unless people invite me into their homes). She was talking about having to buy beds for all the kids and I told her I didn't want to hear anyone's complaints about their beds while I’m gone. She said, “We all have a choice, dad.” I agreed. It later started me thinking about choices in general, mine and theirs, and I’m glad and excited about the ones I have made.
After I left her, I wondered what choices they would be making ten, twenty or thirty years from now. We never know what the Lord has planned for us or our families. I don't even know all that He has for me in the future. Anything is possible when we choose to follow Christ with all our hearts, even the impossible. Choose wisely.