My campsite in the Redwoods |
to Jedediah Smith National Park. There are many beautiful places around the world, but
few can capture the feeling, mood and the grandeur of creation as when one is standing
in midst of these awesome trees in northern California. The size of these giant
trees is incredible, many standing over 350 feet tall and over twenty-five feet in diameter.
Some were even alive when Jesus Christ was born.
have many fond memories of my trips to the Redwoods. This is my fifth time here.
The first time was fourteen years ago when Sheldon David invited me and we spent a week with God during the Tabernacle season in September of 1998.
We would usually drive out to one or more trails around the national park to hike where we felt led by God. One of them was called Hope Trail
and another was Damnation Creek Trail (rightly named), it was a zigzag trail that dropped
a thousand feet to the Pacific Ocean below. Shortly after we started down that trail David asked me if I was ready to die. I said, “Yes, if that is what God had
in mind.” I thought to myself that I might have to throw myself into the ocean when
I got to the bottom. Along the way we stopped and ponder the beauty of the late afternoon sunlight coming through the tall trees and mist that hovered over the steep hillside making for a spectacular display of sun rays that we would never forget.
we got to the bottom, we just sat on a rock and watched the waves crashing on
the rocky shore, as we talked for a bit. Then David asked if I was ready to
leave. I said, “You mean I don’t have to jump into the ocean.” He laughed. When
we started back up the very steep trail, I told David that I felt
like God wanted me to run to the top, and so I did without stopping for a rest. This would have been physically impossible for most people, especially me who was
fifty-one years old at the time. However, it was just another miracle in my life.
next day we went to the Oregon Caves, which wasn't too far away, and we went down into the
pit of hell with the river Styx that ran through it at the bottom of the cave. (Styx- river of hate; according to legends, separated the land of the living from the dead) It seemed like almost everything we did the
Lord had a specific reason and He would often speak to us.
Each evening we would
build a campfire; have dinner and talk about God and what we felt. I fixed the
meals for us which I enjoyed doing; nothing elaborate, but tasty just the
same. (Food just seems to taste better when you’re hungry and camping with
four years ago during Tabernacles of 2008, David and I came here again after I had
moved to Vancouver to lived with him for about five months. It was very special
time again and God often spoke to us. He even challenges us to prove or test Him. It was our
last time there together in the Redwoods.
This time I'm back in the Redwoods by myself to spend time with my Heavenly Father. It’s also the Tabernacle season which last for ten days. This is where I believe my real journey began fourteen years ago and now I'm starting an exciting adventure,
under His wing, and from here on everything will change again.
It was an awesome week and we walked among very large trees that He planted here thousands of years ago. Also, along still water and we even
laid on the beach and soaked in the sunrays of His love. One time I even
asked Him if I could hold His hand while we walked and He said, “Any time, you
want too, Israel, any time.” We also talked about many things, mostly personal, such as my doubt
and fears. But the thing I remember most is that he said, I could do whatever
I want and still not miss His plans for me. That was very reassuring to hear. We even talked about
love. For example, people fall in and out of love, but what God wants for us is to be in Love with the One and only One.
times we just sat quietly. Sometimes it could even be considered boring, but I
found it quit restful, even though nothing seemed to be happening. But you see
that’s when inner strength can be built for the battles that take place in the spiritual realm, even for future generations, because we
don’t wrestle with flesh and blood.
me give you an example, when you see a tree in the wintertime and all of its
leaves have fallen off—it’s bare and not very beautiful. Some people might consider them boring,
and it looks like nothing happening. However, what we don’t see is that the roots are growing. It’s when the tree
puts all its energy into going down and out, so that it will be able to
withstand the tests it will face in the spring and summer when there are strong
winds and much less water to nourish it, so it can provide food and shade for others. This
is their quite time of waiting on God. Everything has its purpose,
even boredom when its given to waiting on God and His timing.
I saw this rock of Jesus' head, right in front of me, when I stopped for lunch not far from the Redwoods. |
The State Park, where I stayed, was named after Jedidiah Smith. He was devote
Christian and loved God’s creation and was a fur trapper. He also did many other
things that helped people to be able to travel across the United States to the West Coast.
I’m thankful for men and women like him. Yet I wonder if that was God’s
plan or just his dream for adventure. You see, Abraham also had a dream, and He
was told to walk the length and breathe of the Promise Land. But his legacy was
his walk with God, and the Promise. Abraham put his complete trust in Him. Therefore, he is known as the Father
of our Faith.
too, have walked many miles and will travel to many countries. But, whether I make any mark for
humanity doesn’t really matter, as long as my walk is with God. In the chronicles
of heaven, I would like to be remembered, as a man who loved God with all is
heart, and fulfill the task He was given for the Kingdom of God.
I did not have the visitation of the Father as I had hoped. He never said when, yet it will happen as He has promised, but in His timing not mine despite my anxiousness. This adventure has just begun and I am enjoying it every
day, I never know what will happen next; just more divine appointment as I head
further south.
Leaving the Redwoods, but His rays of love are always on me.