La Manga at sunset |
homes, towns, and dreams; is the any hope left? I’m sure the children of Israel
felt that way when they past by the ruins of Jerusalem and the countryside. But
God made a promise to them through the prophets that He would restore them, and
God was faithful. Today, many places that were once barren in Israel are now
blooming with prosperity, but many of their hearts remain unchanged. Yet, that too
will change as the prophets and the sons of God bring forth His Truth and Love to
that once again.
little town of La Manga and the Nation of Mexico are no different. I have past
many empty homes and even another section of town called La Manga II, with over
a hundred homes and only a couple are still lived in. But it too will bloom and
flourish once again, bringing forth fruit and a harvest of souls for the
Kingdom of God. A prophet now walks the streets and shore of La Manga,
declaring the heart of the Father, who wants to see his children happy, free
and restored.
are probably many people, who still wonder why I’m here in La Manga, and I’m
not even sure what has even been said about me, but that’s not really
important. The fact is, this is where God wants me and that’s more important.
Whether I speak Spanish or not I love them, and God’s Light and love and grace is
coming forth. Angelic forces are at work here preparing the way and the hearts
of men for the visitation of the Heavenly Father.
other day I even went an anointed the community well with oil, and prophesied
that it would never run dry and that it would over flow with water as a picture
or expression of God’s abundant love.
one morning I woke up feeling very alone. Even though everyday something new happens in this wild adventure. But, the process of waiting on God it can be challenging and lonely
feeling at times. The most difficult part for me so far is the ability to
really connect with the heart of the people here, and the language barrier
doesn’t help. That’s when I to go to my closest Friend and talk to Him as I often
do everyday. The Lord is my strength, comfort and most of all, my companion.
When I look to Him I find my loneliness disappears. Then I can go on and face
this new world that I have sometimes wanted to run away from. Now they too can
see His love through me. Delia works a lot and is gone so much that she is not
the help I thought she might be when I first got here, and yet this is nothing
new to God. Neither does she have a child that I once thought, because Juan
said this niece was his sister, but he has four sisters, and only three are
Two very wonderful people, and Juan loves to raise roosters |
would like to know more of what the people think and feel. Juan, Manuela and
Manuel are very special. They have accepted me into their home and as their
friend, and I have at least one meal with them each day. I love and respect
them very much. There are also cultural differences too and I respect them
also. Yet I would like to know what their hopes, dreams, or even what some of their
expectations are. I would like to be able to tell them how much God really loves
them and how much He wants to fill their needs and desires. However, all I can
do is trust God and take it one day at a time.
the meantime, we got some rain yesterday and the children loved playing in it.
It helped freshen the air and keep the dust down, and it look like we were going
to get more rain during that night. But when it came so do the wind and it woke
me up. It rocked my van so hard that is was impossible to sleep, so I finally
got up and faced the van into the wind. As I did, I noticed that very large
waves were coming in as the headlights shined on the white crashing foam of the
waves. It was now after 1:30 and I began to pray the God would protect the people,
their windmills and their boats, and to wake then up to move the boats off the
next morning, I saw that all the boats had been moved. Juan said he woke up about
2am, and woke others up to move their boats by tying ropes to their trucks and
pulling them to higher ground. I thanked God and there was also no damage I to
anything in town that I could see.
that day I was told by Juan, that the government had passed a law that goes
into effect in two months. It states that no adult can laugh; if they are seen
by the police they will be warn once, the next time they will be arrested, put
in jail with the possibly losing their possessions. Children were also expected
to obey it as well. Delia and another man confirmed the same report. But, I’m
trying to get more information on this. It just seems too ridiculous. Whether
this rumor is true or not, this country still needs the sons of God to rise up
and overturn laws that bind peoples freedom and maybe even pray that the
President is baptized in the Spirit of Laughter. Wouldn’t that be something to
see? God wants His children to laugh and even named Abraham’s son Isaac, which
means laughter.
Selling fresh fish to friends |
days later this possible law, gave me an opportunity to sit down and talk with
Juan, Manuela, and another young man. I told them God wanted his children to
laugh and so I had them get their Spanish Bible and read the first part of Gen.
21 about the birth of Isaac and what Sarah said about laughing. Then I had them
turn to Gen. 12 and read the promise God gave to Abraham, and blessing for
those who blessed him. I also told them, because they have blessed me, God is
going to bless them too and He also wants to make this same Promise to them and
this community.
Manuela said, that Antonio has no interest is God, just work and money. I told
them that it does not matter what he thinks now, because God will change his
heart just as He will change many others in La Manga. The Lord will open their
eyes, ears, mind and heart to receive Him and they will want to know Him and
the Heavenly Father better, in order to be use by Him to change the heart of Mexico.
I also told Juan, He would be and is a great man in the eyes of God, and his
whole family will be greatly blessed. I’m not sure if they fully understood
everything that I said, but it needed to be spoken anyway. This was very
exciting for me to get to share God’s love and His Word with them, and a most
rewarding day so far. I believe there will be still much more to come. In fact,
one time when I was in the little Catholic Church, I felt like God was telling
me that He was going to fill it. Now that would be something to see.
Eating fresh clams |
times I have helped an old fisherman with some very old fishing nets; to salvage
parts of them. Manuel and a friend and others would also help; many hands made
the work go quicker even though it still took hours each time. The old man was
very appreciative of our help too.
People love to meet at the little store at sunset |
One time there was a little girl who was sitting in the dirt and crying. I didn’t know why she was crying, and there was no other adult around and so I just knelt down beside her and gently rubbed her back to console and comfort her. When she stopped crying, she continued to play with her two empty coke bottles and filling them with dirt. I kissed her on the top of her head and then walked away. Another day there was another little girl who likes me and I picked her up and sat her on my lap and sang, Jesus Loves Me, in Spanish. It’s the only Spanish song I learned as a child. She really enjoyed that, and then I gave her a big squeeze from God. Now I have two beautiful girls who like to be around and sit next to me, plus share their food with me. One even sat and leaned on my side one day and she drew a picture, with pen and paper of the two of us sitting in my van. It was very good for her age. I love the children and they accept me like a grandfather. It reminded me of when Jesus laid His hands on the children and blessed them and said for such is the kingdom of God. |
is also this very poor couple that I have also helped. I see them nearly every
day as they bring in aluminum cans and scrape metal to sell and by food from
the little market. They both appear to be in their early thirties, but the one
thing that strikes me the most about them is that they are always together even
when looking for stuff. They also has a unique way of flatten their cans they
collect; they spreads them on dirt road in front of their house and lets the
cars run over them. Now if only life’s problems could be that simple to solve. Yet,
I have found it very easy to love God’s people here.
final note: I talked with another Mexican who spoke better English and reads the
newspaper almost everyday. He said
he has read nothing in the paper on any such laws of no laughter; and that is
good news to know. Also in next week article I will tell you about some other very nice people I have met this past week.