Sunset over La Mango |
presidential election last week did not go as many of us had hoped or expected.
Over a year ago the Lord spoke to Sheldon and I one night about our government
and the president. I don’t remember the exactly all the words, but it was something
to the effect that the Democratic Party would come to an end and the
presidential race would not be as close as some people thought. Plus, there
would also be no more abomination. As you can see, one can jump to certain conclusions
that were not really said. But he is the president again and we should honor
him as the man whom God put in authority over our country. So now we wait for
the sons of God to rise up and bring forth restoration. We need miracles and we
should expect to see them if this world is going to really change for the
Kingdom of God. But it maybe not be as fast was one would hope. So we have to take
it one day at a time as I have had to in La Manga, Mexico.
Kids playing on soccer field in front of church |
past week has had its ups and down for me also, but all those circumstances
will bow also. First, I when to an English speaking church in San Carlos, were
about 150 people there. Most of them are retired American who now live in
Mexico. However, about twenty-five people were visiting there from a sister
church from British Columbia, Canada. The people were friendly and sang some
songs I was familiar with. I will probably go again, just to touch more lives
and see what God may have me say or do there. I enjoyed it and needed this kind
of fellowship for now, even if it is in an organized church. The next day Juan
and I, helped a man buy a new motor for his boat and we were able to use his
truck to get it.
a day later, a poor man had just given me some candy to show his appreciation for money that I had giving him and his wife the day before, and while I was chewing on it a portion of a tooth broke off. Then the next day I was cleaning
some watermelon rinds off the soccer field that I had spent sever mornings clearing the
rocks, garbage and broken glass off it and got stung by a bee on my finger, and then later I heard about the reelection. Bummers! Then the following day, a rock chip
that was in the center of my windshield that’s been there for over four years
decided to spread left and right several inches. Plus the whole week I was dealing with deal
some old emotional issue.
despite the disappointments and inconvenient circumstances, God is faithful and
He is restoring all things. I don’t know about you, but I want to see more miracles
and the miraculous. Then we won’t even care who is the president or silly little miss
Leaving shrimp boat |
the meantime, God has also given me some exciting adventure and experiences
along the way. That week, I also got to go with Juan to unload some shrimps of
a boat and take thirty large bags weighing close to a hundred pounds each to shore
where a truck was waiting to take then to market. I also got to meet and bless
more people in the process. Then the next evening, I went to an concrete block
building, where single men meet and some sleep who have no family or home in La
Manga. Most of them are also older. While I was there, I got to talk to the
contractor of the men, about the Lord and His desires for here and all Mexico
for over an hour.
Family working on palm roof |
next day a bus with students from a university in Mexico came to La Manga and
Juan and his uncle got to take them out for a joy ride on the ocean, in their
boats while the bus was being worked on. Since I have been here I have seen God
bless Juan in many ways other than just fishing since it has not been very good
for him lately. Then that night I was invited to come in and have some cold milk
and fruit yogurt with Juan and Manuela at their kitchen table. While eating, I got
to share more about the Lord and His desires for them and the people here. I even
got so excited at one point when describing how God wants us to express our
love to Him, that I raise my hands and spoke in tongues for a few phrases.
Unfortunately, it was not in Spanish, this time, but anything possible, right. I could see in their eyes the hunger to know and understand more
of what I was saying as I talked to them. I even told them, they would see
their faith and love for God grow much more. So that someday they would see and
do the miracles of Jesus, including restoring peoples’ arms, legs, eyes being
restored and coming out of their wheelchairs.
School teacher washing children's hair after class |
I left them that night, I was so excited I could hardly go to sleep. By the end
of the week all the other little issues seemed so unimportant. I can see that God
is setting the stage for the visitation of the Father and miracles. And I’m so
grateful just to be a part of it.
All these rock are cemented into an old lava flow going to the sea. It reminded me of the Body of Christ, we are all different sizes, shapes, and color and yet we are all cemented into the Love of Christ. |
I also left my laptop on after I posted my article last week, and changed it into Spanish, so that when I got back to Juan's house they could read it in their own language and understand more of what I'm saying and doing in La Mange and also see the pictures I have taken there.
Next week it still getting better.