June 14, 2013

God Bless Israel

This is another child I got to pray who comes for therapy.

Last week I received a special blessing. I had been sitting in my van reading and watching the people play at the beach when I noticed a man wearing a “T” shirt with a large Star of David printed on the back. I thought that was interesting, and wonder what it meant to the man wearing it, and if he could speak English. So I got out of the van, to go talk to him, but then he started to walk further away, so I decided to wait. I went back to the van and read some more. After a while I got out again, went down to the water edge and watched the children play in the surf. When I turned around I saw the same man again just about twenty feet from me. The shirt also had the Star of David on the front with Spanish words written over it, but I didn’t fully know what it said. So I when up to the man and told him I liked his shirt, as I pointed to the Star. I also said that my name was Israel David. He told me his name, but unfortunately I forgot it. Anyway, he could speak English, but the rest of his family could not, including his wife who was standing nearby. He said they were Christians and that a friend in the United States gave him the shirt when he was there, and that it was one of his favorite as he and his wife pointed out some of the holes and the fading blue colored star and red letters. He told me it said “God Bless You,” referring to the Nation of Israel, and that the Baptist church, where they attended, often prayed for that country. They also named their first son Israel, who was now an adult and had a family. I told him my name was given to me by God and that he sent me to Mexico to speak some words over it, pray and help the sick and the poor. Then I explained some of the things I did and that I hope to be going to that country also in a few years, to help turn their heart back to the Messiah. Jesus Christ, with the love and the power of the Heavenly Father. We talked a little more and then he said he would like to pray for me. I said, “I would like that,” and so we all held hand as we prayed there on the beach. He prayed in Spanish (he had indicated he would) and then I prayed for him, neither of our prayers were short. I prayed for God’s blessing on each of them and the children and for the generations to come until all Mexico knows the salvation of the Lord. What an awesome scene there on the beach as the sons and daughters prayed for Mexico and for Israel. I was indeed blessed and so is that Nation. Again, I am grateful for another Divine Appointment. I also gave him one of Sheldon’s cards. 

As Christians and Disciples of Christ, we too should remember to pray for the Nation of Israel, it is God’s chosen nation and we are from that chosen Seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ.

"At that time," declares the Lord, "I  will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people."...I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness. Again I will build you and you will be rebuild...For I am a father to Israel." (Jeremiah 31:1-9)

 God bless Israel

A simple blessing for me: Later that night after watching a movie with Ramon, I went into town go get something to eat. It was a warm night, and after eating my fish taco I decided to take a walk to the far end of town to one of the markets to get some food and something to drink. I got some bananas, apples, and a cold soft drink. However, I also wanted some chili and lime flavored chips, but they were not on sale so I decided passed on them. On the walk back to my van, walking the same side of the street I had come, I noticed a bag near the side of road that was not there before. It turned out to be a large unopened bag of chili and lime flavored chips. I laughed in amazement to God’s simple blessing and thanked him for them.