August 30, 2013

Back to Eden

“Love the Lord your God, and love one another. Love one another as he loves. Love with strength and purpose and with passion and no matter what comes against you. Don’t weaken. Stand against the darkness, and love. That’s the way back to Eden. That’s the way back to life.”  Francine Rivers, author of Redeeming Love
It’s been over six thousand years since man lived in the Garden of Eden, and in God’s original plan. We’ve come a long ways since then and we know it hasn’t all been good, or as things should be. In fact it’s not even close. 

In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth, and very living creatures. And on the earth the Lord also planted a beautiful garden called Eden, where He placed man and his wife that were made in His image. They were His crowning glory of all creation. Adam was to cultivate it and maintain the garden. And the Lord said them, "Be fruitful and multiply." And the God blessed them and saw that everything He had done was very good.

The Lord also planted two trees in its midst of that Garden; along with a warning about one of them--the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The other was the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve were extremely blessed, beautiful and free; free to choose the way they would want to live.
Adam and Even were to be the prototype for all God’s children. They were created to have fellowship with the Father in the cool of the day and to obey His words. This was meant to be God’s plan for all mankind, but they failed. The Lord had given Adam the authority over all the earth and every living creatures, and the task of naming them. Yet, Adam yielded that authority to another voice; while his wife was deceived by a serpent hanging in the forbidden tree. Thus they both ate the deadly fruit from that tree thinking it would make them wiser and like God. Only ofter they had eaten it did they realized their mistake, but it was too late. The consequences were astronomical; removing the breath of life from all creation; not just themselves. God had no choice, but to drive them out from His beautiful Garden with the Tree of Life. All creation would now have to experience a different life; one of many hardships, curses and even death.
Thus the world was broke because mankind abandon his relationship with God in order to asserted his independence and the ability to determine his own destiny. 
However, our heavenly Father has always desired for all His children and creation to see and experience the things the way they were meant to be. Thus He made a wonderful plan through His son Jesus Christ, the Second or Last Adam to restore all that was lost and broken. So that we could one day return back to Eden, also called Paradise. However, it would be the new and improved and glorious Garden, where we will once again walk with Him in the cool of the day in our glorified bodies. And in this Garden of Eden there will be no serpent, or the tree of knowledge of good and evil. For this is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth with the Tree of Life in its midst and the River of Life flowing through it.

I don’t know how long this will all take, or how God will even do it. But the scriptures says, "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away..." (Rev. 21:1) However, we can all still get a taste of heaven and Eden now, by faith, as we eat from the Tree of Life and wait in His presence by faith. Abba Father still desires for us to walk in the cool of the day with Him even now as He restores our soul by the work of His Holy Spirit. 

The Lord made a promise and covenant with His friend Abraham that extends to a thousand generations. Thus, for mankind maybe we have just begun this journey home; back to Eden, the Father’s Garden and His original plan. We can begin this journey by taking one step at a time with Christ Jesus, the Chief Gardener. He has also given us the task (Acts 1:8) to pass the fruit from the Tree of Life along with its seeds to plant into the next generation. Then the whole world will blossom into the beautiful Garden of Eden.

One night a number of years ago, the Lord gave me a very short song. “Jesus, you are the Garden of Eden of my soul.” That was it, so I went outside and sang it over and over, as I walked through the snow on the ground.

August 24, 2013

Amazing Grace

About two weeks ago, I was told the apartment I was staying in was being rented to someone else, and that I had only two more nights to stay in it that were paid for. I thanked Juanita for her kindness, all the meals and for letting me have the apartment. After she left, I tried to stay calm and not worry. So I went to my room, fixed a nice meal, prayed and watched a move, The Passion. However, I didn’t sleep very well that night, and the next morning I started thinking about my options which were close to none and nothing as nice as the furnished apartment, but then it was an awesome deal. 

Staying in that apartment for those four weeks was such a blessing. Sleeping in my van again would have been very difficult, especially this time of year. The next day it was 103 degrees by noon, and I needed a swim to cool off and talk to God, and let His peace wash over my soul. Then I met a man on the beach who had parked next to my van. He could speak English, so we talked and then I mention my problem. He suggested a place nearby that was nice and very cheap; he had stayed there a few weeks ago. I asked him to take me, but instead he told me exactly where it was and the color of the building. I thought this might be an answer, but it wasn’t. When I went looking for it, I found no such place that was open or for the price he had paid. So I went back to the apartment and waited on God in my air conditioned room.

At about 5pm, I saw Juanita go by the window, coming to my apartment. Much to my surprise, when I got to the door she was holding a large plate of hot food for me. As I took the plate I thanked her and also said, “I guess this is my last supper.” I don’t think she understood that part. Then she told me that I may not have to leave for another day or more, depending in a phone call. I thanked her and gave her a big huge. Went back to the bedroom, thanked God and ate a delicious fish and rice dinner, prepare with great care. I was overwhelmed, by her kindness and God’s amazing grace. 

At 7:30 that same evening it was still 107 degrees outside and the same temperature was predicted for the next day, along with some thundershowers. When I woke up, it was raining. So I decided to spend most of the day in the apartment and enjoyed a cool, dry place. When the time came, I knew God would have another place for me, but I just didn’t know where. 

The next morning, I went see Juanita, hoping to pay for another week. But, when I talked to her she indicated that I needed to be out in about hour, so she could change the towels and bedding. I said, “Okay.” Then I said to God, “Well, I guess it’s time to move.”

After I moved out, I stopped by Rosa’s house, to see if she knew of some places to stay. She had a friend’s whose house had two extra bedrooms upstairs available. However, when we got there the lady said her 21 year old daughter now lived in one of them and we would have to share the same bathroom. But the biggest problem at the time was that their water pump for their whole house was broken and she had no money to fix it. 

Rosa and I then went and looked at another place; it was a 36’ travel trailer. This owner also couldn’t speak English, so she helped me with the communication problem again. The man wanted 2000 pesos per month, and I wanted a little time to think about it, and then we left. The trailer was nice, clean and had everything I needed, but my main concern was about the A/C unit. When I went back to see him in less than an hour; I found him in the trailer laying on the bed and drunk. We moved to the dining table, where it was cooler, and I offered him 500 pesos for the first week to see if the trailer stayed cool enough. Then I might stay longer.

He was a small kind man, and I told him that God loved him and so did I. He began to weep, so I prayed for him. Then he spoke more, but I couldn’t understand most of what he said, except that I was a very good friend. He pushed the 500 pesos back to me and said no charge. I couldn’t accept that, nor could I get him to leave after he talked for another twenty minutes. I need to move my stuff in, eat and get some sleep. But he still would not go to his house which was just next door. I decided this was not a good idea; trying to do business with an intoxicated man. So I said good bye to him and left. It was getting late and I was being forced to do what I didn’t want to do. 

It was a very hot and humid and I was going to have to sleep in my van again. It was 95 degrees at 10:30pm, and it was nearly impossible; I was miserable. This was not good and I was not a happy camper. Everything was damp and beads of water were running down the inside of the windows. Then the Lord started helping me change my attitude. I believed God was still in control and I trusted Him. So I prayed, sang songs and tossed and turned all night. Sometimes, I even sat up and laughed at my circumstances and satan. I remembered that the apostle Paul had some pretty bad nights too. The last time I looked at the clock it was 4:32am. Thankfully, I finally fell asleep, but woke-up at about 6:30, because it was getting light, and the flies and mosquitoes were getting hungry. It was Sunday morning, 88 degrees and sticky. Again, I told God that I would trust Him and whatever happens, I would receive from Him with thanksgiving. 

Amazingly, I actually felt rested, so I went to two different air conditioned grocery stores to stay cool before going to the English speaking Community Church, which I had not gone to the week before. This was the same church where the former pastor, Rich, gave me money and then his computer after mine was stolen. Now the church had just voted in another pastor, with a 90% approval. However, he was also the only one who came recommended and spoke two Sundays. Then he and his wife went back to the States waiting for their decision. (He will start the first of November.) For some reason God keeps me coming back to this church.

Anyway, I got to the church a little early, so I greeted some people and one of the elders, whose name was Howard. He told me, “I just learned that you’ve been living in your van.” I was surprised, and so I briefly explained. Then he said, “I know someone that might be able to help you. His name is Jerry and he has a business with a house that is going to be empty for a couple months. And I’ll introduce you to him when he gets here.” I thanked him, and then I met Jerry a little later. This was another one of those “Divine Appointments.”

I will try to keep this part short even though a lot was said and done. After church, Jerry lead me to where he had a business of selling beds, rugs and window blinds, plus some other things out of a large storage building, about 40’x90.’ But next to it was a nice large one story house. As we walked through the house with three bedrooms, three bathrooms house, a small kitchen that had a refrigerator where the stove had been and a nook nearby, plus other living areas and an office. All the floors were either tile or wood planking.

There were separate A/C unit in each bedroom and in the main living areas. All Gerry asked me to pay for, was the water bill and electricity use during the time I was there. I agreed, we estimate it would be about 550 pesos a week ($50), and I would pay that to his accountant. 

Jerry bought the place used and now the house was unfurnished, other than a few items. It needed some minor repairs, plus there were no doors on the bedrooms at this time. We picked a bedroom that also had an overhead fan and light. Jerry suggested blocking the doorway and another opening with some large Styrofoam panel that were out in the warehouse. They would help keep the cool air confined and the cost down, and there was a full bathroom just across the hall. All I would have to do is just side the panel to get in and out; no problem.

I was able to sleep in the house that night, after a got the panels up and a nice 6” thick mat from the missionary retreat; it was one that Jerry had given them. I also added a small dining table, a chair and large mirror that I found. Then I put my camp stove out on the back patio on a small stand and I was all set in my new home. There are also five outdoor cats that I needed to feed and water while Gerry and his wife are gone, until the middle of October. 

My new home
This was just what I needed (maybe not the cats), and the Lord had it all planned out. I didn’t really need to go looking, but I’m glad I did, for the people I got to met. I only had to spend one difficult night in the van, and I still have internet access. This also seems to indicate that I may be staying longer in this area. But the most incredible thing about all this was God’s timing and meeting Jerry. They were leaving in two days, and the place would have sat empty, but now I have a house to live in and keys and a new friend.
Jerry and I got off to a great start as I shared more details about my live, faith and love for God and the Mexican people. He was quite surprised with my some of my experiences and in living by faith. Jerry also loves God very much, and we got to know each other even better the next day. He is 54 years old, an American who was born and raised in Mexico until he was 13. So he also speaks fluent Spanish, Jerry and his wife, Adriana, live in a condo on the marina not far from here and have another home in Arizona where they are going to spend some time. His wife is from Argentina, and is not a Christian, (yet). 

Jerry graduated from Bethany Bible College in Southern California and served as a young pastor for a while until a painful divorce ended that. Now, he is hoping someday of using this place for the Lord’s work, including a Christian radio station to preach the Gospel. After we talked for a while, I prayed for Jerry, and asked God to bless him and their marriage, and that the Lord would also give him a vision of His plans and a deeper relationship with Him.
Before leaving the first day, Jerry asked me to keep him in my prayers. The next day I also met some of his friends and I prayed with one of them. Near the end of that day he said to me that he needed a friend like me. Wow! 

The Lord and my Best Friend, is sooooooo amazing and Good. I believe God is definitely getting ready to do something awesome in Mexico. His amazing grace makes everything all worthwhile.


August 17, 2013


A quiet morning at he beach where I spend the days

As sons of God there are certain events and actions in our lives that are prophetic. When these things happen we usually don't realize that they are, but our words and actions should have power and at times prophetic implication. One night the Lord said to me that much of my life was prophetic, and one of those times was when I changed my name to Israel David.

Today, as I walk the land of Mexico and my life continues to be a prophecy. 
This past year has been awesome and challenging too, as I’ve waited on the God's perfect timing. But to many people and even some Christians, my life here so far may appear boring or even foolish. Sometimes I’ve thought that myself, and other time I've even questioned; does anyone really care. But then I remember God cares, and that's why I'm still here.

One day as I was walking along the beach a Spanish women motion excitedly for me to come to her. I turned around to see if there was someone else, but there wasn't so I went to her. She was sitting on the sand close to another women, but neither of them could speak any English. However, there was a man sitting nearby, under the same canopy, and he could speak English every well. So I was able to communicate with them while their children played out in the ocean. I explained to them who I was and why I was in Mexico. She told me that they were Christians, and that the man was just a friend who drove them there to spend a day at the beach. 

They had an ice chest, but she said there was no more water, only beer which only the man was drinking. The lady motioned and said she was very hot and thirsty. So I told her I would get them some fresh water that I had in a small container. When I returned she took a big drink and then much to my surprise, she asked me to pour the water on her head and shoulders, and so I did. She enjoyed her dousing so much, as I slowly poured it, that she encouraged the lady next to her to have me do the same. She agreed and so I poured the rest of the water over her head. They were both very grateful and thanked me. I was very moved by this act and their trust in me being a total stranger. So I blessed them and then I left. 

However, when I got to my van, I realized that their children must also be thirty. So I took another container that had my drinking water and went back to the two ladies and offer them more to drink. They both drank this time. Then I went out into the surf and offered water to the three teenage girls and a younger boy. They all drank until the water was gone, and they too thanked me. As I left them I remember the scripture, “When I was thirsty you gave me water to drink.” 

Later that day the Lord indicated to me that is act was a baptism and a prophecy for those two ladies. Their lives would be greatly changed and blessed because of it, as well as their children. Apparently the Holy Spirit had inspired her to call me over and do what I did; to bless their lives in this special way. Wow, a simple act of kindness can have such a profound meaning.

On these hot days, I go out in the ocean almost everyday. It’s a cool way to have more time with God, and while I was out there the Lord started talking to me about a much larger baptism; one for all of Mexico, A baptism into His grace, power and glory. 

This reminded me of another baptism, when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea. "For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers and sisters, that our ancestors were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. (1Corinthians 10:1-2) However, at that time the Children of Israel were mainly looking for a way of escape the wrath of Pharaoh’s army, even thought the presence of God was with them and an angel was leading in a cloud. Not only was this a spiritual baptism for a nation, but also a prophetic picture of God's awesome grace and power for a world that is seeking a way to freedom also, and a baptism into the Heavenly Father's love.

Baptism into water usually represents a death. And for the children of Israel to pass through the Red Sea, it was a death to their old way of living, working and serving other gods and Pharaoh. Now they where to live a life totally free; no longer slaves, but totally dependent on the God of Israel for their health, protection and provision. They were also to love, obey and worship only Him. As Christians this baptisms into water also means the same for us.

When John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, it too prophesied of a greater baptism. One in which the church was baptized with Him, so that we, the Body and Bride of Christ could escape judgment and the fires of hell. Then when Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again; we were also in Him.
 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (Romans 6:4)
As sons and daughters of God our life can have profound effects on this world. Our lives have meaning and purpose, both now and for future generations.

August 10, 2013

A Whole Lot of Shaking

The Glory of the Lord keeps getting better and better
‘Who of you is left who saw this house in its former glory? How does it look to you now? Does it not seem to you like nothing? But now ... be strong, all you people of the land,’ declares the Lord, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘This is what I covenanted with you... And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.’
6“This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come to pass, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘ The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty....”
23 “‘On that day,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘I will take you, my... son[s] declares the Lord, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” (Haggai 2: 3-9,23 NIV)
The Lord is speaking here through the prophet Haggai to Zerubbable, governor of Israel, and to Joshua son of Jehozadak, who was the high priest, and to the remnant of Israel; this passage can also applies to us, "the remnant," God's chosen sons and daughters. We are His house, being made into glorious temple like non-other and filled with His glory. We have also been given His peace and His ring of authority.

Today, shaking is still going on, earthquakes have often set the stage, and so has the Voice of God. However. this shaking will effect everything. Over the past six years there have been many deadly earthquakes, tsunamis and record breaking weather disasters. Then economic failures around the world; followed by world governments and leaders coming under fire, wars and nations being over-turned. There could be worse shakings like these a thousand years from now. Jesus speaks of a "great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will." (Matthew 24:21) Millions have suffered and died in these disastrous events and I'm sure many people feel this prophecy of Jesus is being fulfilled now, I don't know, but the sons of God have nothing to fear. "A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not approach you." (Psalms 91:7) Read all of  that chapter, if you have any doubts. These kind of shakings and others, such as human relationships and security problems will continue until God says, "That's enough," They will effect everything including the religious systems around the world. 
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1Peter  4:17)
Judgment comes first to the House of the Lord, because we were to set the example for others to follow, but unfortunately that didn't happen; thus the world has become what it is today--a mess. The church became apathetic, failing to do the task God commanded. Yet, very few Christians realize their own neglect. Therefore, the Lord disciples those he loves, because that's how sons and daughters are made. God's glory will be seen in His judgment; both of the righteous and unrighteous.
"The time is coming to gather all the nations and tongues. And they shall see my glory."(Isaiah 66:18) 
"Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest." (Revelations 15:4)
The purpose of these shaking is so that the only thing left standing is that which is of God and His Kingdom. There is also going to be a powerful spiritual move of God, which is part of this shaking. Some prophets are referring to it as the "Latter Rain." It could be, but the main thing we need to prepare our hearts for now is the "Visitation of the Father" and His grace as the world has never seen before. 

When this visitations happens some people will probably shake with uncontrollable joy, others with holy fear, and some just plan out of terror, even is the spiritual realm. This time Abba Father is going to step off His thrown and sit on his footstool (this little blue/green ball in space) just so mankind and his children can get a closer look at His glory. The world will also see His awesome love, grace and mercy demonstrated through His sons and daughters. 

Everything will be exposed to the Light and His glory. Every nations will hear the true gospel so that no one will miss an opportunity to experience His unfathomable love. Only a fool would turn their back on it on Jesus Christ, the Messiah and the only begotten Son. Unfortunately, there will still be those who will follow the enemy, the deceiver, satan, the biggest fool of all.
This is what the LORD says: "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?  Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.."   
In Matthew chapter 12 it says, that one day Jesus took three of His disciples up onto a high mountain and there He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun and His garment in glorious light. And later on the apostle John writes "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten son of God." (John 1:14) Then at the end of Jesus' earthly ministry He prays to the Father. And in that prayer He makes this awesome statement, "The glory which you have given Me, I have given to them, that they may be one just as we are one. (John 17:22)  Jesus Christ was and is the "radiance of God's glory." Therefore, we who are in Christ, are not only the light of the world, but also His glory. Wow!

Thus says the Lord, "All that I have, all that I am, and all that I reveal Myself to be; I give to thee."

August 1, 2013

The Glory of the Lord

Moses and the Glory of the Lord
   Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”
   The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
   Then Moses said to him,“If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”
   And the Lord said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”
   Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”
   And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. (Exodus 33:12-19 NIV)
Moses was a man called and sent by God to set His people free. He walked on Holy ground and sat in the presence of God, and heard His voice. Yet, he still wanted more; he wanted to see the glory of the Lord. There was a hunger is his heart for more of God. Is this not the same desire that God has put in our hearts?

Today, the Lord is raising up a multi-menber man; sons and daughters with that same hunger and passion as Moses. We should all want to see the "Glory of the Lord." And God is not going to disappoint us. What we are about to see is something new, so awesome, and so powerful; the "Revelation of the Father" in all His glory and grace. Our words will often be unable to describe it, just as it was with the Apostle Paul, when he was caught up into the third heaven, and heard inexpressible words. Or the Apostle John on the island of Patmos, when he saw a vision of the Lord, and saw things he was not permitted to write.

          Then the Seraphims called out one to another and said,

"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of host,
The whole earth is full of His glory." (Isaiah 6:3)
Yes, the whole earth is filled with the "Glory of the Lord." Yet so often many fail to fully comprehend what they see or have seen. People are easily distracted by the carnal things, the cares of this world and fears to notice what God has so freely given. Our loving Heavenly Father is going to make it even more obvious with awesome miracles, signs and wonders, so much that even the blind will be able to see. He's going to throw open the doors of heaven and give humanity a better glimpse of  what is in store for them who believe and trust Him; and even to those who have doubted or rebelled. Yes heaven is real and so is hell, and God's awesome grace will be there to save whoever is willing to step into His open embrace.

God has told His prophets, even from long ago, that there was a day and time coming when things will dramatically change for all mankind. A time and season that the world has never seen before, nor will it ever be forgotten. When hearts of men will return to the Father, and millions of lives restored. For it is the Lord's plan and desire for His people and bride to see and experience the Kingdom of God here on earth, to become His Glorious Temple, made of living stones; so that He may dwell there for all eternity.

(to be continued)