August 17, 2013


A quiet morning at he beach where I spend the days

As sons of God there are certain events and actions in our lives that are prophetic. When these things happen we usually don't realize that they are, but our words and actions should have power and at times prophetic implication. One night the Lord said to me that much of my life was prophetic, and one of those times was when I changed my name to Israel David.

Today, as I walk the land of Mexico and my life continues to be a prophecy. 
This past year has been awesome and challenging too, as I’ve waited on the God's perfect timing. But to many people and even some Christians, my life here so far may appear boring or even foolish. Sometimes I’ve thought that myself, and other time I've even questioned; does anyone really care. But then I remember God cares, and that's why I'm still here.

One day as I was walking along the beach a Spanish women motion excitedly for me to come to her. I turned around to see if there was someone else, but there wasn't so I went to her. She was sitting on the sand close to another women, but neither of them could speak any English. However, there was a man sitting nearby, under the same canopy, and he could speak English every well. So I was able to communicate with them while their children played out in the ocean. I explained to them who I was and why I was in Mexico. She told me that they were Christians, and that the man was just a friend who drove them there to spend a day at the beach. 

They had an ice chest, but she said there was no more water, only beer which only the man was drinking. The lady motioned and said she was very hot and thirsty. So I told her I would get them some fresh water that I had in a small container. When I returned she took a big drink and then much to my surprise, she asked me to pour the water on her head and shoulders, and so I did. She enjoyed her dousing so much, as I slowly poured it, that she encouraged the lady next to her to have me do the same. She agreed and so I poured the rest of the water over her head. They were both very grateful and thanked me. I was very moved by this act and their trust in me being a total stranger. So I blessed them and then I left. 

However, when I got to my van, I realized that their children must also be thirty. So I took another container that had my drinking water and went back to the two ladies and offer them more to drink. They both drank this time. Then I went out into the surf and offered water to the three teenage girls and a younger boy. They all drank until the water was gone, and they too thanked me. As I left them I remember the scripture, “When I was thirsty you gave me water to drink.” 

Later that day the Lord indicated to me that is act was a baptism and a prophecy for those two ladies. Their lives would be greatly changed and blessed because of it, as well as their children. Apparently the Holy Spirit had inspired her to call me over and do what I did; to bless their lives in this special way. Wow, a simple act of kindness can have such a profound meaning.

On these hot days, I go out in the ocean almost everyday. It’s a cool way to have more time with God, and while I was out there the Lord started talking to me about a much larger baptism; one for all of Mexico, A baptism into His grace, power and glory. 

This reminded me of another baptism, when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea. "For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers and sisters, that our ancestors were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. (1Corinthians 10:1-2) However, at that time the Children of Israel were mainly looking for a way of escape the wrath of Pharaoh’s army, even thought the presence of God was with them and an angel was leading in a cloud. Not only was this a spiritual baptism for a nation, but also a prophetic picture of God's awesome grace and power for a world that is seeking a way to freedom also, and a baptism into the Heavenly Father's love.

Baptism into water usually represents a death. And for the children of Israel to pass through the Red Sea, it was a death to their old way of living, working and serving other gods and Pharaoh. Now they where to live a life totally free; no longer slaves, but totally dependent on the God of Israel for their health, protection and provision. They were also to love, obey and worship only Him. As Christians this baptisms into water also means the same for us.

When John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, it too prophesied of a greater baptism. One in which the church was baptized with Him, so that we, the Body and Bride of Christ could escape judgment and the fires of hell. Then when Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again; we were also in Him.
 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (Romans 6:4)
As sons and daughters of God our life can have profound effects on this world. Our lives have meaning and purpose, both now and for future generations.