Late one afternoon as I walked on the beach, after having an interesting experience earlier, the Lord started speaking to me about enticement. The world is full of enticements, especially the business world of advertising. But even others use it to get people and friends to do what they want. The enemy, satan has a hay-day with it. However, God also uses it, but not to take advantage of His children as others often do for selfish reasons or motives. God loves and honors us, desiring to build an intimate relationship with Him, one of love, peace and joy, along with so many other benefits.
Definition: Entice-verb (used with object), en·ticed, en·tic·ing. to lead on by exciting hope or desire; allure; inveigle: They were enticed westward by dreams of gold.
Throughout history God has entice His children to do what He desired; right form the beginning in the Garden of Eden, but it was enough for Adam or Eve. Then God spoke to Abram, and said, "Leave your relatives and your father's house...and I will make your a great nation and I will bless you..." And then the Children of Israel who were offered a Promise Land; flowing with milk and honey. But again it wasn't enough for even them. Then God finally offer His greatest enticement of all, Jesus Christ.
"For God so loved the whole that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."Then the Father gave the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, and then the Word of God (the Holy Bible) full of more promises and blessings, including heaven where there is no more sickness, pain, sorrow or death. But it still appear not to be enough for millions of people who still chose to follow their flesh and the lust of the eye; instead of Jesus, the Truth, the Life and the Way. Thus there has been a constant battle over the hearts and minds of man since the beginning of time.
However, God is still not through. Even though it looks as if we are in a loosing battle. But God is no fool, nor has He at anytime lost control of the situation. He's just given mankind a little more grace and time to realize how foolish they are. Sin has it's own punishment, but God want to demonstrate His awesome love and grace to a world that even questions His very existence..
The Lord was telling me that He is getting ready to entice His children one more time, in such a way that they will never forget. This enticement will effect the world, religions, Christianity and especially the Nation of Israel. There will be a spiritual jealousy created that will entice (draw) them to the presence of God in such a way that they will never again forsake Jesus Christ. Their lives will be forever changed as their eyes and ears are opened by the enticing power of Holy Spirit with miracles, signs and wonders that the world has never seen. Plus, the Father's enticing love will also be demonstrated through His sons and daughters that many of His other foolish and rebellious children will finally come home. I can see this happening, and it is glorious. Amen!
The apostle Paul said, "I became all things to all men that I may win some." And Jesus said, "If I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."(John 12:32) And whoever believes in Him will have eternal life and life more abundantly. What greater enticement could there be!
(This may be my last full article for the summer, as I get to know my Father better, see you in October. Until then I will post some short articles and some photos friends along with some scriptures verses for you to think about.)