The first time I came to the children's meeting, I was there just to observe what they did. There was something
special there, many beautiful children, and they started off with prayer and
worship. Several children danced to the worship music. Then later many more
children got up and did a choreography dance routine and sang with the music.
It was beautiful to see the joy in their faces, and it also filled my heart
with joy and hope.
As the children sang, Maria would go around and put her hands
on the children’s head and shoulders and pray for them. She is a true saint and
a powerful woman of faith and love. This is where the future of Mexico begins.
There were about fifty children that day, and most were very happy and friendly, but there were also a few shy ones. After they finish singing, Maria introduce me and had be say a few words. I told them that God and I loved them very much, and they were very special to Him, and the future hope of Mexico. I had watched them sing and danced to the music and I was very impressed. It was better than some churches I've been in. I told them that and it made them very happy, and their Heavenly Father enjoyed it too.
When I sat back down, some children came to me and wanted to sit by me and talk, but that was still a problem. However, they didn't seem to mind. At the end of the day some children gave me hugs and couple girls even wanted a kiss on the cheek. Wow, did I feel loved.
One of the things that impressed me the most that day, at the mission, was Maria and her love for the children. Her prayers are also very powerful; encouraging, speaking life and
hope into innocent minds and hungry hearts that will eventually mold their future. She is definitely a "mama warrior," and has God's heart and vision. The other things was the love I received from the children who hardly knew me, and I loved them too.
Maria praying for one of the children | | | |
"I like you" |
This happy girl was the first, to want to sit next to me. | | | | | | |
a future son of God |
I'm cute, don't you think. |
A smile is worth a thousand words |
reaching the next generation, is just around the corner |
Mother Teresa often said she saw the face of Jesus in those
she served and in her children and all who were suffering and lonely. I have
felt the same way, especial since I have been in Mexico.
God is preparing to do a might work here, and I can see these children going out; changing lives and healing people with power of love and anointing on their lives. Their simple faith will send shock waves across Mexico. This is my declarations for Mexico, and thus the Kingdom of Heaven will be established on earth in power, grace and mercy; we yield our hearts and lives to Abba Father.