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This is the main street of San Carlos, and my house is just behind the palm tree on the left..... |
My Father is pleased with me. I’m not here in Mexico to please people, but to serve Him. I live by His FAITH, and I trust Him for everything, including the timing of when and what He wants done here. And we will see great things happen in the Kingdom of Mexico.
For example, one night after watching the Kingdom of Heaven on my computer, I went out to get a hot dog at one of the restaurants that gives me a free meal whenever I want. But all I wanted was just to have a hot dog. After I had finished it, I thanked the owner. But then I asked him what a Taco de Pastor that I saw written on the menu board just above the stove. He told me it was a taco with pork meat, marinated in pineapple juice, and he asked if I want to try one. Why not I thought, so I said yes. As I was eating my taco, a woman came over and placed a large donation jar on the counter a couple feet from me. There was a picture on the jar of a pretty young 18 year old girl who had lupus. It grieved me and I believed I was to do something about it, so I took the hand of the owners wife who was standing next to me and I placed it on the jar along with my hand and I prayed for the girl and rebuked the curse of lupus and declared her free, knowing God hears and answers my prayers. The owner’s wife, Ana, was very moved by this and thanked me for my love for the hurting people. I told her I loved her also. She has always smiled and waved to me whenever I walked the street of San Carlos, even before she and her husband knew me or what I was doing in Mexico.
Then I took a walk to talk with God. He said that was why He had me get that taco so I could pray for that young girl. Wow! I also put some money in the jar and asked God to help cover her medical expenses.
God has also been talking me about spiritual things including the "Elijah Spirit." He was saying, we are going to see a similar Mt. Carmel and Elijah experience, but on a much larger scale, because the story of Elijah was a prophetic picture of something that would happen over and over again. And also just as in Elijah’s day, God also has His 7000 today who have not bowed to Baal. (I don’t know if this is a literal number or a perfection of a thousand-fold.) However, these men will have the spirit Elijah on them, just as John the Baptist did. They will demonstrate great power and they will also confront God’s children, who have compromise to the point that they not only believe in God, but they have also bowed their knees to the god of Baal. (Baal is the god of money, silver and gold, and material gain and the “prosperity gospel.”) And that is will not acceptable to Him and never has been. Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters (gods).” It will be decision time again for them.
Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, will display His power in such a way that will dispel any doubt as to whom they are to serve. The fear of the Lord will grip them and they will repent and follow Him with all their heart. The Lord also said He was also going to deal with the “false prophets” of Baal within His church, and those too who have the spirit of Balaam on them. Even though they heard God’s voice at times, they have chose to compromise the Truth and have mislead many of His children.
Three thousand years ago, the event on Mt. Carmel turn the hearts of the children of Israel, back to the one true God, the Heavenly Father. God’s desire is still the same. Thus, we will see these “Elijah Prophets” and many sons and daughters doing great and powerful things, and for the same reason.
“Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. He will restore the hearts of the father to their children and the heart of the children to their father, or I will come and smite the land with a curse.” (Malachi 4: 5)
It will be a great day for the Church and the Kingdom of God, but it will also be terrible day for others. However, this will not be a one-time event, but many individual events that will transpire all over the world for a season, and God only knows how long that will last.
Restoration has always been at the Heart of the Father, and together we will see His Amazing Grace and Glory will fill the earth as never seen before.