January 20, 2014

The Kingdom of Religions

Starting construction of the new sanctuary for the Community Church of San Carlos

This past month I have begun to experience more grace than ever before. It is also wonderful to walk in true freedom. I’m beginning to realize why the Gospel spread so quickly though out the gentile world in the early days of the church. It was because of God’s awesome grace and freedom, and being lead by the power of the Holy Spirit. Whereas, the church among the Jews was still struggling, because many still preferred or were more easily influenced to follow rules, regulations and traditions of religious leaders, rather than the law of Love and freedom that Jesus and the apostles taught and demonstrated. 
Jesus warned His disciples that after He left, “wolfs” would come in among the sheep, wearing sheep clothing, seeking to destroy what He had begun. The apostle Paul also warned the church of those who would present another gospel other than the One he preached. A false gospel of laws, compromise, principles and other things that would keep people bound and striving to live the “good” life through human efforts and means. However, those beliefs came from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, not Tree of Life.

Many religious leaders today are still deceived, not realizing they are also feeding their flocks from the same Tree of Knowledge. In the process, they are trying to control God and lives through man-made rules, regulations and traditions, including worshiping in man-made structure. This is the spirit of religious; not the spirit of Christ. Even though they would vehemently deny it; stating their actions are based on the Bible, laws and traditions that have been taught by “godly” men and in religious institutions for almost two thousand years; even though very little of it has scriptural foundations.

I have seen this happen many times in my life, and last when Sunday when I came back to the San Carlos Community Church, I saw it happening again. They had begun ground preparations for a larger sanctuary next to the old one. The new pastor has been there for less than three months and the church services have been full nearly every Sunday. The people like him and he is very entertaining with jokes, good humor, and video presentations that made people laugh. Yet they still had only one service on Sunday morning; otherwise the structure usually remains empty and unused the rest of the week. Yet during this past summer the attendance drops over 50% as many Americans went back to their homes in the United States to avoid the heat and humidity.
I wondered, why the expansion? I guess it’s because it’s what they really wanted, calling it “Our Vision.” After all if they have two homes why not two sanctuaries. They believe this will help them better to reach the lost in San Carlos.

The pastor’s message that morning came from Nehemiah 1:1-11. He talked about the efforts and sacrifice that Nehemiah and others made in order to rebuild the city’s walls and gates of Jerusalem that had been destroyed, because of their sins. The pastor also used a popular quote by Martin Luther, “Pray as if everything depends on God, then work as if everything depends on you.” Martin Luther was a great man, but not the one we are to follow.
Jesus told his disciples to, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” He also said, ”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28: 19-20)The command was to “Go.” Jesus didn’t say, “Build” a structure for Him, to confine His people. He wanted us to be free to move around with His Spirit and do His will. Peter was rebuked by God, when he even suggested building three tabernacles on the Mount of Transfiguration. This show how easy it is for man to fall back into carnal ways of thinking. Because, earlier Jesus had asked the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” And Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you…because flesh and blood did not real this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. I also say… that upon this Rock I will build My Church; and the gates of Hates will not over-power it.”  (Matthew 16; 15-18)

That revelation is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is The Rock and Chief Cornerstone for man to build upon anything else is sinking sand. Jesus also told the people, the Kingdom of God was coming and it is already here.” Yes, the Kingdom was standing right there before them and they didn’t realize it or the truth of His Words. We, the Church and Body of Christ, are built on that revelation. We are alive, vibrant and filled with the power and faith of Christ’s Holy Spirit, not a structure made of dead works.

Anyway, at the end of the pastor’s message he asked the congregation to “consider what they would be willing commit to seeing the Kingdom of God built,” that was printed in a flyer inserted in the bulletin for taking “sermon notes,” that Sunday. It also stating that any generous gifts and donations were tax deductible, because they are partners with The Great Commission Foundation of Canada. That would be acting as their official representatives, and would keep all records and issue receipts. And I’m quoting again, “The Foundation does take a commission for this service, but this is advantages to both the individual giver when you get a tax rebate and to the church when we receive regular payments and can better plan the budget.” Wow! There were also listed several convenient and economical ways for them to make their payments for this building project, including automatic monthly money transfers from their bank accounts. Wow, don’t need faith when you can do it mans way. Men and ministers are still building their Kingdoms, some believing its God’s Kingdom. However, the Lord has sent me here to help the poor in Mexico. Maybe I can help some of these churches I’ve attended, and maybe not. We will soon find out.

Unfortunately, this pastor is not the only person or ministers; who has been deceived to do things another way, rather than The Way of The Creator. God intends to restore all things through true Sonship. It is also the only way to true freedom.

The Kingdom of God is Jesus Christ alone. It is not built with lumber, bricks and mortar or with human hands, neither on a budget plan. And the true church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets by Word’s of faith and power of the Holy Spirit; having only one purpose in mind—to God be the Glory.
“In that day man will have regard for his Maker, and his eyes will look to the Holy one of Israel. He will not have regard for the altars, the works of his hands, nor will he look to that which his fingers have made.”  (Isaiah 17: 7-8)

Our focused is on the Kingdom, Jesus Christ.