Making tracks in Mexico for the Kingdom of God. |
been a great three weeks and I'm posting this article a little
earlier than I had said, because the restaurant where I get my WiFi
is closing for a couple weeks for improved parking and a vacation for
the owner. This will be in a form of a news letter:
July 11-- I had an interesting dream that I would like to share. I
was at a large church or auditorium, and I was watching a man, who
was maybe 50 or 60 years old with salt and pepper colored hair,
ministering to a large crowd and I was viewing from TV monitor in
another room. There was also another person sitting next to me on my
right side. As I listen to the preacher there was such an anointing
on him that each word he spoke seem to have a clarity and life. Then
he got down on his hands and knees to illustrate Jesus Christ in the
Garden of Gethsemane, and all of a sudden the man was lifted to his
feet. Then his feet left the floor, but he continued to preach. Some
thought he was suspended by wires, but there were none as he drifted
across the platform. Then the cameraman turn his camera to capture
three young ladies in the back upper area of the auditorium who also
started floating in the air. They each had long hair and it was
blowing in all directions, and they were laughing, and you could hear
people gasp in amazement. Then the man next to me asked if I would
like to meet the minister. I told him no, that this was just a
confirmation of what I knew the Lord would be doing more of in the
days ahead. End of dream. I am also happy seeing others blessed and
appreciate seeing the gifts, talents and anointing on my other
brothers and sisters.
July 20, I went to a christening of a friend named Maria, it was for
her grandson and I was to meet at her house at 12 noon. I chose to
go, because it was a way to reach out to her family and the
community. Jesus went to weddings, had meals in pharisees and tax
collector’s homes, and He even went to synagogues to reach the
lost. Just as all the apostles did.

was a hot day and the morning mass was over. The church as empty
except for Maria and her family. It was a large church that would
hold about 300 people and it had a high corrugated metal roof with
ceiling fans, but it was still over a hundred degrees inside and 95
degrees outside. But we sat inside and waited for about an hour the
priest to show-up. The ceremony was lasted about 10 minutes, and the
small child was not to happy when it came time for him to have water
poured over his head, but it did help cool him down. I watched,
prayed and took some pictures. After it was over I greeter the priest
and bless him and the family and child. Then I drove the whole family
back to Maria's house since they don't have a car and they all live
there in a two bedroom concrete house with an extra bedroom made of
wood scrapes add to the back of the house . I visited for a while,
but they speak very little English. However, they were very kind and
friendly and appreciate the help I've been to their family. I love
them all, just as God does.

24—The Lord share with me that we (lovers of God)are patriot's of
the Kingdom, fighting for the freedom of His children. Our passion is
to see Truth and Righteousness prevail. Many have been enslave by an
evil regime that intends to keep people bound and from entering into
their rightful inheritance. However, as patriots, we will continue
fight this battle not only with words, but also in prayers and
actions no matter where, when or how long despite the cost; just as
our forefathers in the past; including many of our other brothers and
sisters today who have given up everything and paid the ultimate
sacrifice. As patriots we will pursue the enemy until everyone of
satan strongholds are broken and the Kingdom of Heaven is restored on
27—Sowing worship music into Justin's life. He is only fifteen and
helps lead worship songs on Sunday at the community church along with
his younger sister. I told Him I liked the songs he chooses,
especially one called, Day of Elijah, which I had never heard before.
And there is phrase in it that said God was raising up David's with a
spirit of praise; something like that I don't have a copy and it was
projected. Anyway, I also told Justin I had some CD's worship music,
that he may enjoy and not heard before, and he could make copies. I
told him that worship was one of the main directions God wanted to
take His church, and the other was prayer. I told his parent that I
was very impressed with their family and their heart for God.
has nine other beautiful brothers and sisters, the three oldest still
live in Colorado where his parents had lived and help manage part of
the family business there too, plus finishing their education. His
mother invited me to have lunch with them that day, and her husband
also invited Enrique, who preached that morning. While she prepared
lunch I got to share my testimony with them about what God at done in
my life and what I was doing in Mexico and some of the unique things
that had happened.
night, the Lord told me that everywhere I walked I was preparing the
soil for a mighty work of God so that the Holy Spirit can plant His
Seed into lives that will grow, prosper and bear much fruit. I
believe, this also applies to many other sons and daughters.
30, Breaking the spirit of poverty; I met a poor friend and his wife
on their way into the grocery store the day before, and I asked him
if he wanted some work and I would pay him. I told him I need the
lower dead branches on two palm trees cut off. He agreed to come, but
sent sent his teenage son the next day instead which was fine. They
were glad to do the work for me. In the past I had just giving them
money. However, I believe this is a better way in some cases.
People don't need hand outs they need work and good wages to support
their families.
with my Father, we love and help those around us and are sowing faith for
future generations. God is doing and going to do amazing things.
His anointing is increasing on each of us; to love, forgive and to
demonstrate His power, just as when Jesus Christ walked the earth.