August 19, 2024

Name Calling

The political situation in America has been shaken up this past month, the Trump shooting, a huge maricle before the eyes of the world. It could also be a bigger situation than what we have seen  or told so far with a lot of unanswered questions as to motive and the possibility of a conspiracy behind the attack. And people's emotions are being stretched to the limit all over the country and frustrated over many other things. Then Biden stepping down {more of a coup) and put the VP in for the nomination for president of the United States, (fat chance of that happening). However, I still don't like all the arguing and name calling that has been taking place, even before the shooting, but that seems to be the mode of some peoples hearts. Yet, God is still in control of it all. In fact, in a prophecy from Kim Clement, back in 2007, where God referred to Trump as His "hot mouth" when he would be elected in the future to become President of the United States of America. Even Jesus calls Herod a fox, and the Pharisees He called them hypocrites, white washed tombs, blind guides, and sons of the devil. So I guess it's okay with God. But Jesus' words were not spoken in hate, but in truth and His anger came from the bitterness of their hearts. We are to hate evil and yet love our enemy and forgive them. However, in most cases, when Jesus called people names, He was usually addressing a group and their hearts and not any one individual themself. As for myself, in the distant past,I have called people names when I was angry or I thought their actions were foolish. Whether we say it to their face or even to yourself it's not always pleasing to God. And I have often had people call me names or insult me, especially regarding my faith-walk with God or speak His truth, but I have forgiven all of them. It really should not bother us in the long run, if we know who we are in Christ. But it can still hurt, especially if it comes from a friend or family. God will heal these pains. However, God often allows it to happen to test our love for people and build our endurance in these forms of trials and testing as He said we would face such forms of pursecutions. Jesus tells us to rejoice and be glad. (Matthew 5:11-13) In fact, we are encouraged to pray for them and bless them too. We never know how it might change their life. Look at the life of Apostle Paul, before he was saved by the Lord Jesus. It will be interesting to see how things change after the November 5th election day. I have a hard time seeing how the ugly name calling will stop then, but one can only hope and pray that it will end someday and the sooner the better for all concerned. Wouldn't we all prefer to live in a world where there is only love, peace and joy for one another? It does make it easier to get through the day when we know the Truth and outcome of certain things and also knowing He is in control, and His desire is to bless us abundantly, because we are His child and He Loves us even when others calls us names.

August 11, 2024

God at the Olympic

The Paris Olympics are over and all the metals have been handed out to the winners. Most of the fans and spectators have gone back home or to their countries. Some were celebrating and others were left dealing with disappointment or failure as the results of certain events. As I watch a few events from my laptop here in Paraguay, I saw many different human expression and emotions on the faces of the fans and also on the faces of the contestants-- from extreme joy to rivers of tears on their faces from lost hopes, dreams and goals captured by the camerias of ever present news media photographers. Some complained this was an invasion of a private moment to deal with their grief, but others saw it as a revelation of their humanity, not the confidence or arrogance they may have projected before the event of the race. What makes these individuals do what they do? The hours of training, day after day, year after year. Was it really for just a gold metal, or a moment in the spotlight or representing their country. What was waiting for them at the finish line or to stand on the top of the podium to hear your national anthem sung and played across the stadium. What would you be willing to do or sacrifice to fulfill your hopes or dreams? Years from now many will wonder if it was worth it all. As king Solomom said it. "vanity, vanity all is vanity". How do these events or goals of their or yours, stack up compared to all eternity? It's just a very, very small slice of time on the clock of life. Some would wonder if God really cares who won or not, and if He even had a part in it all. I believe God was there at the Olympic as He is in everything that takes place on earth, because He is God and His spirit is everywhere and the Lord God knows the heart and thought of every man or woman, regardless of their age, race or sex. He is the Eternal Father, and these are all His children which represented most of the nation of the world, yet most don't even realise how much He cares and loves each of them. Why some win and others don't, I can't say, only God knows. However I do know He also sees and honors those who love and obey Him and want to see Him glorified throughout their lives and those who don't. Those who are humble will be exalted and those who don't will be brought down at some point in time. God also made a promise to Abraham, that He would bless those who blessed him and curse those who don't. Your friends are my friends and your enemies are My enemies. I saw an example of this promise to Abraham in one of the events that took place in a judo match. It involved an Arab man and an Israeli. At the end of the fight the Arab won and as the custom at the end of each match was to shake hands with their opponent, However, the Arab refused to shake hands with his opponent even though he won and then he said, "Alla Akbar", which means Alla is god and mohomid is Prophet. This was like a slap in the face and God was not pleased with this. In the next match the Arab's next opponent hit him so hard that it dislocated his shoulder and was unable to finish the match, and left the phatforn crying. God was there and kept His promise to Abraham. In another race I saw a man brag that he was going to win the Gold medal and he did at the last second by less than an inch, and he continued to brag that he did it in his way and strength. I wonder what he will say when he stands before God at the end of his life. Then I saw another example of God's favor on those who honor Him. A young lady by the name of SydneyMcLaughlin-Levione, an American runner in the 400m hurdle race who won by over 30 teet ahead of her next closest opponent. And when she was asked what she had to say, It was,"Thank you God." She has a large following on instagram sharing her Christian faith walk. Later that day, she posted, giving "all the glory and honmor to God and Him alone." Wow, that is true humility. Then there was the dark side of events that started off the French Paris Olympic on the opening day there was a drag show scene of the famous "Last Supper" painting that offended all Christian and even some of the Arab world leaders. But the Freach in Paris justified it with their Woke mindest beliefs. Then the next night there was a video of an unexplain power blackout that lasted about an hour over most of the city, causing trafic problem and dark stores and hotels thoughout the city, except one large Christian church in the background, and it was all lit up by itself on top of the hill. God will not be mocked. We are the light of the world. At the end of the Paris Olympics, a young lady,Walsh Jennings, on the American volleyball team, who won a gold medal said, "America is the light of the world, it's not about politics but who we are and that other countries will someday recognize this and want to follow the Light." I believe this was a prophecy from God, who came to the Olympics.

August 4, 2024

More than Enough

Earlier today I read an article about a family of five that went to a friend's wedding. After the beautiful wedding the guests went to the reception dinner and were seated at numbered tables to be called to the buffet table. As the husband watched all the other tables called ahead of them , he noticed that some of the guests had finished their meal and were going back for seconds, by the time their table was called there was hardly any food left, just a few scraps. But instead of getting angry he decided to order some pizza from a restaurant close by and in a short time he was able to pay for them at the door when the pizzas arrived and his family could now satisfy their hunger and still enjoy spending time with other friends of the bride and groom. This situation reminded me of some experience in Jesus ministry. On two accoations Jesus fed a multidude of thousands with some bread and dried fish, and they were all satisfied and there was still baskets of food left over. There was more than enough for everyone. Also at the beginning of Jesus ministry He was invited to a wedding along with His mother and some of His disciples. Toward the end of the day Jesus was informed by His mother that they had run out of wine. She also told the servant to do whatever Jesus said. Even though He was reluctant to help at first, He finally told the servant to fill six large water jugs that held between twenty and thirty gallons of water. I don't know about you, but to me that seems to be more than enough to satisfy anyone's thirst for wine. We too as Christians have been invited to a wedding feast and I can assure you that there will be more than enough of everything we could ever think of imanine. And we can start our meal now instead of waiting for some time in the distant future. When we are "in Christ" we can feast on Him daily by giving His love to others in the same way He did. He poured Himself as a drink offering.For God so love the world He gave His all.
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Like 6:38)