August 4, 2024

More than Enough

Earlier today I read an article about a family of five that went to a friend's wedding. After the beautiful wedding the guests went to the reception dinner and were seated at numbered tables to be called to the buffet table. As the husband watched all the other tables called ahead of them , he noticed that some of the guests had finished their meal and were going back for seconds, by the time their table was called there was hardly any food left, just a few scraps. But instead of getting angry he decided to order some pizza from a restaurant close by and in a short time he was able to pay for them at the door when the pizzas arrived and his family could now satisfy their hunger and still enjoy spending time with other friends of the bride and groom. This situation reminded me of some experience in Jesus ministry. On two accoations Jesus fed a multidude of thousands with some bread and dried fish, and they were all satisfied and there was still baskets of food left over. There was more than enough for everyone. Also at the beginning of Jesus ministry He was invited to a wedding along with His mother and some of His disciples. Toward the end of the day Jesus was informed by His mother that they had run out of wine. She also told the servant to do whatever Jesus said. Even though He was reluctant to help at first, He finally told the servant to fill six large water jugs that held between twenty and thirty gallons of water. I don't know about you, but to me that seems to be more than enough to satisfy anyone's thirst for wine. We too as Christians have been invited to a wedding feast and I can assure you that there will be more than enough of everything we could ever think of imanine. And we can start our meal now instead of waiting for some time in the distant future. When we are "in Christ" we can feast on Him daily by giving His love to others in the same way He did. He poured Himself as a drink offering.For God so love the world He gave His all.
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Like 6:38)