November 24, 2024

I Don't Have Time

Often in this busy world there are people in high places, like bosses or managers who will have their secretary tell others by saying they are,"Out to Lunch" or "I am too busy" but not really, just to avoid seeing that person or taking the phone call. It might require time or a responsibility that they don't want to deal with now or forever, depending on the situation. However there are many other lines that people could say, but the underlying message is still the same. Don't bother me, I'm too busy to be bothered with that at this time. In the Christian world this can still be seen by so-called believers when dealing with friends or strangers. But even worse when God comes calling on them. Unfortunately, many Christians follow the example of other, rather than the example of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, did you notice that Jesus was never too busy to help someone or put them off till later when it would be more convenient for Him, unless there was a better reason, like raising Lazarus from the dead. Many Christian, like others in the world, are so busy with the things that are more important to them. Their lives are centered around their plans, instead of Christ. It could be family, friends, a career or work, pleasure, or even their goal and ambitions of whatever that might be. Do they ever consider what is more important to God or what He may want them to do or be, when He comes calling on them. The sights and sounds of this world often drown out His voice. Even if they do hear it, they are often too busy or worrying about things they think might happen or are more important to them. Another problem may have fo do with their souce of beliefs from bad teachers or ministers who think they know than God's heart and ways leading their flock to believe how they should think and act into empty ditches. God has a plan for all His children that is usually much different. Yet the world systems (the cosmos) has another one that will seduce most people into believing their way is better. Often we can see God trying to get people's attention through so called "accidents", health issues or even disasters involving the weather, fires, the economy, or even social or political issues, but seldom realize His purpose behind it all. Yet people keep turning to the wrong source for help. If they had been praying and listening to hear God voice, when He came calling on them and obey they would probably not be in the situation that they are in now. However, God is a God of second chances. So I would encourage everyone to open your heart and ears to hear Him calling on you. Don't keep putting Him off. Our Heaven Father love you more that you realize and has a much better plan for you than you could ever believe. For example, take my life. I wanted to be an artist, and I was for 25 years. However, when I was about 40 years old, God came calling on me. I had a choice and I realize how foolish I had been thinking only of my wants and desires. But I chose to follow Him and His voice, with all my heart. Along the way, I still had difficult choices to make, even though many people tried to discourage me by telling me how stupid or foolish I was, but I still made the right choices with God's help. It took courage, patience and a lot of faith, but look where I am today at 77 years old. Instead of playing golf or sitting in a rocking chair, I'm traveling around the world. I can not imagine doing anything more wonderful and rewarding as working with Him and loving His children. I believe God has something much better for all us. Because He promises us, "Aboundant Life." Don't you want that too? So don't put Him off any longer by saying "I don't have time", when that time might be a lot shorter than you think.