October 17, 2009

Lets Make a Deal

The game show, Let's Make a Deal, is a show that features special prizes that the host offers, prizes that are hidden behind certain doors and curtains. A contestant makes an agreement with the host not knowing what is hidden behind the door or curtain. Sometimes the prize is good and other times not so good. It's been the longest running TV show in history. But the concept has been on going on since the dawn of time.

The "Game of Life" began in the Garden of Eden. God offered Adam a choice between two doors (two options). The first door was the Tree of Life, and the second door was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Each possessed a prize (consequence) that Adam didn't yet know about. Adam chose the wrong door. And the Game of Life has continued ever since. And so have the prizes (blessings) and the consequences (curses).

In the book of Joshua, God gave the children of Israel a choice: "
...choose you this day whom ye will serve..." (Joshua 24:15 KJV). The prizes were Life and Blessings or Death and Curses. The Israelites often chose the wrong door, over and over. They kept trying to make deals with Almighty God, all the while falling away from His original intent. When they did choose correctly, they prospered and flourished. But as time would proceed they would fail again to keep their side of the deal.

Not a lot had changed since then. Fourteen hundred years later, Jesus graciously gave man another opportunity to choose. Here, Jesus represented the host and His promises are the prizes. The offer He gives mankind is incredible: You give me your messy, sick, lonely, and broken lives, and I'll give you my whole, healthy and prosperous life; all I ask is that you simply love Me with all your heart and others as yourself. Essentially, if you will deny yourself interests, take up your cross and follow me (doing as I do, speaking my words), then I will bless you and give you authority over everything on earth, with the bonus of eternal Life with me. Wow, that's an incredible deal,(covenant). Through out history there were those who diligently strove to abide in the covenant of Life and Blessings while many others just wanted to rewrite the rules to suit themselves.

Today, almost 2000 years after Jesus' offer, many of us are still trying to negotiate our way out of the original deal with Jesus; especially, when thing don't go the way we want or think they should. Why is it that we seem unable trust in His complete knowledge of all things, His great power and unceasing love to accomplish His will for each of us? Do we really think that we know better than Him? Is the promised deal of God, still not good enough?

When it come to an either or situation, many of us still want our cake and ice cream too. Yes, we meant to give God our all when we took Him up on His offer. But when the excitement of the honeymoon wore off of our new relationship, and the communication didn't always connect, many of us started to interpret what we thought He really meant and the cost involved. We begin looking for advice from others and used them as examples to follow, especially if they been a Christian longer. After all they should know more, besides God loves us anyway, just the way we are and He set us free from sins. He won't mind if we make a few changes along the way. We to often assume that since He says nothing, and no lighting bolts have struck us down, it must be OK. However, God is very patient and loving toward us, but he doesn't think the way we do. Nor has he changed his mind or His Word. To think or believe that He accepts our excuses or our double-mindedness to the deal we agreed upon is foolish. Or, were we only kidding at the start?

Here's a list of some of the deals we've tried to negotiate with God (after our original deal was made).

1) I know, I agreed to give you everything, but, now that I think about it — that's not realistic — I'll give whatever I can spare— OK?

2) I also agreed to love You with all my heart, but how does that work with all my other obligations, I still love You—most of the time.

3) I know, I should forgive as You forgave me, but its not that easy; not to mention the part about blessing them too!

5) I know your Word commands me to take up my cross and follow you, but ...I've got a busy life. I have kids to get to soccer practice; hair appointment; favorite TV shows; vacation—I'll try harder to work you in.

6) I believe, "the Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want...He leads me...and I will fear no evil for you are with me". Yeah, yeah, but I still need to look out for myself too—don't I?

7) I know you are my healer, but is it OK to see the doctor, if I don't feel better in the morning?

8) I know I committed to your Lordship, yet don't I have the right to choose who and when I get married and when and how many children we will have, and where I will live and how I will make my living and, and, and....?

9) Sorry, I'm busy! I'll get to it later...tomorrow...someday?

10) Not now, I'm tired!

The list could go on and on... But, the point I'm making, is that every time we make an excuse or take back our rights, we're trying to negotiating a new deal with God. These excuses can become little idols, and demanding our "rights" is nothing more than rebellion. Yet, this is not what we agreed to when we first asked Jesus into our hearts and lives. Sometimes we sing to God, songs like,"I surrender all...all to Jesus I freely give." But is that just lip service? God's word tells us that we are to have no idols before Him or after Him (physical ones or mental ones). Everything and everyone will find it's proper place afterward. We are to love Him with all our heart, mind, and with all our strength; and that hasn't changed. The Bible tells us, we are to consider the cost before we make decisions.(II Sam. 24:24 and Luke 14:26-35). Apostle Paul said, that he kept his desires in subjection daily. This cost is often not emphasised enough in the message or deal offered from the pulpits today. When we chose God's way it will cost us because we have chosen to die to our old ways and desires; and now we've chosen to trust and obey Him completely. As a result of that choice, we won't need to make another deal because, the first one was sealed with His blood. I trust you'll find this to be true.