October 7, 2009

Why Denominations?

Have you ever asked yourself, why you do certain things in church? Or, why they do this or that? We often take a lot for granted or assume that it's just the way it is because somebody else knows better than us.

How did you get started in going to church? For me, like many others, we were raised in church from the day we were born. Others were invited by a friend or came out of curiosity. Still others were drawn by a need or conviction. Today is a little different, not as many are raised in church, some just don't like organized church but still love God, and others are just rebellious. Why?

Like all children, we learn by hearing and observation. Some of us moved a lot and whenever we moved our parents took us to the church that fit their liking. When we got married we did the same with our kids. When we went to church, we were taught many things, some what to do's and lots of what not to do's and we believed them, because we didn't know any different. We also believed them for the most part, because we thought they, ministers and teachers, knew God and the Bible better or longer than we did. We were basically all taught to believe and worship the same way, regardless of age. After all, most ministers have gone to Bible college and/or seminary where they where taught about God. Then they would teach us, because they had more experience. Right?

Today it's not much different, we're still usually taught by someone. There are televangelist on 24/7 on several TV channels and churches of all sizes on every other block it seems. So many different religions and denominations around the world today, each claiming that what they believe and teach is true. The book you believe in, determined your 'faith' or religious affiliation. For the Christian, that book is the Bible, and there are thousands of books that have been written in support of the Bible. From our personal conviction or belief, we believe the Bible is the Word of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our convictions are based on what we call a,"born again" experience. Yet, even within our own 'camp' there is division; each choosing a different doctrine they support more strongly than others. Why?

Do you realize that there are over 9,000 different Christian affiliated denominations and each was started by a man with a different opinion. (That's crazy, have Christians gone nuts? What happened to unity?) Each denomination became an organization, controlled by men who loved God. Each grew because of people's preferences, and even within each denomination there are people who don't agree on certain issues. So now we have basically built churches that separate us from our brothers and sisters in Christ because of our different tastes in theology and doctrine. Why?

All of these church organizations within Christianity claim to be Bible based. They all believe Jesus died for our sins, that we should love God and others. But after that, what they say and do seems to get a little blurry. God's Word says , "if you love me, you will keep My commandments." (John 14:15). Jesus taught us, that we were to be one and we were to love our neighbor as our self. But somewhere along the way man thought he could improve on the Truth by separation, organization and building structures to contain people and those beliefs. Christianity is a man-made religion, the 'mother' of all denominations. Do we really understand that? Jesus taught that we are in the world, but not to be part of it (world systems, including organized religion are Babylon). The apostle Paul rebuked the early church and Peter for trying to do this very thing (I Cor. 1:10-13, 3:1-11) and (Gal.2: 11-14). We are not to go along with the flow, the broad road that leads to destruction. Yet most Christians and ministers seem to have chosen to overlook those verses because the denominational leaders have.

Denominations are an offense to God, they are not a reflection of His heart, in any form. There are also other verses that people seem to disregard, preferring their own beliefs and what they feel more comfortable with rather than doing what the Bible says. I have also learned not take everything that is said and done from the pulpit or in organized church, as truth. Many ministers should be repenting and pointing their flocks back to Jesus Christ and how He live his life. They should be freeing their flocks from the bondage of religious thinking and encouraging them to worship God and be led, every moment of every day, by the Holy Spirit that is within us. Unfortunately, what many preach and administrate in organized churches reflects a lot of creative thinking, of which I have a hard time finding in my Bible. I love all of God's people and I know the pastors mean well, many are simply following blindly down a well rutted path they have been taught.

Today, more than ever we need to be praying for our pastors, ministers, leaders and ourselves that we all should be spending more time waiting on, listening to and obeying God's heart. We need to be asking Him to open our eyes to the truth and the deception that we have yielded to. I want to believe that all people want to know the truth, so I encourage you to ask yourself, is what you see in yourself, your home, and your church truly reflecting what Jesus and His Apostles taught and did? I realize that most of us got caught in this system of religion out of ignorance but we still need to repent, as I did, from Christianity. We need to ask God what to do, then do it; even if it cost us our pride or money. It took over 1600 years for the religion of Christianity to become what it is, and it is not about to change over night, if ever. Many Christian ministers and laymen within the organization will be reluctant to give up their religious pay check or admit their business, concepts and practices are wrong. Obedience does have a price. But, God is forgiving and patient with willing and seeking hearts.

The Kingdom of God will be established, and things are going to change soon, one heart at a time by the love, power and authority of the Father. And in His Kingdom there is no division, just one Body and Jesus is the Head. We can come up with all kinds of excuses for hanging on to the past and not change. But, do we really want to miss out on seeing God's dreams and plans for us fulfilled. If we seek Him with all our heart, we will learn and know the truth, and we will be happier. Plus, God will also be pleased and say, "well done my good and servant". I for one, do not think the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be changed after 2000 years. After all, "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." Don't you agree?

Note: The fact that there are over 9,000 denominations is no surprise to God. He has allow it, so that organized religion would remain weak; (each has some truth, some more that others.) Then, His church, which is set apart unto Him, will rise up in the last days, to its rightful position, in His power and authority. The love of the Heavenly Father will be revealed through His sons and daughters, the Bride of Christ, to establish His kingdom on earth. Just as the tower of Babel was brought down and the people were dispersed because of different languages. So all man-made religions and denominations, have been dispersed so that their towers of organization will fall.