I have learned to trust God as my provider and as protector of what he has given. As provider He lets us know what we need or what we don't need. Sometimes He asks others to help. I make it a practice to not "advertise" our challenging situations as to see how God will work things out. Often our efforts tend to mess things up or delay them. God doesn't need our help as much as we think. He prefers our patience and trust more. In every situation we have tried to be content. When concerns or fears came in, I took them to the Lord in prayer and waited for his answers. How else do we learn to build faith regarding provision unless we stop doing what others normally do? (i.e. borrowing, getting an extra job)
After my wife and I had lost our house, God wanted me to trust him to provide an income for us, and I was to do whatever He chose despite the type of work or the amount of pay (if any). My first job was a landscape laborer at $6.50 per hour compared to $50.00 as an artist. Next, I was a commercial painter for $12.50, painting the walls at a new Microsoft building in the Seattle area. Eventually I was laid off because of lack of work. The next job my wife and I were asked to do was child care at a large church that we attended. We each made $7 per hour, 3 nights a week, three hours a night, for over a year. And God provided us a house to live in, rent and utilities paid. This was another miracle.
One time we went without transportation for two months in winter until God provided the money to get our truck repaired. Three times we were faced with having to move, not knowing where we would live in less than two weeks. None of those times did we have a job or the means, and yet God provided a way. I could write a book alone on some of those experiences, the excitement we felt as we saw God's faithfulness to my obedience and trust, and my wife's willingness to follow. Our faith has continued to grow with what seemed to be impossible challenges. God says, "Prove Me, and know that I am God." The most resent challenge came two years ago when God asked me if I would be willing to leave everything, including hopes and dreams, and follow Him. A few month later I quit my job and left everything and moved to Vancouver, Washington. Five months later my wife followed me, leaving an empty house and most of our possessions behind. Three months later our daughter's family needed a place to live, so they moved into our house. God has a way of providing for everyone.
Many times there are reasons why we lose our jobs or houses, so that we will learn to trust God. That was kind of the process God took me through. I have learned to live with very little and I have been blessed with very much. Over the past nine years, we have purchased with cash two almost new cars, an older truck, and a van. We drove them off the car lots with no collision insurance on them, and we have had no accidents. If there were any 'accident," I know it would be his ultimate will to bless me through their negligence or mine. The outcome is for my good either way. This applies for any type of "accident" or situation. Neither do I have any health issues because God said, "By his stripes, ye are healed,"(Is.53); and that settles it for me. Any demonic attacks whether physical or spiritual, I cast off in Jesus name. Then I stand on His Word. In regards to any other need I may need, I believe that I have received and it shall be yours. (Mark 11:24) Again, I refuse to live by "what ifs." I have chosen to live by Jesus' faith in His protective power. And He continues to be my provider, and He blesses and restores all that appears to have been lost. I have all I will ever need—Jesus himself. I also believe I am wealthy, because I have sown and He says so. However, money is not important to me, but knowing and trusting Jesus Christ is. He has blessed me more by calling me His friend.
I thank God for His awesome love and assurance. I trust God with everything, including my wife, family and my future, because they are what he has given me. God and I are in a covenant relationship. He promises to love, provide and protect. And I will love, trust and serve him. He has provided everything, and what I don't need I will gladly leave, despite how my flesh or others' flesh may feel. Some people may think I'm a fool. I am a fool for Christ sake. God desires all his sons and daughters to live by Jesus' Faith, and to love and trust Him with all their hearts. Then people will see our garden, benefit from the fruit and give glory to Almighty God.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him [focus on Jesus] and He will direct your paths." (Proverbs 3-5-6 PAR)