March 9, 2010

Build A Better Garden (Taking Steps of Faith, Pt 1)

Every Christian at the start is given a measure of faith. That faith is a seed, Jesus Christ, who is planted in us in order to grow within each of us, just like the parable of the Mustard Seed in the Gospels. However, what we do with that seed is sometimes the challenge. The scriptures tell us that when Jesus died on the cross He said, "It is finished!" That means His part on earth was done and everything he said and promised has been completed. He also has given us his spirit to help and guide us. Every move Jesus made was an example for his disciples to follow, including us. Now the seed is for our garden and care. What are we going to do with the seed is the question?

If we do nothing but carry the Seed around with us wherever we go, it will remain just a seed. If we put it on a shelf or in a drawer it will remain just a seed. We need to take the time to plant it within our hearts if we desire to see it grow. This is done by preparing the soil, removing visible rocks and weeds (sins, bad habits and lifestyles that might offend God); such things hinder the growth of the seed. Then we need to add nutrients: obedience with brokenness, humility along with lots of sunlight and fresh water—the light is the leading of the Holy Spirit and the fresh water is the daily Word. God will also prune (discipline) us so that we will bear more fruit. However, this will all take time and effort on our part. Faith without works is dead. (James 2:20)

We need to read the Bible (our instruction manual on How to Build a Better Garden); we are God's garden. When we follow his instructions, God will expect to get some results and fruit. But, we also need to remember that the outcome of our obedience may not always be what we expect. (Sometimes it can be very costly, but it will be worth it just the same at harvest time.) However, it will be what He had in mind for His Church and Bride, and not necessarily for you alone. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

As mentioned in a previous article, I have done some strange things, and living by faith is one of them. Some of you might have thought that was a bit strange coming from a Christian, but that all depends on your definition of faith. Faith is not only believing God's Word, but also acting on it. When I first became a Christian, I thought I had faith by going downtown Seattle and witnessing and telling people what I believed, and to some extent that was. But as the years went by—along with my four years of Bible College—I realized I didn't have any more faith, just a lot of religious knowledge and a lot of frustrations. And those frustrations continued along with a lot of selfish actions for almost 18 years until God spoke to me and gave me a choice.

I repented (did an about face) and followed him, the Master Gardener. I didn't really know him very well, so I started to read my Bible more, also certain spiritual books. By doing so He was also able to work on my heart by helping me remove some big, obvious rocks and weeds (lust and greed) that I had allowed in my garden. He was also able to break up the hard soil of pride and religious principles that were embedded in my heart. Plus, I needed to forgive others and myself. (All of this is an ongoing process as to obtain a better garden)

A few years later I had my first dream of Jesus—my first of many. In this dream, I was distracted by a beautiful and seductive woman that I was following on a path. I could see Jesus off to the side among some trees in another direction, but I continued following this woman until she eventually turned into a ugly monster. I turned and ran back to find Jesus who was still waiting by the trees for me. It was getting dark and I could see a glow around him and I felt guilty as I approached him. When I finally reached Jesus, I fell at His feet too ashamed to look up at Him. He then said to me, "I need to give you more faith." This was the end of the dream. I believed the woman represented organised religion, but I didn't realize it until years later. Yet, I did remember how Jesus had often said to his disciples that they had little faith. So how does one get more faith? I realized it was a process, sometimes it's a gift, but usually it has to be developed; either way it still comes from God.

The disciples were tested and often failed because of their fears and lack of understanding. As it turns out, our fears and our religious concepts are also the major obstacles to the growth of our faith. Understanding comes from listening to and reading God's word. When bad or unpleasant circumstances happen to us, we are often being tested to clarify what we really believe. It doesn't mean God causes the test, but that they are allowed to happen for various reasons.

I don't believe in accidents. Accidents are often due our disobedience or carelessness on our part, even though we may be ignorant of it at the time. However, God knows everything that will happen to us. He's waiting to see how we will respond to these "accidents," often caused by ours or others' mistakes and sometimes even attacks of satan. No matter what the cause (sin, carrying the cross, satan ), they usually happen in order to teach us important lessons. (This is seen in the story of Job. He learned the sovereignty of God, and so should we.)

However, we often react by saying or thinking things like, well that's just a part of life that we need to accept, things such as accidental deaths, sickness, diseases; such things happen to everyone. But, it doesn't have to be that way; we can learn from life's situations and be better prepared the next time around to help someone else. We need to listen to Jesus' voice and believe what He said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. This means He can provide everything we need if we obey and trust his words. Sadly, most of our actions and behaviors are the result of what we have learned, seen or been taught by others—including some ministers and ministries' teachings.

Our faith can only be built or grow up if tested. Just like a child learning to ride a bicycle, if they fall down they don't stop, they get back up and try again until they succeed. But, unless they get on the bike they will never learn. A child may say, "I can ride one," but until they actually do it they will never know. Even sitting on the bike is not enough to say, "I can ride." Children do not usually hesitate or think about falling, only adults worry about such things. That's why Jesus said, "Unless, you come unto Him as a child, you will not see the Kingdom of God." We must have that childlike faith. Most of our fears of falling, failing and losing are acquired as we get older.

And just like a child, God desires to see our faith grow and come to full maturity in Christ. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Everything must be done through Jesus' faith. It is the only kind of faith acceptable to God. Even as adults, Jesus expects us to start with simple steps.We should exercise our faith in the simple steps, and as we develop and strengthen our faith we will be ready for bigger steps.

A few years ago, I heard a man say, "I will go to doctors and if they can't help me then I'll trust God." What the man didn't realize is that if he deferred his faith as stated he would probably be unable to start trusting God for healing, because he had not built his faith along the way. He would then need the help of others' faith to make it through a tough situation. In the next part I will share some of my personal simple steps to building faith. be continued.