Back in 1992 was the first time the Lord gave me give a prophetic word for a congregation. It was nothing I had anticipated. I was sitting with my family in the church meeting and we had just finished singing a song about "a house of prayer," led by the song leader. Then the Pastor stood up and said, "That would be nice, but we don't have time for that..." My spirit was so grieved by what he had said that I immediately began to sob uncontrollably and out loud. Then the Lord spoke this message through me, "When will you wake up! When will you wake up! I don't care about your music, your videos, your programs or your messages. My house shall be called a house of prayer. All I ask is that you obey me. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and will open the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with Me." After I had finished, the Pastor said, "If anyone feels that message is for you, then you should act on it." God help us, the blind leading the blind.
Today many churches are in similar situations (large buildings, only half full). A few have flourished with a simple Gospel message. However, few have taken to heart Jesus' words, "My house shall be called a house of prayer." After He said it, Jesus turned over the money changers' tables in the Temple. Money has always been an issue in many churches, because most minister believe their church is the Storehouse of God, which it is not. They are still trying to operate in a Levitical type of priesthood, which Jesus Christ came to do away with it.
Do you see anywhere in Jesus' teachings or in the Book of Acts that looks like what you see today? Be honest. (None of the Apostles were ever paid to minister or dominate a platform for years, nor did they have a clock to control the leading of the Holy Spirit or celebrate man-made holidays.) Church was about people praying, and sharing with one another what the Spirit of Christ was doing in their lives, encouraging one another and sometimes eating together. And 100% of their life belong to God, not 10%. But most important, it was about prayer. Every event and turn of events in their lives was preceded by prayer, worship and/or fasting. The intercession of certain prayer saints also had a powerful influence.
The other night when we were in prayer God said, "People ask me to do many things for them, but very few people ask, what's important to God or ask what they could do for Him or His Kingdom." That's pretty sad, don't you think. As sons and daughter of God, we need to change the way we think and pray. Maybe it's time to learn how to pray and just wait on him, without thinking or speaking; just adore Him and listen for his voice.
To see the Church thrive again, it will have to get back to prayer and the grace and power of the Heavenly Father. The bonds of religious thinking need to be broken. All the sons and daughters of God will follow Jesus Christ outside the box (and boxes) and into the streets to meet the lost, hurting and hungry that Jesus so readily identified with. Then they will invite people into homes as to become one of The Family.
We are to heal the sick, cast out demons and to raise the dead. That will only happen by falling on our faces before God, waiting on Him in prayer and repentance for a lost generation. True love will shine forth through praying sons and daughters. They will endure to the end for the sake of another generation. Then the House of Prayer will be restored again in the hearts of men. We can begin today by showing God the Father how much we love and need Him.