Last June, Sheldon and I went for a walk and he shared with me his idea of starting a blog site. In wondering what to name it, he joked about calling it, Christianity-is-a-whore.com, and we both laughed. However, he really felt God had impressed on him the name, Cloak of Zeal. Later, back at his house, we prayed about it and laid hands on his computer. That night he started his Blog site, Cloak of Zeal. A few weeks later I felt impressed that I was to start one too. The name "My Witness" came from a reference God called me, when we were at the beach on the Oregon coast on August 29, 2008 for a "Divine Appointment."
Through God's infinite wisdom and design, Sheldon has had a unique and special part in my life. In 1988, I had been asking God to bring someone into my life that would help me in my walk with Him. I had not found anyone that had the passion I felt for the Lord, that I could trust. Yet, I was still spiritually struggling and I needed stability. A few months later I met Sheldon at an art show where we were both selling our paintings. When I came to his display, I noticed his unique style of work with scripture verses boldly painted over the scenes he had painted. He also had his business card displayed on each painting with the name "Jesus Christ" boldly printed across the whole card and his name in small lower case letters at the bottom of the card. I thought to myself, now there's a man with an unashamed passion for God. We met and talked for a while about our art and our relationship with God. That was the beginning of our friendship. (Although he reminded me at that time, that we had actually met thirteen years earlier. He was 16 and one of the students in a four day painting class of mine.)
We visited and communicated off and on over the next few years, because of the distance we live from each other. However, God eventually helped me realized, he was the man God had planned to help me. As spiritual father, even though he was 12 years younger than I, Sheldon has helped guide me in the ways of God, that my natural father was never able to do.
Since then we have regularly met or communicated by mail or phone. The anointing on Sheldon's life made me realize he was someone special to God. Therefore, I wanted to know him and God better, because of that relationship with Jesus Christ. He was the first man I knew, who really believed what God's Word said and lived it out on a daily basis. And I wanted to be the same way. Sheldon David is a man of God and he became my best friend.
As a spiritual father to me, we spent a lot of time together talking. He taught me how to pray, worship, give and sacrifice by his words and examples. But, most of all he demonstrated true love, faith and a passion for God. He also inspired me to read the Bible more and to read many spiritual books. He has helped me so many ways over the years that I could never repay. Yet, God has enabled me to help and bless him at times in return.
Over the years, Sheldon and I have both grown closer to God and to each other. Our spiritual callings to the Body of Christ are different, yet we have shared some similar experiences, interests and backgrounds. But his passion for God is fueled by God himself. I, on the other, hand was married when we met and he chose to remain single, making knowing and pleasing God his only desire.
Although Sheldon's relationship to the Father seems almost exclusive, it's not meant to be. His gifting, knowledge of the Word and of the Heavenly Father is awesome to behold and the envy of many who know him. But, it has come from his passion and sacrifice that others are not willing to pay, yet it will become an inspiration for thousands and eventually millions of others in the years and generations to come. He humbly admits that he has only begun to scratch the surface of knowing God and His abilities, yet it surpasses anyone I know.
During our relations as brothers in Christ, we have camped in the Redwoods, spending the Tabernacle Season there several times. We have also given each other our clothes, books, money, food, cars, and special possessions. Many things were done at great sacrifice, because of our love for God and serving each other. As friends we have prayed for each other and often shared our secrets over the years, but most of all we have given each other our respect and honor. I have also given most of my tithe to him, for the past fifteen years, because I honor him as a man of God in the order of Melchizedek. It is also wise to honer a prophet.
Since knowing the Lord, we have never asked anyone for money, and God has faithfully provided for both of us. We have also given up everything to know the Heavenly Father. Now the Father says, He trusts us and that everything He has is ours; that's a humbling statement.
We have spent a lot of time together walking beaches, parks, shopping malls, and city streets for the Kingdom of God. We have also prayed and worshiped together for hours at a time. Sheldon has taught me many things over the years, plus corrected me, and sometimes even a rebuked just like a good friend. But most of all he has encouraged and blessed me. (I have also enjoyed eating some of his awesome stir fry meals.) His example speaks louder than words and I will never forget them. To me, his passion and his love for God and the Body of Christ is unmatched.
I have had the privilege and honor to live with him for five months when I left everything two years ago, in June of 2008, and moved to Vancouver, Washington. Since then we have regularly met for Bible studies during the week and worship and prayer on Friday evenings, Sundays for "church." Plus, on Tuesdays for the past year. He helps edit most of my blog articles and counseled me, for which I am truly grateful. I've enjoyed our times of worship and the prophetic gift on his life. It is a privilege hearing God thoughts, feelings and plans for us, His Church and the world. Sheldon is in inspiration to me and many others. He is definitely a man after God's own heart. I know God has great plans for Him and hope to see and hear more of them in the years to come. I know he will be a blessing to many others and for generations to come. And I am proud to call him, "My friend."
Everything I am and have I owe to Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Father and Sheldon David; and I am also very thankful for my wife and all her support and prayers. At times it has been very hard for her to live with a man who walks to the beat of a different drum. I'm a different man than the one she married, but then she too is a different women—both of us have changed for the better.
At the end of Jesus' ministry he told his disciples that He no longer considered them servants, but friends. Because Jesus shared his thoughts with his disciples,"spiritual brothers," and now He called them his friends. "Friend" is a covenantal word. It should not be used casually, because there are many responsibilities that go with a true friend. Most of all, it means you would be willing to lay down your life for them. Therefore, we should choose our friends wisely.