February 12, 2011

Don't Take Offense

"I know the things that stand between you and Me. I know the things that stand between you and Me. I didn't take offense though it's been there. They are offenses and they are barriers. They need to be removed and replaced with the reality of God. The way that the Father is relating to you is also changing." (a portion of a prophecy)
God doesn't change, but the way He relates to mankind does. In the life of Moses we saw God one way, in the life of King David another, and the same for the prophets. In the New Testament Jesus reveal another side of the Father and on the Day of Pentecost there was still another. Throughout history we have seen many different facets of God's nature.

In this next move of God, He want to reveal Himself as the Heavenly Father to the world. He desire to unveil His awesome love, power and grace by reaching out and going after His lost children. He also wants to teach His son and daughters how to live in the Kingdom of God. This will be done through apostolic men of God (spiritual fathers). They will instruct, discipline, and rebuke. Just like Jesus' taught His disciples and then they were commanded to do the same. This will usually be done in small groups like Jesus did. The father will also reveal hidden barriers that need to be dealt with that can affect our relationship with Him. These things are done so we can reach full maturity as His sons. 

Jesus is our example that God desires for us all to follow. We need to learn to submit to His spiritual authouity just as the disciples did. Jesus listened and obeyed His Father. He had an intimate relationship with Him and He loved everyone just the same, including the religious leaders who nailed Him a cross. It was all a part of God's amazing design and intention from the very beginning. His purpose is still being fulfilled in every person life that walks this planet. Therefore, we too should never take an offense against any person or even God. Yet, because of the fallen nature of mankind—people still do.

In fact, hardly a day goes by when somebody doesn't do or says something that offended people. Such as cutting us off in traffic, or accidentally spilling or breaking something, or the neighbors dog comes in our yard, or they forget to put the toilet seat down, or pick-up their clothes, or they're late for an appointment, or forgot an anniversary, or count their change or coupons at the cash register when we're in a hurry, or even by the way they look, or dress or talk to us. Many times these people don't even realize they offended us. Maybe they do and just don't care. Or maybe we just have too narrow of an opinion in accepting other's mistakes, attitudes or preferences.

However, there are also bigger issues that can really hurt, upset or "tick us off." Like injustice, racism, sex crimes, religious and political views, betrayed trust and a whole lot more. They can also add up, and like the old saying goes, "It's the straw that brakes the camel's back." But even one big mistake can do that, and they hurt us deeply, but should we be offended? The answer is NO. Jesus wasn't. True, they may hurt, grieve or even annoy us, but we must let go of these offenses. Including the ones that have deeply hurt us and leave them at the foot of the cross. Otherwise, how will God able to deal with our sins and mistakes. Remember the Lord's Prayer:
"And forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us." (Matthew 6:12)
Later Jesus added, "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." (Matthew 6:14-15)
These offenses can lead to unforgiveness and we should repent. Else we might see rejection if we don't change our attitude. We may not be able to change way others behave or what they say and do. But we can change the way we think and relate them. Right? We can also pray and forgive them, and even ask God to bless and forgive them too. 

Even in Jesus own ministry many people took offense as to what Jesus said and did and many decided to reject and leave Him. Jesus even said to His grumbling disciples. "Does this also offend you?"' (John 6:61) Then Jesus said to them again, "Will you also go away?" (John 6:67) The words of Jesus will always test the heart's of men.

Many times people have prayed for God to change someone else, and nothing happens. God desires to change every ones heart and  He will always starts first with us, by revealing "the beam" in our own eye. But it's still up to us to remove the beam, yet it sometimes also requires His help too. (Mt. 5:7). God desires to change all our hearts and attitudes of how we think and behave around others. Remember, the Golden Rule? "Do unto others as you would want them to do to you." We all know it, but God still has to remind us, even me. 

Agape love is covenantal and it's unconditional, and it covers all offenses.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. 
Human love will eventually fail, because it is conditional—based on human emotions (feelings). The Lord said, "Human love is vain and selfish in origin," because it loves people as long as long as they feel loved in return, or makes them happy, or feel special, wanted and needed. Or promises them, or "You scratch my back and I'll scratch your." All that stuff is vain. That's the reason why over fifty percent of all marriages in the United States, end in a divorce even though they didn't feel that way when they promised, "Till death do us part." The same goes for many friendships. Human love always fails when the other person doesn't respond in the way they want or either wholes onto an offenses.

Time, trust, and trials are the true test of agape love. God's love never fails, and He has proven this throughout history. God loves us, His love is unconditional, even when we were at our very worst moment in life. Shouldn't we do the same for others? This is much easier said than done I realize. That's why it often requires God's help and strength. Offenses can also stem from accusations or from disappointments.

There is also an area we need to repent from and that is wrong perceptions and accusations toward  God. 

We need to change our focus back on Christ and not the problem. The reality is, God alone is sufficient. If you have Him you have all you need. You don't need God to do something or someone else. God alone should be our peace, our hope, our joy and our everything. He has promised that He will meet all our needs and He will never fails us. 

Yet, knowing this things people and Christians still often taken up an offenses toward God, because it in their head and not in their heart. Knowing and understanding God's ways are two different things, A mature son of God should know the difference. Yet, we often presume or believe because of wrong precepts that He will do something the way and in the timing we want. (Like Mary and Martha felt regarding Lazarus death. They loved Jesus but didn't understand Him.) But God still cares and will keep every promise He has made, and in the end all will be restored—in His time and His way. We need to get this into our heart and renew our mind to this truth. God is love.

There are those who have seen God, like the fearful servant, who saw God as hard and exacting master (Luke 19:20-21). Or as an unfair master, because we worked all day and got nothing or little in return, or the same pay as those who worked only few hours or even a few minutes. (Mt. 20:1-16). Sometimes we may even think our passion for God is greater than His passion is for us. That we love Him more than He does us. Thus we taken up an offense with God and have never repented from our wrong attitude or out burst of frustration. We just swept it under the rug hoping God wouldn't notice or remember. Even thought we can now look back now and see that He was faithful all long. The reality is God will always be the Faithful and True One.

As foolish as these false perceptions or presumptions may have been, we have probably all felt this way at one time or another. I have even felt this way at times and told God so. But, I was wrong and just like Job said, I knew of God, but now I've seen Him and heard His voice and now I repent. Yes, repentance is necessary in order to set things right between God and you. Our heavenly Father doesn't want any hindrances between Him, including offenses and neither do I.