I have learned that there are certain things God doesn't clarify, because He desires to see how diligent we are to find the answer. After all, we are adults not children, even if we would still prefer it to be simpler. However, God usually gives us some clues or thoughts to help us along.
There were some things that came to my mind right away as I laid there and I dealt with them the next morning. I re-edited some of my past articles and deleting some portions, because God see it as more important that I point people to Christ rather than deal with areas that may offense some people. After all, love and truth should be our guideline not perfection, even if my points were correct. Sometimes it's just best to plant a seed and leave it for the Holy Spirit to water it and help it grow. Instead of me trying to force people to accept certain beliefs or ideas. After all the Holy Spirit can do a much better job. All I should do is set an example that points to The Father's love and grace.
I also wondered if there was anything else that God specifically wanting for me to see. Then something else started coming to mind. He reminded me of what He had said about King David great sin, "That every time, when Bathsheba came into the room, David was reminded of the grace of God, not that he sinned or murdered." Wow, that is so awesome! Instead of being reminded of his past sins, guilt, or even shame, he saw himself through the eyes of the Father in the women he loved, He saw God's GRACE. The Lord also said, "I don't hate anyone. I love them. Judgement is not my plan it's already happening. Grace, love and mercy is coming to the earth." I weep with joy just thinking about it. I also realized God was trying to teach me something.
Have you ever avoided someone or not follow through with the Golden Rule? ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.")—because of something they said or did. Or maybe a mistake that you made, even though you repented or said you're sorry. However, you still felt uncomfortable being around or reminded by seeing them. Maybe you said or did something that resulted in a person's feelings getting hurt, because they misunderstand you? Well, I had been doing some of those things. So I decided that it wasn't going to continue. I would act as if nothing ever happen. However, it is easier say that done.
It seems that it doesn't take much to offend some people, especially ones who have been hurt a lot. Sometimes those wounds go very deep and some may have been self-inflected by their own mistakes or poor choices and they don't even realize it. Yet they're still painful and hurt just the same. We still need to love them just the same and that God loves them even more. There are also times when we just need to be who we are. It's not necessary to apologize to people for being that. Jesus offended many people and He never apologized. Jesus didn't strive to be a crowd pleaser, but He still cared for them all. As Christians we need to learn how to forgive others without seeing people change or hearing an apology.
For months the Heavenly Father has been talking to us a lot about GRACE. Also, that the next move of God, starting this year, would demonstrate more grace and power than the world has ever seen. It's because this time it would be a visitation of the Heavenly Father. The Lord also said, that He would be going into the gay community, the gang members, the drug culture, even the occults and people who have had multiple sex partners into the hundreds—looking for His lost sheep starting in the year 2012. Wow, I have been praying for this to happen for many years, and I'm excited to see that it's finally coming to pass.
There's a hurting world out there and the only way we can help them is if we embrace them with the arms of the Heavenly Father. We are all saved by the grace of God. No one sin is really worse than another in God's eyes. Only foolish people bound by a religious spirit or unforgiveness would think differently. We also need to pray for their deliverance too and declare freedom to a lost, hurting and deceived world.
Note: Sin is sin. We all do it and more often than we realize. God knows our every thought (Ps. 139:2). And that the heart of man is desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9). Jesus even said, that if you looked upon a women with lust, you have committed adultery. Oops! Or if you hated someone, that it was the same as murder. Wow, I think were all guilty, right? Only a fool or self-righteous person would think their better than another person. Yet, the Heaven Father loves them too and is planning on demonstrate His love to a broken world. And I'm going to be working with The Father to restore it. How about you?