April 29, 2011
Born a King
"Whether your 51, 63 or 75 years old doesn't matter. Yet, if anyone lives longer than 75 years old, most people consider it an extra bonus. But My way of looking at this is different. I see things more like a snapshot than a timeline. See your lives as more of a snapshot than a timeline. Your may look and think that this happened at such a time ago and that's true in time and space. That's when you investigate something or find something, or realize something, or receive something. But quite frankly you were born a king. Therefore you are a king. Or if you were born a pauper than you're a pauper. You are what you are. Jesus was a king when He was born. That's why people gave Him the gifts He was given. And He lived his life sometimes with signs to show his kingship. There were signs all during His life that showed He was a king. The last ones that the gospels recorded was the crown of thorns, a robe, and the sign on His cross.
And you are kings and princes in Christ as well. And you are sons of the Kingdom. And all along the road and path I bring you signs to show you who and what you really are. There were times of what you perceive to be true or faith, that deny who you really were and this caused great pain in your lives and caused pain to people that were around you. If your a husband then your a husband. If your a father then you are a father the same goes for a son or a daughter. And people, because of their faith often live in denial, where it's the opposite of faith.
I'm not sick. I'm not sick. I'm not sick! I'm not poor. I'm not a sinner—these kind of things are not faith. Faith knows that you are healed and faith knows you're wealthy and faith knows you're righteous and pure. Faith understand from the depth of it's being who and who's you are.
Before mankind fell. Before you took your first breath, you were one with me and in me. And you are connected to Him who is the head, and you felt the electricity without any hindrances that flowed through the body of Christ. You and the Body of Christ had no hindrances or darkness—only light. Only true anointing and true energy and you all wore a robe that tide us together as one. Then sin and darkness and confusions and quite honestly forgetting came in. People actually think today that they find Christ along the road. They don't realize that we had communion with one another in another realm and in another place.
David, you've known that for almost a decade now, that we ate at the table that I spoke of in the Gospel. You know that in your heart and you see it in your gut, or spirit. And nobody can take that away from you or convince you otherwise—you know that you know. Often my people strive for the very things they are. See, you don't claim that you live in the "I will" realm, and my faith agrees with you 100%. Live your life in the "I am" realm. Live your life in the, "It is finished realm." Let my faith be challenged to meet and kiss you in that world. You've been thought of and called idealistic, that's because Jesus is the Ideal that you see in your heart.
You share the same account. It's not Abraham's people verses God's people. For Abraham's sons are God's sons and Abraham's wealth is God's wealth and visa versa. We share one account. Because of that miracles happen and do happen and will happen. You see you've tapped into something so big and so wonderful. Your understanding has come up to such a degree to where you can break bread and the bread will be multiplied, even as Christ's bread was multiplied. Because He understood that He and the Father were one and that He was the hands, and the Holy Spirit was there working through His hands breaking those loaves of bread and multiplying it.
I told you a couple days ago when Jesus spoke, "It is finished," that the power of the Holy Spirit was there to do what he said. At the same moment and time so did you speak these words. You see out of His belly came this living water. It wasn't out of His brain. It was out of the belly, the Body of Christ he spoke. It came out of you that He spoke. It was out of the sons of God that He spoke. This word belong to you as much as they belong to Me.
You see I told you that everything I am and everything that I have and all that I reveal is yours and will be given to you. You see what your seeing is a unique tapestry, this tying with Me, that we are truly one. That is why I don't like it when you emphasize quilt and shame. I don't like it when you tare yourselves down and call yourselves names. I don't like that and quite honestly it destructive. Those kinds of thoughts and words break ties with God. When you easily accept that you are righteous in my righteousness, and you are holy in my holiness, healed in my healing, and sinless in my sinlessness. That you are a part of the word of God and you are a covenant for a people, that you are light for this world. That you are salt within the salt shaker Himself. You are a part of the Son of Righteousness. And His healing flows through your wings, that you are uniquely tied to the Son of God Himself.
It wasn't from Jesus brain that he spoke these words, but out of his belly, out of the Body of Christ that He spoke those words, not out of his head, his Father. There is no competition, I promise you that.
There is so much disorder in human families... But one day I sent Jesus to you and He revealed Himself as your older brother. A brother who really cares about His younger brother and wanted to help him become a man. There is no competition in God. There is only building up and encouraging. You too seek to help your younger brothers.
Tonight I share my heart with you little brothers. If there is something that you needed, whether it be another precept or a principal or revelation—I would let you know it. I'm not trying to keep anything away from you.
I seek to move into your house and tent. I am stepping into your house. We share one mail box, and one authority, one spirit, one account, one inheritance, one family, and one son, one destiny and we also share one bank account."
(Portion of a prophecy spoken by David on February 4, 2011)
Note: The spirit of a person and where Christ dwells within us is located in the midsection of a person. Also, God is embracing His sons and daughters in a way that has rarely been understood or experienced. Things will begin to make more sense as we shed the lies, doubts and fears and realize who we really are. This happens when we focus more on Christ and the Heavenly Father.
April 25, 2011
The Samson Spirit
"Bring this child before me and I will speak over him and I will lay my hand upon him. And he will become a Samson—casting off the yoke of the Philistine. This generation is the generation that will cast off the authority of Saul, it will cast off the lies of the cosmos that will overturn the thrones, and the kingdoms, and the Obamas, and abomination, and the abominations of the world. It's my people—these are mine. Do not judge them by external things. I don't care if they drink beer or smoke cigarettes— too bad for their health that's not my concern. Do not concern yourselves with the external things. But the Father looks at the heart and He directs the heart the way He wants the heart of that person to go. But the Spirit shall come upon this child and his life will be a prophecy and he will see things that are shown to him by the Spirit of the Lord. And despite his flesh and despite everything he will cast of the yoke of the Philistines.
There is so much going on upon the earth that only God can know it all Himself. This is definitely the best—the most coordinated and perfect decade in history. The trees shall prove themselves. You'll raise up kingdoms and bring them down. (I wouldn't want to be a sinner in this decade and I wouldn't want to be a politician who's not following His heart either.)
Upon the palms of your hands I have written—"I Am" and "It is finished." All that I am and all that I have, I give to you. I am the Amen—it is finished—it is accomplished. And you will lay hands on people and the power of covenant will come upon them and I will break the chains upon them. And they will know that they have been touch by the Father and you will proclaim with the right hand—it is finished. It is finished—I Am—It is finished!"
Not On The Same Page
Another prophecy of how God views His sons and daughters:
"I see you as great, and as long as you think your faith is weak, then you and I are not on the same page. You're bucking the system. I see you as wealthy. For you to think otherwise is to thorps My plans for you. I see you as restored. I see you as clean, and I see you as free. You are in covenant with I Am shield. You are in covenant with I Am resurrection. You are in covenant with I Am rewarder, and you are in covenant with I Am exceedingly great reward—both reward and rewarder. The shield protects it, and the power of resurrection is the life to get it. There's nothing stopping you."
"All that I have, all that I Am, and all that I reveal Myself to be—I give to You."
(prophecies from David on January 28, 2011)
Note: When we come into covenant with Him, there is nothing we can do to earn our healing, health, wealth prosperity, honor, authority and so much more, because it's all been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ.
April 22, 2011
The Greatest Reward
"I am Rewarder, I am Shield, I am Resurrection Life. And all that I am and all that I have and all that I reveal myself to be. I give to you. There is nothing that I will hold back. If there feelings like there's something being held back, it's not from me doing it. I'm not holding back healing. I'm not holding back deliverance or holding back ministry. If it feels like there is a hindrance, it's not from me. I'm pouring forth everything I have into you. And David you can chose—I want you to remember that.
When the Lord adds something to your life, something has to leave as to make room for it. God removes to establish. For Abraham to receive a promise he had to leave his father's clan and his land. For Jacob to receive a wife he had to leave his family and and his land. For the disciples to receive a kingdom they had to leave houses and their wives for the sake of that kingdom. And you two could write articles and even books of how much it cost you to have been involved in discipleship. And you both know that is nothing in comparison to the glory and the glories that are being revealed to you.
If it were all about Peter's words, 'Well, what do we get out of all of it. We left all this stuff. What do we get out of it?' If it where all about that. Sorry Peter, you were missing the point. When Peter asked that question he was staring at Eternity Himself, staring at the All in all. Staring at the Pearl of Great Price, the Hidden Treasure in the field. And he was asking about temporal things. He's asking about rewards that he would hopefully receive. 'Well, what do I get out of all this?' And Jesus graciously answered him, 'You will receive much in the temporal world, you'll receive much.' It would be like Abraham who had many houses and sons and much much more. But what he didn't realize was that he was in the presence of the King of kings, the Lord of lords and that he was in the audience of the Master, the Word Himself, and the one who created words, and in the presence of his own Father and Creator. And that was the greatest reward and he didn't even notice it that day. So goes the story of the spirit verses the flesh. He's spirit now totally knows the Spirit, and is in total communion with God.
Last week I told you, I chose you. I could of gone to someone else but I chose you. I still choose you—everyday—I chose both of you. Whether you act perfect each day is not the important thing, but that we walk in the cool of the day. I said earlier tonight that Eve was deceived, but Adam chose and there is power in the choice and I chose you. I chose Abraham, David, Peter, James and John, Philip, Thomas, Levi... and I chose Israel. And I anointed you and I placed my Holy Spirit in you. I chose you to be my home, to move into your house, to become one with you so you could be one with me. To be married with the Spirit of God. And He gave you that, will He not give you everything?
The Prodigal son finally understood that the Father's love was dependent upon the Father's love. The elder brother didn't understand and I'm seeking to shake him out of you. So that you will never think that way again. You'll never see God as a hard and demanding one. Or see the Father as a stingy one or cold. The world needs to know what you, David, know. Israel the world needs it. They've only heard about me, but so few really know me and I'm pouring out my heart and I'm not about to stop."
(additional prophecy from David on January 28, 2011)
My prayer is that people will be overwhelmed by His love and grace. I declare those bonds are braking off people and that the temporal will become pale in comparison to the relationship they can have with the Father in the cool of the day.
So I have decided to 'chuck it all' and spend the rest of my life getting to know my Father better. I also desire to share His love for us and reach out to a lost and broken world in whatever way or place He inspires me to go. And to break into the enemies stronghold and take back the things and lives that were stolen. Besides, I can't think of anything else that I would rather do than love God, His people and kick satan's butt. Anyway that's the desire of my heart, and I believe it's the Father's desire for all His sons and daughters.
April 18, 2011
Jesus was Pierced
Today is the beginning of Passover at sundown, yet most of Christianity will have celebrated Palm Sunday yesterday and Easter Sunday next week—both days are man-made holidays. God would desire His sons and daughters to recognizes His holy days—Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. Yet the exact days are not something we should become legalistic about. But the seasons are important to be recognized. Some people may even sense certain activity in the spiritual realms and in the natural during these seasons.
Passover is often a time of trials—testing of our will and our flesh. Just as it was for Jesus. It was also the time when He became the sacrificial lamb of God. A time when we need to say, not my will but yours Father. Here is a message from the Lord about Jesus' death, our choices and the love of God for His sons and daughters.
"When Jesus was pierced in the side, mankind was pierced with the same spear. It was a huge prophecy for a washing—a redemption, a planting, a sowing and a reaping three days forward, a reaping for a season. Though he is dead he will come alive again.
Jesus was harpooned. He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, it was chastisement that brought your price upon Him, and by His stripes you are healed. And you like sheep have turn and gone your own way. And the Lord laid upon Him the transgression of you, all of you. And as He was lead to the slaughterhouse, He didn't make a sound.
You have so often questioned why my leading in your lives. That you think you're so powerful that you could screw things up the plan of God, or screw this up for your lives. Your not that powerful and you're not that good. God's plan worked completely despite your sin, despite your foolishness, despite your humility.
It worked perfectly despite Abraham's, despite King David's humility their sin and their garbage. It's not that I place faith upon a people. It's that people place faith upon Me. David, your not one to trust in your own ability to follow, and that's wise. You trust in the Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus for strength and ability to lead you. The will of the Lord Jesus is going to come forward in your lives."
"The first women, Eve was deceived by the serpent. But the Word does not say that the man was deceived by the serpent. The man chose to sin against God. The women chose to listen to the devil, the liar. And with everything within me I sought a man to walk with me in the cool of the day again. And when I find men with a heart like Abraham, a heart like Jacob, a heart like David's, a heart like Peter's, James or John's; through it seems that their lives were filled with hardships, and indeed the costs are great—these men's lives are lights in history. Men who walked with God in the cool of the day. They would prophecy of a restoration to come. It was always God's plan to walk with man. Men who in spite of the deception of the women, despite the sin they chose. They would walk with God like Enoch walked with God, and Moses walked with God, Joshua, or Caleb—men of faith, who walked with God.
Your lives are where the Lord wants them to be. It's important that you meet on Friday, Tuesdays at the men's meeting and Thursday for Bible study. It important that you go to church and read your Bible and worship the Lord. It was not expected of you, yet it draw us together relationally, to meet Spirit to spirit on a daily bases. It was your choice to be content with me and push me with questions thousands of questions."
"Mankind chose to separate themselves from God in the garden, it was a choice of the will. The women was deceived, the man made a choice. And that is why I will not seduce a man to follow me. I will give him the choice to reattach himself in communion with God—through choice, not through being deceived or coerced into a relationship with God. Oh there are plenty of people who use tactics—I'm not one of them. A man will decide, chose you this day.
Your lives have been about choices and you chose to walk with God. To abide with Him. Sometimes you feel so far away from God. Sometimes you feel that if I'm walking with God, why is my life like this? It's in the weakness of your flesh that My strength is made perfect."
"Mankind has been pierced with a spear and out of the side came a women. One who would not be deceived by the enemy, the serpent. One who would in due time would be brought to her Husband and the two would become one flesh and she would listen to her Husband and not to the serpent."
"You know when Jesus was pierced He was already dead. As mankind's way of proving that something is already dead. But in that place of death, I mean not dying—death. From that place of death—life flowed out and was sown into the ground. Men often tote their achievements about their spirituality or their giftedness or their intelligence. I look deeper than all of that. You being sons before Me and I, Samuel, will always chose David. You can bring all the sons of Jesse before me and I will always chose David. Because I know what's inside a man. I know what's in his or her heart. I know when the rough paths come and times of chastisement comes and the pain comes, who will cut and run, and who will stay for the count, and who will allow their lives to be completely thrown down for the care of God to die another death. And you have chosen the way that has been right. And you trust me, that I will exalt you."
"The people will follow something pure, people will follow grace. They will follow anointing and spiritual power. They will follow whatever is most noticeably inside you. A power driven for oneness with Yahweh God. That sweeps everything in its path into it. Like a vortex. Like what scientist call a black hole. Sweeping everything into it. Yet, what men considers a black holes are really not, because they're dimensional moves. They're portals and doorways into another world, another dimension. Its like the picture of the spirit world, there are real portals even on the earth and in the heavens as well. But on this earth there are portals in which the angels ascend and descend and kingdoms ascend and descend and how principalities form. The black holes is not really black, it's because men see backwards, They say things are black when they are really white, light."
"Things won't be like they were before, my friends. Things are never measured on failure or success, it has always been measured on the love of Christ, I see no failure. I see no failure for Israel and I see no failure for you. If measured on the love of Christ, I see no failure. If it was measured on personal obedience, faithfulness and in all that. Then there's enough failures to go all around and you can share it with the rest of the world. You can all sing sad songs and make top 40 hits out of them—but the love of Christ is your adornment.
The love of Christ is your savior. The love of Christ—it's He who laid down His life for you, so you could be restored to the cool of the day with Him. If nothing else tonight is the cool of the day for us. As you're leaning on the presence of Yahweh, you're leaning on the heart of Jesus, the heart of Christ and you're hearing my heart. I love you."
(Portions of a prophecy on January 28, 2011)
April 16, 2011
Grassroots Movements
Lately we have heard a lot about grassroots movements. They all started with an idea, because someone wasn't happy with the status quo. People wanted to see change and so they started talking and others listened. Other people saw them as rebels, but they really weren't—just discontent. These people became leaders of a small groups that continued to grow by people just talking and sharing their idea and beliefs more publicly of what they felt needed to be done. They saw issues that need to be addressed and hopefully others in higher places would listen and want to do something about it. So they continued to encourage others to join their effort or cause until they saw changes made.
Some of these movements dealt with bad habits that where harmful to people or the environment. Others dealt with things such as health care, work ethic and child safety, financial reform and equality. Some of the biggest movements have dealt with freedom and rights, as we are seeing today. These revolutions were meant to change the way people lived, thought or behaved. Some were to give them freedom of choice, speech, a fair and just economy or just to be accepted and treated like other people. The poor and hurting are demanding change. We're seeing this happening in the Middle East and other places around the world.
There have also been spiritual movements that were meant to do the same, such as the Jesus movement in the 60's and Brownsville. All of these movements are for the betterment of mankind, and God's Spirit is still sweeping across this planet. Here's what the Lord had to say about some of these movements.
"There is a 'domino effect' happening even as I told you at the Grand Canyon. Kingdoms are falling. Kingdoms are shaking that are ready to fall. Some similar things are going to occur in your own nation, because there are grass root movements about ready to come to the forefront, says the Lord.
Some of these things scare the believers, Christians. But understand that these thing are from me. The Women's movement of the 60's—70's. People in the church saw it as rebellion. They didn't see God in it. God is always seeking to set the oppressed free.
Back when slavery was being fought about in congress, in the high halls of America, there was a grass root that wanted the oppressed set free. You have the 'Tea Party' today that is a movement and that movement is from God in the United States of America. It will not be stopped and the church won't like it at all. But, Yahweh God likes it all.
The Lord hasn't always been against the 'Gay Movement' who are fighting to be treated like human beings. Christians need to know better than that, they need to treat people with honor and respect. They need to treat women with honor and respect. When they look at a move of a rebellion, it's not necessarily so. I have the enemy on a short leash—you need to know that. What he means for bad I turn for the good.
You have more prayer in your country today than ever before, Back when Larry Lee was trying to get a million people to pray. He was trying to get a grass root movement growing...a vision of an army of prayer warriors. He worked his tail off trying to mobilize these people. Today people are praying. Partially because of the seed sown by Larry Lee and by other men and women. But mostly because people are uptight and uncomfortable, and they feel the 'signs of the time,' and they need to pray. There are more people praying in this nation of yours than ever before.
It is for freedom sake that Christ set people free. Religion takes its form in many different cloaks, different garments and robes. I spoke to you many years ago about a grass root movement (home church) that would rise from that thing and people would consider it rebellious. I also told you about a Samson type of movement.
There are things rising, there is discomfort all over this planet and God is going to use it all for the Kingdom of God to come. The door to this decade has been opened, 2010 was just the prelim, 2011 is the real story and 2012 will be the sweeping, says the Lord... The cleaning of house. I'm removing the chaos from the Halls of Justice and bring in a standard, a sword, and a rod again."
(a portion of a prophecy from David on Feb. 4, 2011)
Jesus' ministry on earth was a "grassroots" movement, and it was planned and designed by God. So it will be with the "Army of God," the sons of God, they too are a grass roots movements.
"Like a shoot out of dry ground." (Isaiah 53:2)
April 8, 2011
For Freedom Sake
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1)
"You see I didn't say, it was for some freedom sake that Christ sets you free. I said, it was for the sake of freedom I set you free. Its wasn't for righteousness that I set you free. It was for holiness I set you free. It wasn't so you could be better servants. I set you free simply, because I wanted you free. Free to laugh, free to dance, free to pull down your pants. Free to laugh in the mists of storms, to be at peace in the mists of challenging circumstances. Being free financially, to have more money than you need, to not need money when you thought you needed it. Just be free. (And you know that if I'm going to talk about a subject, that I'm going to do something pretty spectacular. But, I'm sowing seeds to an end.
Israel need this message more that you (David), because Israel you have sought to conform yourself into what you though was expected of you. And I want you free and I will make you free. Part of that expectation has to do with trying to please me, but part of it has to do with what you think your parent expected of you and what Christ expected of you and what was correct to be seen of a Christian man and especially what your wife expected of a man. And all of that put together does not equal freedom.
When I say, 'I'm putting my cloak of glory upon your life, and it drives darkness from you.' That what it does. Those things that caused you not to be free, or happy, and not to be lighthearted are going to fall beneath your feet. The word of God says in Malachi, 'You will go leaping as calves from the stall.' The last time you really felt like that, was before you started to walk with me. You've had times of joy in my presence, but your life has been riddled, very riddled with other things and it is time for the change. You wanted and desired for me to talk to you, about you. You wanted to know my heart for you and now I'm sharing my heart for you. There's been a darkness in you, and I'm not saying evil. But a darkness and oppression in you. It's been in you and on you, and I'm seeking to pull it down. Pull the whole thing down and it's not that hard for me to do it. And I don't really need your hand in the matter. I'm simply want you and need you, and need you to want you to continue to Amen me—continue to be in my presence, but mostly be in my presence."
(portions of a prophecy on February 14, 2011)
As you have read in these last couple articles, God get very personal in our meetings. I shared some of them with you, because I know at times others may feel the same way too. God wants to heal all the wounds in our lives and drive darkness away from us. His love can do that, and we can trust Him to do it and more. In the meantime, keep staying in His presence.
P.S. I will be taking a week off to finish some lose ends back at our old house. I have many prophecies to share and more to say about our freedom, because God want's you to know His heart as well. Then you can share it with others too.
April 4, 2011
Our Love is Based on the Blood
What the world needs now is love, God's love. Mankind has done their best to imitate it and has failed every time. If they could really understand this and the Church live out the nature of Christ, what a different world this would be. Here's just a glimpse of God's love for all His sons and daughters.
"I am exalting you. I have loved you with an eternal love. I know how love works in the movies. I know how it works pretty much across the earth. In the United States it looks a little different than in some other nations. And those nations look different than other nations. But the love of God doesn't look like any of that.
My Love is eternal. I loved you before you were born. I love you when you were happy and I love you when you were crappy. And I'll love til the end. My love is based on Abraham. A men I swore alliance to through Christ. The Man who became the fullness of all—became the Great Sacrifice.
My love for you is eternal. My love is joyful... I know there has been a lot of discomfort in your journey, but we will laugh again. We rejoice together. But there are a lot of men and women who have conquered, who have done the will of God. A lot has been achieved throughout the centuries, by targeted men and targeted women who have given their lives away for someone greater.
You know I chose you, I chose you...because I loved you from the foundations of the earth. I loved you before you were born and I love you now, and I love you forever. It's this driving love, passion and zeal. But mostly His covenant—this blood, this blood, this blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, this blood is the bases of our love. Get it down, understand that, this blood is the bases of our love. The blood of Christ is the bases of our love. The foundation of our love is based on Christ's blood. It's not based on emotions, or some unconditional concept, but it is based on the blood of Jesus Christ. He became the atonement, He became satisfaction. The Father toward the Son toward you. He loved you, because of the blood of Jesus. He loves you, because of the blood of sacrifice, because of covenant.
You know I chose you, I chose you...because I loved you from the foundations of the earth. I loved you before you were born and I love you now, and I love you forever. It's this driving love, passion and zeal. But mostly His covenant—this blood, this blood, this blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, this blood is the bases of our love. Get it down, understand that, this blood is the bases of our love. The blood of Christ is the bases of our love. The foundation of our love is based on Christ's blood. It's not based on emotions, or some unconditional concept, but it is based on the blood of Jesus Christ. He became the atonement, He became satisfaction. The Father toward the Son toward you. He loved you, because of the blood of Jesus. He loves you, because of the blood of sacrifice, because of covenant.
You have received blessings and favor from Yahweh... I have watch over you throughout your lives, from the day you were conceived to today. I have watched over you and loved you in the difficult times, in your struggles, and the struggles with sin. None of this have been able to separate us from the love of God. It only draws us deeper. Where you are weak that's where I'm strong. It's the power of covenant. Every time you need me I'm there, every time you don't need me I'm there. I'm simply there, watching over your lives. I watch over the Word.
See when I say to a man that I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward, I'm your resurrection and life. I'm the rewarder of the diligent seeker—I am that I am. What did you expect to hear. Something you can write down it you blog entry, something you can detail in five minutes or less.
Abraham looked up to the stars. And if a man can count 50 billion, as Israel said earlier, lights in the sky. Then man hasn't even begun to count the stars. My vision goes forever—how about yours? My promises goes forever. Let me bless you forever. Let me pour out My love and promises to you forever—I am that I am. I am rewarding you—my diligent seekers.
(a portion of a prophecy by David on Feb. 25, 2011)
Note: This prophecy is to all sons and daughters of God. A message of the never ending love of God, based on the blood covenant and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And the power of that blood is just as unmeasurable.
April 1, 2011
Got Friends?
Having friends is one of life's best treats. They stick with you through the hard times, overlook your faults and they know many of your secrets. I have one really close friend—Jesus Christ. He has changed my life and made it worth living. I also have another friend, Sheldon David who has also helped me get to know Jesus and the Heavenly Father better. And then there is you, my blog readers. You are my unique friends. True I have other friends, my wife and people at church. But you are special, because you know more about me than most of my other friends and you have stayed with me even though we have never met. I'm am very thankful, blessed, and I really appreciate your support.
I call you friends, because in Christ we are one with Him. We are also brothers and sisters as well as friends. In the past we have walked together in the cool of the day with Him, just as we do today and someday we'll see each other again. You too have stayed with me on this awesome journey with Christ which shows you have a hunger to know more of God. You've also read of my struggles, pain, frustrations, my faults and mistakes and many of my editing ones. Sometimes, I even say things I shouldn't because I didn't know better, stubborn or just had crappy attitude that day. Sometimes I even go back and make changes and corrections after they've been posted. I have even deleted some portions that are not as important as I once thought or were wrong. But you have been gracious to overlooked them and stayed with me.
You know things about me that my family doesn't even know, yet someday they may. Years from now, I may put these blog articles into books for others to read, especially my grandchildren and their descendants.
In the meantime, I will keep writing for the audience of One. Or until He has me too busy doing other things. I'm called to other nations and I'm beginning to know some of them, but I believe it will still be a year or two before I leave.
God told me that the next ten years will be the best and most important in my life. But for now I enjoy sharing some important truths and more awesome prophecies from our meetings. However, there may be language in some of them that could be offensive to some, but remember God isn't religious. Again, thank you for you patience and your faithfulness.
The Lord says, "Hurricane season for much of the Body of Christ is not a bad thing, but a good thing. It stirs people, causing them to get rid of the things that are not important. It's the Spirit that is within these winds, hurricanes, that overturns tables."
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