April 18, 2011

Jesus was Pierced

Today is the beginning of Passover at sundown, yet most of Christianity will have celebrated Palm Sunday yesterday and Easter Sunday next week—both days are man-made holidays. God would desire His sons and daughters to recognizes His holy days—Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. Yet the exact days are not something we should become legalistic about. But the seasons are important to be recognized. Some people may even sense certain activity in the spiritual realms and in the natural during these seasons. 

Passover is often a time of trials—testing of our will and our flesh. Just as it was for Jesus. It was also the time when He became the sacrificial lamb of God. A time when we need to say, not my will but yours Father. Here is a message from the Lord about Jesus' death, our choices and the love of God for His sons and daughters.

"When Jesus was pierced in the side, mankind was pierced with the same spear. It was a huge prophecy for a washing—a redemption, a planting, a sowing and a reaping three days forward, a reaping for a season. Though he is dead he will come alive again. 

Jesus was harpooned. He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, it was chastisement that brought your price upon Him, and by His stripes you are healed. And you like sheep have turn and gone your own way. And the Lord laid upon Him the transgression of you, all of you. And as He was lead to the slaughterhouse, He didn't make a sound. 

You have so often questioned why my leading in your lives. That you think you're so powerful that you could screw things up the plan of God, or screw this up for your lives. Your not that powerful and you're not that good. God's plan worked completely despite your sin, despite your foolishness, despite your humility. 

It worked perfectly despite Abraham's, despite King David's humility their sin and their garbage. It's not that I place faith upon a people. It's that people place faith upon Me. David, your not one to trust in your own ability to follow, and that's wise. You trust in the Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus for strength and ability to lead you. The will of the Lord Jesus is going to come forward in your lives." 

"The first women, Eve was deceived by the serpent. But the Word does not say that the man was deceived by the serpent. The man chose to sin against God. The women chose to listen to the devil, the liar. And with everything within me I sought a man to walk with me in the cool of the day again. And when I find men with a heart like Abraham, a heart like Jacob, a heart like David's, a heart like Peter's, James or John's; through it seems that their lives were filled with hardships, and indeed the costs are great—these men's lives are lights in history. Men who walked with God in the cool of the day. They would prophecy of a restoration to come. It was always God's plan to walk with man. Men who in spite of the deception of the women, despite the sin they chose. They would walk with God like Enoch walked with God, and Moses walked with God, Joshua, or Caleb—men of faith, who walked with God. 

Your lives are where the Lord wants them to be. It's important that you meet on Friday, Tuesdays at the men's meeting and Thursday for Bible study. It important that you go to church and read your Bible and worship the Lord. It was not expected of you, yet it draw us together relationally, to meet Spirit to spirit on a daily bases. It was your choice to be content with me and push me with questions thousands of questions."

"Mankind chose to separate themselves from God in the garden, it was a choice of the will. The women was deceived, the man made a choice. And that is why I will not seduce a man to follow me. I will give him the choice to reattach himself in communion with God—through choice, not through being deceived or coerced into a relationship with God. Oh there are plenty of people who use tactics—I'm not one of them. A man will decide, chose you this day

Your lives have been about choices and you chose to walk with God. To abide with Him. Sometimes you feel so far away from God. Sometimes you feel that if I'm walking with God, why is my life like this? It's in the weakness of your flesh that My strength is made perfect."

"Mankind has been pierced with a spear and out of the side came a women. One who would not be deceived by the enemy, the serpent. One who would in due time would be brought to her Husband and the two would become one flesh and she would listen to her Husband and not to the serpent." 

"You know when Jesus was pierced He was already dead. As mankind's way of proving that something is already dead. But in that place of death, I mean not dying—death. From that place of death—life flowed out and was sown into the ground. Men often tote their achievements about their spirituality or their giftedness or their intelligence. I look deeper than all of that. You being sons before Me and I, Samuel, will always chose David. You can bring all the sons of Jesse before me and I will always chose David. Because I know what's inside a man. I know what's in his or her heart. I know when the rough paths come and times of chastisement comes and the pain comes, who will cut and run, and who will stay for the count, and who will allow their lives to be completely thrown down for the care of God to die another death. And you have chosen the way that has been right. And you trust me, that I will exalt you."
"The people will follow something pure, people will follow grace. They will follow anointing and spiritual power. They will follow whatever is most noticeably inside you. A power driven for oneness with Yahweh God. That sweeps everything in its path into it. Like a vortex. Like what scientist call a black hole. Sweeping everything into it. Yet, what men considers a black holes are really not, because they're dimensional moves. They're portals and doorways into another world, another dimension. Its like the picture of the spirit world, there are real portals even on the earth and in the heavens as well. But on this earth there are portals in which the angels ascend and descend and kingdoms ascend and descend and how principalities form. The black holes is not really black, it's because men see backwards, They say things are black when they are really white, light."
"Things won't be like they were before, my friends. Things are never measured on failure or success, it has always been measured on the love of Christ, I see no failure. I see no failure for Israel and I see no failure for you. If measured on the love of Christ, I see no failure. If it was measured on personal obedience, faithfulness and in all that. Then there's enough failures to go all around and you can share it with the rest of the world. You can all sing sad songs and make top 40 hits out of them—but the love of Christ is your adornment. 

The love of Christ is your savior. The love of Christ—it's He who laid down His life for you, so you could be restored to the cool of the day with Him. If nothing else tonight is the cool of the day for us. As you're leaning on the presence of Yahweh, you're leaning on the heart of Jesus, the heart of Christ and you're hearing my heart. I love you."

(Portions of a prophecy on January 28, 2011)