April 1, 2011

Got Friends?

Having friends is one of life's best treats. They stick with you through the hard times, overlook your faults and they know many of your secrets. I have one really close friend—Jesus Christ. He has changed my life and made it worth living. I also have another friend, Sheldon David who has also helped me get to know Jesus and the Heavenly Father better. And then there is you, my blog readers. You are my unique friends. True I have other friends, my wife and people at church. But you are special, because you know more about me than most of my other friends and you have stayed with me even though we have never met. I'm am very thankful, blessed, and I really appreciate your support.

I call you friends, because in Christ we are one with Him. We are also brothers and sisters as well as friends. In the past we have walked together in the cool of the day with Him, just as we do today and someday we'll see each other again. You too have stayed with me on this awesome journey with Christ which shows you have a hunger to know more of God. You've also read of my struggles, pain, frustrations, my faults and mistakes and many of my editing ones. Sometimes, I even say things I shouldn't because I didn't know better, stubborn or just had crappy attitude that day. Sometimes I even go back and make changes and corrections after they've been posted. I have even deleted some portions that are not as important as I once thought or were wrong. But you have been gracious to overlooked them and stayed with me. 

You know things about me that my family doesn't even know, yet someday they may. Years from now, I may put these blog articles into books for others to read, especially my grandchildren and their descendants.

In the meantime, I will keep writing for the audience of One. Or until He has me too busy doing other things. I'm called to other nations and I'm beginning to know some of them, but I believe it will still be a year or two before I leave. 

God told me that the next ten years will be the best and most important in my life. But for now I enjoy sharing some important truths and more awesome prophecies from our meetings. However, there may be language in some of them that could be offensive to some, but remember God isn't religious. Again, thank you for you patience and your faithfulness.

The Lord says, "Hurricane season for much of the Body of Christ is not a bad thing, but a good thing. It stirs people, causing them to get rid of the things that are not important. It's the Spirit that is within these winds, hurricanes, that overturns tables."