June 27, 2012


Do you like moving? I don't, at least not any more or should I say certain aspect of moving. I'm sure the children of Israel probably didn't like it either when the were traveling in the wilderness for forty years waiting to go into the Promise Land. But moving is really a good thing, because it helps us to get where we need to be. It also helps us lighten your load along the way, at least most of the time. 

Looking back, I realize that with each move, including the ones with my parents, they brought me closer to where God wanted us. Through the process I was educated, got saved, met my wife and eventually met Sheldon. They also helped prepare me for being a son of God and for ministry. Yet with each move or step there was usually some difficulties, even for my parents. Sometimes we may have felt we were forced to move. But God has many ways of prodding us along. Whether they were financial, medical or social reason or maybe just chasing a dream. Whatever the reason or situation, God had His hand in it all. Sometimes God just tells us when it's time to move and where to go.

When I was living with my parents we moved ten times. After I moved out, and eventually got married, we moved seven more times. This will be my eighth one (the number eight is symbolic of a new beginning), yet with each move it seemed we collected more stuff despite moving and garage sales. Things we thought we might need or wanted at the time. That's why storage units have become a such big business. Thrift shops like Goodwill and the Salvation Army have reap the benefits of people's indulging, good deal purchases, and garage sale hunting. 

When I was younger moving wasn't so bad, in fact it was usually fun, because we were looking forward to new surroundings and new friends. But when you get to my age and all the cleaning, packing and hauling, it's no longer fun. Now, I'm just taking it one day at a time and remind myself that this too will be a thing of the past.

This Friday, we will be leaving the apartment where we have lived for three years and eight months; it has served its purpose. After we move all our things back into our old house, I will help my wife get settled in and fix a few things. Then I will head out on my new adventure about mid August. Everything I need will be with me in the van, including God, who is always with me.

I've come to learn that it's best to let go of many things, before they own you, even though there may be times we might miss them, but I will manage without them. Giving things away, I believe is one of the best ways to do it, after all isn't that how we got everything from God. The Father want His sons and daughters to prosper as well as be free, freedom in every way. As the apostle Paul said:
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." (Phip. 4:12 niv)
Note: I will miss my wife, family and friends, but not all the stuff. And whatever I might miss, will be more than compensate by the love an presence of our heavenly Father, His children and places I've never been before. I will continue to write articles on my laptop computer and post them whenever possible.

June 25, 2012

Glory Meeting

If you could ask God a question, any question, and He would answer it, what would that question be?  This was the question Sheldon David purposed to a small group of people who comes to his home for a Thursday Bible study. He asked us to think about it and then come to what he called a “glory meeting" on Friday night a week later and expect to hear an answer from God.

David has often prayed for and prophesied over people and has said things he personally didn’t know, but God did. When David is tapped into the anointing, God is able to reveal many things to him. God also wants others to know how much He really cares about their desires and/or needs. Plus, God also wants to share His heart.

The apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthians to prophesy. (First Corinthians 14:5) Speaking positive words and bring hope into people's lives has always been the heart of the Father. But this time, David is doing something just a little different and unique.

Anyway, I told my wife about the meeting and the question offered, because of her job she’s not usually able to come to the Bible studies. But she would be able to come to the “Glory Meeting.” So a few days later, I asked her if she had thought about her question, and she said, "Yes." She stated, that although there are many things she would like to know her real desire would be to hear what God thought was most important for her to know. I was surprised, and told her that it was exactly how I felt.

Although there are a number of questions I could ask, especially about going to Mexico and all the situations I might face. Yet, if it were all to boil down to just one question, it would have to be what God thinks is best for me to know at this time.

This was kind of like what God asked King Solomon, what he wanted, and Solomon asked for wisdom. I realize it’s not exactly the same, because we are asking God to reveal something, instead of receiving. Besides we already have everything in Christ at our disposal. So what would your question be if God asked you?

The “glory meeting" started at 6:30 with worship. We could already feel the presence of the Lord as we sat quietly waiting on Him. Before David prayed, he said Israel also has a prayer tonight, but he doesn’t know it yet. Then David said there was a spiritual vibration, a rippling going forth. Then the Lord said, “It’s meant to shake to reestablish order—words spoken tonight are not small, weak or unimportant. They are meant to affect the future, the world and people’s lives. Believe it will happen. They will bring down obstacles near and far. You will also get your answers tonight, and obstacles will fall away.” 
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is LIBERTY!

Then I prophesied, “Be still and know that I am God. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…I’m not the God of Christianity, Muslim, the Hindus, or Judaism I am the Lord God creator of heaven and earth and I won’t share my glory with none other than My sons and daughters. You are my sons, my chosen ones sent to establish, to liberate and to call forth what is not seen as though it were. You hear my voice, and you have been prepared, and predestined to speak for me.“ Then I prayed, “We yield to your Glory. We yield to your Glory! Then the Lord continued to speak, “I’m kissing your hearts and souls alive. I want you to set people free, to restore lives and raise the dead, to bring forth the heart of the father to the fatherless. This world is hurting and hungry and I need you to speak for me, multiply bread to feed the poor and the hungry, to break bread for the world. You are my hand and feet and My voice. I need you, just as much as you need me —we are one! I hear your words, and your prayers are being answered even before you finishing speaking. Angels are attending, waiting to act on your behalf. Establish what Jesus said is finished, accomplished it on earth as it is in heaven!!!”

We continued to pray, asking God to break the spirit of addiction across our nation and the world. To set prostitutes free who are either bound in body, mind or spirit. To break the spirit of poverty, abuse, hate, fear, sickness and disease off people lives, and to restore eyes to see, ears to hear, minds and hearts to receive the Truth. We even prayed for the Lord to save the drug lords or cut them off, and to bring integrity back into the work place and the leaders of our nation.

Then David played some special worship music that lasted for about forty minutes. However, on the last song David asked for everyone to stand. And while we were standing I felt God asking me to do something else. I had brought my two-hand double edge sword to the meeting, but I didn’t know why. But, by the time the song was over I knew what I had to do. So I asked everyone to remain standing, and then picked up my sword and walked to the center of the room with it held in both hands.

There were sixteen people there, counting David, and I told them this sword represented the Sword of the Lord. And I am giving it to you to receive it, as from the Lord, and then I want you to give it to the person next to you. You can pull it out of its sheath, if you want to, but be very careful it is very, very sharp.

I told them the Sword of the Lord represent His power and authority that is given to you tonight. (It is also used to cut off those things that hinder or bind you or others.) Your words have power and authority. You speak for God, so be bold; God’s not a winnie. And while they passed the sword around, I got down on my knees, bowed and prayed this declaration: 

"Father...the United States of America bows before you and it yields its power and authority to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The countries of Mexico, Latin America, South America and Canada all bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The Far East, Asia and Japan bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Europe, the Middle East and the Nation of Israel all bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Australia and Africa also bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and every nation on earth bows to the Lordship. Every man, women and child bows before Jesus Christ, including every man-made god and idol. And we in this room here also bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, for You alone are God, King of kings and Lord of lords. All praise, glory and honor belong to You, and You alone."

Then David prayed another powerful prayer and then God spoke to each of us through David. Whatever the question on our minds that night God answered them and more. We didn’t even have to ask. When it came time for my turn, I had no idea what the Father would say, but this is what He said:  

“Israel, Wow, what you have become—a holy terror to the enemy. You can rejoice in that! Your coming to Vancouver will have a huge payoff. You will meet the Father, and be my prophet and a man of wisdom. Your name will not be cut off. It will be upon Joshua and many others, because you made wise choices. Don’t look so hard for it that you miss it. I’m revealing my heart to you, not in just one situation, but it will be a series of revelations. You will know the Father’s heart in sync for many years to come.”

Then the Father finished speaking to the others. There was one man there who was much older than me and God told him He wasn’t through with him. And his younger wife who is a quiet speaking oriental women, God saw her as a great warrior and scary to the enemy in her quietness. Her words went way out there, because she abides with Christ. God said He was putting her on a lamp stand to illuminate His house and be seen. And though she may not want that, the Father said, “I do and I win.” There was anther man there, about my age, who was worried about his unsaved sons, and God said to him, “I’ll take care of your children and you take care of mine, deal.”

It was an awesome night for everyone, one we would never forget, including my wife. She heard exactly what she needed to hear, that she was precious and a great women of great faith. God would meet her every need and desire. And He would send her a special (angelic?) friend to help see that her needs were met. And things would get easier for her.

Note: The reason I shared this “glory meeting” is because the words prophesied are for ALL of God's sons and daughters, and to give them some incite on God’s heart, of how He sees us, and that we should encourage others, because of how God see them. Our true identity is so important. I also want to encourage you to think and pray much bigger prayers. I know some people may think this is silly, but I don’t care. Elijah prayed and it stopped raining for three and a half years and then He prayed for rain. And if you think my prayers are too big, you should hear Sheldon’s prayers. They are mind-boggling and sometimes very long. These prayers may take a long for us to see them accomplish, but it’s still the kind God want to hear, there is no time or space with Him. We speak His heart and vision and the angelic forces will do the rest.

“Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.” (Mark 11: 23-26) All of this is based on our faith and forgiveness.

 (A special thanks to my wife for taking notes during the meeting.)

June 18, 2012

Small Beginnings

I just finished reading a book by John Crowder called, Seven Spirits Burning. I thought it was a great book and I’m glad to see his message going out to a larger audience. Brother Crowder has a wonderful passion for the Truth. God is using him and the elect for many different reasons, and at different times. There are specific reasons for everything that God does even if we don't always understand them. His chosen ones, or "the elect" as the apostles Paul calls the believers in Christ, are bringing forth His truth, nature, power, wisdom and the knowledge of God in order to restore and establish God's plan. The Kingdom of God is coming to planet earth, whether people like it or not. God's timing is perfect and so is the way it is done. It will be accomplished by all of His sons and daughters taking steps of faith. 

Some people seem to blossom early in life while others are still waiting. I’m sure there are many readers who wonder why they have not experienced some things John Crowder talks about in his books, The New Mystics. Just as I do when I see and listen to Sheldon David. Yet, I believe all God's sons and daughter will experience something special as we continue to abide in Him. This is just the beginning of a new movement of God.

God does not ignore our hunger or our prayers, it's just a matter timing. There are also some who still have areas that need maturing. Yet, we all have a lot more to learn, and no one has all the answers, except God. The heavenly Father desires to reveal more of His nature and heart as we yield more of ourselves to Him. In the meantime we rest in His Shalom, and do whatever we can by taking steps of faith. 

Do you realize that the Father doesn't want us to act like His slaves, that only do things when they are told? Neither are we to act like puppets that only move when He does. We are His sons, friends and joint heirs to the Kingdom. As maturing sons and daughters, He wants us to start making decisions based on faith, and He will back us up. Now that's operating in true Sonship, and that's what God desires to see from all of us.

This month will be my third year writing articles on this Blog sites. And to be honest with you, I thought like maybe some of you, that certain things would have progress much faster than what I have seen or experienced. Sometimes, I felt like the preacher who keeps talking about the impending "Rapture" that never happens.

However, almost two years ago the Lord did tell Sheldon and I that we were born for such a time as this, and that we were not to despise small beginnings. And so we have had to adjust our thinking and trust in His timing. Things are dramatically changing in the spiritual realm even though we may not realize it. But, everyday that passes we are building (establishing) something special, either through our actions, words, or our prayers, our trust and especially our relationship with the Father. And that relationship is by far the most important thing, not His gifts or anointing that many have desired more. (I have had to reevaluate my own thoughts and motives many times.) 

Nearly every major event in history started from small beginnings and this next movement of God is proving to be no different. Just look at what we saw happen in the Arab Nations and other countries last year that started with small beginnings. The United States will also see major changes, including the political system in this next election. Everything will change and this movement of God, the Visitation of the Father, will come to pass. There will be many signs, wonders and miracles that will come through true Sonship that is being established by the Heavenly Father.
"For all creation, gazing eagerly as if with outstretched neck, is waiting and longing to see the manifestation of the sons of God." (Romans 8:19)
Note: I enjoy writing and expressing God’s heart. The article on forgiveness was especially challenging for me and it needed better editing. (Sorry about that, I'll try to do better.) I fixed them and clarified some things. Anyway there is more I would like to say on that subject as well as on our identity in Christ in future articles. Also, thank you again for your patients and for your continued support. May God always bless you abundantly in every way.

June 11, 2012

Dreams and Visions

“You and I share the same dream. We share the same vision, house, body and linage. I gave you a vision that you take one step and I take another and together we get there. It’s important to know who you are, and how the Father see you. I brought you into my Kingdom. You are not outsiders here. I’ve also given you the keys to the Kingdom. Whatever you bind is bound and what you release is released. I know this sounds like speaking in tongues to some people when they hear you talk about the Kingdom of God. Yet, I’m revealing Me. All that I am, all that have and all that I reveal myself to be—I’m seeking to bring to earth.
As Israel said, there are millions of colors in the Kingdom of God, because I add you, as well as others. The Kingdom of God is not fully come to the earth. But, the goal of the Father is for true sonship and that is occurring in a multi-membered man. A new order is also being brought to earth. Everything you've seen in visions needs to be brought to earth—everything.” 
 (notes taken from a prophecy spoken by Sheldon David on May 13, 2011)

It’s important for us to have visions. In fact God wants us to have visions and dreams. They help us to better understand God, His ways and who we are. They give insight to prepare us for what we need to do or for others. There are also things that need to be established here on earth. Yet, we can’t make these type of revelations happen, but we can prepare our hearts and minds to be ready when they do occur. However, some people have had visions before they were even saved, like John Crowder. Either ways it's still God's choice as to when they come.
“I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughter will prophesy and your old men shall dream dreams and the young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28)

I was over forty years old when I started having spiritual dreams and visions. Yet, I would still like to have more, and I’m expecting that in this next adventure with God.

God gives us dreams and visions to help us accomplish what He would desire to see accomplished on earth—in us and through us. Sometimes we need to ask God what we are to do with what we have seen and other times you know what to do. They are sometimes meant to be shared with the Body of Christ. This was true for the apostle Paul, and with John the Revelator. John was in his nineties when he saw the visions of the Lord, the New Jerusalem and many other things. Then He wrote the book of Revelation. (Goes to show we're never to old to be used by God.) There were other prophets in the Old Testament who had visions and dreams, such as Daniel and Ezekiel. Then there were simple men like Abraham whom God gave dreams and visions. And as his spiritual sons we too should have them.

However, you may have never had a spiritual dreams or visions so far, but I believe you will. Let me asks you this, where do you see yourself spiritually 5 or 10 years from now? Do you know that those desires are the foundations upon which dreams and visions are built upon. They were planted by God long before you and I were even born. Some of those desires may come later in life for a specific time or season like it was for apostle John. He was always seeking to know the Lord's heart. We to should seek to know more of God's heart, and then wait patiently. After all doesn’t the Bible say, you have not, because you ask not. (Mat. 7:7) When they occur, it will usually be when you least expect them, but you will never forget them once you do.

Most of you know I will be traveling soon, and I've had some ideas on which countries. But I though it would be nice to know for sure before heading out on a trip like this. But then that’s what faith is all about, just taking one step at a time.

About three months ago, I was in my room resting on my bed. I had just closed my eyes for just a moment when all of a sudden, I saw a map of Mexico in front of me. I could see the whole out line of the country just below the southern areas of United States, and then the vision was gone. I opened my eyes and realized I was still awake and I just had a vision. I closed my eyes again and fell into a deep sleep. This time I dreamed I was holding the map and was studying a section of highways near the Pacific coast of central Mexico. I was trying to decided which route to take as I headed further south. Then the dream was over. It was nice to have this kind of conformation from the Lord.

The next day, I told Sheldon about the vision. Then a couple weeks later we went to Barns and Nobles, and I was able to purchase a map of Mexico. They had only one and it was just like the one I saw in my vision. While I was there, I also purchased a map of South America and one of the Western United States.

This was just a simple vision, but it meant a lot to me at this time.It also gave me more confidence as I shared the vision and dream with my wife. Then this morning, before I woke-up, I also had another dream regarding my future. In this dream, I saw a sign and it read, "Go to the poor in the Kingdom of Mexico." Wow, that was cool. It's interesting how God had planned it so I could included it with this article. Isn't Abba Father sooooo good.

This is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure and I can’t wait to be on the road. Problems and circumstances are already bowing and everything is working out according to His plan as I place my trust in His timing not mine. I also realize that God has some awesome dreams and visions planned for you too and for all His sons and daughters. Some may be even much bigger, better and possibly crazier than mine. However, nothings really crazy when you're doing it with God.

June 4, 2012

Forgiving From The Heart

We often hear or read a lot about forgiveness. There are a number of TV programs like Dr. Phil, Oprah, plus many televangelist, ministers, Christian authors and others who encourage people to forgive one another. There are movies that have dealt with the subject of forgiveness, including the original Spider-man III in theaters which ended with this powerful statement, "The greatest power in the world, is the power to forgive." Yet with all the movies, books, lectures, and sermons on the subject, including many fiction novels; the ability to truly forgive is still missing in many peoples lives. Why? Is there a false sense of power or security that makes them feel better? But that will need to change, if they really want to find true peace and happiness in this lifetime.

Forgiveness is a huge subject that I have put off for over a year. In fact it's one of the two themes in the Bible the other is love, God's love. It's the message of the cross. But this message of forgiveness seems to be ignored or at least not taken serious enough. It seems many people are not willing to totally forgive. Peter even asked Jesus, how many times must he forgive his brother? Jesus replied, that he must forgive "seventy times seven," in other words every time. Then Jesus told the disciples a parable about an unforgiving steward and how the Kingdom of Heaven views the subject of forgiveness. (Matthew 18:23-35)

In this parable, The Unforgiving Steward, there was a slave (steward) who owed the king a large sum of money, but he was unable to pay. So the servant prostrated himself before his lord, but he never really asked for forgiveness, just for a little more time. Understanding the servant's predicament his lord had compassion on him and forgave all his debt. Yet, soon after the servant left he came to one of his fellow servants who owed him a much smaller amount and demanded full payment. But the poor servant was unable to pay. So the mean servant had the man put in prison even though he pleaded for patience also. When word got back to the lord as to what had happened, the lord summoned the mean servant and said to him, "You wicked servant, I forgave you all that debt, because you pleaded with me. Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow servant, in the same way that I had mercy on you?" (Mt. 18:33)

When Jesus was on earth, He never asked for an apology or held a grudge against anyone. Jesus forgave everyone, just as we should be willing to do when anyone hurts us or betrays our trust. God expects His children to do the same, or there can be very serious consequences, dire consequences in fact. Let's go back to what the lord demanded of the unforgiving servant? "The lord was move with anger and handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him," Wow! Then Jesus goes on to say, "My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart." (Matthew 18:34-35) Jesus gives a very serious warning here and uses some pretty strong words. A very good incentive to forgive, don't you think? Yet, many people still seem to disregard His warnings, or have forgotten or maybe they even think God wouldn't really do that. Notice, the lord even viewed the man as "wicked."

The word torturer is also another word that seems to be forgotten. As you can see, there are some very serious consequences for unforgiveness. Have you ever heard someone compare the aches and pains in their body as to being tortured? I have, but have they ever really gone to God, and asked Him why, and been willing to listen and accept His answer. I'm not saying that every ache and pain is because of unforgiveness, there are other reasons too such as poor eating habits, curses or covenant violations.

Many of these people who suffer really love God and believe they have forgiven others. However, true forgiveness is not just lip service, it must come from the heart. If you watch and listen to them talk about certain people, you can tell there are still issues that have not been dealt with.

Now back to this parable, notice it does not say that the lord would cast the mean servant into hell or outer darkness. The servant was given a second chance to get things right and it seems that pain would be the motivator. Why pain? Because I believe that's how the Father feels when He sees His children unwilling to forgive others as He has done for them. Emotional pain is no different, it's painful too and it really, really grieves God.

God is not trying to be mean, and He doesn't want to punish anyone, that's not His nature. However, He is a God of justice, and we are the ones who are ultimately responsible for our actions, and to forgive each other, even if we feel our actions may be justified. It all boils down to being mean spirited, selfish and stubborn, just like the wicked steward in the parable.

Unforegivness opens the door for the torturers to come in. Who are these torturers and what do they do? It's satan and is demons, and they will inflict pain and suffering on those who don't forgive from their heart. Lip service won't cut it, because good parent won't accept it and our heavenly Father is no different. As the old saying goes, "Spare the rod, spoil the child." And in Proverbs it says:

"Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell."

This also applies when people get older too. King David experienced discipline when he sinned with Bathsheba and when he took a census of Israel's army. However, he chose to have the rod in the hand of the Lord rather than in the hand of his enemy, either way the lesson would be painful. Those disciplines for David's sin may seem harsh to us, but it also show how serious God really views sin. God has given us a free choice, and we must choose to forgive from the heart. The Lord has always demonstrated more grace than we deserve, and that's the difference between who's holding the rod.

Unforgivessness is a sin. Now, there are many different kinds of sins (Gal. 5:19), some more serious than others, yet God doesn't want to see sin of unforgiveness in any of His children. A far as discipline goes, the apostle Paul also wrote to the church of Corinth and told them what to do about a man who continued to have sex with his stepmother. "You must throw this man out and hand him over to Satan so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved on the day the Lord returns." (1 Corinthians 5:5) You see, Paul was acting as a spiritual father in this situation also. So why would we think God, our heavenly Father, would be any different regarding these kinds of sins?

Today, the church is so far from what God had originally planned, yet God's view on sin and unforgiveness has not changed. Neither has His love, yet God will do whatever is necessary to restore His Kingdom. Many things that are thought as acts of nature, accidents, or health issues, are really a forms of discipline. When satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, it is because God has allowed it in order to display His sovereignty, just as He did with Job. However, satan is on a short leash, and he can only do what God allows. The Lord is still in control of every situation regardless how painful it may seem.

Some of these disciplines come in the form of storms, car wrecks, theft, falling down, sickness, health issues, back problems and many other things that are not only painful to our body but often to our checkbooks as well. There is no such things as an accident. And that is why these kind of things happen in our world and to individuals. It's because of Adan's sin and people are careless or choose to neglect or disregard God's Word. These harmful and painful things will continue to happen as long as evil is in this world. Satan, the deceiver and torturer, disguising his actions and punishments to make people think that there are other reasons for their problems, aches and pains in order to shift responsibility from themselves to something or someone else. And the world system will support those reasons or excuses.

All pain and suffering are still the result of sin. Yet many people still choose to go to the medical system, rather than let God. Anything a doctor can fix, God can too. I hear people sing, "Jesus you are my healer," and then they continue to go to doctors. I just don't get it. Are they spiritually blind or deaf in certain areas and just don't realize it? This is why we need to always pray that God open our minds, eyes and ears. (I still have much to learn.) We need to completely trust God in every area of our life and be patient as He is patient with us.

When Jesus Christ died on the cross everything changed, and when we receive Him into our heart we no longer needed to view God as our judge, but as our loving heavenly Father. We are a new creation and we should want to do what is right, because that is our new nature. We are no longer under religious laws, obligations or the world systems and so we choose to forgive. We are also kings and priest who have been given His authority over everything, including satan. We shouldn't fear punishment, because that was dealt with on the cross. So when we see a problem we look to Christ for the answers, and then do what He says, which may require some repentance. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, he sees that in Christ. But He does expect us to love and forgive one another.

Unforgiveness hinders our relationship with others, our brothers and sisters in Christ and most of all our Father. Jesus said, "For if you forgive others their transgression, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others then your Father will not for give you." (Matthew 6:14-15) How can anyone have an intimate relationship with the Father if there is unforgiveness in their heart? It's just not possible.

Note: The Father's intentions with any form of disciplines is to draw us back into His loving arms of grace and mercy, just as any good parent would want. The heavenly Father is always about restoration. But more than anything, forgiving demonstrates true love, and that always pleases Abba Father.

(to be continues)