June 27, 2012


Do you like moving? I don't, at least not any more or should I say certain aspect of moving. I'm sure the children of Israel probably didn't like it either when the were traveling in the wilderness for forty years waiting to go into the Promise Land. But moving is really a good thing, because it helps us to get where we need to be. It also helps us lighten your load along the way, at least most of the time. 

Looking back, I realize that with each move, including the ones with my parents, they brought me closer to where God wanted us. Through the process I was educated, got saved, met my wife and eventually met Sheldon. They also helped prepare me for being a son of God and for ministry. Yet with each move or step there was usually some difficulties, even for my parents. Sometimes we may have felt we were forced to move. But God has many ways of prodding us along. Whether they were financial, medical or social reason or maybe just chasing a dream. Whatever the reason or situation, God had His hand in it all. Sometimes God just tells us when it's time to move and where to go.

When I was living with my parents we moved ten times. After I moved out, and eventually got married, we moved seven more times. This will be my eighth one (the number eight is symbolic of a new beginning), yet with each move it seemed we collected more stuff despite moving and garage sales. Things we thought we might need or wanted at the time. That's why storage units have become a such big business. Thrift shops like Goodwill and the Salvation Army have reap the benefits of people's indulging, good deal purchases, and garage sale hunting. 

When I was younger moving wasn't so bad, in fact it was usually fun, because we were looking forward to new surroundings and new friends. But when you get to my age and all the cleaning, packing and hauling, it's no longer fun. Now, I'm just taking it one day at a time and remind myself that this too will be a thing of the past.

This Friday, we will be leaving the apartment where we have lived for three years and eight months; it has served its purpose. After we move all our things back into our old house, I will help my wife get settled in and fix a few things. Then I will head out on my new adventure about mid August. Everything I need will be with me in the van, including God, who is always with me.

I've come to learn that it's best to let go of many things, before they own you, even though there may be times we might miss them, but I will manage without them. Giving things away, I believe is one of the best ways to do it, after all isn't that how we got everything from God. The Father want His sons and daughters to prosper as well as be free, freedom in every way. As the apostle Paul said:
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." (Phip. 4:12 niv)
Note: I will miss my wife, family and friends, but not all the stuff. And whatever I might miss, will be more than compensate by the love an presence of our heavenly Father, His children and places I've never been before. I will continue to write articles on my laptop computer and post them whenever possible.