June 11, 2012

Dreams and Visions

“You and I share the same dream. We share the same vision, house, body and linage. I gave you a vision that you take one step and I take another and together we get there. It’s important to know who you are, and how the Father see you. I brought you into my Kingdom. You are not outsiders here. I’ve also given you the keys to the Kingdom. Whatever you bind is bound and what you release is released. I know this sounds like speaking in tongues to some people when they hear you talk about the Kingdom of God. Yet, I’m revealing Me. All that I am, all that have and all that I reveal myself to be—I’m seeking to bring to earth.
As Israel said, there are millions of colors in the Kingdom of God, because I add you, as well as others. The Kingdom of God is not fully come to the earth. But, the goal of the Father is for true sonship and that is occurring in a multi-membered man. A new order is also being brought to earth. Everything you've seen in visions needs to be brought to earth—everything.” 
 (notes taken from a prophecy spoken by Sheldon David on May 13, 2011)

It’s important for us to have visions. In fact God wants us to have visions and dreams. They help us to better understand God, His ways and who we are. They give insight to prepare us for what we need to do or for others. There are also things that need to be established here on earth. Yet, we can’t make these type of revelations happen, but we can prepare our hearts and minds to be ready when they do occur. However, some people have had visions before they were even saved, like John Crowder. Either ways it's still God's choice as to when they come.
“I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughter will prophesy and your old men shall dream dreams and the young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28)

I was over forty years old when I started having spiritual dreams and visions. Yet, I would still like to have more, and I’m expecting that in this next adventure with God.

God gives us dreams and visions to help us accomplish what He would desire to see accomplished on earth—in us and through us. Sometimes we need to ask God what we are to do with what we have seen and other times you know what to do. They are sometimes meant to be shared with the Body of Christ. This was true for the apostle Paul, and with John the Revelator. John was in his nineties when he saw the visions of the Lord, the New Jerusalem and many other things. Then He wrote the book of Revelation. (Goes to show we're never to old to be used by God.) There were other prophets in the Old Testament who had visions and dreams, such as Daniel and Ezekiel. Then there were simple men like Abraham whom God gave dreams and visions. And as his spiritual sons we too should have them.

However, you may have never had a spiritual dreams or visions so far, but I believe you will. Let me asks you this, where do you see yourself spiritually 5 or 10 years from now? Do you know that those desires are the foundations upon which dreams and visions are built upon. They were planted by God long before you and I were even born. Some of those desires may come later in life for a specific time or season like it was for apostle John. He was always seeking to know the Lord's heart. We to should seek to know more of God's heart, and then wait patiently. After all doesn’t the Bible say, you have not, because you ask not. (Mat. 7:7) When they occur, it will usually be when you least expect them, but you will never forget them once you do.

Most of you know I will be traveling soon, and I've had some ideas on which countries. But I though it would be nice to know for sure before heading out on a trip like this. But then that’s what faith is all about, just taking one step at a time.

About three months ago, I was in my room resting on my bed. I had just closed my eyes for just a moment when all of a sudden, I saw a map of Mexico in front of me. I could see the whole out line of the country just below the southern areas of United States, and then the vision was gone. I opened my eyes and realized I was still awake and I just had a vision. I closed my eyes again and fell into a deep sleep. This time I dreamed I was holding the map and was studying a section of highways near the Pacific coast of central Mexico. I was trying to decided which route to take as I headed further south. Then the dream was over. It was nice to have this kind of conformation from the Lord.

The next day, I told Sheldon about the vision. Then a couple weeks later we went to Barns and Nobles, and I was able to purchase a map of Mexico. They had only one and it was just like the one I saw in my vision. While I was there, I also purchased a map of South America and one of the Western United States.

This was just a simple vision, but it meant a lot to me at this time.It also gave me more confidence as I shared the vision and dream with my wife. Then this morning, before I woke-up, I also had another dream regarding my future. In this dream, I saw a sign and it read, "Go to the poor in the Kingdom of Mexico." Wow, that was cool. It's interesting how God had planned it so I could included it with this article. Isn't Abba Father sooooo good.

This is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure and I can’t wait to be on the road. Problems and circumstances are already bowing and everything is working out according to His plan as I place my trust in His timing not mine. I also realize that God has some awesome dreams and visions planned for you too and for all His sons and daughters. Some may be even much bigger, better and possibly crazier than mine. However, nothings really crazy when you're doing it with God.