March 29, 2013

A New Beginning

Clothes and more clothes, plus a lot of other stuff.
A week and a half ago, I went to a hug flea market in downtown Guaymas to touch more people's lives, and while I was out helping the poor and claiming new territory, someone was helping themselves to my laptop computer and a bunch of bananas. (A very hungry thief.) I had left the windows on the van open a couple inches to keep it cooler along with the side tilt-outs. (Later that evening, I noticed that the thief had managed to pull the computer out the side opening without breaking the glass, because they broke the bracket that held the window in place. I was able to snap the bracket back in place even with the small broken piece missing.) At first I could not believe that it happened, and so I searched the van, but it was gone. I quickly forgave the thief, and tried to hold on to my Peace. However, it was still a gut-punch and it took some time for me to accept what I thought would never happen. Yet God allowed it, and I may never know the reason why. But, I still trust God with everything, including my life. I was grateful they didn't take more that was still within their reach.

It was just a little after noon when I left Mexico, after I let a few friends know what happened. I told them, I would return in 7 to 10 days, Lord willing. It was a six hour drive to Tucson, and the temperature in Northern Mexico was 95 degrees, but much cooler by the time I reached the United States.

While I was in the Tucson, I called my wife, and we were able to talk for a week most evening, which was nice for a change. I also called Sheldon. The last time I talked to them was just before I left the US. While in Tucson, I also bought a less expensive laptop that was a little bigger than the Mac. Then I bought some food at a Costco and a Dollar Store. Thank God for Costco, but they tend to make you want more than you really need, just like many other businesses. Then I had an oil change and had the tires rotated on the van. When I reentered Mexico, I got another 180 day tourist visa. Yes, I came back. Satan has tried to discourage me so many times on this adventure. But God wants me here. So I'm staying, despite the challenging circumstances and loneliness I feel at times with no one to talk to most of the time. But God and I are building a great relationship, and that's what really counts. Amen! Plus, I believe great things are about to happen.
So now I'm learning how to work with my new computer, which has always been a challenge for me. But Best Buy was very helpful by making it easier for me to do the two things--my blog and email.

Satan is a thief and a deceiver, and he sometimes uses foolish people, like Judas who stole from Jesus and then betrayed Him. Whereas, Jesus helped everyone, even those who were responsible for having Him crucified. Then there the example of Job life. Satan used various means to steal everything from him, yet Job never knew the reason why. However, God restored it all, twice as much. (I'm expecting restoration too.) Job also forgave and prayed for his friends. Whereas, Jesus forgave us all two thousand years ago, a day that look like the end, but in reality, it was just a new beginning.

Claiming the Land / Walls Coming Down

A few weeks ago, The Lord spoke to me about claiming the land, and about walls coming down. He also told me that everywhere I walked He was giving to me. Then He wanted me to read the first seven chapters in the Book of Joshua. It was there in the first chapter that Lord told Joshua the same things, and to be strong and courageous. It was also the time for Passover (This too is the Passover Season.) and the people needed to sanctify themselves and be prepared to see the mighty Hand of God, work for them through their faith and obedience.

The children of Israel all crossed the Jordan River on dry ground and they saw the walls of Jericho come down. All was destroyed, except for the house of Rehab, who was a harlot that believed in the God of Israel. Today God is still reaching out, even to the prostitutes who need to be set free.

God also told Joshua, "Just as I have been with Moses, so I will be with you." Wow, how that verse spoke to my heart.

Where I camp in Guaymas, by the bay, there is this housing complex across the street, that had


This is where the men took down the wall one rock at a time.

This was the work done by using a backhoe.

a big beautiful rock wall, over 300 feet long and 10 feet height. It was part of this gated community for luxury townhouses that separated them from the poor people, including those across the street. After being here a couple month I notice construction work starting at one end of the wall. When I checked it out, they told me the wall was leaning, because it had a poor foundation. Now it was in danger of falling towards the walkway and the busy city street. So men with chisels and hammer were taking down the wall one rock at a time, making it a very long, hard and slow process. They also tried to secure the wall in other spots, but it was too heavy and kept leaning more until three weeks later the whole wall was condemned. Then they brought in a backhoe to speed-up the process where it could reach this large rock wall. As I watched this happening, I said to myself, "The whole walls coming down." Then I remembered what the Lord had told me about the walls coming down. The Lord was giving me a physical picture of what is about to take place in the spiritual and the natural realm. All these barriers (walls) that have hindered people from entering the Kingdom of God are coming down. Walls between the rich and the poor, the young and the old. The walls of religion, hatred, racism, sickness and disease and so much more. They're all coming down so that the Kingdom of God can be built, one rock at a time. These redeemed soul, made up of burnt stones will form the beautiful Holy Temple, the New Jerusalem with Jesus Christ at its Center.

(I had more photos to show, but they gone now, in fact almost 2,000 on them are gone that were on the computer. Oh well, that's the past too. Also, special thanks to Sheldon David for posting my up-date last week.)

March 23, 2013


I'm in the USA right now, replacing my laptop that was stolen. I have other things I need to do. I will update you to the good things God is doing. Will write again as soon as possible. Israel.

March 16, 2013

Special Occasions

An Art Show
Pilar and Rosia
One day, Pilar invited me to come to her annual Art Show, and told me there would be lots of food and wine too. I told her I would be glad to come. It would be another opportunity to meet people and to have some good food also. The art show started at 4pm. However She said I could come early and get my weekly shower if I wanted. So after I had my shower, I went down stairs and met several-featured artist who had come early and a guest musician, who played the electric piano, guitar and sang. He was diffidently a lady’s man and he also spoke English. I talked with him for a bit and learned that he had been in Washington. Then I check with Pilar to see if the was anything I could do. But everything was done except they need help with bringing in all the food that had just arrived.

I could not believe all the food that had been prepared. There was a verity of fruit, ordure’s, stuffed olives, half hardboiled eggs, crackers and cheese balls, chips, dips, pizza, wines, soft drinks and a lot more.

A lot of people showed up. However, most of them were American, and it seemed they came mostly for the food, wine, and music and to visit. But some art was selling too, which I was glad to see. I had to force myself to make contact, because no Americans were greeting me. There were only a few Spanish families and they came later. Which gave me the opportunity to present Christ and made the whole evening really worthwhile.
Guest at the art show
There was this one young Spanish girl that caught my eye for some reason, besides being very pretty. After a while we met and she spoke English. She learned to speak English from watching American movies and other American friends.  So we talked for a bit. Then a little later, she came back and introduced me to the boyfriend, who also spoke English. He was my height, which is very rare, and she was also tall. They made a great looking couple. He told me that they had been going together for over four years, and she was now 22 years old and he was 25, and he worked as and engineer. I shared with them why I was in Mexico, but did not mention that I was a prophet. (However, the week before I pulled up Sheldon’s site on Pilar’s laptop at the gallery to let her read the article that I wrote about her. So now she knows, but has made no comment on it, which is fine by me.) 
Ana de la Torre and her boyfriend Alejandro Andrade
Anyway, I shared Christ for over half an hour, with this young couple, and touched briefly on a number of topics such as worship, prayer, ministry and marriage. I also told they that someday God would use them to heal other people and help turn the heart of Mexico. I gave them one of Sheldon’s cards, and also encouraged her to order the book, Jesus Calling. I asked her if she would also order five for me—two in English and three in Spanish. They agreed to do that for me and I would pay them for the ones I ordered. Then she introduced me to her lovely mother, who was now standing next’s to us, but she didn’t speak any English. Then the daughter told me that her father had disappeared over three years ago with out a trace. I was heart broken, for both of them, so I took the mother and daughter outside. Then I laid hands on the mother and prayed for her, that God would heal her broken soul and that Jesus Christ would become the loving and gentle husband she needed to know. And to restore the love, peace and joy she so disparately needed. The mother was very moved and brought to tears as the daughter interpreted what I prayed. I also asked if they would like to meet again and they said, yes. After they left, I help Pilar with some things and got to talk to one of the other artist a little longer.

After reading something that she written about her work I knew she was a “New Age” thinker, such as the DNA of humanity helping one another. She was born in England, raised in South Africa and now lives in Arizona and San Carlos. I told her I knew where she was coming from in her beliefs. However, I said, that God sent me to Mexico to present another “New Age,” one of God’s Grace and the visitation of the Heavenly Father. Plus the DNA that would flow through the veins of Mexican people would be that Jesus Christ. Surprisingly, she said she didn’t have a problem with that and I also said that we would see many miracles very soon.
The artist from England
When I had mentioned about miracles coming to Pilar’s staff before the show, the other women artist, who was listening in, responded with a Hallelujah. It turn out the name of her gallery in Idaho, is called The Trinity Gallery. So even when I’m in Mexico I’m still touching lives in the USA.

The Drive—Something about Maria

Two weeks ago I took Maria home, she had just come from a health clinic with one of her daughters. I believed she was worried, because she had no money to pay for the prescription that she showed me. I told her God would take care of her daughter. When we got to her house this time I asked if it was okay for me to go through it. While she sat on the front porch, I went in. Inside, I saw no place to prepare food, table or chairs, stove or refrigerator or cabinets or a bathroom. However, there were beds in each room and some clothes hanging. I went back outside and sat down beside her, put my arm around her. I told her that everything would me okay, because God was watching out for her. But she was still worried about many things, neither could she understand what I just told her. But she sensed my compassion and was happy for that. I don’t know what she thinks or how she feel, but I know God does and He loves her and her family. That’s why He brought us together.

I don’t know how she feed and clothes the children and I don’t think she has any kind of job that I could tell, nor has she ever propositioned me. I was low on money that day, but I still gave her some. I told her, I was sorry it was so little, but she thanked me anyway.

When I had more money I decided to do something different. I went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of food, fresh fruit and vegetables and took them to her house on a Saturday morning. But when I got to their house there were only three of her children. So I gave each of them a hug and asked if they were hungry. They nodded, yes. So I opened the door of the van and got out the bags of groceries, and left three very happy children.

Four days later, I woke-up when someone was tapping on my window again. However, this time it was Marias’s son. I was very surprised; He was with two of his sisters and his mother who stood a little further from the van waiting. I told them to give me a moment to get dressed and then I greeted each one of them with a hug. She indicated she needs a ride to someplace, which I didn’t understand. So we all got in, it was now 7:15am and we were on our way for whatever God had planned. In about three miles, I came to the spot where I usually drop her off, but she indicated it was further, but I didn’t know how far. I told God I believed he brought them to me for some special reason that morning, so I trusting Him. She seemed happy, bu some how she knew I would take them, yet a little concerned as to how far I would really drive them. I jokingly questioned, Mazatlan, or Acapulco and she would say, no, but I kept wondering just how much further.

As I drove, the three kids sat in back on my bed watching everything go by. Then they asked if they could have a bag of chips that was open, and I said yes. Fifty miles later, and past several little towns, we finally arrived at the spot where she wanted to get out. I was still on the main highway heading south. Yet there was a spot that she pointed to, where I could turn around and go back. After I let them out, she called someone on her cell phone to come and get them. While she did that, her son indicated he wanted a coke. So I gave them each a hug and told them I love them in Spanish. Then gave Maria money to buy them all something to drink after the kids ate two-thirds of a bag of Jalapeno Chips.

As I drove back—alone, the enemy, satan, tried to frustrate me. I just went threw over two hundred pesos in gas, plus food and money and gave them my love. And what did I have to show for it—nothing. Nothing, but some happy smiling faces, however, one of them was my Heavenly Father’s. What can I say, it was a good thing He had me put some gas in the evening before, just for this little adventure. It also gave me a preview what I would see when I leave here. Until then I will keep touching people’s lives, like these and the young mongoloid girl I saw getting into a car, when I stop to get another bag of chips.

A Baseball Game

One night I was wondering what to eat, usually it was just a can of soup, but that night God suggested a real hamburger. He reminded me of some meat I saw the day before at the store across the street. So I when over and got some, and fried it up on my camp stove and add a thick slice of tomatoes along with multi-grain bread—it was great. I also had some chips and then a can of lintel soup. Now, I was full, however, it was still early, but dark. Then I notice two different groups of stadium light on in the distance near the school where I had prayed and prophesied. So I thought we would check them out. One area of lights was for public baseball and the other was for school activities—seven soccer fields, one football, and four courts for basketball. However, I decided to go back to where we saw men warming up to play baseball. It was a Tuesday night and not many people were sitting in the metal bleacher that would hold about a hundred and fifty people. So God and I sat in the middle on the top row, five rows up. It was great, as my Heavenly Father and I sat and watched the game. I didn’t get to many opportunities do that with my natural father, when I was a kid growing up.

The players were all very good. There were young men and a few old ones. Each player also had a uniform, but none of them matched, yet it had their name on it and the style of their uniform was that of some professional leagues. I thought that might be confusing as to whom to throw the ball to when everyone is running around. It seemed to be the problem one time, but it didn’t really matter. They all seem to know each other and they were there just having fun. Just like in the movie, Field of Dreams, and that night my Father and I were doing the same thing—having fun. As we walked back to the van after the game, I thanked my Father for a wonderful night of great food and watching a ballgame together. Wow!  I think we will do this more often, plus it’s a great way to meet other people and tell them God loves them.

As I watched the ballgame, I realized how much it was like the Kingdom of Heaven. Each player was different looking, and they wore different uniform, yet they were a team. Each one had a different position to play on the field, and some saw more action than others. Yet each one was important in order to play the game right. Each one got a chance at bat, to see how effectively they could hit the ball. Sometimes they didn’t get a hit or score, but they did there best and that was what really mattered.  Some had played in the game much longer and others had more skill or gifted that other. Yet they were there to help each other, and they where a team. Just like we are in Christ. 

In the end it didn’t really matter who wins, because there is no competition in Christ—we're living the abundant life in the Presence of the Father, and all a part of one happy family, the Family of God.

March 9, 2013

Fighting the Enemy

For the past few months, I have had to deal with attacks in many forms, some spiritual others physical, mainly my van or my health. In the past, when I had problems regarding my health, I stood my ground, by declaring, that by His strips I have been heal. Then when I came to Mexico, I chose to walk in Devine health. However, various attacks still continued. So I took it to God and told Him I was tired of always fighting the enemy, satan. Then God reminded me of King David’s life. David had to fight various battles before and after he was king of Israel. There was his natural enemy the Philistines, then there was King Saul who was jealous and then one time David’s own men wanted to stone him, because the enemy had raided their camp and stole all their possessions, including their wives. But, David always sought the Lord in what to do. He also had to fight the emotional battle of “how long.”

The only time David ran into serious trouble was when He chose not to fight anymore. And we all know what happened then. As a result it led to many serious family problems. Seeing his own son become his enemy was something he or any father could never imagine. That could have been his greatest pain, but another may have been when he realized he took his eyes off the Lord, and looked somewhere else for his pleasure and comfort. We’ve all been there sometime in our life and probably more than once, but thank God for His Love and Grace and Mercy.

Dealing with health issues (attacks) I have chosen to handle them differently than before.  God is my physician, dentist, and also my mechanic. I don’t want to stop giving to help the poor in order to meet those needs, and in most cases I can’t even communicate to others what those problems are anyway. Plus, I know that God can do a better job too. For example, one morning I felt something in the area just left of my stomach shift out of place. I saw and felt it happen and it was painful. Instead of focusing on the pain or fears, I started praying for the Body of Christ that might be experiencing something similar to that. Whenever I felt the pain, especially when I coughed or sneezed, I would repeat the prayer. After about a week it went away. Then a tooth and my gums on one side of mouth became very painful especially when eating. Another time I felt a painful lump in the middle of my foot. All of these problem and some others I now deal with in the same manor. The Apostle Paul said, when one part of the Body of the Body is hurting we all hurt for them. So I have chosen to reverse that thought and it's working. I no longer focus on me having the problem, but others in the Body of Christ—wherever they might be.

However, last week I had a battle of a different kind. One I didn’t expect nor would I like to see it happen again. Two of my M&M’s showed up at my van, when I was reading my Bible. They were very happy to greet me as usual. But, a few minutes later an older women, in her mid 30's, came by. I had never seen her before nor had the two younger girls. This woman came over to my van while we were talking and I was sitting with my door open now. She tried to get in on the action she though was about to take place. First, she asked me for a cigarette. Then she wanted some water, so I gave her some. Then she said, I didn’t want these two girls and offered to take a shower with me, with the water from my water jug. Then she pulled up her top garment and exposed herself to me in front of the other two girls. I tried to be nice, but I told her to go. I was annoyed and saw the embarrassment and frustration in the other two girls faces. But the women, whose four top front teeth were missing and was not very pretty at all, still would not leave. I thought maybe if I give her some money she would leave. So while I’m still sitting in the front passenger seat I reached into my jogging pants that I was wearing, that only have front pockets for money. I took out my wallet first and then gave her all my change, and put my wallet back in my pants. But she wanted more money, but I said no and told her to leave again. Then she wanted to have sex with me in exchange for more money and I said no. But the women then poked me in the crotch and said that I did. Now my youngest M&M (Bless her heart) said, “Don’t do that,” as the woman poked me again as I tried to stop “He’s not like that. He’s a man of God.” So when I heard her say that, I reached for my Bible on the dash to confirm it. However, as I reached for it, the women moved in closer and grabbed my crotch with one hand pretending to be giving me pleasure. Now my attention was totally focused on carefully removing the women’s hand off me, which was not easy. However, with her other hand she was busy removing my wallet, which I could not feel happening, because her body was pushing up against my leg and my mind was focus somewhere else.  As she was doing this, her body was also blocking the view of the two girls as to what she was really doing with both of her hands.

Finally I thought I got her hand off me, but I think she just let go, because she had what she really wanted all along—money. However, as she was walking away, to my relief, the Lord told me that she had taken my wallet. I slid my hand down over my pocket and sure enough it was gone. I quickly got out of the van and went after her. She was only about 18 feet away, and from behind her I could see she was trying to put something (my wallet) down the front of her pants. So I reached around her waist with my left hand to keep her from running and with my other arm I reached over her right shoulder and grab that middle of my wallet, which I could see was unfolded. Now, she couldn’t get the money or the wallet, but there was still a lot of resistance. I had to physically pull her hands off each end of the wallet, which wasn’t easy, but I eventually won. Then, I gave her a hard smack on her backside with an open hand. She immediately, turned around and gave me her middle finger and some ugly words that I didn’t understand. I slowly return to the van and then watched all three women walk away. But the youngest one eventually turned and waved goodbye, for now I hope. I was glad to hear what she said, about me being a man of God.

Silently, as I sat in the van and put my wallet back together from the struggle. I was shook-up to say the least, even though there was no damage or money missing. I had gone to the bank early that morning to get my money for the next month uses. I put half of it in my other Bible. However, there was still a lot in the wallet for any thief.

I was not happy about what just happened or how I had to handle it. But, satan lost anyway, first he tried to steel my wallet and then my peace, However, he lost on both accounts. I quickly forgave the women and I asked God to set her free. Then I took a walk with my Father, and we talked about it some more.

The bottom line of our conversation is that I will always trust God and I’m here to stay in Mexico; nothing will discourage me. And I will complete everything He has planned for me regardless of what the enemy tries or does. Hopefully I will never have to use my hand again for discipline. I would rather see them use for love, healing and restorations. I would also like to believe that my two M&M’s told the other woman she was wrong and that I was a good man. And how I helped them and other poor people in Mexico. 

The week before this experience, a man stopped by my van at 3:30am and tapped on my window, I could not understand what he wanted so I slid him a twenty pesos bill out the bottom opening of the sliding door window. But he gave it back and said he wanted more. I said no and slide it back again. Then he said he was cold and wanted in, but again I said no. Then he said he was hungry so I gave him a granola bar and he finally left. My doors were not locked and seldom are when I'm in it. I trust God for everything even while I sleep. 

Then a couple night later there was tapping on my window again, this time it was the police. The officer shined his flashlight in and could see a shinny white man in bed, I told him I could not understand him and that I was an American. Then he left, that was the first time they have checked on me here in Guaymas, even though they pass my van everyday many times. They haven’t done it again, but it’s nice to know others are watching out for me too. God said He is with me wherever I am; I just have to believe that, regardless of who shows up. And He’s also there to help me in every battle.

Jesus also had His battles, both physical and spiritual. And in every situation Jesus Christ was the victor, regardless of who the enemy was. We to can share in that victory, in whatever battle we face, as we place our complete trust in Him. Amen!
The youngest and sweetM&M
Her name is Victoria and she only 14,  God loves her and so do I
 (picture was taken by her sister after we all had hamburgers)

I thought this was the end of my article yesterday afternoon, but a week after the women took my wallet, the Lord brought her back. I was sitting in my van again, but on the drivers sit, working on an article and wearing a different pair of pants. When I hear someone coughing trying to get my attention I think, I looked up and saw a women standing about fifteen feet away, but she was not facing me at first. Then she slowly turned, for some reason I knew she was a prostitute, but I didn’t recognize her has she fooled with her hair.

"God help me," I prayed. Then I asked her what she wanted. She said some words in Spanish that I didn’t understand and then she looked away again but moved a little closer. I then asked if I could help. Then she turned and slowly came to me. As I sat in the van I open my door and she came up next to me still saying word I didn’t understand. For some reason I knew she was emotional hurting, as she stood there. So I slowly reached around her and pulled this poor broken child of God next to me and gently stroked her dark coarse hair, and prayed for her. Then she asked for some water. I didn’t bother looking for a glass; I just gave her my one-gallon water jug and let her drink. Then she asked for some food, so I reached over and gave her got some cookies, which she quickly ate. 

Then she started gesturing that she wanted to have sex with me. But I told her no and pointed to my Spanish Bible and told her, in Spanish, that Jesus Christ was my best friend and that He loved her and that I loved her. But she was still persistent about having sex of some kind, but every time she said the word or gestured, I said no, love. No sex, I love you. Then I reached over and got the little bottle of oil on the dash and anointed her forehead and prayed for her some more. Then she wanted music, so I played my worship music and just held her. Finally, she stared to settle down and relax in my arms. We listen to the music for over thirty minutes and then I shut it off to save my battery power. Then she persisted about having sex again, and that’s when I noticed for the first time that her top front teeth were missing. I started to get upset, and asked her to leave and but she kept wanting sex and I said no again. But she said, that she was hungry, so I gave her a granola bar. Then she said, “No, she wanted me to go get her a hamburger.” That confirmed it; she learned that from my M&M’s. 

However, her attitude was much different this time and she really knew now that I was serious about not have sex and that God loved her. I wasn’t going to get her a hamburger, so I gave her 50 pesos to go buy one or some other food, and the granola bar I handed back. Then she thanked me. As she left, I told her I was sorry I slapped her last time, and she understood. When she was about seventy feet away she turned around, smiled and waved to me. I realized then that God gave us both a second chance to forgive. That day she got what she really needed—food, money and most of all God’s love. By me demonstrating His love, grace and mercy I no longer had an enemy, but a new friend. It took a lot of courage for her to come back and now I understood why she acted the way she did when she first came. She was scared that I would be still mad. She was probably telling me she was sorry too, but I didn't understand, but it all still worked out for good. That day, she learned I was really kind, gentle and generous. And I love her too.

A few minutes later as I was rejoicing over what just happened, another young lady and her boyfriend showed up. She asked me for water and I gave her some from the same water jug. Her friend didn’t want any. This is Mexico, my life and I loving it.

March 2, 2013

Touching lives, Part II

Beach near where I park in Guaymas

A couple weeks ago I gave some clothes to a tall Mexican woman. I had see several times and I had given her food and money. She was wearing a dirty pair of orange work pants and a dirty old coat and a tank top. She also had long dirty matted blond hair, so a few days before I bought a nice woman’s hairbrush to give. I also gave her a colorful pair of sweat pants and a blue colored “V” neck “T” shirt that I liked. She thanked me, but she also now wanted sex to show her gratitude, but I said, “No.” However, I did have something else for her. I reached in my van and got a small bottle of olive I had prepared and anointed her and prayed for deliverance and restoration. She didn’t understand a word I said as she stood there, but God did and so did satan— as her head jerked when I touched her forehead.

Then later that same day, I had the opportunity to do the same thing with the oil, to another woman who I met two other times. But she usually wanted a cigarette. Then the next time she wanted food, so we shared a large can of stew that I was going to have that night. Then the next time she wanted food, sex and money. I told her that sex was for husband, but she disagreed. She left and wasn’t very happy, but she got something else better, an oil mark on her forehead.

Then later that evening a drunk came up and I gave him the other half of my deluxe hamburger with fries that I had saved just for him, he didn’t know it, but God did.

That night, when I walked with God, I asked Him why all this was happening. He said, “As you give, heal and restore and set others free, so I am doing the same for you.” I thanked Him and said I was glad to be His friend, and it had been a very good day.

My M&M’s
The three very young prostitutes, that I have declared them the new Maria Magdalena’s. I also call them my M&M’s for shorter reference. I see them every week and take them out for hamburgers or pizza and a coke. However, they are always still hunger after the meal. When we get back to my van, and I am driving, they go through my box of food and eat my snacks too. So now I keep them in a different spot. One day I drove them into town and dropped them off where they want. However, it was cold and a couple hours later they came back to my van, in a taxi, which they had told the driver that I would pay him. I said, “no.” Then they begged and pouted. Finally, like a good father, I paid the taxi driver. But, the girls still wanted me to drive them to another place and I said, “Goodbye.” They begged and pleaded again, but I said, “no,” again and meant it. As they left I said, “see you next week,” and one of them turned around and waved. Another time they wanted me to drive them further than I wanted to go, and finally said, “I not a taxi, time to hitch hike.”  
Maria and her four children
I’ve known Maria for over a month, she has four children and no husband. The first time I met her she was walking into town with one of her daughters, so I went over and talked to her. Then another time they were walking again even though it is on a bus route. So I offered them a ride and gave them money and a granola bar. Then another time, they came to my van and wanted a ride to their house, because it was cold and windy. When we got there I saw her three other children waiting outside, but I also saw their house. I was shocked that anyone could even live in a place like that. No real windows or doors to speak of, and certainly not fit for anyone much less a family of five. I gave her money and asked to take their picture and the children were excited about that and some brushed their hair or got a nice coat to put on. I took their picture, and then gave each one a big hug. 

Then the last time I drove them home, when I went to let the little girl out of the back door and she pointed to my box of cereal and wanted to have it. I said it was my breakfast, and I had very little food and money left at the time. However, I still gave Maria more money anyway. When I left I couldn’t get the little girl wanting my cereal out of my mind. So I went to the grocery store and got another full box and took it back. When I got there, they were all still sitting in the same spot I had left them, even though I had been gone over twenty minutes. I handed it to the little girl who was about six, and sat down beside her. I gave her a kiss on the top of her head and then just sat and held her for a few minutes. She liked that and then I gave all a hug and said goodbye. For some strange reason it seemed they knew I would come back and I glad I did. 

After a full Sunday, I had a couple quiet days. Then my “poor lawyer” friend showed up again. Earlier that day he stopped by and said, hi. Then he said, “When some one greets you, you’re supposed to give them something back.” Oh really, I replied, so I gave him a small snack of cookies. But now he was back again and wanted me to drive him into town to a friend’s house and then to his other house, and he would pay for the gas. I said, 50 pesos. He said, “I’m a very poor lawyer.” “Okay, 20 pesos then,” I replied.

He keeps telling me he wants to buy my van when I leave Mexico. Anyway, when we arrived at his friend’s place. It was a nice well-furnished house, but it was not in a very good neighborhood. His name was Hammandy, and he was 32 years old an engineer and a lawyer too, who lived alone. He also spoke English very well, and we got along great. I told him why I was in Mexico. Then he mentioned that he had difficulty hearing, so I immediately went over and put my hands over his ears and said, “Restored, complete restoration.” Then I told him he would hear better, because God honors my word’s.
Hammandy  at his computer with Cloak of Zeal on his computer screen 
Then they went into the other room where his computer was with a large screen monitor, and did some lawyer stuff. As they did that, I went back to my van and got one of Sheldon’s cards. I had just closed the van door when a pretty young prostitute with short bleached hair came up and propositioned me. I said, “No thanks, I’m with friends.” Then she asked for money for food. So I gave her 25 pesos and gave her a brief hug and headed back to the house. But before I got there two other women passed by, and one of them smiled and waved at me. Boy, I could go through my money very fast helping people in an area like this.

Anyway, when the men were through with their work, I had Hammandy type in Sheldon’s Cloak of Zeal site. I showed him the “Returning Home” site also. Then I showed him how to get to my blog site and scrolled down through a few articles and photos. After that, he added Sheldon's site to his favorite list. Then I said to him, “Although you may not believe in God now, because many others don’t. But I know He is real and someday God will speak to you and He tell you to do something. What you do after that, is up to you. However, I think you a pretty smart man.” He thanked me, and then we left. When we got to Fernando’s house, he fixed us some scrambled eggs with onions, peppers and tomatoes, along with toasted white bread and coffee. He also gave thanks to God, and I followed with my own prayer and blessing. The meal was all very good. He also offered for me to spend the night. But I said, “No thank you,” and left to sleep in my van. It was another great day, and I did not charge him for gas.

Touching more crippled lives for the Kingdom of God.
This man lives just a few hundred feet from where I sleep, but on the nicer side of the street
One morning, when I was taking a walk I met a friend's husband who was out getting some sun rays too. I've seen him out using his walker, but this morning he was just sitting. So I stopped to greet him. Then I noticed he also had a tub coming out of his throat so he could talk. I greeted him and told him I knew he was Primy’s husband and I laid hand on him and declared restoration and prayed. Then later that day I prayed for a retarded young man that could only walk with the use of crutches. A little later I saw him eating and he offered me some of his food. I was touched and said, “No thank you.”

Another time, I noticed a man setting in a wheelchair, when I was on my way to have lunch. When he turned to crossed the street and come to me, I noticed he had no legs from the knees down. When he got to me I greeted him and gave him some money. He thanked me and then I put my hands on his legs and declared them restored. After I left him I told God I’ve done my part the rest is up to you. Whether I speak to people or just touch them, God’s love and power is changing lives in Mexico and mine.

Then a few days later God brought another young man by my van. He was peddling himself on a special cart that worked by using his hands and arms. He had no legs at all, and only a stub on his left side. I bent down and gave him some money. He could not believe a stranger would do that. Then I put my hand on his broad shoulder and told him that God loved him in Spanish. Then I put my hands where his legs should be and declared restoration. Then I put my hand on his shoulder and head, and repeated the word restoration again and again. He was getting choke-up over the fact that someone showed so much compassion. He thanked me very much and then I left. I went to my van and got some cookies and took back to him. He thanked me again. I watched from my van as he sat under a small palm tree near the water and ate them. 

This is what my life is all about. Touching, loving and restoring lives and no one has ever objected, they seem to know that I’m there to help them.